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Esoteric [Bad Trip Subthread] How Do You Define "Bad Trip"?

Impacto profundo, i have to say that was deep, interpreting and reinterpreting loopy thoughts of confusion ,,, i been doing that a lot lately, and its keeping me awake at night.. I dont do acid, was never a great fan of it. I would do more of it if it was more avv... but i will not run around the country side after it.
But i know people that have ended up in the funny farm because of it. Not good!!
A discomforting trip that does not benefit you in anyway noticeable and in fact has long, drawn out, after effects. That's a bad trip. Getting panicky, scared, etc. is all a part of the experience, so long as you can take something from this. But when you're close to the point of drug psychosis, crying for your life and wishing you'd never taken a drug once before, wind up with HPPD and way worse anxiety than you went in with...That's a bad trip.
My example of what a bad trip can be is when you look in the mirror and think you see worms writhing around underneath your skin.
^nothing bad with that in my experience
heck, i've stared at a mirror with my face almost right up to it to see some for a horrific demonic face, but none of this did i consider "bad'
When you're absolutely certain the world will end any minute now...
<pyridinyl_30> said:
My example of what a bad trip can be is when you look in the mirror and think you see worms writhing around underneath your skin.

A lot of people I know would always get scared to look in the mirror on psychedelics because of seeing themselves as a piece of meat, or that's my theory anyway. I don't get that. I think it fascinating to see yourself as a piece of slowly decaying meat. It makes it that much more amazing that you're able to see yourself at all. :)

Impacto - Nice. Well, not nice to experience, but nice ability to communicate it.
A trip where I am no longer in control, where the psychedelic has taken over and for the larger part has taken over control of my actions and behavior. Bad trips can provide so much more insights than normal trips, I just think you need to filter out certain bad thoughts and negative points that can arise.
the first and only time i dropped cid i had a really bad trip...i really lost touch with all reality...i didnt belive anything else existed except for me and who i was tripping with...this weird thing happened where everyone tripping was hearing my thought like on a loudspeaker in their mind (thats what i was told) which led to all my freinds finding out me and another one of my friends were gay...

i guess this is a pretty bad trip

oddly enough i would never regret this trip...it changed my life a lot...

<pyridinyl_30> said:
My example of what a bad trip can be is when you look in the mirror and think you see worms writhing around underneath your skin.

Nup, I quite enjoy that :D.

Impacto Profundo's definition gave me horrid horripilations though - well typed :).
thanks shambles, it took years for me to fathom the experiences enough to be able to communicate them and in the process, i've become quite comfortable with those words. they are accurate.
now despite this, it is still there and occasionally i would see it in my sober life. i'd get this feeling kinda like a cross between a very cold chill and electric shock in the back of my brain which travels quickly down my spine with a strange sound and i'm taken aback by it with a momentary realisation of "oh my fucking god it's back, what did that mean" and it passes quickly but i am sometimes pretty shaken by that moment.
this could be triggered by almost anything.
my most memorable was on my first date with my wife. i literally had to quickly change the subject and take effort to recompose myself in my mind which literally felt like it had exploded.

hasn't happened strongly in a while now.
Impacto Profundo said:
hasn't happened strongly in a while now.

Well I'm very glad to hear that, and I hope it stays that way for the forseeable :).

I've only had moments of such true existential terror whilst tripping, but those moments were unending, looped and tortuous enough for me to get just a glimpse of what a full-blown bad trip could be like. Your description fits my suspicions very accurately.

It's a place I sincerely hope I never spend too much time in. In fact I sincerely hope nobody does.
neither do i.

at one point, i had a habit of entering a timed reminder in my mobile phone. when i predicted the trip would be at its peak or slightly after, i'd get a message, which i would have forgotten about until then. it reads "don't do anything".

it helped.

i didn't cut myself or run infront of a car, train or dive off a height thinking these things could wake me up.
vortex30 said:
A discomforting trip that does not benefit you in anyway noticeable and in fact has long, drawn out, after effects. That's a bad trip. Getting panicky, scared, etc. is all a part of the experience, so long as you can take something from this. But when you're close to the point of drug psychosis, crying for your life and wishing you'd never taken a drug once before, wind up with HPPD and way worse anxiety than you went in with...That's a bad trip.

Sounds exactly like the first (and last) time I took salvia. I figure the classification of salvia as a psychedelic is pretty hazy; I've researched all possible avenues and reports are mixed, but still. I had ridiculously drawn-out after-effects (I'm talking severe symptoms for at least a month after), I'm figuring maybe it triggered a serious anxiety disorder or something, but there's no doubt in my mind that was the worst trip I'd ever had.

