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Thank you that really means a lot to me, as i sit here tearing up-- what happens when i dont sleep from this shit that well makes me feel like shit!! :p thats great congrat on working so hard my best friend is bi-polar i see how hard and what a struggle it is for her, she has an eating disorer and is very reliant on different drugs -- each day is a struggle. we have to help each other.... good luck and thanks for the well wishes!!!

I just joined this site. I don't know if I am supposed to just introduce myself in here, but to be honest this is where I belong. I have a few issues (used non-stop for the past 20 years, since I was 17), and I have tried to sort them out, I've been on and off methadone;even got to the subutex stage once and then I even reduced that to such an extent that I was about to get a nalorex implant, and then I said to myself "just one fix first, to say goodbye as it where". No doubt you can imagine what happened. At the minute I am on 60ml of meth a day and my Dr keeps wanting to reduce it, but I do still do .5g of white every day and .5 of brown. I have stopped shooting up but I did that because I have no veins left.

I just joined this site. I don't know if I am supposed to just introduce myself in here, but to be honest this is where I belong. I have a few issues (used non-stop for the past 20 years, since I was 17), and I have tried to sort them out, I've been on and off methadone;even got to the subutex stage once and then I even reduced that to such an extent that I was about to get a nalorex implant, and then I said to myself "just one fix first, to say goodbye as it where". No doubt you can imagine what happened. At the minute I am on 60ml of meth a day and my Dr keeps wanting to reduce it, but I do still do .5g of white every day and .5 of brown. I have stopped shooting up but I did that because I have no veins left.

Have you ever considered moving some place where h just simply isn't easily available or if you have the willpower just some place where you don't know any dealers?
Looking for some answers!

:\ have been on many pain killers for the last ten years for pain managment and after a year of trying to get into a pain clinic and finally did six months ago I was put on methadone to include my regular daily doses of percocet. My methadone of course has been increased and I still take my daily doses of percocet. Some days the pain is manageable and other days I go through so much pain I can't even literally move my body to get out of bed to use the bathroom. I am 35 years old and my daily pain with methadone and percocet is on pain scale of 7 and that is normal average pain for me. On the really bad days it is way past a 10 to the point I am ready to go to the hospital and get an injection which I am SCARED to death of needles so, for me to go the emergency room means the pain is so excruciating that I want someone to hit me with a bus. Question is, with all that I keep reading about methadone and the risks and all the good it is supposed to do is it really okay to be taking methadone as it is perscribed for me twice a day and to take my percocet as it is perscribed throughout the day for break through pain as the label on my perscription bottle says? My pain control doctor is an anastelogist at the pain clinic which is located in the cancer center at the hospital that I am monitored monthly by. Does anyone also know why somedays my medicine seems to be working and manageable and other days the pain is so out of control that when I take my medicine it doesn't even touch the pain surface such as I just took methadone and percocet for no reason at all. If anyone has any insight to this please email me at [email protected]. Thank you for having these comment sections for those who are looking for answers. I have learned so much through these search engines about the risks etc and it is quite scary that you can overdose on methadone when my doctor told me directly that you CAN NOT overdose on methadone. Which do I beleive? The doctor who I am intrusting my life with or all the different things that I have been reading? Help please. On top of being on the methadone and percocet I also am on elavil, kolonpin, xanaz and other medications on a daily basis all perscrbed by my doctor who keeps in contact with my pain doctor. I am on 13 different medications on a daily basis ranging from asthma, anxiety and panic attacks to pain managment meds. I even have to take b6, b12 and thiamine all perscribed by my two doctors. Can someone help me understand why my pain meds don't seem to be working or could it be something else and can you really overdose on methadone?
What is the pain from?

Sounds like you need some more desperate measures if you are still getting to a 10 whilst on a very strong opiate.

