acid in america

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good shit....since i just moved back to indiana it looks like i better get into contact with some of my old friends :)
I swear... The last time i saw Acid was a month before the sept. 11th thing happened... After that, acid was completely dry in Kansas... Worst part is ... i still havent tripped with sid... the only time i was offered, I passed it up... wasnt ready for it yet... anyway... hopefully some will come my way now that im away from the middle coast...
two sugar cubes last night at $8 a pop. still expensive, and they weren't as strong as the sweet tart, but it was different. it was a more speedy up trip. still searching for blotter and decent prices
I haven't seen ANY acids in houston since early last summer. I'm willing to pay whatever inflated price if I run into it.
seethe303 said:

thats only liquid right?

it was on sugar cubes when i came across it. with liquid, you'd be able to check for blacklight-luminesence. as far as i know, the only psychoactive chemical that glows like that in blacklight is lsd.

however, i did have some lsd the other day, so i guess it actually is starting to trickle back in ;)
oh I know its starting to trickle back in ;)

I was just wondering if 5-Me0-AMT could be put on normal sized blotter...
maaaaybe, but you'd have to eat a few of 'em. 5MeOAMT is active in about the same levels as DOB (maybe a bit less potent actually) and DOB has been found on blotters. i dont see why you couldnt get ~1mg on a blotter square, so you'd have to eat 3-5 tabs for a full experience, and most people eat that many for 1 trip anyway...
All the hippies come back to St. Augustine a few times a year bearing gifts of frankinsense and myhrr and other good stuff with them. I did more acid in the 5 years I lived in NE Fla than I did schrooms. I'ts sporadic but it's not at all impossible. And it's plenty good if you know the right people, i.e. the ones in birkenstocks.
there is acid in Florida, I dont live there, but let's say that I know it's there.
i fortunatly can find it almost any weekend of the year in o-high-o...
Bomb doses in the midwest (I'm in Northern Illinois). Buddha's, Fractals and Timothy Learys. Really good quality, strong but managable. Its a phone call away now. Keep looking folks, with The Dead and Phish back, and the popularity of other tour bands it should come to your area soon.
There is none in So Cal...we went to a desert party and there wasn't any there...and there is ALWAYS cid at the desert parties...

I have a theory...the cooks are fading away...from what I understand it is hard to make...with the heavy flow and rising popularity of pills in the last few years, acid has lost it's way. Let's hope for an Acid Revival...
the acid revival is coming!

this summer!!! there is already all kinda of blotter around the midwest, as was said above.
I'm going to the DMB and Phish concerts in Indy over the next month and a no doubt Ill be doing some trip in the near future! =D

You should be fine with Phish at deer creek. There are also several "hassle-free" nearby campgrounds that have a constant party going on.
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