I can certainly tell of the two most likely ways to experience a bad trip; not knowing what to expect and then rejecting it when it happens. Both happened to me at the same time. And breaking out of a bad trip is certainly not as simple as a friend telling you to just "let it take you"; god knows I tried but I couldn't. The ingestion of the drug was inconsequential. I thought the whole world had gone insane, and I couldn't relate my experiences to taking the drug in the first place. Rookie mistakes.
A bad trip would be a trip from which nothing good arrived, only bad. Those are quite rare, in fact I've never had a bad trip. I've definitely had downright scary trips....some of my DPT experiences were akin to sucking on an electric cord.

But true bad trips, they are rare. Losing a penis would constitute a bad trip.
I've had some difficult moments in all of my trips.

Some trips have been several hours on end of psychedelic despair. These have been among the very few most unpleasant experiences in my life so far. Fearing death while tripping alone wasn't a hit - lying in bed in your own puke with parents sleeping in the same house wasn't either. These times I've considered calling an ambulance or telling my parents about my psychedelic use. I've stayed rational enough not to do this, since I knew it would have terrible consequences. That's not to say I was in control of my fear, though. I just couldn't stop thinking "I wan't this to end, now. I will never take this shit again, ever" and fear was everything.

A more typical trip, though, has an element of controllable fear/anxiety that's similar to one experienced in a sober state, but amplified through psychedelia - i.e. no delusional thoughts. These elements - or passages - can be very benificial as your subconscious, so to say, is brought up to the surface.

The greatest fear I've ever experienced was in a nightmare. This was one of those very primal nightmares which didn't have a story as such - just one thought, typically involving infinity and ones littleness in contrast. Something like "I will die" coupled with the image of an endless rope with an intersecting line somewhere on it.

In this sense I find it peculiar that psychedelics are so rumoured for their ability to cause bad trips. You take that risk every time you go to sleep. Who hasn't had a wrecking nightmare?
Matt_Himself said:
I basically consider a bad trip when I cannot get my thoughts back on positive and everything seems to take a negative feel to it. Although these experiences can be beneficial they can also be downright frightening...
Im wondering what you all consider a bad trip?

Ive only had one trip that i could consider bad...

Last Thursday while camping there was some salvia... and stupidly i did it without really loudly announcing "hey im on salvia, don't let me get near the fire if i decide to stand up..." took a large hit of 19x, was thrown into this room, and i was supposed to walk along this path around this room, and as i walked around this looping path i decided to try and step off of it, and when i did i felt some being try to keep me on it. So i tried to fight away from this being, and had the odd thought of "this is like some fucked up tv show that im on and not being told about it" and tried to get out. eventually i was thrown into this game show/intervention type deal which in some way i interpreted as "i think i died, this must be judgment" and then after that was over i had to walk up this set of stairs. I only made it to like the first or 2nd before i was knocked off the stairs.

This is when i started coming back to reality. My first sight is a bunch of worried looking people, telling me just to stand there. I finally come down enough to start piecing together what had happened. someone said "you stepped into the fire man" and i look at my bare foot covered in ash, cant even feel any pain. and see a tent with a broken pole being rolled up and put away. turns out i took the hit, walked around the circle of chairs, stepped into the fire, a girl tackled me out of it and threw me into the tent where i broke a pole... my first thought coming down from it was "what the fuck just happened?".... i washed the ash off my foot and the burns were not very bad, 4 small 2nd degree burns. someone asked me "did you see god?" and all i could say was "no, but i thought i had died, and i was trying to walk up some stairs after judgment but didn't get past the first or 2nd one"...

had there not been a fire there it wouldn't have been a bad experience. I thought i had died, and i managed to accept that remarkably fast...

but im staying away from salvia for a while...
Thinking For about 6 hours that I had lost my mind and that in the morning i was going to wake up in a mental hospital, and ruin my life, dont know where the though came from Iv tripped loads of times before and since and it never happened. I thought i had been giving people abuse all night and that all my friends were going to hate me and People were looking for me to lock me up. A friend let me chill at his house and sorted my head out, i realized I was just being stupid, and from then on I just felt so lucky to be alive and appreciate my mind, so a bad trip turned from the worst to one of the best and most beneficial i feel like I have had :) Was very strong acid