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Been Robbed in a Drug Deal? Post story

well i was never robbed but have been close. my friend was trying to get off dope and i was helping her (it was the worst two days of my life). we got her an appt. at a detox place; got lost, they wouldn't take her. we brought her to a hospital; they wouldn't help her. finally, we made a new appt. for the next morning but she couldn't hack it out, so i sent her to the ghetto with a friend. well they got back and apparently they were talking to some kids, who told them to pull down an alley while he ran inside to grab it. he comes out with a sandwich bag like half full of something he claimed to be dope. she had told him she only had enough for one bag and he handed her about 50 bags worth. she looked at it, said it was shit and told him to fuck off. him and his friends proceeded to crowd the car demanding the money. she got punched in the face. they sped off. fun, huh?
Notice: A few warnings for those using this thread:

1. If you're a dealer, don't mention it.

If you currently sell drugs in any fashion or have done so in the past, do not mention it. I'm not the morality police and I don't particularly care who sells what, but you should avoid incriminating yourself on a message board open to the public that can be viewed by law enforcement officers. Or prudish busybodies who could inform the authorities if they don't like you. Every dealer I know that's been busted was due to their overconfidence - everything from a DUI with drugs in the car to carrying a huge amount of drugs, cash and a pistol on them into a public building. They got arrested because they made stupid, easily avoidable mistakes.

Aside from potential jail time and the enormous hassle of probation - trust me, curtailed freedom isn't very much fun - you could be looking at civil forfeiture. This is where the authorities confiscate anything they think you bought with drug money - in the case of an acquaintence of mine, that included the contents of his savings account (most of which was from legitimate construction work) and a classic car he'd lovingly restored. This is because he decided it was okay for him to drive back into town drunk and high with bad things in his vehicle.

If you notice anyone mention that they're a drug dealer, don't hesitate to use the report topic button. I don't care if they are, I'd just like to keep people out of jail for something as pointless as bravado on an online message board.

2. Refrain from personal attacks.

Yes, even the best of us can be reduced to theiving, drug-hungry fucks. Hopefully people who've acted like this in the past have straightened themselves out to some point, but it's pointless to yell at them for it. You're just getting people pissed off, and that doesn't do anyone good.

3. Refrain from ethnic slurs.

Again, I'm not the morality police. What you think about whoever is your own business. Just keep any ethnic slurs off the board. Read the guidelines.

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The reason this thread is being kept open is that it's in the interest of the general public to be aware that there's a chance you will get ripped off and sometimes hurt in the process when buying drugs. The less stupid mistakes you make, the better.
^^^^Thanks. I should have included something like that when I started this thread. You're good people.
i got robbed in my own house. I had a party and some fucker from New York who i didnt even know came to my house with some friends. he asked if i had coke, and i said yeah i have an eight ball. saw he says let me see, so my friendlet him look at the ball and he ended up grabbing it and running. at the time i was rolling and that killed my roll.
i got set up by one of my "close friends" we went into the city so I could pick something up for a friend. I had gone to this place for 2yrs and had never had any trouble so I thought I was safe. Which was dumb of me b/c no matter how well you know the neighborhood a skinny ass white girl is never safe in the ghetto. Anyway, I ended up getting held at gun point and jacked for a several thousand dollars. I found out a few days later where my money was and who set me up, but what the hell could i do about it. There's no way I could of took on 2 guys. So I got screwed. The worst part about it though was having to back and tell my friend that he was out a couple thousand. It would of been one thing if it was just my money but half of it wasn't mine. That's one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. I'm surprised he didn't try to kill me. I won't get anything for anyone anymore b/c of it though.
Hmmm, I went to amsterdam to get some acid for a friend of mine, so I went to the coffeeshop first. Split my money into a few different places, and when I heard one of the people ask me: wanna buy coke, xtc, acid? I asked him if he had bart simpsons(I have never done acid, neither had he, and I thought bart simpsons were the way to go...I was like 15 ok...). he said yes, and asked me to follow him, which ofcourse I did. I asked him to show me the merchandise first(I fell for that one before, but it cost me 5$, so it wasnt bad), so he pulled out some stuff, but nothing that looked like acid, suddenly(oh yeah, I forgot to mention that this was a few days after new years eve' he bends down and says he dropped his acid, he picks up something, and hands it over. Its just a small piece of red paper torn on all sides, I immediately saw it was just a piece of firecracker that was all over the place, I mean, there were little pieces of that red paper all over the place.