I just joined this site. I don't know if I am supposed to just introduce myself in here, but to be honest this is where I belong. I have a few issues (used non-stop for the past 20 years, since I was 17), and I have tried to sort them out, I've been on and off methadone;even got to the subutex stage once and then I even reduced that to such an extent that I was about to get a nalorex implant, and then I said to myself "just one fix first, to say goodbye as it where". No doubt you can imagine what happened. At the minute I am on 60ml of meth a day and my Dr keeps wanting to reduce it, but I do still do .5g of white every day and .5 of brown. I have stopped shooting up but I did that because I have no veins left.

have you looked into ibogaine? It interrupted my addiction after 35 yrs... not a cure but dont think there is one. But... surely did help me stop the madness.
Suboxone can be a miracle cure for some, but I would not suggest anyone stay on it for longer than six months. Of course you will most likely, like I did, think "wow life is so much better now, I think I'll just stay on one more year to stable things out a bit more" and soon that year has become four years.

It took me six months to get off of suboxone, and this is after I had tapered down to 1mg a day for a whole year prior, and then down to .3mg for a few months. The withdrawals, while not as intense as oxy or dope, are of a slightly different character and just make you feel an overwhelming sense of exhaustion and depression. I hadn't had one thought of using an opiate while on it, yet suddenly I was tearing my house apart looking for any crumbs that were left.

So I say use suboxone with caution. I used loperamide to taper off in the end, and that made it a hell of a lot easier, but now I'm still left, 2 months post suboxone, with lingering depression and creepy crawly skin. But I feel a hell of a lot better now than I did a month ago.

Hell.... I was in subacute wd from sub for 8 mo. Finally I just went back on oxy's till I could get an iboga tx. SAVED my life. Researh it. I
I'm trying to quit myself. i have not a big habit, I IV small doses 30mg or less, every couple of days, but only once per day, I tend to take 2-3 day reprieves....there i go again trying to make it sound like it no big deal, just recreation use. LOL well it is from what I gather after reading stuff on this site. I guess im coming to the reality that this is something more. Been about two years using now off and on. i don’t get bad withdraw symptoms cause i keep it light and under control. But am i really under control? I wonder this every day. I'm not going to get into a clinic ever! That I can say for sure. however I will stop when i'm ready. In the mean time i just try not to get to physically addicted....well at least not to the point where im getting real sick like some people i read about. I feel in control most of the time, hell I have been doing it for 2yrs and keep my doses low but enjoyable. After reading this post today was the first day i feel powerless for the urge to use, after reading this thread i think i may have a problem.....just a small one. Lucky me
SO after tapering off a baby morphine habit with ease, I did it twice again...then made the fatal mistake of wearing fent patches while still using moral morphine, and came off of the fent – 50% reduction, then stopped completely. I’m still using 180mgs oral morphine a day., plus benzos. It’s now three days since I took the patches off, so I think the fent must be out of my system.

I don’t feel as bad as I should, according to the equivalency charts – I was on 2 25mcg patches (for 3 days - 4 patches for 9 days before that, 3 patches for 3 days beofre that, all 25mcgs an hour: I've been on opiates almost daily for about 6 months, though with 2 weeks of just low-dose codeine tapering off a small morph habit, and 2 months of just 1-4 vicodins a day). So in theory, I’m down over a 2 grams of morphine a day from a week ago (if 1mcg fent = 1 mg morph, as I've read).

But I never really felt that much from fent on its own – I used it almost as a ‘potentiator’ of morph, Demerol and Oxy. All I got out of this was a few nods: and, in theory, a massively increased tolerance.

But I can still feel the morph I’m on, and the only w.d symptoms have been slight stomach cramps/gastric upset (even on 40+ mgs loperamide), mild depression and a desire for pills to substitute: I have a few mscontins left, more coming, xanax, clonazepam, eitozolam and bud. I’m hoping this is pretty much the worst of it – I have to go back to work tomorrow. I still have 2 25mcg patches – if I get violently sick, I’ll cut one in half and put it back on – but I’m hoping it won’t be necessary. If nothing ugly develops over the next 4 days (to be safe), I’m giving them back to my supplier.

