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I was just ribbing you. But you said LSD not 2-cb. 6 hours is perfectly normal to still be tripping while on LSD.
Yeah I should've been more clear. My initial experience was on LSD (the first night, friday) the second encounter was on 2-cb (was unable to test it due to being inside the festival grounds and trusting someone I shouldn't have) Tested afterwards.
I'm new to all this, well, not really, was reading some of the channellings in 2011 from various sources and in the back of my mind saying, WTF. Seemed spiritually kinda shallow at the time, but why was it happening on a worldwide scale? I don't believe in coincidences but don't claim to know what coincidences mean. I lost interest when 2012 prophecies failed to materialize. I'm still only casually interested. Gotta say though, I've been coming across some really interesting validations of what has been happening in my own life from increasingly strange sources. Not like I go looking for this stuff, I click a few links and there it is. If I can relate to it in my experience then I pay attention but remain skeptical. Still, I'm reluctant to build increasingly complex arguments against my experience just so I can stay in consensual reality. Another funny thing about consensual reality, many of the people I respect have already jumped ship, I'm talking about educated, sane and spiritual individuals that start using "galactic federation of light" casually in conversation like this is the new consensual reality. Lol. A long time family friend recently told me about my own extraterrestrial heritage. I didn't know she was into this stuff. I ain't telling you what that is so don't ask what that heritage is, but makes sense when I did some background reading. She started giving precise explanations for weird experiences I'd been having. She doesn't meet your stereotypes of a conspiracy freak, more like the stereotype of the person who leads a blessed life. Whatever, I treat it all with a light touch and keep the parasites at a distance by depriving them of food best I can. Yeah, I've seen the parasites, so that part I believe in already. I chose a path that involves holistic healing remember (mostly of myself at this stage) and so I've seen and felt the parasites draining our life force. You can embellish or tone it down as much as you want, but that part is real to me. I know they can't get any nourishment from me if I don't feed them so I ain't worried about it, just a little disgusted is all. Till this is all revealed, I'd rather just enjoy the unfolding story without filling my head with too many strange ones. Then again, I've already crossed that line a long time ago to some when I let the 'G' word slip, so I'm happy to be living here now in this interesting time. Let the freak flags fly as far as I'm concerned, just do it responsibly.
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They feed on negative energy but they go silent when you won't give it to them. I tend to think of them more as discarnate entities.
yup, that's my experience of it. Nice to know of someone else experiencing something similar. There's a really ugly one going around that has fine tentacles, sorta jellyfish like. Feeds off the energy centers. If you go to a reiki healer to get help they get extremely sick. It's really hard to remove
Yes, I've had several people trying to remove them from me at times in my life, but they just re-attached. I believe most of us have hundreds or thousands, although some can be more pure.

The main thing is they can't sustain themselves on positive energy, and if you have mostly this going through your system they quickly have to leave. They will do anything to trigger it, bring up past trauma, etc. and can give you the feeling you're going crazy. You think the worse you feel the more you are likely to be rescued, that is not the case. But when you start running on positive energy in powerful way they will go away.
beautifully said Ninae, people should take note when they beat themselves up about things. Why do you think we got addictions in the first place? Why are there all these people all of a sudden practicing self-torture to purify themselves of things that aren't impure to start with? Just a thought...
"Aliens" only applies to physical form, right? And they're not physical, so they could be from anywhere. I don't really think such a thing as "home planet" applies. That is when you're in a body (and I think this is an exception).
The spiral was really beautiful, so clear.

I can believe they can sense it. They seem to have gone strangely quiet. It's not really possible to put into words, but it feels like there's less energy pressure, or negative energy to bombard you with.
Maybe they have given up?

But I've been wanting to clear my third eye more lately. The pineal gland is said to shut down by physical impurities and my psychic abilities have increased a lot this year where I've only been drinking fresh juice (no water, I can't stand the chlorine taste, it's so chemical now).
The fourth wave lords sent into the world, a millenia ago, the tonal architects which now govern the third dimension. When they first came, we were able to fight them off for some centuries due to the power of our third eye. Of course, they eventually found a way to limit our might, and went, for three days, into hades, where they shook the foundations of this worlds wave length with the artifact known as drumstick. The result was irrepairable damage to our third eyes. This Ragnorak, this fall from grace took from us our telepathy and astral projection abilites. We effectively went from being gods to pygmies. However, this did not fully destroy our greatness. We still harbor within us a spark of the divine, and heroes like David Icke, Alex Jones, Lincoln (still alive), and Hoover have for years, to great personel risk to themselves, brought us close to our former glory.

