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⫸STICKY⫷ Australian Opiate Withdrawal Maintainance Medication Prescribers

^ I'll PM you details... and try and find some linkable documentation for tomorrow. :)
Best thing to get away from withdrawals is sunlight, exercise and a lot of friends.. however, you don't want to do any of this if you are withdraw ling so just force it. also xanax and klonopin can help with withdrawals but don't get hooked on that also or your screwed
machines for methadone and buprenorphine? that sounds like a pretty cool idea, though raises a few concerns in my mind.

where'd you hear that, brother; through work or on the grapevine? any reading link available?

Every pharmacist should have these, so half a mg can be dispensed some of the older pumps cant even do 1mg mad!!!

^^^ But I believe is much safer and healthier through the vein than that syupy brown shit if you like to bang your takeaway's (which is not a great ideas for your veins anyways).

i dont bang anything anymore, exept womens naughty bits, even then i prefer to go the oral route. hehe
The ceiling dose doesn't apply for everyone. I too can have a tolerance up to that amount, maybe even higher. 2 grams is the most I've gone to, I'm at 1.6 right now.

Think of it like the enzyme deficiency that stops some people from getting anything (euphoria, pain relief) out of codeine. It doesn't effect everyone. :)

u have 1600mg cwes?? jesus , most iv done was 800 and made me sick as , migraine and physically drained

havent tried one in yonks since been on the methadone

how many mg codeine do u think id need to get a nice warm buzz wen im on 120mg methadone?? 550ish (cod) with potentiators used to do the job nicely for a year and abit until i got onto heavier opiates.

id skip the dose the day i plan to do the codeine though
^^^ hey leigh I used to be on methadone and used to try and skip my dose to shoot up gear and i founf that all the gear would do was replace my need for done without and real high.

I found it better to take your dose of methadone then after about 4 hours when your right into the done then take other opiates and it adds on top of the done. You don't feel much anyways but I reckon its better than missing ur dose cause i don't think codeine will cut it and you probably will feel normal or still hanging for your methadone.

I don't know what size dose you are on but that's how it was for me.
^^ damm , so the 250mg of dynamite gear i got sitting here is useless to me ? lol
^It most definitely wont be useless lol. $50 worth of the heroin i get here in S.A i can still feel and im on 110mg, there's no rush like before being on methadone, but yeah it wont be useless to you mate lol. And personally i would only IV it. But thats your decision to make.
^yeah further on that - I've certainly been present plenty of times when mates who were on done had a taste - to a one they complained - "that gear was shit" as they scratched their faces and their eyelids drooped. So you won't feel the pleasurable effects as strongly but you are definitely getting the other physiological effects, including CNS depression. So please don't overdo it and don't drop!
Hey Guys lately or no a while not been feeling bit crap on the done, it's 15mg but when i used to take it i felt it a bit, i changed pharmacy looks the same stuff but ever since it just don't feel nothing?, I know Sigma is the distributor, its in suspended solution not like they can skim it, but why the hell do i feel so lousy??? I'ts not a withdrawal lousy its a wake up tired as shit, depressed, tired feeling?. I want that feeling of well being back, when i first went on it some 8years ago. I'ts getting to the point i feel insanely fucked up, and anxiety is horrid. :!:!:!. Or if it doesnt get better soon i will seek out oxy. That brings me to next topic, i had a car accident in 2005, why don't docs give u breakthrough pain meds??, like Oxy on top of methadone they do in the USA. I feel even 1 of them a day might just perk me up and also help with pain i get now and again, i can get panadene forte but yuk, be ok if i could just get Codiene without that shit in it paracetemol, but i doubt i can get codeine phosphate as its like Oxy these days . My thoughts are extremely fked up too, i mean thinking that the stuff is different in the pharmacy, makes me want to go back to the old pharm, but i like this pharm as nobody is there when i go. So i have to try to rid myself of these thoughts of it being somehow shitty stuff that doesn't work, why else do i feel so crap?. :|. The other thing is i gained alot of weight, 115kilos, used to be 86 starting it 8years ago, would that do it?. I just don't know anymore, GP says try anti depressants then i get really angry thinking well i didn't need them before the dose used to take care of that stuff a bit, calm me. Why the hell isnt it calming me now?, I feel antsy alot, on edge, ummmm just effin lousy!..... Ok any thoughts on why it maybe?, i have to do something i cant go another 8months like this???., I'm going to break and try to self medicate or something to feel better, this morning i got up i was so effin tired it wasn't funny, Just a dead weight shit feeling, some days i don't even shower? cuz I am so effin tired i just throw clothes on get coffee, and Jump on the Pc. :(:(:(:(
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^ Why don't you just do a CWE on the Panadeine Forte and not have to worry about the APAP as much?