I never felt the fent much – but think it provided some background numbness, turning down the emotional volume, which I needed, having just been dumped by my fiancée. But I’ve found it a little bit creepy, and dangerous to have around – I did give in to temptation and try smoking the (Sandoz) patches, but with little effect.

I’m hoping that’s it for me and fentanyl. No honeymoon, just a shitty three-week stand. Her'es hoping it's over for good...

Then to taper off the morph and benzos....

Stopping a small Oxy habit.

I've been taking about 10mg at around 7-8pm almost every day for a few months. In that time, I never dosed more than once per day. I also never increased my dose. I knew where things would lead if I allowed myself to dose in the morning, and start 15mg, then 20, so on and so forth.

Tonight I took 5mg because I need to get this out of my system before next Sunday when I'm taking my girlfriend on a special vacation where we're planning to get engaged and start "the rest of our lives together."

Obviously, it would just be terribly selfish of me to bring this minor addiction along with me, so I find myself having the willpower to nip it in the bud now. I know for a fact I'm going to use Oxy afterword, but I have limited access to it and my stash for the last few months was purchased all at once. I have only about 30mg left anyway. So I'm not too worried about a snowballing addiction if only because I don't have "tons of access" to it nor the money I did a few months ago to buy a big stash.

Basically, do you guys think I will have any major withdrawal problems? Listen, I know most of you have C/T off 10x or more what I take a day, and I'm not trying to insult you with my anxiety over such a low dosage, but I am concerned about it affecting my job and possibly my trip.

I'm planning to take 5mg the next 2 days (until Tuesday) and stopping completely after that. I leave next Sunday. I've read conflicting things that this low a dose shouldn't produce much W/D at all, while also reading stories of people having bad W/D even at this dose. I'm just asking for opinions of what I should expect based off my dosage so I know how to prepare.

Thanks for any and all advice guys.
i don't believe in saying that 10mg wont cause you to be addicted because of the low amount because even if you were to take just regular tylenol for a year on a daily basis that would cause dependence and addiction (i bet the w/d's would be hardly noticeable from it though; although not too good on your liver to take it so long).
But back to your question, i think that you will have a dependence to the 10mg and will get *mild* w/d's for 3-5 days if you CT it, day 3 being the worst and each day after gets a lil better so plan around that.
But im talking maybe aches and pains, nausea, shittin an extra time a day and cravings, Overall manageable stuff. Take some loperimide (immodium, yes the anti diarrhea medicine and it will help greatly with the w/d's of 10mg oxy as it is an opiate itself but just doesn't cross the BBB.) So just bring a couple of boxes of it and it *should* help.
Good luck. %)
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I would plan on tapering to 5mg for at least an entire week, before switching to 2.5mg for a few days, before dropping off of it. This will help minimize any influence the comedown may have on your ability to function at work, or on your mood.

You will still notice certain differences which may or may not be easy to go through, but if you stay strong and get through it, they will go away before you know it.

i don't believe in saying that 10mg wont cause you to be addicted because of the low amount because even if you were to take just regular tylenol for a year on a daily basis that would cause dependence and addiction (i bet the w/d's would be hardly noticeable from it though; although not too good on your liver to take it so long).
But back to your question, i think that you will have a dependence to the 10mg and will get *mild* w/d's for 3-5 days if you CT it, day 3 being the worst and each day after gets a lil better so plan around that.
But im talking maybe aches and pains, nausea, shittin an extra time a day and cravings, Overall manageable stuff. Take some loperimide (immodium, yes the anti diarrhea medicine and it will help greatly with the w/d's of 10mg oxy as it is an opiate itself but just doesn't cross the BBB.) So just bring a couple of boxes of it and it *should* help.
Good luck. %)

Tylenol isn't psychoactive so it wouldn't cause withdrawals.

