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Are homosexual natures created by nurture, nature, or God?

na I’m just trolling cause it’s gay as well
You do realize it's not gay to troll, lame maybe.

To even have a hope at your trolling being referred to as Gay is a reach but to speak it on yourself. Not a gay thing, lame thing.

Don't mind me just here defending the gay, I mean what would happen in a world where there was only lame?
You do realize it's not gay to troll, lame maybe.

To even have a hope at your trolling being referred to as Gay is a reach but to speak it on yourself. Not a gay thing, lame thing.

Don't mind me just here defending the gay, I mean what would happen in a world where there was only lame?
Jeez dude when u put it like that it’s even gayer
I liked your post, but how can a sexual preference be imposed from outside?

You are aware of the Christians abusing their own gays by trying to change their preferences. Right?

Do you think you could be changed to enjoy whichever sex you presently reject?

Certain preconditions can be exacerbated through the process of socialization. If someone already has the pre existing genetics and thought forms, they can become more vulnerable or susceptible to homosexual or hyper sexual influences that are within their immediate environment during the phase of child development as well as the media programmings. But again this is not all gay people. There are many who are just naturally gay. It’s not necessarily a one-concept thing. The phenomenon that we call homosexuality is just an expression of a much deeper and complex system that can manifest itself in many different ways.

However it is important to consider that there studies shown that homosexuality in rats arises through unstable living conditions such as inhabiting small areas amongst many other rats in the same way that we are overpopulated and live in compact areas. So all though it may be a natural phenomenon in some cases in other cases it can be a disruption in someone’s consciousness that comes as a result of deep stress and resistance and lack of boundaries as if someone is invading their personal space. That aspect of it needs to be addressed and not subjected to political correctness.

Conversion therapy is pointless because it is a method based on resistance towards the gays and seeing them as bad so ultimately you will have a counter resistance effect which causes even more confusion and suffering and more conflict between fundamentalist Christians and homosexuals. However it is very possible for someone to change someone else’s sexuality or for a person to change their own sexuality. They just have to be willing and open to it and have the desire to change. It’s just that most people are not aware of themselves enough to know what is the source of their sexuality and so therefore they cannot be aware of the choice. However it probably doesn’t even matter because a lot of the times the choice is made way before you are even born so you would have to be very awakened to be able to access that part of yourself if that’s what you wish to do.

And also you would have to realize at some point that it is impossible to change something about yourself or about someone else if you are treating it as if it there is something wrong with you or something bad or evil. You will only suppress it and it show up in your reality subconsciously throughout your life. So even if you succeed in conversion therapy it might still cause some very serious detrimental psychological and spiritual problems for the individual instead of cleansing them from something you perceive to be ugly or unclean.
"every evening i pray to jesus christ that i will be able to wake the next day with the strength the not listen to 50 cent's in da club for just one day but it always fails, i've lost all faith in god and myself

i started doing heroin just to calm the urge to listen to in da club but it barely helps, if anything it just makes the beat feel like it goes even harder

there is no hope, religion and injections have failed, and that's all western culture has at it's disposal other than working myself into the ground as a disposable cog in an uncaring machine while i listen to in da club cause that song is my jam"

i read this and thought

you know what

fuck it
Certain preconditions can be exacerbated through the process of socialization. If someone already has the pre existing genetics and thought forms, they can become more vulnerable or susceptible to homosexual or hyper sexual influences that are within their immediate environment during the phase of child development as well as the media programmings. But again this is not all gay people. There are many who are just naturally gay. It’s not necessarily a one-concept thing. The phenomenon that we call homosexuality is just an expression of a much deeper and complex system that can manifest itself in many different ways.

However it is important to consider that there studies shown that homosexuality in rats arises through unstable living conditions such as inhabiting small areas amongst many other rats in the same way that we are overpopulated and live in compact areas. So all though it may be a natural phenomenon in some cases in other cases it can be a disruption in someone’s consciousness that comes as a result of deep stress and resistance and lack of boundaries as if someone is invading their personal space. That aspect of it needs to be addressed and not subjected to political correctness.

Conversion therapy is pointless because it is a method based on resistance towards the gays and seeing them as bad so ultimately you will have a counter resistance effect which causes even more confusion and suffering and more conflict between fundamentalist Christians and homosexuals. However it is very possible for someone to change someone else’s sexuality or for a person to change their own sexuality. They just have to be willing and open to it and have the desire to change. It’s just that most people are not aware of themselves enough to know what is the source of their sexuality and so therefore they cannot be aware of the choice. However it probably doesn’t even matter because a lot of the times the choice is made way before you are even born so you would have to be very awakened to be able to access that part of yourself if that’s what you wish to do.

And also you would have to realize at some point that it is impossible to change something about yourself or about someone else if you are treating it as if it there is something wrong with you or something bad or evil. You will only suppress it and it show up in your reality subconsciously throughout your life. So even if you succeed in conversion therapy it might still cause some very serious detrimental psychological and spiritual problems for the individual instead of cleansing them from something you perceive to be ugly or unclean.
In the past your posts have been well thought out and well written, almost always on topic so, will I be as nice as I can.

