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anyone love sex on mdma?

when i am on MDMA i just wanna hug and kiss a girl. i can dance too but the love feeling takes over :p
I can remember several years back having sex all the time on MDMA.

Although eventually things got trashy and I would just hook up with raver sluts and other trash in my car or at the hotel after massives, it started out special.

I can remember the 5 or 6th time I had ever rolled. We had just aquired some fire pills. They were Green and Orange Ferarris from 2007. These pills were incredible and every 2 months or so my friends and I would all get together and have a big roll party.

As always, it started out as a social situation with the closest friends. We would prep the night with blacklights and posters, high intensity glow sticks, Tiesto and Armin mixes, and lots of soft things. This was religion for us, as Im sure it is for many of you in different ways.

When the music started and the pills kicked in, I would feel my heartrate begin to rise in PURE anticipation and excitement. By the time I asked myself what I should do next, my whole body felt like it was made of celestial light. I could have been in the middle of nowhere...a broken down car...a bus stop. It didnt matter. When those pills made me peak, I was on cloud 9. I dont think Ill ever roll like that again.

Lets call my friend "Crystal". She was a wild soul. A fire no one in our group could contain. For some reason, she took a liking to me. Maybe it was my taste in music which was pretty radical at the time..maybe it was because I DJ'd... maybe it was because we shared the same zodiac...

Who knows?

All I did know, was that I liked her as a friend. An athletic girl who hadnt played a sport in her life. Crystal was the type of girl you could easily see takin home to your mother. She had short black hair she would part to one side and bright blue eyes. Her figure was perfect...and she always wore super trendy outfits that reminded me of what I had imagined Hollywood to be like. Some girls like her was always the center of attention and often leader of the party. As with all fire though, the brighter and more beautiful it burns, the hotter it gets.

On one particular occasion, 2 of my other friends ended up leaving early. (1:30am). I packed up a bong as I sat on the couch. Crystal turned to me:

"Are you cool if I stay for a bit? I dont want to have to sneak into my parents house this late.."

Of course she was welcome to stay. While we were all past our peak, everyone was still peaking at this time. My friends took off for the night and I said goodbye to them.
Crystal came and sat over by me. She started asking about the candy's I had on my arm and where I had got them all. As she grabbed my wrist and twisted the bracelets she started to caress my arm for a moment. I will never forget how amazing that felt.

I sat up.

"Wanna hit this bong?"

She took it from me and said

"Do you still feel anything? I kind of want to take another..."

I replied that I didnt have anymore and we would have to call "J". She reached into her purse into a small makeup case and pulled out 4 tan volkswagon pills...these were bigger than any pills I had ever seen. They had the sweetest cherry licorice smell Ill never forget. I know neither of those features matter...but that smell with forever stay with me. She looked straight into my eyes, put 2 on her tongue, and pulled me forward. It was the sweetest kiss of my life...so much much tongue and passion. After what seemed like a brief moment she pulled back and smiled. I now had 2 bitter pills in my mouth that I quickly swallowed.

She reached down into her little case and took the other two and took a swig of water. I quickly chased down some water too.

I offered her the bong and she took a hit. I took one too. I needed some classic green.

Like I said before, we were both past our first peak but definitely still rolling. I guess I hadnt been paying attention since I was really starting to flutter as I could tell emotion was building all around me. It was literally felt like a swarm of neon UV monarch butterflies were buzzing all over the room.

Crystal got up and changed the ipod stereo. Thank god for surround sound. I have a handful of Armin van Buuren state of trance mixes that will always feel special for me. She scanned through the mix until she got to one of our favorite tracks :

Parker & Hanson - "Let Me Be (Original Extended)

Say what you will about trance...tonight, I could feel the bass pumping through my soul. And my heart rate was rising again already. I turned to Crystal, but before I could say anything I just started smiling and she smiled at me back from across the room. She looked at me and said:

"Do you feel it?" "I think Im rolling again!!"

I had completely forgotten about the bong rip. It brought our first roll back on HARD. Im talking harder than our first peak. She kept saying it was too hot in here. I ran and got the fans and out them on. We danced for about 10 min...occasionally lying down on my shag rug and then getting back up. What happened next was seriously next level. The other rolls we had takin started blowing us up and she started to lose it. She started moaning and breathing heavy..said she couldnt take it and kept closing her eyes. She my head with both hands and forced her tongue down my throat and we started making out...feeling and exploring each others bodies over clothing. She stood up. I sat on the rug looking up as she hovered over me. Next part is graphic, read at your own discretion.

As she slowly slid her jeans off, she told me I was going to remember this for the rest of my life. She came down and pulled down my pants. I know most people have trouble getting an erection on MDMA, but this girl was a 10. When she saw my dick she started sucking in the most erotic of ways...ways that every teenage boy would dream of. I guess this part was kind of funny because she was gurning really hard and every now and then would give it a tiny nibble. She started breathing heavier and feeling herself aggressively through her panties.

She grabbed my head again and started making out with me...slowly straddling me. She was wearing a black halter top, lifted up to reveal her breasts, a pair of sea green panites, and some white ankle socks. She slid me in and began to ride me. Ill never ever ever forget how that first felt. It was like I had been embraced in velvet from the gods.

