Acid In Canada

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just got a hold of some plain green perferated blotter, and some green unperf blotter with an unknown design (it has some green earthy looking faces/hands on it, ill post a picture in the gallery later).

I live in Burlington, Ontario (close to Toronto). Anyone had similar ones?
ive seen the green blotter to, just outside of TO. I thought it was alright, but havent done enough acid to know for sure.
anyone tried the buddha blotter? Im planning on sampling my supply this weekender
the Purple Buddha blotter (green buddha statue w/ purple psychedelic background) has gotten pretty good reviews. Strong, about on par with the unperforated pokémon blotter which flooded in around december. One's a good introduction to LSD, though most of my acquaintances would probably choose something in the range of 2-5 depending (when blotter is TO-fresh, and then stored in CO2 and in a low temperature.
blotters are hard to find up here in brampton, been looking for blotters, people tryin to sell me blotters for 5-10$ a hit!
yeah i found the buddhas to be OK but not as strong as the eyes. 2 hits was definitely sufficient though...
acid is a harder drug to aquire but yes it can be found ..... but i personally believe the price has gone up drastically since years ago .. before it was 2.5 3 buck a hit per sheet ... now it closer to 10 a pop per SHEET .. you can find anything if you look hard enough
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now it closer to 10 a pop per SHEET .. you can find anything if you look hard enough

are you saying that the average blotter price when buying a sheet works out to 10 bucks? Meaning a sheet would cost you $1000? If so, then id be interested to hear how much a single hit costs in your area, its gotta be like 15-20 bucks easy.
yeah budhas are mostly gone now :(

but new stuf is coming, soon soon soon ;)
lammers only can't find acid.

lots of acid in toronto. Just need to know the right people. right now I have tabs with skulls, anarchy symbols, the misfits, etc.

Great tabs!

It's coming out of the walls in Edmonton, or wait maybe the walls are just coming out at me, either way it's excellent stuff and supply is apparently ready for demand.... this leaves me wondering what this summer's events may hold.
Last one was a neat drawing of sun in TO, it was pretty good hit(s), been a couple of months hadn't had some since then *sight*
where's that strong liquid at? Are you seeing the white perfed and unperfed? Dextar blotters?
liquid is here and is very strong. have seen CRYSTAL around too (to be laid but avail to VERY SELECT folks). LOTS of blotters circulating here.
Heard from a friend of a friends friend that the bc silver crew started turning out fluffier stuff. Something about they needed a large enough prep column to purify things correctly wihout losing major time running many smaller ones...should be right around 6k us for a g if you know those that about the consensus from most that you have been hearing it from?
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