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Dissociatives Big & Dandy Ketamine Thread 4: I was filled with the Holey Spirit

"oh fuck,,,this is what drugs i thought were like when i was a kid" <- interesting, I thought the same when I was on MXE! :)
Last night and tonight I've had small amounts of K with 3-FPM for partying/clubbing, seems to be a pretty solid combo for energy, a bit of blurring the edges and feeling straight-up amazing. Good combo IMO.

How big are the risks of bladder damage from K really? Is it a "only if you're doing it every day" type thing or would 1-2 days of use each weekend (a few hours each day, not all day long) be enough for appreciable risk?
How big are the risks of bladder damage from K really? Is it a "only if you're doing it every day" type thing or would 1-2 days of use each weekend (a few hours each day, not all day long) be enough for appreciable risk?
The likelyhood of K-bladder (ulcerative cystitis) seems to vary a lot from person to person. Some people are much more susceptible. So I know friends who have done it nearly every day for long periods and been fine, but then there a reports of only at weekend users getting symptoms. Obviously not just frequency of use but also amount used matter. Other factors are thought to come into play too, such as combining with other drugs and alcohol.

Tolerance will be a thing that occurs before bladder issues, so amount used is going to go up and up for the same effects, so your bladder will take more of a beating. My guideline (mostly stuck to) with all drugs is significant tolerance is the sign to take a break.
The likelyhood of K-bladder (ulcerative cystitis) seems to vary a lot from person to person. Some people are much more susceptible. So I know friends who have done it nearly every day for long periods and been fine, but then there a reports of only at weekend users getting symptoms. Obviously not just frequency of use but also amount used matter. Other factors are thought to come into play too, such as combining with other drugs and alcohol.

Tolerance will be a thing that occurs before bladder issues, so amount used is going to go up and up for the same effects, so your bladder will take more of a beating. My guideline (mostly stuck to) with all drugs is significant tolerance is the sign to take a break.

Noted, I'll make sure to take enough of a break when I start feeling the effects of tolerance and knock any potential issues on the head. Stims definitely seem to be interacting with the K and making me piss more, but touch wood that won't matter all that much long-term. I'll make sure to keep the booze-partying and K-partying separate though.
I cant praise ket highly enough easily, by far, the most mind blowingly amazing sights to be seen for me anyway and ive done loads of psychs. Its literally entering another dimension. And its not scary. Its fucking so astounding and shockingly brilliant that u dont even have a second to try to think about all this before ur down and u want more! ketamine is by far the most interesting and really is the only thing that makes me thing "oh fuck,,,this is what drugs i thought were like when i was a kid" its indescribable in the way it makes go, wow, i mean WOW! only shit thing is the jelly legs for a while after ive youve not done ket then you should defntley

I agree. Glorious psych rollercoaster.

I highly rate mixing speed + ket combo. makes it even better. sharper wonk
So here's a weird thing I have encountered. I am CTing from fluoxetine at the moment, haven't had anything from it except occasional headaches and a bit of nausea. However, during this period, I have noticed K is hitting me far harder than it was when I was on a stable dose of fluox. As an example, I just (2 hours ago) had 35-40 mg of ketamine (I wasn't being super careful to get the dose mg accurate) with about 70 mg of 3-FPM, I have done this combo a few times before and IME the 3-FPM does not significantly increase the effects of K. The K completely wrecked me, to the point where I could barely make out my screen. It felt like what 60 mg of K would do to me when I was on a stable fluox dose, if not closer to 100 mg. The last two times I also got some fairly noticable nausea from the combo of stims and K, and it was strongly associated with the time I dosed the K.

Has anyone else found that quitting SSRIs causes "negative" tolerance to ketamine, and does it stay like that afterwards or is it just while the meds are leaving your body? I feel like this is potentially similar to how you are more sensitive to alcohol when going on to SSRIs, but that's just speculation.
Had my first K-hole today - greatest hour of my life. Serious.

