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anyone got any good rolltricks?

SPARKALERS.. then again im amazed easly!
<--- wow look at the happy face WOW weeeeeeeeee.. AMAZING! heh im all cracked out.
a E a day keeps the doctor away!
okay i luv vics like most ppl when they r rollin.
but it seems some ppl like tah put vics under their eyes.
i dont get y bc it makes muh eyes water and when i go tah whip off the tear drops the vics gets in muh eyes.
can some1 tell me the point of that??
it happens to me every parttee and i hate it!!
luvie u all
kandie huggies and kissies 4 all
*~*remember when we first met...friends until the end...i'll hold u in muh heart...until we met agian...*~*---happy hardcore:)
kandie luv!
don't wipe your eyes. they are supposed to tear, just put it on and go around and have fun, your eyes will tear but before u know it they will stop tearing. rubbing them will burn them.
also, here's a trick for you. brush your teeth. brush them really hard and really fast. it feels so good against your gums. do this for a like a minute or 2 and then spit it out. the more blood u spit out, the harder u brushed them and the better it will feel. your gums will be fine, you are just brushing your teeth, and it wont hurt at all. it feels really really good
Alright.. here is one that i like to do..but you need to be fit. Take a few deep breaths, and quickly Do a handstand against a wall. While you are upside down, do a few wall pushups while you are letting all the blood flow to your head. before you push off the wall, take one last deep breath.... just make sure you have people around so you dont break your neck.
make a fist with your hand, take some vicks and rub it on the outside of your fist, have another person who's rolling standing in front of you, swing your arm back and punch them in the face, have them fall back onto a couch or bed so they don't get hurt.
AOL IM: flipdrive
[email protected]
mkay, here's one. person A is rolling (let's call her amy). person b can also be rolling. doesnt' much matter. let's call him brady. amy sits somewhere, doesn't matter, and brady stands behind her. brady tells amy to close her eyes and relax her neck. he then takes glowstix, or the little flasy-light-things that fit in the palm of your hand, holds them to amy's eyes so they shine against her eyelids. then all of the sudden he starts moving her head around to the music -- not slow. really really fast (but without breaking amy's neck). then, when he's done, he slowly takes the light source away from her eyes and lets her head do what it wants -- float, fall, whatever. then he tells her very gently to open her eyes..... freakin' cooooool!! try it with other people massaging and vixing too. you know, the usual.
number two, kind of an easy glowstik trick, is to hold the glowstik in front of the roller's face, but not in the middle of the stik -- kind of to the outside. then slowly move the stik up and down -- it makes it look like it's not a solid object anymore and that it's waving. pretty neat too with more than one stik, or assorted colors.
oh yeah, and here's a li'l BUMP for ya too!
-- squirt
"I just got lost in thought. It was unfamiliar territory."
I don't know if anyone has done this/had this done to them or not, but this is on of my favorites! I like to do this to either myself or whoever is around watching me do this.
I like anything trance. So I usually stick to parties geared to that. Here it goes.
What you need:
-two people - P1 to be the receiver, P2 to be the guide.
-should be rollin or just about to
-biggest rack of speakers in the joint!!
I enjoy being the guide in this one as much as being the reciever. The look of pure utopia on the recievers face is almost as good as the experience itself!
After find the biggest rack of speakers in the joint, P2 (hereunto referred as the Guide
) tells P1 to stand in front of, with their back facing the speakers. While P1 is doing this, the Guide tells P1 to close their eyes and plug their ears.
This takes a lot of trust on the part of P1. With P1's eyes closed and ears plugged the Guide now slowly pushes P1 towards the speaker, making sure that P1's head doesn't touch the speaker....just yet.
After about 10 sec or so of having P1 stand against the speaker and (hopefully) thoroughly enjoying the beats of the music, the Guide will lightly touch P1's forehead and slowly push it back to the speaker.
Be carful though - P1 may not leave the speaker for anywhere between 5 min to about a half an hour!

