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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

BDD Social/Info Booth v.27 - Mugz is a habitual meph-ender


Yeah, French Connection is a great film. NT, if you want, you can try and see To Live and Die in LA, by the same director, the car chase is even better, pure magic %)
I want the airbra thread back in the lounge, senior mod NT please can you resurrect it, it was a worthy thread
On a more serious note, how likely is it that 20mg of oxymorphone pills snorted over the course of a night would do anything bad, the person seemed fine but noddy on cam for a long time but is now irresponsive and I cant see her on the cam. I assume she went to sleep but am worried.
/i dont wanna name names, but have been in another room with someone all night whislt they've been doing oxymorphone, they have had a few nods but not had any response in over an hour

I hope she is just asleep
Afternoon mugzy, afternoon kayla, afternoon Loulou, afternoon bdd, Fuck you swim, who stole my banana, and lets compare sheds!

Starting the morphine taper today, 'IF' I've got the discipline to stick with it is another question. But at least i dont feel like death that hasn't been well anymore.

Mugz that is rather worrying, keep us informed on that.
saw the new batman movie last night at midnight
it was awesome

now i'm tired as shit and need to leave for work at 10:30
while rooting around my drawer at close to 4am looking for something that would help me sleep w/o making me a zombie in the morning after less than 5 hours of sleep (i normally take seroquel)
I happened upon somewhere between 10-20mg of adderal (broken pills) - what a suprise, perhaps useful for getting thru the work day but not what I need right now...
eventually took 45mg temazepam and slept a bit bit now I'm feeling pretty knackered
if i'm already feeling not so great would adderal just make me feel worse today - would it be better to just try for some coffee and tough it out?

TLDR: wondering if I should take some of the adderal before/during work? yea or nay?
Hi mgrady, if you feel low you can try coffee first. Then a low dose of Adderall could also do the trick.
Yeah take it with a decent strong coffee just before u leave for work. It should get you through the day fine. Depending on your amphet tolerance of course.
thanks guys!
my amp tolerance is super low. I've only take it once - aside from MDMA which is a bit different anyway.
I'll get a coffe first for sure then and try starting with a very small dose of the amp.

Cheers everyone.
Hope you all have great days
what up, BDD! drugs make me think of you.

it's friday and i have some roxy, enough to benzos to overflow HST's briefcase, and a little weed. gonna go shopping later, then to the lake house. life's rough.
Ahh, the hard life of a drug user ;)

Mugz, you're being super vague, but we don't know either way if your friend is okay and you know we can't make calls like that based on extremely limited/non-existant information.

lou, We watched the chase from To Live and Die In LA in Tinychat a while back :) Great stuff. I hadn't watched The French Connection in a while so it was nice. I blacked out pretty much after that though, oh, clonazepam.
my friend was fine, I was overreacting because I was tripping, she was just happily nodding, I knew that before but I dont like seeing people passed out on cameras.
Hey guys how is everyone? I ended up waking at 3 pm omfg!! Was on tinychat way to late...
Hey Kayla, doing great today. Waking up at 3 isn't too bad... lol

What do you have going on this weekend? My friend got some blow so we're gona do it up tonight and smoke till we fall asleep.