Having sex on ecstasy is not as good as everyone says it is. It is exponentially better. There is no way I can describe it... I have no clue what heroin is like, but maybe the euphoric reaction they get is similar to what I felt. She kept grinding hard and it was like I was having an orgasm the whole time even though my body was rushing far too hard to cum.

We had sex for about 15 mins...and the whole rug and all the pillows we had around us were soaked. I dont think I have ever seen a girl get so wet in my life. She rode me so hard it all happened at once...I literally exploded inside her and she kept going.

"OMG!! Im sorry!"

I was so embarrassed..she held me inside her and leaned close and told me not to worry because she was on the pill. She told me that now we were connected.

I thought about it for a second. She was right... 90% of other people in that situation probably would have ended up with a baby. The process of such a thing.. Creating life...we created a bond over the process that led to a lifetime memory.

We talked for a few hours then had sex again...no where near as intense as the first time, but still amazing. We took a shower than got into my bed where we lay until about 3 the next day.

When I woke up, she was gone. We still talked, but things would never be the same. We were meant to go our seperate ways. She went back to school..and I went back to raving. We didnt talk much after she left...I know its because of the sex...but it was an experience meant to be remembered as something that never was...

I dont regret anything. We were not meant to be together...two different people from two different world. We wanted to share one memory.

damn.. almost sounds to good to be true, must find some ravergurl who wants to do the same! cool story! :D

you guys who say you cant get hard on MDMA have you tried Viagra/kamagra on MDMA?
Best X story Ever!!! Thanks for the post. Had the same situation with a girl that used to dance. We both had a good time but she was sort of single and got back with the guy since they had a kid together. That was the best sex Ever!!! Rolling and having her suck your member to your balls is Amazing! Miss that girl every time I think about it. Seen her a couple of years later and we just smiled at each other. Whish I could hit that again!
Little Story.

A good friend of mine had never rolled and he was in town for the weekend and asked about it so we decided to make his first roll an experience to remember. We all dropped at the same time. 3 guys and 4 girls (love to be outnumbered lol) and after an hour he goes man I don't feel a thing but I am thirsty, so he proceeds to stand up to get a glass of water and you could see his body melt right before your eyes. He says man I feel like I'm on a cloud. He sits right back down. We let him move to close to a peak and decided it was time to blow his ass up. I was really good at liquid with glowsticks(year 2000) so I ran and grabbed my sticks and a new vicks for my bro, The girls surrounded him and started giving him a body rub. I handed him the inhaler and told him to wait but when I said so sniff the inhaler. I started going through my relaxing hypnotist style stuff with him and as he starts to trance out the girls took there tops off, It was dark so he couldn't tell yet....Well once I realized the girls had there tops off I turned the music up and broke the sticks out and started doing liquid, they were nice and bright and he realized the girls were naked so I had him sniff the vicks. His eyes rolled back and the girls had him lay down so they could play with him a bit more. I asked him how he was feelin' and he says "Bro I feel like a penis and everyone is jacking me off"
I've had a many wild nights on MdMa. The crazyest was a 3sum on sum good beans and I can easily blast a finish on her stomach after I peak I just load it out
damn.. almost sounds to good to be true, must find some ravergurl who wants to do the same! cool story! :D

you guys who say you cant get hard on MDMA have you tried Viagra/kamagra on MDMA?

yes. it works. i can never get it up on mdma without a little help. for me, levitra works better than viagra but YMMV. also i usualy add l-arginine to my pre load, helps combat the vasoconstriction.

1 hour before dropping pre load with regular supplements and l-arginine
30min before levitra (or viagra if you can't get levitra). i know there are some who say not to mix the 2 but i read enough positive reports to not worry about it
t+0 drop

enjoy lots of sexy fun time even while peaking. unfortunately, no matter what i've tried, still can't "finish" but like others have mentioned the sex itself is almost like orgasm
Yes, I love sex on molly. But that's only when I can get it up. Sometimes I feel like its impossible no matter how turned on I am or how hot the girl is, I just can't get it up for the life of me.
Fooling around is fun.

But the home run can be difficult, especially since it's hard to get it up and the girl can also be dry too. Lol.

And that's the last time I'll post about the subject. I'm too innocent.
I've been able to get erections on MDMA, but cumming is an extreme effort. Most of the time I can't even get hard. Honestly, I'm more interested in cuddling than sex while on it lol.
Sort of - I like the emotional closeness, but I've found that neither me or my partner can really finish from it.
I love receiving anal on mdma and I always end up orgasming but not cumming.
Sex on MDMA is fantastic. I've always enjoyed it. Yes it can be a bit hard to cum but hell I've still managed to do it while rolling. I've had some fantastic threesomes on Ecstasy. Gotta love the things that'll happen during sex with a little bit of X.
Can be good - more maybe messing around as someone put it - I can get hard - maybe not always super hard but yeah firing can be hard - have done it though after lots of work
Was on steroids and MDMA. Did fuck her had plenty of power and strength but couldn't feel any climax. :(