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anyone love sex on mdma?

Sex on MDMA is great! Never had a "mechanical" problem with it...actually quite the opposite.;)
epic story teller bro!!!!..dope story,..the roll that got away lol classic
I can't cum in MDMA, to be fair I've never really tried, because I'm the same when I've been drinking, it becomes a mission rather than enjoying it. I do find that oral feels amazing though, but when i know I can't cum the I much prefer getting my partner off. ;) Giving him pleasure gets me off. Also anal doesn't become an issue, we get kinky as. I tongued my boyfriends aHole for the first time when rolling. He loved it 8(
He has trouble getting hard hard, he tries floppy and it still works laugh out loud it's brilliant. Although he does cum every time. But he's screwed for ages afterwards, he's dead to the world from expending all his energy.
Yeah it's good but sex on 2cb is better IMO. No troubles hoisting the mizzen mast. Can last for a while. Get pretty fucking creative for both parties ;). Oh and a little heavy petting afterwards and it's flying full sail again lol.
i swear everytime i roll on some good mdma, i feel extremely horny and want to have sex. when i'm not at the rave dancing my ass off, i have pretty much done it everytime.

Must be nice. I can't pee when I'm on MDMA, much less get it up. Usually gotta wait till halfway through the next day. :|
im always horny on mdma but can never cum which is frustrating..
besides id rather just hug and shit whilst on mdma
unfortunately its been awhile since i had sex on mdxx. fuck its been a while, period. who doesnt love it though lol. nowadays though i dont really want to bang random hoes, and im so floored compared to back in the day. and i usually feel pretty sweaty and gross, generally undesirable. and then i just really want to fucking dance lol
Question to those who can get their member hard enough to fuck. What is your dosage? would you consider it to be light?
(Just wondering if I should try lowering my dose to be able to perform...)
Question to those who can get their member hard enough to fuck. What is your dosage? would you consider it to be light?
(Just wondering if I should try lowering my dose to be able to perform...)

I'm curious too. I'm gonna lower my dose a bit when I roll this week so I can hopefully fully perform, lol. Less of a roll for better sex I guess?
Usually while i'm rolling i'd rather be hugging , cuddling, showing affection. Not really having sex, but who knows I've never been with a gf on it. It's usually at a rave with random peeps / friends.
I love sex on mdma, only thing is I can't get it up and have to rely on what other people can provide ;)
Question to those who can get their member hard enough to fuck. What is your dosage? would you consider it to be light?
(Just wondering if I should try lowering my dose to be able to perform...)

one dose of pure 100mg mdma should be enough, wait till after you peak to perform. remember foreplay is a important factor, not only it gets you to stop worrying about your shrunken penis, it's better than sex haha
Find sex best at 5-6 hrs after peak then again after couple hrs of sleep in the afterglow
If you can't get it up buy a strap-on and fuck her to the music. If you think about it not getting hard it never will. And if you're lucky she'll return the favour with the strap-on.