Folks, the aliens/angels/demons ARE the tonal architects. They take their orders from the fourth wave lords. They can SENSE that a shift is coming. The reawakening of our third eye is causing the earth to groan. The light creature over the Dome of the Rock a few years back, the spiral formation above swedin, that is us folks. Our psychic energies are reawakening and the wave lords are starting to get afraid. Builderberg, climate change, the pope coming in September, CERN! This is all the tonal architects work, they are afraid and know that THEIR TIME IS SHORT!

Soon, the eye will open, and godhood will be ours again. Wake up sheeple. Wake up.

How can you know something like this? Where do you get your information?

But I've been wanting to clear my third eye more lately. The pineal gland is said to shut down by physical impurities and my psychic abilities have increased a lot this year where I've only been drinking fresh juice (no water, I can't stand the chlorine taste, it's so chemical now).

You should get a good water filter, it removes the chlorine and other things.
Yeah actually I'd love to get some more info tbh. If you wanna spill the source that'd be dandy, I promise to remain open minded and not bash it. Ever since my last trip I realize that almost ANYTHING can be true so might as well enter the thought process from an objective stand-point.

Who's to say that water, which increases oxidation, isn't HORRIBLE?

Also, when I was on my last trip my body completely rejected the idea of drinking water as I was going to be rebaptized or it was going to do harm to me somehow *shrug*

And juice? That has water in it AND sugar. One of the worse things for a human body to consume. You might be doing more harm than good mate!

Get a fucking filter :D
^^ Doesn't it make more sense that life would happen in ways similar to ours on other planets? Ie, a concurrence of events happens that causes life to "seed", and then it begins to slowly evolve? Life formed early on our planet during a time of great chaos in the solar system (which is the case in early solar system life), and large impacts hurled chunks of planets into space, where some escaped gravity... Mars and Earth exchanged some crust. The moon used to be part of Earth. We have found microbes that can survive the vaccuum of space, and in this way, the building blocks of life can be scattered. Or the same conditions could arise on another planet as they did on Earth.

I think the ideas of aliens we've developed are extremely us-centered... we imagine what we know, ie, humanoid, insect-like, reptile-like... maybe life would evolve similarly in other places but likely the different conditions would influence every step of the evolution process, and the result would be something very different from life on Earth. But, IMO, it still exists in countless places out there in the essentially (or maybe truly) infinite universe. Carbon-based, other forms, sentient webs of energy perhaps, who knows?

For the record I believe that sentience/life may very well exist in forms that we can't even recognize because it's so different from carbon-based life on Earth.

There are other based life forms out there (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/12/02/AR2010120204183.html) WOW ARSENIC!... But if you look at genetics and it's evolution through mutation etc. Carbon based life forms do seem to be the most OBVIOUS due to the manner of which it evolves. If you look at amino acids and it's complexity evolving through radiation it does seem oddly like an engineer has build this program to evolve, mutate, and go forth. It's likely that we, indeed, were created by someone or something (HOLY FUCK WHAT IF SCIENTOLOGY IS THE WAY TO GO lmfao).

As for the way they look would depend on multiple factors - Climate, Gravity, atmosphere, etc etc. But honestly, they could just look like us. They could look EXACTLY like us but with slight changes. Or they could be real mutated like. If you look at all life on earth you have so many possibilities that it's not even funny. What if insects had developed a fully functional neural cord and evolved to become self aware. It's interesting to think of.

To be honest, I think that humans are being watched. They aren't ready to even unify or settle their own differences within their species and they aren't intellectually capable of freely taping into the human mind to its fullest extent so why not just keep watching us till it happens. We are still stuck in mortal 3D (yeah, i believe that if you use your mind to its fullest degree and reject the laws of physics with your bio computer, you may freely end up rejecting time as well... How to move through out this space i don't fucking know... but it's an interesting thought to say the least)
How can you know something like this? Where do you get your information?

I meant fresh whole juice, not water and concentrate, HTW. Ideally you make your own but I usually buy red juices of berries and grapes and it seems like the body really craves it. So now it doesn't want water any more and I have to force it down.

Yes, it amounts to a bit of sugar, but it's natural and it's full of anti-oxidants and nutrients so I don't think it's as bad as they make out. There is also life-force in it (I hate the dead taste of tap water) and I would be very suprised if it's not healthier for you.

Have you ever tried gathering rain water (if you don't live in a too polluted place)? It's so aromatic and full of vitality your body really craves it and can't get enough. It doesn't seem to have much in common with what we know as water, but I guess that is what we're meant to drink.
There are other based life forms out there (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/12/02/AR2010120204183.html) WOW ARSENIC!... But if you look at genetics and it's evolution through mutation etc. Carbon based life forms do seem to be the most OBVIOUS due to the manner of which it evolves. If you look at amino acids and it's complexity evolving through radiation it does seem oddly like an engineer has build this program to evolve, mutate, and go forth. It's likely that we, indeed, were created by someone or something (HOLY FUCK WHAT IF SCIENTOLOGY IS THE WAY TO GO lmfao).