With respect if you change the word homosexual to heterosexual in the first paragraph, you have my early life. There is no measure of choice in being gay, there is always a measure of choice in a persons actions.

Society can put pressure on me to pretend and act. Society cannot put pressure on me to change. My own will and desire to change with all the pressure of society combined failed. I have visited with some men who have gone through conversion therapy and achieved success. The success achieved is always play acting never real root desire change, none of the 100% gay males ever succeed at this, failure of an idea however should not be interpreted as some kind of resistance we blame on the gay male.

I am a gay man desperately trying be straight and not play act straight, searching from the moment I understood I was not normal, this mythical nirvana you speak of that helps people like me is located where?

You are an amazing person with insight into many areas of thought, please take no malice when I say this is a blind spot for you. We all have places where, despite high intellect, we just don't have an actual grasp of the issue.

The only description I could give is imagine a world where population control was so tight straight sex had been outlawed, IVF and hyper selection were used to make a child and all sex was gay except for illegal sex. Imagine yourself born straight in this world, what would you do? How long before you were the play actor wishing you could just be a normal person?

People are able to act outside their genetic imperatives, social pressures can force us to pretend and we can have a reasonable life pretending things aren't really how they are.

The genetic precondition of being gay is not a blame event, we don't have a need to change it. The idea that we need to change it has roots in religions but probably was introduced when a few gay men had become visible in early leadership. Hatred of gays is not a natural thing someone introduced it and along with it the idea that gay was in some way "unnatural". First we declare it irregular then unnatural then unclean next unholy and finally untolerable. This is the religious walk of shame, made entirely of beliefs and imagination.

So my challenge to the world is try to learn why I am, rather then make me different. I was born in a deeply religious enviroment and eventually found freedom, along with it I found freedom from the pointless exercise of hating on myself.

Long ago I sat until I found my answers and I would say they all happened while I was in the womb. While I could and certainly do love many women and could sexually function as well, I would be fooling them. The terrible desire to change may be able to make me successfully be in a relationship with a woman and have a family even. This just makes the lie so much bigger and the fallout so much worse.

I have a past partner who tried, married had children, lived through the whole thing and left at 50 to be himself.

We don't need fixing, we are not broken. The desire to tell others how to live their life is something I question daily.
In the past your posts have been well thought out and well written, almost always on topic so, will I be as nice as I can.

With respect if you change the word homosexual to heterosexual in the first paragraph, you have my early life. There is no measure of choice in being gay, there is always a measure of choice in a persons actions.

Society can put pressure on me to pretend and act. Society cannot put pressure on me to change. My own will and desire to change with all the pressure of society combined failed. I have visited with some men who have gone through conversion therapy and achieved success. The success achieved is always play acting never real root desire change, none of the 100% gay males ever succeed at this, failure of an idea however should not be interpreted as some kind of resistance we blame on the gay male.

I am a gay man desperately trying be straight and not play act straight, searching from the moment I understood I was not normal, this mythical nirvana you speak of that helps people like me is located where?

You are an amazing person with insight into many areas of thought, please take no malice when I say this is a blind spot for you. We all have places where, despite high intellect, we just don't have an actual grasp of the issue.

The only description I could give is imagine a world where population control was so tight straight sex had been outlawed, IVF and hyper selection were used to make a child and all sex was gay except for illegal sex. Imagine yourself born straight in this world, what would you do? How long before you were the play actor wishing you could just be a normal person?

People are able to act outside their genetic imperatives, social pressures can force us to pretend and we can have a reasonable life pretending things aren't really how they are.

The genetic precondition of being gay is not a blame event, we don't have a need to change it. The idea that we need to change it has roots in religions but probably was introduced when a few gay men had become visible in early leadership. Hatred of gays is not a natural thing someone introduced it and along with it the idea that gay was in some way "unnatural". First we declare it irregular then unnatural then unclean next unholy and finally untolerable. This is the religious walk of shame, made entirely of beliefs and imagination.

So my challenge to the world is try to learn why I am, rather then make me different. I was born in a deeply religious enviroment and eventually found freedom, along with it I found freedom from the pointless exercise of hating on myself.

Long ago I sat until I found my answers and I would say they all happened while I was in the womb. While I could and certainly do love many women and could sexually function as well, I would be fooling them. The terrible desire to change may be able to make me successfully be in a relationship with a woman and have a family even. This just makes the lie so much bigger and the fallout so much worse.

I have a past partner who tried, married had children, lived through the whole thing and left at 50 to be himself.

We don't need fixing, we are not broken. The desire to tell others how to live their life is something I question daily.
Thank you!! So well said and correct.
All is well
I’d take a semiotic view and say ‘Homosexuals’ are actually created by language. As humans use language to construct the world conceptually and socially they categorise, name, and place an implicit value on everything they perceive. Things that can influence language influence how things are eventually valued. Value is also constructed relatively by understanding first what things are not.