Going into it was heaven, it was so layered. Then the bulk of it, I was dissociated buzzing listening to Lana del Rey (the K kiss of music) moving the atoms of the world and rolling my consciousness into space. Then I did it, I managed to pull it down, I peeled the curtain of reality from its corners and heaved myself over it at a diagonal, my mind slid out the top of body and I lifted it over the threshold, it was so crisp, fresh, cool to the skin and it was darker than the darkest black, beyond black. I held myself there and reached about 3/4 completely out of my body and then slumped back into it. I know what the afterlife feels like now. I cannot wait to get back to the innerverse. I can see myself running with K for a while.......
I did a gram of ketamine over a three day span and I have a question...or two for those in the know.
I use kratom every day instead of opioids and noticed that I had some mild WD symptoms upon coming down from the ketamine...same effects as if I didn't dose my kratom soon enough, runny nose and eyes, yawns and mild RLS.
My question is this: Could /does ketamine/MXE have ANY effect on opioid receptors in any way so as to give me RLS or any other mild WD symptoms? I mentioned MXE because it did the same thing to me, but not as much.
Has anyone experienced RLS on the comedown from ket that they believed that the K was the culprit?
Ketamine no as far as I know. You could check out norketamines Ki's at mu receptors but I'm fairly positive the actual effects of it are negligible though. I'm sure it's the same with MXE metabolites otherwise it would cause opiate WD and many people myself included binged for weeks at a time on it. I doubt it has any antagonist effects either(that's what would cause actual WD symptoms as agonist simply add to the effect...), and I've done a lot of opioids IM with MXE. I wasn't addicted at all though but still if MXE competed or canceled the effects it would've been noticeable but the only thing I noticed was extreme syngerism and nodding hard as fuck...
OK, thanks. It was the RLS that was most noticeable and I was hoping there was an explanation besides no explanation.
The jumpy legs would have to be far worse to keep me from doing Ket though.
It might be, now that I think about it, that I just neglected my dose of kratom to the point of RLS...yes, Kratom. I have had lsd do it for that very reason, I get caught up in the trip and don't notice until my nose is running and I'm yawning almost as much as I do coming up on shrooms...I rarely eat them anymore because of what I call "lethargis profundus"...excuse me, I digress.
Thanks for the info though Help?!?!.
Yeah defintely makes sense. It's certainly happened to me with other drugs that I mean to do while dissociated or tripping. I'll forget all about them until way later than I meant too... Kratom also is way less linear than other opiates or opioids. Given the variations of alkaloids and such, I imagine it's harder than say having Oxy and being able to say, "Okay I dosed 100mgs 9 hours ago, I've got maybe another 12ish hours before a decent amounts out of my system and WDs will begin to manifest soon after...".
I have just recently started "getting into" Ketamine and have found it to be much more "user friendly" than , say, DMT, but much of the space seems similar as does the...message?
Anyway, I started reading about K/weed combos and discovered that weed greatly enhances the K and since I take edible cannabis on a daily basis I haven't experienced K w/out it. So, am I missing something by using the weed, or will the trip be the same, but with less color.
I tend to stay under for 2+ hours on a 200mg IM dose of K an hour or two after eating a gram of decarbed trim...heavy on the kief.
During my stay I am able to go pretty much where I want and am generally free to navigate on my own...I am allowed to roam.... I am actually seeing similar/same things on the journeys, like landmarks...they were there before me and they'll be there when I come back...like going through a huge house with millions of doors and having a key to most of them.
This is, for me, very new and interesting. Even high dose IM'd DMT is no more profound and not nearly so user friendly as K, IMO/E.
I know, I am rambling...just on the first couple of hours of after-effects ATM.
I guess what I want to know is: is it the weed that is making the K this good? Or is this pretty much standard K territory? And, if the weed is a catalyst, would there be any reason to try the Ketamine w/out the weed?
FUCK!!! wasted 500 mg mescaline and 300mg K....what a pathetic mess this was!!!
meh....would best describe it. I was just spit out of the hole and I only hope she will take me back.
I have just recently started "getting into" Ketamine and have found it to be much more "user friendly" than , say, DMT, but much of the space seems similar as does the...message?
Anyway, I started reading about K/weed combos and discovered that weed greatly enhances the K and since I take edible cannabis on a daily basis I haven't experienced K w/out it. So, am I missing something by using the weed, or will the trip be the same, but with less color.
I tend to stay under for 2+ hours on a 200mg IM dose of K an hour or two after eating a gram of decarbed trim...heavy on the kief.
During my stay I am able to go pretty much where I want and am generally free to navigate on my own...I am allowed to roam.... I am actually seeing similar/same things on the journeys, like landmarks...they were there before me and they'll be there when I come back...like going through a huge house with millions of doors and having a key to most of them.
This is, for me, very new and interesting. Even high dose IM'd DMT is no more profound and not nearly so user friendly as K, IMO/E.
I know, I am rambling...just on the first couple of hours of after-effects ATM.
I guess what I want to know is: is it the weed that is making the K this good? Or is this pretty much standard K territory? And, if the weed is a catalyst, would there be any reason to try the Ketamine w/out the weed?
for me, dissos without weed lacks something. I can't hole without adding weed to the dissos. I supose if you IM your ket in high doses, ketamine itself will bring you to the hole, but snorting low-medium doses feels like I need to add some beers and weed
What went down?
Same thing I wrote in the ketamine thread...I'm not much on writing TR's...too ineffible to put into words...for me, but basically MEH.
One detracted from the other and, evidently, my K doses were high, but still didn't spend much/any time in the hole.

sorry I'm not more Helpful?!?!
I love ketamine, but purely as a recreational drug. It's psychedelic cocaine/alcohol - don't take any messages from it too seriously. Psychedelics teach or help you realize a lot more.
Same thing I wrote in the ketamine thread...I'm not much on writing TR's...too ineffible to put into words...for me, but basically MEH.
One detracted from the other and, evidently, my K doses were high, but still didn't spend much/any time in the hole

sorry I'm not more Helpful?!?!
Hahaha! Good one! That sucks though man. I sometimes like chaos like that sometimes myself. Tis interesting!

I love ketamine, but purely as a recreational drug. It's psychedelic cocaine/alcohol - don't take any messages from it too seriously. Psychedelics teach or help you realize a lot more.
It's nickname isnt psychedelic herion for no reason!;)
Oh yeah...heroin didn't cause me any trouble. Not even fentanyl did. But ketamine is a whole different game. Then again I've always hated alcohol/cocaine and loved psys
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