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anyone got any good rolltricks?

Have someone lay on a bed on their back with just their head hanging off the bed close thier eyes and tell them to take deep breaths for 20 seconds, then have someone (of the opposite sex perferebaly) wet their hands in cold water, but not too wet, and massage their bare stomach with only their fingertips while the bed laying person is taking their breaths, after the 20 seconds tell the person to raise their head and open their eyes then have a third person vicks the hell out of them, while the third person is blowing the vicks have the person who was doing the massaging drag the bed laying person by their ankles completely onto the bed. This should glue that person to the bed for a while. It is the shit. I call it the X-Bed.
This feels really good and its really easy. First of all you have to sit down. Now get two bottles (preferably empty glass ones of the same size [i.e. two empty 12 oz beer bottles])and place them on the ground below your feet. Now starting at the heel, roll the bottles from your heel back to your toe over and over again. Close your eyes and breathe with the same rhythm as you are rolling your feet. It feels so amazing and its really easy.
Try it and tell me how it works!
This is one of my current favs. Playing at a playground after the clubs. Slides and junglegyms rock but the absolute best is swingsets!!!!!! Holy shit man, there's nothing like it! I nearly freaked out, coolest sensations ever!
Going barefoot & playing in the sand is really cool too.
I don't know if any of you have tried this or not, but I highly recommend it! Let me know what ya'll think!
Peace, love & eternal grooviness :)
u need 3 peeps fer this... **The HeArTbEaT**
k have 1 person do all the directing...
sit 2 peeps down facing each other indian style.
Have them find each others pulse (on the neck) Make sure they have both found each others pulses. b4 going ne farther.
Have them both start breathing in and out very deeply. b4 they pass out from taking the deep breaths, Have them move their heads slowly 2gether like they're looking at the ground. MAKE SURE THEY STILL HAVE EACH OTHERS PULSES!!! continue the breathing until they can both feel their heartbeats combine and u may eventually pass out...No matter what u'll feel the heartbeats combine. 1ce you do this you'll totally understnad lol it sounds a lil tricky but definately worth the time

it's a good group thing 2 but u need some1 2 direct.
Hey guys...im new at this bluelight thing...but i got a great roll trick...go to the drug store and but stuff called tiger balm (muscle relaxer). get your rolling victim...take a small amount and rub it into the back of their neck, massaging as you do it too. then after it is rubbed in...gently blow on the back of their neck. you will see them start to tremble, they might even fall over..so be careful...you can also have them take off their shirt and do it down their spine.
***hint*** dont do it at an outside party, or where it is cold..that stuff will make you freeze.....lemme know what you guys think....you guys have some phat trix tho!
Ok here is the best thing to do period. First off, hyperventilating then standing taking a deep breath, I call this a rising sun. Now as your rising, if you take in a shotgun of a blunt, we call this a rising gun. Get it? rad. Now, while your rolling and stoned, take a rising gun and as your standing all the way up with your eyes closed and holding in a deep breath, have someone give you a bear hug from behind. You'll need someone really strong so they can pick you up and pass you out with the bear hug. Some friends did this to me when I was just stoned and I woke up in a black room, not being able to see anything and I heard a bunch of demons laughing(my friends). Also, baby anne turned into some wicked demon break beats. Needless to say It was the radest experience ever. Everyone do this you'll remember it forever!
I dunno if someone already posted this. But take your vicks inhaler and heat it with a lighter but dont melt the plastic. Then do the breathing in the inhaler like you normally would. Just makes the hole vicks deal more intense. =)
Peace, Love, Unity, Understanding, Respect, Responsibity
i just rolled during the day a few weeks ago, and it was amazing..the sunlight was great. i recommend walking around barefoot in the grass (especially after it rains), if its hot, a wet little wash cloth towel is amazing for massages. and if anyone has a station wagon, or anycar that you can sit in the trunk, get as many people as you can and just sit inside, for some reason, being in a small place where you could still see out of was cool. these are all things to do when you roll at a party at someones plce, not a club.