The thing is, the ONLY frame of reference we have is how life evolved on our planet. So of course it seems the most obvious. We have nothing to compare it to. Yeah it's beautifully and unimaginably complex but there billions of years to refine the process, most during which only extremely simple life forms such as bacteria existed, with incredibly tiny lifespans (and hence, very short generations, ie, rapid evolution).

It's interesting to think of.

It certainly is. :)

I don't understand the point of this post. It was a serious question. When people make claims, I like to know where they're coming from.
Those bacteria are still carbon based lifeforms and are morphologically similar to other bacteria. And the claims of using arsenic instead of phosphorus in their DNA has been met with great skepticism. Several experiments seem to outrightly refute those findings and many chemists and microbiologists feel GFAJ-1, the bacteria we are discussing, are simply extremophiles that can tolerate high levels of arsenic in their environment. It is no different than bacteria found near thermal vents or under the polar ice.

My mind is very open to the possibility that life may have evolved in far different ways than we know of, but agree with Xorkoth that we have nothing else to compare it to other than life on Earth. We are forced to hypothesize that life exists everywhere as it does here until evidence tells us otherwise.

My personal belief is as follows. Life, wherever it may be, evolved under the same conditions as on Earth. The coefficients of the variables may be different, resulting in different forms, physiology and biochemistry, but all life forms would undoubtedly be "animalike". A dominant species will emerge that develops, self-awareness, culture, civilization etc. and this species will question its and its world's origins. Technology will develop, slowly at first but then exponentially. At some point, this technology will be the tool of their evolution and they may cease to be animals and live in some sort of mega-computer, for lack of a better term and their advancement will be off the charts and unfathomable to any animal beings. It is important to realize that these beings may still choose to utilize a body when needed and are no less alive than we are. They are not robots, they have downloaded their entire consciousness and neural networks and their reality is the same as before they made the jump.

I Wonder if Ninae and the others feel the angels,demons, and gods they commune with may be such beings, because it sure seems that they think these things are something that has not evolved or even live in this universe or need to follow its laws.
You're saying that h2o is different depending on how it is delivered to you? The difference there is just taste. aeration, not as many other minerals in it, sitting vs flowing water. No pipes etc. but to claim that one is dead and the other is alive is absurd. Water is water as long as water is water.

As for your juice comment. The highest procent of that juice is water. Doesn't matter if it's juice or not almost all consumable liquids are water based. Basically you're psyching yourself out over nothing.

Once again. Juice isn't the worst haha especially freshly squeezed but sugar is fucking awful for you. It stops ketosis. It's a short term energy source and it's unnatural tbh. It rots your teeth. It's just fucking awful. As for anti oxidants there is so much back and forth that i wouldn't know where to start.
Kittycat have you read any works by timothy leary? His 8 levels of conciousness seem to be spot on to what you're saying. I have the exact same point of view on life as you do. The only difference is that I truly believe that those creatures (demons, angels, whatever) are among us. If life works the same on different planets then why isn't it plausible that they merely have assimilated into our culture? Because earth has pleasures to enjoy. Technology allows them to surpass us immensely but that doesn't break the laws of physics within this 3D realm. They aren't super human with super human strength. They are merely more intellectual than us.

They are just waiting for individuals to reveal themselves as potential targets for manipulation and bam there they go. Hacking right into your biocomputer :) i do believe that you can hack into others brains if you have the technology or power. This world around us is all made out of code. Even quantum physics agrees with that. How to properly manipulate the program and code is a different story entirely.
I havent ready Leary. From what little I know of it, I think I would be disagreeing more than agreeing with his notions, specifically self-growth and drugs as a connection to or gateway through levels of consciousness. I may check it out just to see though.

You mentioned somewhere, helpme, that you feel we are being watched. I agree we may be, but not in the same way you feel (I think). An advanced civilzation may have created a simulation and they watch us as a scientist may watch bacteria growing in their lab. They may be influencing us, but I dont think that to be the case.

And quantum theory would say the universe is fundamentally information, but not necessarily code.
Hmm yeah you're right but information dwelled into basic binary does seem like code to me haha. But who knows?

In a state on non soberity I've stood at that gate. I've seen the gate made out of code. But it's only happened once :) so it could very very well be a delusion (I am leaning towards the former though)

On a side note i should wear a camera next time I trip! :) perhaps it will capture the experience from a realistic point of view and prove what are delusions and what aren't. I am very saddened that i broke my phone that had those reddit posts snapshotted. It would make for quite the interesting discussion.