I ask him about the bart simpsons, he says± this is much better, this is the red one. I ask him if he@s got anything else, and he looks around in his pocket, and asks me if I want a microdot(so obviously he did know about acid), and he pulls out a piece of the stuff you find in ordinary pencils. And so i say no, he asks me to follow him further, because police just walked by(they really did), so i do, but I see him going for his pocket, and I see something in it that I immediately recognize as being a knife, and he tries to pull it out, so I run from the alley. In the direction I saw the cops going, luckily they were still standing a few meters away, because this guy comes running after me, sees the cops, and turns the other way. It was quite scary when he pulled out the knife.
A few years ago when I was involved with rolls I got burnt twice for a total of $8000. The guys who did it were "friends" in the sense that I knew them and had hung out with them quite frequently. One of them actually tried to bring me to court after I confronted him at his house. He claimed he didnt have the money and wouldnt ever have it. Things got a little physical after that and he ended up calling the police. The judge threw the case out and and I never got the money. But, come to find out a little later he got arrested for meth.Ha ha, instant karma, what comes around goes around BITCH.
i always got ripped off by giving people money first.. these ones kids ripped me off(they looked 10yrs old so i thought it was impossible) they had us walk across town and then ditched through some house. I was hanging out with this one dude when one of the kids came by.. didnt mention that night since those people are shady and dumb.

Another time i got ripped off 100 for some shrooms.. the guy said he got robbed( his dad called my friend looking for him) but i dont believe it. I'd rather not confront the kid since hes always with a huge group and i dont feel like getting in shit.
Everytime I have been jacked I have managed to get money or real drusg in return or revenge.

Story #1
My friend and I decided to grab some buds but all our connections were asleep (4am) so we go to the local store and see some kids smoking a joint in their van. We go up and ask if we could buy a gram. Kid says yah and asks for the money and hands my buddy less then half a gram. We look at it laugh and say wheres the rest of it? Guy just flips us off so we rip him outta the van (back side sliding door) beat the fuck outta him, punk his pot, coke, and wallet.

Story #2
Myself and about 15 people put in over $1400 into a deal, you get a qp, pills and some other shit. Our dealer goes in the apartment and comes back to his car and says that we have to wait. We wait about 3 hours till we finally say fuck it and tell our guy to go back in. He is affected by "convineant amnesia" and can't remember his own dealers number or appartment. Long story short we beat him shitless stole his car (ONLY means of transportation to his job) and set it on fire on some back road.
been robbed £50 when i was 15, he walked into a pub to 'sort out his shit in the toilets'. we waited about 5-10 mins went in and asked the barman if hed seen some guy walk in and he'd just walked out the other side.

also ive bought origami, a stone and some bark in camdem before :)
Obsidian said:
Everytime I have been jacked I have managed to get money or real drusg in return or revenge.

Story #1
My friend and I decided to grab some buds but all our connections were asleep (4am) so we go to the local store and see some kids smoking a joint in their van. We go up and ask if we could buy a gram. Kid says yah and asks for the money and hands my buddy less then half a gram. We look at it laugh and say wheres the rest of it? Guy just flips us off so we rip him outta the van (back side sliding door) beat the fuck outta him, punk his pot, coke, and wallet.

Some dude gets you for 10$ so you rob him and beat the shit out of him? Real noble. 8)
The first time i tried to buy pot I gave some guy 20 bucks and he said to meet me somewhere. And then he never showed. It sucked. Another time some fool just took the money out of my hand and ran! I was like wtf! it sucked. Ill never front money again. Unless its someone i trust.
Obsidian, your revenge is worse than the offenses of the people that jacked you.
everyone needs to read this!

haha... i have been doing coke for about 2 weeks now on and off every other day or so... and it just came to my attention how INCREDIBLY stupid my method of getting it was, i can't beleive it and i just want to let you guys see how stupid... i did this for weeks to... and i guess didn't see anything wronhg with it... its not THAT bad... it's just not something you would do in the first place.

there is a local store in town kinda down by were the black part of town is... and i know this guy that works there and he buys me beeer and cigarettes and wat not.. and he asks me if i want some powder one day and i get him to get me a half gram... so i pay him 30 and he says go down the street... and i'll come with it... so he does... and he really brings it every time... or has about 10 or 15 times
anywere fr4om half gram for 30 to gram for 50 to 8ball for 120.... and i give him 5 bucks for the run and i get it... i took it home and weighed it every time and it was always a straight hookup... sometimes liek .7 half grams and liek 1.3 grams

i just realized how strange that is that i did that everyone would say never let someone you dont know run off with your money to somewere.... i didn't really knew him when i did it in the beginning... and he gets on his bike and rides off to get it... so he could just bolt... but idn do you think that is absolutly crazy?
wow.8( . sounds like you got lucky to me and that you were on coke when you wrote this post about being stupid
fair enough, you just sounded a bit yakked out (blown on white). so you just wrote a post about being lucky/stupid?
PLEASE PLEASE use a little more descriptive thread title! That way i dont have to read something this lame ever again!