10mg of oxycodone can cause a dependency, since some people are hypersensitive to opiates. However I doubt that many people with a normal sensitivity to oxycodone would be physically dependent at 10mg per day.
I would plan on tapering to 5mg for at least an entire week, before switching to 2.5mg for a few days, before dropping off of it. This will help minimize any influence the comedown may have on your ability to function at work, or on your mood.

You will still notice certain differences which may or may not be easy to go through, but if you stay strong and get through it, they will go away before you know it.

Tylenol isn't psychoactive so it wouldn't cause withdrawals.

10mg of oxycodone can cause a dependency, since some people are hypersensitive to opiates. However I doubt that many people with a normal sensitivity to oxycodone would be physically dependent at 10mg per day.

yeah, wasn't too sure on the w/d part with tylenol so i said wouldn't be noticeable so i could go both ways with it lol. But it couldn't cause physical w/d's for real though? even if it was taken everyday for a long time and then CT'd? even tho it has no "high" or anything to speak of, wouldn't your body still get used to having it? im not trying to argue with you. Im just learning from you, so don't think im being sarcastic cuz im not at all.
I just figured that while he was on hiatus from oxy he could take lope and be fine, and not go thru any w/d. but i guess i was wrong.
yeah, wasn't too sure on the w/d part with tylenol so i said wouldn't be noticeable so i could go both ways with it lol. But it couldn't cause physical w/d's for real though? even if it was taken everyday for a long time and then CT'd? even tho it has no "high" or anything to speak of, wouldn't your body still get used to having it? im not trying to argue with you. Im just learning from you, so don't think im being sarcastic cuz im not at all.
I just figured that while he was on hiatus from oxy he could take lope and be fine, and not go thru any w/d. but i guess i was wrong.

NSAIDs inhibit COX-1 and COX-2 (other than the selective COX-2 inhibitors). Specifically COX-2 will catalyze the formation of prostaglandins which act as messengers for inflammation.

Because NSAIDs are not psychoactive, the brain does not adapt to their presence. There is nothing that is going to happen when you stop taking NSAIDs that wouldn't have happened if you didn't use them all together. Meaning, if you have a fever after discontinuing NSAIDs, this isn't from a discontinuation syndrome, but because NSAIDs like aspirin have antipyretic effects, and without this antipyretic effect, the fever which you already were suffering from, will return.
NSAIDs inhibit COX-1 and COX-2 (other than the selective COX-2 inhibitors). Specifically COX-2 will catalyze the formation of prostaglandins which act as messengers for inflammation.

Because NSAIDs are not psychoactive, the brain does not adapt to their presence. There is nothing that is going to happen when you stop taking NSAIDs that wouldn't have happened if you didn't use them all together. Meaning, if you have a fever after discontinuing NSAIDs, this isn't from a discontinuation syndrome, but because NSAIDs like aspirin have antipyretic effects, and without this antipyretic effect, the fever which you already were suffering from, will return.

you're like a book of knowledge.. thanks for clearing that up for me.

*raises hand*

I made a conscious decision to become a junky. It was necessary at the time for me. It's probably not that common though and not always the wisest of plans. Worked for me, but I wouldn't advise it.

why would anyone choose to become a junkie? there has to be more to this story. please inform me why you chose to become a junkie, when its the worst thing in the world. this shit is taking over our country especially opiate addiction, so i must know the whole story because you become a junkie, but you choose to get sober. its not the other way around, i cant wrap my head around this ideal
I chose to go back on opiates due to depression a few years back, before this I had been addicted before and had gone through a couple withdrawals that weren't horrible but scared me away from opiates for a while.

I was using poppy tea at the time and it was cheap and easy to get so I just said fuck it and began to use daily again. I have to say it stopped me from drinking and took away my depression when nothing and I mean NOTHING else would. Of course now I'm on subs and want off but it's easier said than done.

I'm also guilty of being a William Burroughs fan and was always interested in what the whole junky experience would be like. It fucking sucks! When poppy pods became scarce I switched to Heroin and that was when I felt like I really learned how much of a dead end street addiction really is.