OK this is definitly the trick that will blow you up more than other one in the world. BUT DON'T try this. This is extremely dangerous. Especially if you don't know what you're doing. But this is what I used to do all the time while I was rolling. This is just for educational purposes only! Please don't try it because people have definitly died before from this. Okay, first I would chew the beans up. Usually I would chew a mixture of two different kinds at once. For instance, I chewed up 1 double stacked white elephant. And 1 lemon drop. I started blowing up fast. Then I smoke a bowl. Then here's the trick. Then I have a bottle of DUST OFF handy and shoot it into my mouth for a while and then hold it in so long that I'm about to die and then let it out, stand up really fast and then sit down. Now you're the MOST FUCKED UP PERSON ON THE PLANET! I started seeing and hearing things like never before. So, then I keep using the dust off all night as a blow up tool. DUST OFF MAKES VICKS INHALER LOOK LIKE CHILD'S PLAY PUSSY SHIT. The buzz is way better and way more intense in my opinion. You get visualls like never before. You will see shit multiply for hours. These are way better than even the vibrations. Okay there's the ultimate trick and never try it.
Alright now...I don't know if anyone has mentioned this trick yet, but if they haven't, then this is one EVERYONE needs to try. I call it the "shit lift" It requires 5 people to lift and one person to be lifted. Now, what you do is, start off like you are doing and elevator, but when you stand up, fall backwards into the 5 lifters arms. Then all at once, they lift you up into the air and just start shaking you around in the air so that your limbs are flaling around everywhere. Then one of the lifters counts to three, and, all going the same direction, rock the person in the are back and forth, kinda like a swing, to the ground. When you hit the ground, it feels like you are still swinging. It's a trip!!!
E-mail me with results!!!! Jen
ok so this is kinda like the cousin if you will of the sea breeze. if its been thought of before fine let me know but so far ive been calling it "hell breeze" anyways you need a vicks inhaler of course and then (im sure many of you have done this part before)to make it hellish heat it up with a lighter not to much as to melt it but just enough so you can still hold it in your mouth then take a hit off a cigarette and blow that hot ass vicksy tingling smoke all over someones face, kinda hurts your eyes a little but incorporating into a light show is awesome, and you have to play the part too like youre the devil or something but not to scary
thanx for listening
why do you think we're here, to drink the applesauce?
I liked this trick someone showed me. I'm not sure if it was already posted. It can get kinda loud though, so protect your ears.
You need a balloon and a Big Speaker Stack.
Just lean against the speaker, so you can feel it pumping through you. Try and hold on the balloon first to see if you like teh feel, its gonna shake like mad. Have someone rub the balloon over your face, arms or wherever. Its quite intense and will leave you tingling for quite a while.
"We let each other see the beauty inside without shame or anxiety. We're happy and free. This is Ecstasy." Anon
I luv reading this thread, it's so awesome!!!
I've wanted to try so many of these tricks, and I've even printed out the really long ones, but here's the problem...
I've talked to my friends about doing some of these tricks, and they all want to try them, but every time we roll we either forget or we're too distracted with something else (i.e., "okay, we'll do tricks in a minute, I just need to go pet my cat first... oh wait! now I have to go smoke a cigarette!!").
And by the time we remember later, we've usually smoked a little bud, so we're too mellow to even get up, much less do something that requires coordination.
Grr!! It's so frustrating!! heheh, oh well... maybe one day I'll remember.
keep em coming, folks! this thread kicks boo-tay!
Ooh, girl, look at the PERSONALITY on HIM!!
anyone ever notice that when you wear a hat you tend to roll harder?
I experimented with this one night..
All it took was one hat, and a AC vent..
Wated till I started peaking, took hat off, and stood under AC vent, felt the peak taper a bit, put hat back on, and felt it come back..
not so much a trick but im pretty sure that temperature effects the chemical reaction.
although it produces a somewhat less speedy feeling... which I dislike.
[This message has been edited by Demodulate (edited 02 August 2000).]
