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Best combo drug with weed...

My top three weed combos:

1. DMT and weed

2. Meth and weed

3. 4-MMC and weed

The DMT combo is just amazing. Start off sober, load up a fat bowl of chron with 100mg (or more, you will be wasting some/ a lot) the initial weed rush combined with the DMT liftoff is pure body/mind orgasm

The meth combo just recently replaced the 4MMC combo as #2. I know some people get too paranoid, feel weird; but if you smoke enough of both it gets near psychedelia. Im talking 8 grams of medical and a couple tenths in a night. The comedown is hell but i could care less.

One more thing. Smoking kanna with weed is AMAZING. I guess itd be #4. Purely uplifting smoke
I like opiates (Mostly Oxycodone or Codeine) and weed the best. It gives an extremley mellow, euphoric high.
My jam would be cannabis and shrooms. The cannabis really helps kick start the shrooms.
On MDMA - Fantastic. After a late nite when your jaw just drops after the hit again and youre like "WRRRRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMM!!!!"
Opiates - Euphoric, Fantastic. Smoking a too big toke from a bong can make you sweat like a pork, but still feels good. Sometimes hitta-lil-too-hard.
LSD - Liked it alot, Once i had my bud's in the bong bowl for like 2 hours before i smoked it, holding the bong in my hand tripping at friends place, coool.
Amphetamine(s) - Like the relaxed state that i get sometime's when i smoke weed on speed or sumsum.

/thread lol. but srsly opium is something else, like a dream.
^2nd opium. Probably the best opiate to mix with. Bet smoking kief and opium out of a real opium pipe with an opium lamp would be the shit.

I'm suprised no one's said PCP, the combo's a classic. Dank+water=OMG

MDMA+Dank=almost like a mushroom trip

I find that uppers and psychedelics tend to overpower the weed. It's best to save for the comedown.
I used to really enjoy weed + nitrous oxide.

A few beers and some bud can also be really euphoric but there is something about weed that makes me not want to drink alcohol. When I would do this combo, I'd always drink the beer first and then smoke the weed because if I smoked the weed first, I would lose all desire to drink the beer. Weed would make me feel so content, I'd think, why drink?

I don't like weed plus opiates because weed takes away the clear headedness, which is for me one of the pleasures of the opiate high.

I don't like weed plus stimulants because I get anxiety over my heart.

I never got the chance to try weed vs benzos, because by the time I had gotten into benzos I no longer smoked weed but it sounds like a match made in heaven to me. Afterall, one of the biggest downsides to marijuana is the anxiety it may cause. My friend robatussin (used to post here before he ODed and died) told me that his old dealer to sell weed and valium and it was his favorite combo.
^2nd opium. Probably the best opiate to mix with. Bet smoking kief and opium out of a real opium pipe with an opium lamp would be the shit.

I'm suprised no one's said PCP, the combo's a classic. Dank+water=OMG

MDMA+Dank=almost like a mushroom trip

I find that uppers and psychedelics tend to overpower the weed. It's best to save for the comedown.

Is prolly cause PCP isn't common anymore and when people do come accross it, they want to experience it on its own.
Sometimes when on benzo's (particularly xanax) you don't seem to notice the "stoned" feeling after smoking.. Its like the xanax cancels out the psychedelic part of the marijuana experience and just adds to the sedation but that's about it...
In my opinion, the ultimate and best not so much combo, but transition / mixing of drugs has to be:

MDMA > Ketamine > Cannabis.

You get the dreamiest high ever, in fact i am just about to this one hehehe :)
I hit an awesome high today it was a n Epic on with just 6ty3's like 5 1mg klonopins and and smoked like three bowls today ;D the kind of high that you are waiting for the stop sign to green haha!!
Well back in the the day i really enjoyed being awake for a few days on speed and then on Sunday i used to smoke for the first time since my speed binge started on thursday only thing i miss about amphetamines.. Smoking after peak on mdma is good. And beer and weed is always a good combo. Come to think of it everything I've tried have mixed well with cannabis :)
Ketamine and weed go amazingly well together. They really compliment one another as well as potentate the effects. I remember doing a half gram of K, sobering up and then about an hour later smoking a J, and I was so amazingly stoned. It was like I'd just smoked 40 blunts and eaten a load of edibles. Well ok, exaggerating a bit. ha. But I would never have been as stoned as I was without the K still in my system.

Beer and weed is also nice, but over doing it most likely causes the spins. Gotta get the amounts just right, and never smoke weed after a long drinking session.
for me d-amp/l-amp and opiates are fantastic together, but the intense nausea forced me away from it. it greatly diminishes the high if you spend half the time vomiting. however, when you do that mix and smoke a big fat bowl, everythings better. you can just enjoy the intense euphoria and sedation while staying awake the entire time.... similar to ecstasy only MUCH stronger and better IMO.
used to love mixing weed with oxycontin. since i don't do opiates anymore, i love to have a cup of coffee next to a nice fat bowl of dankness. its a nice gentle but pleasant combo. Lots of you seem to enjoy smoking on psychedelics.. It intensifies the trip exponentially in my experience, sometimes making me think very introspective and sometimes dark thoughts.. better buckle up!! lol