Currently on subs and tapering. I want out, I learned and experienced more than I needed to, I don't regret it but fuck, the places you end up when you're desperate for H are fucking depressing and even scary at times.
I've been taking about 10mg at around 7-8pm almost every day for a few months. In that time, I never dosed more than once per day. I also never increased my dose. I knew where things would lead if I allowed myself to dose in the morning, and start 15mg, then 20, so on and so forth.

Tonight I took 5mg because I need to get this out of my system before next Sunday when I'm taking my girlfriend on a special vacation where we're planning to get engaged and start "the rest of our lives together."

Obviously, it would just be terribly selfish of me to bring this minor addiction along with me, so I find myself having the willpower to nip it in the bud now. I know for a fact I'm going to use Oxy afterword, but I have limited access to it and my stash for the last few months was purchased all at once. I have only about 30mg left anyway. So I'm not too worried about a snowballing addiction if only because I don't have "tons of access" to it nor the money I did a few months ago to buy a big stash.

Basically, do you guys think I will have any major withdrawal problems? Listen, I know most of you have C/T off 10x or more what I take a day, and I'm not trying to insult you with my anxiety over such a low dosage, but I am concerned about it affecting my job and possibly my trip.

I'm planning to take 5mg the next 2 days (until Tuesday) and stopping completely after that. I leave next Sunday. I've read conflicting things that this low a dose shouldn't produce much W/D at all, while also reading stories of people having bad W/D even at this dose. I'm just asking for opinions of what I should expect based off my dosage so I know how to prepare.

Thanks for any and all advice guys.
I imagine you're going to feel some slightly negative side-effects, maybe nothing physical but at least mental cravings and some anxiety. Whether or not it's going to effect your work or vacation depends on your willpower, I'd recommend bringing 5mg with you though just in case you do feel really uncomfortable. Even though it's a low dose taking it every day for months you brain is going to become accustomed to it.
why would anyone choose to become a junkie? there has to be more to this story. please inform me why you chose to become a junkie, when its the worst thing in the world. this shit is taking over our country especially opiate addiction, so i must know the whole story because you become a junkie, but you choose to get sober. its not the other way around, i cant wrap my head around this ideal
I'm also curious about this. Please tell me the secret to one day deciding to become an addict and then just deciding to stop. I can't seem to find that switch in my brain.
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Help me I have to Detox

I've been taking about 180 mg of oxy a day since around december 25, 2010 up until then I was doing about 90-120 mg a day for a year so in total about 14 months of doing oc. I have to detox because im getting sick and tired of all the bullshit that goes with the territory, and have some time off from work. I'm also addicted to 1.5mg of xanax a day which dosen't really do anything for me except control anxiety. My question is I have some 8mg suboxones and plan on taking 1-2 mg when I start feeling sick, then titrating upwards I have also stockpiled some clonidine, trazadone, phoenabarbatol a couple of Promethazines and about 4mg of Iv Ondansetron for nausea, about 10 5mg Vicodans and a few 15mg Codieine I have access to all over the counter products like lopermade, Tylenol, Ibuprophen, etc. I have access to xanax and may up my dose to 2mg to control my anxiety from the withdrawl. In the past I have withdrawn from about 120mg habit for about 17 months with abouut half an 8mg suboxone used for 3 days then jumped, and I was pretty much ok except for insomnia for about two weeks. What would you do if you were me? I've never taken clonidine so i'm wondering if this will help. I only plan using it for a couple of days at very low doses. I know my blood pressure is going to go through the roof so i need something to control it. How would you use the clonidine in addition to the other substances i mentioned to aid the detox making it as comfortable as possible. I know i will still be in pain and not get any sleep what would you do if you were in my shoes and were in a similar situation I plan on doing suboxone for 3-4 days only to try to blunt the effect of withdrawals. Thank you for your responses your input is highly valued.
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