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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

Best way to cycle benzo's to beat tolerance

I have actually had the electric convulsive therapy(ect) 8 times. I was hospitalised for the first 4 then I had to come back everyday for the last 4. You are put under, I've never heard anyone being away for it. That would hurt like hell. This was about 7 years ago. I can tell you that I still take Xanax (I had them done for depression and medication not working for me). I often ask myself 'I wonder if I would be better if I never got them done'. It's a tough thing to live with. Others, like family/friends, seem to think they helped but I personally don't. I would suggest not doing it unless you feel absolutely hopeless AND you have tried everything else, as this is a last resort type of thing. And, yes I'm in about a million dollars in medical debt due to the 8 ects. I hope this helped a little. If you want to ask me question, feel free. This is the first post I have ever done so I'm not sure how to see what anyone but I'm sure ill figure it out lol. P.s. One Flew Over the Coocoo's Nest(movie) is a pretty good depiction of what actually transpires. I got to watch him (dr.) do one on another person.