So in Western and Abrahamic cultures homosexuality is invariably constructed as the opposite/negation of positive heterosexuality. That is, it gets constructed and understood as a whole bunch of negatives against the commonly perceived ideal. It therefore registers cognitively to people as the negation of opposite of things like ‘natural, ‘normal’, ‘manly’, ‘pure’, ‘sacred’, good for society’, ‘about family’, ‘healthy’ etc etc.
Well all that does is cause repression. The urges are still there though.
Oh fucking Christ, I haven't been here for almost a year and @Gnostic Bishop is still here, still ruining this forum posting stupid fucking bullshit. :mad:

Not even gonna bother answering this, what's the point, is there not grounds to ban this guy yet? Dude... could you just go and find a fucking Christian forum or something to post on? None of your posts are about philosophy or spirituality, they're about dumb as fuck theological minutiae that no-one gives a fuck about and some of which are potentially pretty offensive, like this one.

Edit: Oh, have just seen he's temporarily banned... good. I'll pray to Gnostic Christ that it turns into a permanent one.
Nature, of course. Genetics.

God has nothing to do with it because it doesn't exist.

Neither has nurture, as that would imply that gayness can be learnt. Which is also bollocks.

You are what you is and the why doesn't matter.

I think it's a more complex interplay of nature and nurture. There could be environmental factors that influence population gay rate. There could then be traits that make some people more likely to turn gay from environmental causes. It probably wouldn't be a random thing.

There are theories that gayness is a response to population density or something. I think the idea is that it can be more beneficial to a group and thus to individual reproductive success to have some men take on a more nurturing role and ignore the male rivalry over reproductive opportunities.

I see no reason why it would be simply a linear hereditary thing. The natural assumption is that gayness resembles most other traits like height, intelligence, mood and whatever, and is a result of both genetics and environment.

Saying that gayness can be part nurture is not necessarily saying it can be learnt. It just means it can be influenced by environmental factors of any kind. Again, it could be like height. You don't "learn" to become as tall as you become just because environmental conditions have a part in it.

Maybe the word "nurture" has some misleading connotations. It does sound a bit like it has to do with child-rearing or teaching. I take it to mean any environmental factors, in historic tradition. Maybe the concept should be renamed since it creates confusion. In my native language we say the equivalent of "nature vs environment" instead of "nature vs nurture". It's better i think.
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I think it's a more complex interplay of nature and nurture. There could be environmental reasons that influence population gay rate. There could then be traits that make some people more likely to turn gay from environmental causes. It probably wouldn't be a random thing.

There are theories that gayness is a response to population density or something. I think the idea is that it can be more beneficial to a group and thus to individual reproductive success to have some men take on a more nurturing role and ignore the male rivalry over reproductive opportunities.

I see no reason why it would be simply a linear hereditary thing. The natural assumption is that gayness resembles most other traits like height, intelligence, mood and whatever, and is a result of both genetics and environment.

Saying that gayness can be part nurture is not necessarily saying it can be learnt. It just means it can be influenced by environmental factors of any kind. Again, it could be like height. You don't "learn" to become as tall as you become just because environmental conditions have a part in it.

Maybe the word "nurture" has some misleading connotations. It does sound a bit like it has to do with child-rearing or teaching. I take it to mean any environmental factors, in historic tradition. Maybe the concept should be renamed since it creates confusion. In my native language we say the equivalent of "nature vs environment" instead of "nature vs nurture". It's better i think.

Good points.

I guess if your parents were The Village People, that could have an influence on your sexuality... 😜
Oh fucking Christ, I haven't been here for almost a year and @Gnostic Bishop is still here, still ruining this forum posting stupid fucking bullshit. :mad:

Not even gonna bother answering this, what's the point, is there not grounds to ban this guy yet? Dude... could you just go and find a fucking Christian forum or something to post on? None of your posts are about philosophy or spirituality, they're about dumb as fuck theological minutiae that no-one gives a fuck about and some of which are potentially pretty offensive, like this one.

Edit: Oh, have just seen he's temporarily banned... good. I'll pray to Gnostic Christ that it turns into a permanent one.

The topic itself is alright and interesting, aside from the "god" part. Would be better in a science forum than spirituality though.
Matthew 19:12, spoken by none other than the God-Man himself, JC:

For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother’s womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven’s sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.

So there you go. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it 👌🤣 ✝️

Of course I don't believe in any of these fairy tales but I have read that book pretty closely as a form of literature (of which the "old testament" is more entertaining given the prettier writing and more bizarre story lines).
Good points.

I guess if your parents were The Village People, that could have an influence on your sexuality... 😜

I think that sort of cultural factor at least increases the expression of gayness. There could also be other less direct factors underlying a gay-positive culture.