No idea on why the methadone isn't working as well, but talk to your prescriber about it.
Hey guys does anyone know what the deal is with trying to get on a program without having Medicare?
@Methadonia - sounds like you need a check up. Look - that euphoric first month on methadone never comes back. You could see if lifting your dose helps - especially with pain management too. As for always feeling tired - have you had testing for hep C? Could be cause of fatigue/feeling shit. Or maybe some other health issue - it's not always about the drugs!
Hey Guys lately or no a while not been feeling bit crap on the done, it's 15mg but when i used to take it i felt it a bit, i changed pharmacy looks the same stuff but ever since it just don't feel nothing?, I know Sigma is the distributor, its in suspended solution not like they can skim it, but why the hell do i feel so lousy??? I'ts not a withdrawal lousy its a wake up tired as shit, depressed, tired feeling?. I want that feeling of well being back, when i first went on it some 8years ago. I'ts getting to the point i feel insanely fucked up, and anxiety is horrid. :!:!:!. Or if it doesnt get better soon i will seek out oxy. That brings me to next topic, i had a car accident in 2005, why don't docs give u breakthrough pain meds??, like Oxy on top of methadone they do in the USA. I feel even 1 of them a day might just perk me up and also help with pain i get now and again, i can get panadene forte but yuk, be ok if i could just get Codiene without that shit in it paracetemol, but i doubt i can get codeine phosphate as its like Oxy these days . My thoughts are extremely fked up too, i mean thinking that the stuff is different in the pharmacy, makes me want to go back to the old pharm, but i like this pharm as nobody is there when i go. So i have to try to rid myself of these thoughts of it being somehow shitty stuff that doesn't work, why else do i feel so crap?. :|. The other thing is i gained alot of weight, 115kilos, used to be 86 starting it 8years ago, would that do it?. I just don't know anymore, GP says try anti depressants then i get really angry thinking well i didn't need them before the dose used to take care of that stuff a bit, calm me. Why the hell isnt it calming me now?, I feel antsy alot, on edge, ummmm just effin lousy!..... Ok any thoughts on why it maybe?, i have to do something i cant go another 8months like this???., I'm going to break and try to self medicate or something to feel better, this morning i got up i was so effin tired it wasn't funny, Just a dead weight shit feeling, some days i don't even shower? cuz I am so effin tired i just throw clothes on get coffee, and Jump on the Pc. :(:(:(:(
Dude honestly what are you expecting the methadone to do for you?

When you first get on it there is a mild sense of well being and opiate glow, you'd be lucky if this lasts 3 months. Once you've been on methadone for a while, it dosn't even seem psychoactive in the sense. It just keeps your opiate receptors dosed up so you dont hang. There's no high, there's no euphoria that lasts for years and years. Welcome to methadone man.

One thing though, gaining all that weight and it being so long since you've changed your dose, a dose increase is definetly called for id say. But yeah if your depressed methadone aint gunna fix that. Maybe the answer dosn't lie in drugs, but in other aspects of life.
To answer my own question you can get on the program without Medicare, you just don't get a refund. I saw the doctor and pharmacist and got my first dose today after calling directline yesterday morning, the whole experience was really professional and I'm really impressed with how seamless and easy everything was. It feels so good knowing I don't have to wake up tomorrow feeling like shit and spending the day at work hanging out and then blowing what little money I have on getting high again. If there's anyone who's in the the same position I was and have been considering or wanting to take the jump I say call up directline right now and get the ball rolling, you won't regret it.
^ Why don't you just do a CWE on the Panadeine Forte and not have to worry about the APAP as much?

No idea on why the methadone isn't working as well, but talk to your prescriber about it.

Is CWE hard to do, never done it
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Dude honestly what are you expecting the methadone to do for you?

When you first get on it there is a mild sense of well being and opiate glow, you'd be lucky if this lasts 3 months. Once you've been on methadone for a while, it dosn't even seem psychoactive in the sense. It just keeps your opiate receptors dosed up so you dont hang. There's no high, there's no euphoria that lasts for years and years. Welcome to methadone man.

Well that sucks doesnt it? feeling nothing not even well being, no wonder i want to score something.

One thing though, gaining all that weight and it being so long since you've changed your dose, a dose increase is definetly called for id say. But yeah if your depressed methadone aint gunna fix that. Maybe the answer dosn't lie in drugs, but in other aspects of life.

Maybe But Opiates have always made me feel good, an feel good equals no depression right?? you know why we do it 8)8)8). Frustrating part i know a few oxy here there will just ride me through, but due to being on methadone it's crap ass to get hold of them legally.