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Dissociatives Big & Dandy Ketamine Thread 4: I was filled with the Holey Spirit

I am relaying a message / question from Adam who is visually challenged:

are the effects of ketamine generally more pleasurable than LSD and other 5HT2A agonists?

Yes, definitely, it's much harder to have a bad trip on ketamine than on LSD (although some people still seem to have them if you take a look at the erowid "bad trips" ketamine experience vault, but I personally never had one on ketamine or MXE).
more pleasurable is definitely subjective. I think of ketamine as euphoric but nowhere near as euphoric as the onset of LSD. I also find ketamine a bit nauseating and have thrown up once or twice because of it, which is not a very pleasurable experience.

s-ketamine is pretty righteous though lol
I've got some K on the way, and I was just wondering what tips you'd give for a first timer. Going to be doing it in my room and chilling, any reccomendations for things to look at or listen to, or should I just shut my eyes and enjoy?
Be aware that the effects of k are highly dose dependent. From feeling kinda drunk and not at all psychedelic to being in a place where reality, time, your identity breaks down completely.

You may want to build to the weird and wonky effects by doing smaller lines repeatedly, say every 20 minutes, though it's fairly common to lose your sense of time and of how much you've done, so maybe rack them out first and have a clock or something.

I don't find K that visual in a patterns and colours way, K is more cognitive, but visuals on a screen can be good. The weird animated, reality bending type is fun. The videos to Slot Hum or ElkCloner by the band Sculpture had me thinking they must have been made on K. If you watch a movie you get get total immersion.

If you keep doing lines enough to hole you won't care where you are or what music is around or know whether your eyes are open or shut, as you'll be shut down to the outside world. Just make sure you are safe (no candles, cigarettes, any other danger you won't be able to deal with or even aware of)
How long before tolerance goes down? I did like 250 mg ketamine and only got sedated you know a little high. Then i did 100 mg of mxe and it just made me stimulated like hell. I dont know why the tolerance got so high can somebody help me out here?

It was like months since i got any psychadelic effect out of dissocitives. I dont use it on a regular basis.
Dissociative tolerance is notorious for taking long periods of time to decrease. I've read that for some even an entire year isn't enough for tolerance to reduce completely.
Be aware that the effects of k are highly dose dependent. From feeling kinda drunk and not at all psychedelic to being in a place where reality, time, your identity breaks down completely.

You may want to build to the weird and wonky effects by doing smaller lines repeatedly, say every 20 minutes, though it's fairly common to lose your sense of time and of how much you've done, so maybe rack them out first and have a clock or something.

I don't find K that visual in a patterns and colours way, K is more cognitive, but visuals on a screen can be good. The weird animated, reality bending type is fun. The videos to Slot Hum or ElkCloner by the band Sculpture had me thinking they must have been made on K. If you watch a movie you get get total immersion.

If you keep doing lines enough to hole you won't care where you are or what music is around or know whether your eyes are open or shut, as you'll be shut down to the outside world. Just make sure you are safe (no candles, cigarettes, any other danger you won't be able to deal with or even aware of)

Thanks for the advice, I'm thinking first time I'll keep it relatively sane, then dive in properly once I have a bit of a feel for things. There's no real risks to having three nights of K use in a row right? Not as a frequent thing of course, but just this time.
There's no real risks to having three nights of K use in a row right? Not as a frequent thing of course, but just this time.

Hmmm, this is actually the kind of thinking that got me properly addicted to dissos for a few solid years. Hope you won't discover how fast 3 nights become 3 weeks become 3 years...

K is notoriously addictive, i thought i was pretty damn good at resisting temptations before i met this beast. Monitoring your use on a calendar for example might help in keeping it an occasional treat, rather than have it become a daily burden.

On a sidenote, that thread title is beyond hilarious =D
All my K experiences as of late tend to result in a state of panic and confusion / thoughts the world has ended / no epic OBE flying through dimensions, just interesting body sensations coupled with complete detachment from reality - but still relatively conscious enough for it to be a frantic, desperate experience.

Wonder why...to be fair, I can't say I've had any beautiful experiences from K, although Methoxetamine did get me there.

What am i doing wrong....
Hmmm, this is actually the kind of thinking that got me properly addicted to dissos for a few solid years. Hope you won't discover how fast 3 nights become 3 weeks become 3 years...

K is notoriously addictive, i thought i was pretty damn good at resisting temptations before i met this beast. Monitoring your use on a calendar for example might help in keeping it an occasional treat, rather than have it become a daily burden.

On a sidenote, that thread title is beyond hilarious =D

Thanks for the warning, I'll try and keep it under control. In theory after this week I'll only be dropping K for clubbing, which should naturally keep it limited. It's worked for stims so far, but obviously I can't judge whether I'll hold up with dissos too until I try.
Don't think price discussion is allowed here brother.
Again, no price discussion here. I'd just say, google is your friend.
ElkCloner by the band Sculpture had me thinking they must have been made on K.

Wow! Thanks for turning me on to this. The idea of Ket exposing the "machine code" of the mind, and how your brain processes sensory input seems to be alluded to in this multimedia art. Is this the future of music?
And again, I wasn't asking for specifics, merely broad generalizations, suggestions where the information I'm after might be found. And no, Google is not your friend when searching for this particular datum. It's easy to find from two, three, ten years ago, but not within the last year or so. If it were simple to find I wouldn't have come here to ask the question.
I get that, it's just policy we don't talk about prices here, either ranges or specifics. I mean in any case it's going to be a range, you can find different prices in different areas and so forth. Sorry, this just isn't the forum for that. :)
Wow! Thanks for turning me on to this. The idea of Ket exposing the "machine code" of the mind, and how your brain processes sensory input seems to be alluded to in this multimedia art. Is this the future of music?
Those animations (and the music) are so ketty. Well I first saw them on K, and I think K can infect art watched/listened while on it and impart a ketamine quality to it even when later watched/heard while straight.

Thanks for the advice, I'm thinking first time I'll keep it relatively sane, then dive in properly once I have a bit of a feel for things. There's no real risks to having three nights of K use in a row right? Not as a frequent thing of course, but just this time.
K is so moorish that you can get through all you have without serious self control, particularly as you are high from it so you're not really caring about being sensible.

If you have enough to hole with, take precautions as if you will, even if you don't plan to. K is very safe, but almost all harm comes through accidents while incapable.
Went with 150 mg of K last night, I don't seem to have too many problems with redosing, mainly because K leaves me far too dizzy to actually make it to my stash and have more. My memories of the actual trip are pretty fuzzy, but it's left me feeling remarkably non-depressed today, which is nice. Will be interesting to actually make it out clubbing on a low dose next weekend, together with some speed.
I cant praise ket highly enough easily, by far, the most mind blowingly amazing sights to be seen for me anyway and ive done loads of psychs. Its literally entering another dimension. And its not scary. Its fucking so astounding and shockingly brilliant that u dont even have a second to try to think about all this before ur down and u want more! ketamine is by far the most interesting and really is the only thing that makes me thing "oh fuck,,,this is what drugs i thought were like when i was a kid" its indescribable in the way it makes go, wow, i mean WOW! only shit thing is the jelly legs for a while after ive youve not done ket then you should defntley