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BDD Social/Info Booth v.27 - Mugz is a habitual meph-ender

Hey everyone! Just wanted to give my love to those doing the wd off morph.....it will get better. My legs don't hurt now finally, at least until Monday when I drop in dose again....

Today is my 9th wedding anniversary but I am still ill, so we are going to celebrate on our vacation in a couple of weeks....ah the wonder that is mature love, hah! My five year old just instructed us to "smooch" and both of us did not want to get my germs passed along....so we kissed our hands and touched them instead...hah! At least if I am getting off of all these meds it should be fun doing the practice work to have another baby soon!
How's NBOMe-2C-I sound then? I mean, 2-(4-iodo-2,5-dimethoxyphenyl)-N-[(2-methoxyphenyl)methyl]ethanamine....

How much are you planning on having Mugz? This stuff isn't 4-MMC or B2 or NRG-69 or whatever RC stimulant is around the UK these days...its a powerful psychedelic active at microgram levels. I hope you have an accurate measurement device :)
Depends on what you have to do tomorrow...

No solid plans for tomorrow, I have to pick up a note from the doctors but that isn't until the evening, at around 6pm, the bird I went out with today might be contacting me for a tag along with her friends but probably wont be.

too many letters and numbers. flush it.

haha, it's good stuff, I think I might just sniff a 1mg as sniffing doesn't last too long and last time I did 1mg I was able to sleep after like 5 hours :)
My five year old just instructed us to "smooch" and both of us did not want to get my germs passed along....so we kissed our hands and touched them instead...hah!

How's NBOMe-2C-I sound then? I mean, 2-(4-iodo-2,5-dimethoxyphenyl)-N-[(2-methoxyphenyl)methyl]ethanamine....
extremely unappealing. it's so weird that all these crazy hallucinogens are out and popular now. last music fest i was at someone walked up to our tent asking if we were looking for any SD24-123ABCwhatever. umm, got any K? and my buddy would like some E. one letter drug users here.
I'll just have some plain old LSD-25, if you will....


The original "research chemical".
I suffer from migraines, I've gone through all the usual, the barbs, Midrin, etc, all the triptans. Finally settled on sumatriptan + naproxen (Treximet). I've been to the ER for 'em a few times. But then I'll get sodium valproate or something useless (even via IV) for the migraine. The only time I actually got effective treatment was when they gave me a cocktail of Demerol and orphenadrine...mixed with the cyclobenzaprine I took that morning...and I'd say 20-30 % of the migraine wasn't touched, even after an opiate and a powerful antihistamine in the same IV.

However, LSD is the best anti-migraine drug on the planet. I don't have any migraines for 6-12 months after using LSD. It's like a reset button. I love it.
well it's up the old nosehole, should be tripping pretty soon, why is it that whenever I take a psych I almost immedietly think that maybe I shouldn't have, lol. I am looking forward to this one though, I am hoping it will be a relaxing trip with lots of fun, I'm sipping a bud too, which is very refreshing! :)
You should smoke some bud on it instead of drinking. Drinking on the comedown of a psych is always great...but drinking on the comeup seems like a waste of ethyl alcohol...
Hey Token, i though you and the fella were finished?

there's different definitions of finished...
but no we co-habitate atm.
Hope you're feeling better soon...

thx kayla and hey for today..<3

hi beachy! happy anniversary:)
damn, bitch to be sick today tho..
hope you're better soon too..
still unpacking..i know i owe you a pm..sorry i'm behind on everything..

Hi trip! Hi Bdd..

I just like the taste of bud whenever, I don't have any bud to smoke or I would, just been on the phone to mum and sister for 45 minutes and not coming up much so snorted another mg.
NT, I have migraines really badly as well and have tried everything....well, no Botox yet because I have no insurance ATM, but as soon as I do, I will try it....interesting about the LSD...hmmm....I finally have found relief with Sprix (ketorolac nasal spray) which is funny because toradol does fuck all for me taken IM, I'VE or orally, but the nasal spray actually works....

You should give it a go, it burns like the fires of hell being squirted up your nose, but in about five to ten minutes damn if the headache doesnt ease up....I know that I would try just about any drug someone tells me might work when my head is pounding like that...

Hey, token! No,you can pm me if you want, but I have to say that I laughed my fucking ass off when I went back and reread what I wrote....I am pretty sure I may have been on an ambien blackout, especially the part about the haircut...that does not even sound like me at all, it really was too funny.....I hope you can laugh too and know that I may have been a little out of my element at the time
And your local drug dealer....

Also, leftwing!

I just got 4x1mg clonazepams as payment for giving my friend a ride, good stuff. Time to smoke a bowl and watch The French Connection.

Beachcat, check out this source (regarding migraines and LSD)