The first time this was done to me I just physicall couldn't leave the speaker for about 20 min, I was in such a state of bliss.
If anyone tries this or has tried this, email or ICQ me to tell me how you liked it!
when it's raining oranges, don't ask why? pick one up, peel it, eat it and enjoy the rest of your day!
Okay, I don't think that anyone has posted anything like this yet.
You need at least 2 people, but 3 would be ideal. This really can only be done at a house party.
It can be done in any room, but we did it in the kitchen. It is the most fun if everyone participating is rolling, but they don't have to be.
Okay, so we have roller A (Alex), roller B (Bart) and roller C (Christy).
Alex, if he is tall enough stands in the kitchen, stretches his arms up and pushes as hard as he can on the ceiling. I am not tall enough to do this so I climbed up on the counter and it worked just as well.
While Alex is pushing AS HARD AS HE CAN on the ceiling, Bart is massaging up and down one of ALex's arms with lotion and Christy is doing the same to the other.
As you can see, Bart could be doing both arms by himself. I say to have two addition people because everyone I ahve done this to, including myself, always lose themselves and usually end up falling. You don't want Alex to slam his head on the ground no do you?!
I know the trick sounds kind of goofy, but it is awesome!!!! I promise. Try it out and tell me what you think!!
[email protected]
One of the best roll thingies are butterfly kisses...
For those of you who don't know what they are they're kisses with your eyelashes. Stand with your eyelashes on someone's cheek and then blink rapidly. It tickles so beautifully...
The longer your eyelashes are the better it works...
One my fav's that i don't think has been mentioned is to watch cartoons with no sound
and put music on that has lyrics, like some good ol' happy hardcore, and sit and (get a massage) wait for the cartoon charactos to look like they are singing
and sometimes- u swear they ACTUALLY are
so much fun!
I have a sup-rise for you......... Come in and see..Big boy........*bang*
[runs for the door as the blood runs rapid, after a thud to the floor]
glowsticks and just sit and chill with my girl.
_..just close your eyes and we can walk across the sky..__
Those Vix Nasal thingies, you know, those white one - well, heat it up with a lighter and then sniff it. Nice rush
Oh yeah kissing while on e is so amazing. The kisses are so passionate. It feels so good...something i recommend you to try.
I'm new and i just read the trick about the dishwasher, what we found was incredible was in a hotel room one nite we created a makeshift sauna by keeping the shower on full blast the entire time. We kept the door shut and came and left as we wanted to. This is an incredible feeling! (I don't know if i would recommend this at home, especially if you have wallpaper, it might just come off) We also descovered that shampoo and soap rubbing on your hands works great, too!
Life's a journey, not a destination. 'Aerosmith'
Whatever ppls use for there muscle sorness in sport you know that dencorub stuff...
Put a heap on your feet under your socks and then go dancing
Stand alongside someone at a bar thats tripping there head off and order a Drambue in a port glass...Light it and place hand over the top of the glass...Fast..palm down
it'll stick by vacume to your hand, you can then hold it upside down ect..Not my best trick but ya know im bored
I went to WEMF this weekend and had a complete blast! Not only was the music wikked, and the people awesome. But I tried out your X-HUG and had AMAZING RESULTS!
The first one I did was to a guy that I had met a couple of months ago. I had forgotten his name but recognized him immediately as he did me. We re-bonded instantly and told him about the X-Hug. My first attempt wasn't all that great because I was a newbie doing it. But I did manage to give him a wicked body buzz nonetheless. The second time I did it to him was somewhat later in the night after I had the chance to do it to a few more people. He blasted so high out of this world that he passed out and couldn't believe where he was!
Another guy I did it to was flying so high that he nearly fell on his ass! But I held on to him. He was so impressed that he just had to learn it and he started to spread it around.
The next night, I continued the show, and got better and better. And here's the best part: I met this super cute girl named Lee (if you're out there... smooches and smiles baby!) She just sat down beside me and we started to chat... A little later on, I asked her if she'd ever heard of an X-Hug. And she did not. I asked if I could do one and she was a little hesitant but agreed to try it.
She relaxed soon enough and got to the point where she was complete dead weight on my shoulders. After the lift-off and exhale, she was completely passed out for a full 3-5 seconds. It wasn't til I asked her, "How high did you fly?" that she snapped out of it with eyes as wide as dishes! ehhe. All she could do was say, "AMAZING" And she just had this look of wonder and pleasure all mixed into one. Then wham! She plants a big wet kiss and so we kiss for a bit and she said something about the experience better than an orgasm!
So, Crush thanks for the trick! I have to admit that I was pretty proud to give a girl an orgasmic exprience while she was fully clothed

For those who wanna know how the X-Hug is performed, read Crush's post on the first page of this long thread.
Who Dares, wins.
My guyfriend took some swingdancing classes and last weekend when I was rolling, he taught me the move where I would run at his outstretched arm and he would swing my legs over so that I flipped. If you know someone that can do this DO IT. It was the best trick that I have EVER tried.
im sure youve tried this, but jump on on e of those huge trampolines. jump higher and higher then sometimes land on your butt on the trampoline or spin around. but makes sure you dont hurt yourself!