Alright I dont feel like going through all 7 pages of blow up tricks so ill ad mine even tho they might be on here.
1: have your arms criss-crossed and hold onto someone elses arms the same way ..facing each other..spin each other around in circles if your both rolling youll probaly fall so make sure its a big open space preferable not at a rave
2: take one of those necklaces with the silver balls that everyone wears and put it in a freezer for a while.....wait til the persons rolling hard and rub it up and down on their back alternating intensity and rhythm
3: find someone you love and let them know
4: let someone see those stank raver feet and have them give you a massage with lotion it feels mad good
5: pass up on a rave and go to a professional masseuse instead ...usually theyll let you bring in your own cds or tapes..take a bubble bath before you go...ive never felt so good after rolling i swear i was on cloud 9 for a week after that massage
6. lotion, lotion, and more lotion, the glittery stuff from victoria secrets is good use your imagination
7. throw a naked e-party with some close friends but you can only massage each other...hehe ive always thought about that but than again that could turn into an orgy not for the timid
thats all i can think of right now
peace love n trance
stand up with your legs shoulder-width apart.
Now bend over at the waist and shake your head around while you're upside down to the beat of the music. Girls, you probably get what I am saying here....it's like when you flip your head upside down to dry your hair.
Do that for 30 sec-1 min and then stand up real fast....
Have someone behind you to catch you or a bed/couch to fall on...
I GAR-UN-TEE you that you will fall backwards!
It's awesome....try it! :)
Take Care,
Meg :)
Ok I dont kno a name for this one but it was pritty kool when it was done to me.
Well first you have someone rolling and someone to do the effect. Have the rollie standing sitting or what eva you want. Give them a light show with glowsticks for a little while. Its good to have a mask wit vicks in it while their getting the light show. Ok so the person is giveing you the show and when you see the person really blowing up take the sticks and put it above their head and tell them to look up(do this kinda quick) and as soon as they look up drop the sticks. When you drop the sticks rubb their whole body up and down staring from the hands down to the legs etc. You can have more than one person helping you if ya like. And then after you give them a whole body rubb down give them a big tight hug kinda like a x-hug and they be blown away!
Becareful not to drop them cus they usually passout. Hope you guys understood cus its kinda confusing. I like this one cus it has all 3 things in it. Glow show, massage, and an x-hug

Drink a keg, smoke a bowl, and cant forget to drop a roll...
[This message has been edited by motoraver (edited 11 August 2000).]
here's my favorite thng i bring *everywhere* with me. go to bath and body works. they have this spearmint pulse point cream. it's in a tiny glass pump bottle (does that make sense?!), it's about $10 and it will last you forever. rub this into your temples and oh_my_gawd ...it's the BEST! you can feel the spearmint absorb into your brain
very relaxing even if you are not rolling.
...the bass go daa'..
So, Here's theone trick that I learned was crazy awesome:
First you need someone of similar height that can support your weight. Then you lock arms behind eachother so you are back to back (lock at the elbows). Walk around like that for a while, then, Get the other person to lean forward so you are lifted off the ground and are basically lying on their back. The other person starts spinnig, or moving like an airplane, and it feels totally like you are flying. It is crazy, try it.

**no fears and no regrets baby**
If you're at an outdoor event on a hot sunny day, (well, I guess it doesn't matter what time of day it is) get some of that new sunblock for kids that turns your skin a different color. It comes in like purple, green, & yellow n stuff. When your peaking, put it on yourself and a couple of friends and watch each other magically change colors! You'll trip out watching it happen and the color goes away after a few minutes and your back to normal! While your purple, green or yellow, look at each other and make funny faces or say stupid stuff like "Hey, I'm from outer space bleep bleep woogaaboogaaboogaa!" Or introduce yourselves as "Hi, I'm Grape (purple person) this is Avacado (green person) and this is our friend Bananaaaaaa (yellow person), nice taaa meet chaaaaaaa!"
You can also use it to write messages on your friends back, arms and face or something. Or you could leave palm prints on random people, that's always fun!