Acid in America 2011-14 v. Drought

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Just tried two hits of "acid" here in utah, a couple days ago,
definetly was NOT LSD.... I 've only done cid twice before , and those times were beautiful.

This was like shitty mind fuck, with no story line or archetypes , no euphoria, just dirty visuals and uncomfort
The anticipatory come up followed by euphoria are close to as enjoyable as the trip. You'll see the wisps of smoke start to turn into colors as the trees start to breathe. As you feel it coming on, your stomach starts to get uneasy, and the giggles begin :)
This may or may not deserve it's own thread as a trip report, but for now I've decided to condense this down into a single entry here. I recently acquired 4 White on White blotter tabs from a friend of mine. I have heard mixed reviews about this blotter in particular. Both reviews are from trusted sources. One source claims it is dirty, with side effects of jaw tension and typical RC body-load symptoms. The second source claims it is simply clean lsd-25, wih no notable side effects and/or body loads.

At 9:30am I dose myself with 2 blotter tabs. It has no bitter taste, which relaxes me as I know if it's bitter usually it is an RC chemical.

T0:25 - Threshold Baseline Begins.
- I feel a slight body high coming on, a very familiar feeling i often associate with a typical LSD experience.
T0:50 - Strong, clean and clear LSD visuals

I then proceed to write...

Life on LSD-25

Smooth and liquidy. I can feel my intelligent form spreading outwards into a realm of all spectrums.
I feel connected to the strands of the universe, each fiber flowing above and below, around and through.
Describing this experience thus far as a clean lsd-25 experience feels right and genuine.

At this point in time I am heavily enjoying my trip, needing no more no less. All 4 corners of my existence are in order. I feel just.

We all have forms of our being, constructed in an abstract material we will never discover, made to simulate our souls.

Each and every action, every moment takes away from this construction till in the end we disintergrat.

We are a constant regurgitation of our soul's attempt at building a life form that will sustain productive and flourishable living status.

We are a mutation of the senses
Oozing upwards and out on to the streets we infest.

Vibriantly visual with a touch of seductive mayonese.

Orginization breeds chaos. Chaos feeds off of Orginization. Orginization feeds off of Chaos.

I'm losing my train of thought with every sentence.

A brilliant experience thus far.


"A being can spend their entire existence searching,
but only a moment finding".

I recognize a flaw in this structure, thus choose to leave it be.

I hear a siren in the distance, a reminder of the Island by body is inevitably connected with.

This new found pleasure in expression through words has landscaped a beautiful scene in my mind.

Formulated with sheer genius and utter insanity, after all one can not exist without the other.

I'm forever astonished at my being's own ability to expand it's own consciousness. Though

in retrospect It is not without its negatives. The ability to recognize, the action itself, is a soul's recognition of itself.

Existing mandates a start. With every start must come an end. Existence will forever come to an end.


The biggest obstacle in life thus far has proven to be remembering what the fuck I was trying to remember.

Clever strands of fiber spiraling inwards or outwards, I can never quite tell, as I marvle at their existence alone inside my mind.

Life experiences us.

I enjoyed these tabs very much. A very clean, enjoyable LSD experience.
^very nice!

Hows everyone from the middle of the country doing? Havnt been out and about to see the world for its beauty in a while but hoping to enjoy it sometime soon again.
i know of two legit prints around the green bay area.. one has distorted red and blue checkarboard pattern in the background and redish goldish celtic style butterflies in each corner and then the middle of the page was full of eyes, the other print was brown screaming faces, both tested good on ehrlich reagent i would estimate about 90ug.. i recently saw some black and white karma sutras that i saw back in summer and back then it was confirmed to be 25i so i didnt even wanna try it.
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Picked up some perf'd cartoon alice in wonderland tabs recently. Tested positive for L with an Erlich Reagent.
Got some small brown blotters from a friend last night in Georgia, he is trusted and said it came up purple on an Erlich test..took one today and I'm guessing it was 5-meo-amt. Ate it and the come up was a little weird but within an hour I was feeling the full effects. Started having bad nausea so I ate a sandwich that helped a little bit. Was feeling edgy and weird for the whole trip and stimulated but almost like a lethargic stimulation. My brain feels like its been on overdrive and I still feel kinda sick at +12 hours. Not what I've come to know and love with Lucy. Be careful out there, it sucks that people do this shit.

Would love to hear that theres some good ole L goin through the southland right about now...
the wow i got was clean, not super strong though. atleast its L, thats all i care about
i just recently got to try some hoffman blotters that came out of europe(NL). ive had access to them for yrs but all the skeptism surrounding them kept me from indulging. the ones i got came from a very reliable source and has been around for yrs and yrs now. theyve always used this print afaik. i know a while back they also had the rolling stones, ganesha, and i want to say the mayan well as several diff hoff prints that had dates or were double sided. these dont have any writing on them; just pref and one sided..larger hits than usual also. i know the print is very popular and there are many copycats, but even in the us there are a fair amount of the real thing circulating..i know theyve been around colorado and california pretty regularly.. if you can track them down it will be well worth the effort.

ive had alot of experience w L over a period of over 15yrs now, and 4 hits of this was hands down in my top 10 exp of all time.2 was more than enough for most. extremely visual, mos def an ergoloid and a killer one at that. a slightly different tone than most of the lsd i am accustomed to, but not in a bad way at all.

the last good L i had before this was the malice in wonderland that went around a yr or two ago, which were said to have been 100ug.they were nice and clean but weak in comparison. had some really good wow several times too from a longtime friend and reliab;e was supposedly 'swiss crystal' and most batches were layed at 100, but i had a heady fam batch that was laid at ~200ug a dose, and still id say these hoffmans felt significantly stronger and produced more dramatic visuals.. the only blotter ive ever had that was stronger than these was back in the 90s, outside of some purple fairies i had circa 2002.

def had a weird taste that numbed the tounge even slightly, which made me skeptical and panic at first, but this was no rc. nevertheles, despite what ive read some say im fairly certain this was a chemical taste and not just 'from the ink' lol.
ive had doc/b/i and 25i/c, these were def not anything like those chems. i was up in 15-20min, peaking at 2hrs, and down within around 10..asleep by hr 12. lsd,lsp,lsb...i dont know..(lsp i was told)all i know is those blotters are incredible imo <3

one thing i do know about whatever ergoloid that is on this particular batch of the hoffmans, as well as many others from what ive read/heard, is the compund itself seems to be much less stable than regular L(which in itself is quite fragile) in terms of when it was interrupted and put on blotter/ in solution from crystal form. i know ppl who got the same blotters from the same source a yr or so ago, held onto it too long, and described the experience as lackluster. i asked my friend who sourced it about this, and he said the supplier mentioned that more recently theyve tried to keep the batches they lay smaller bc of the dramatic difference in potency and experience based on their freshness, even if kept well stored. idk- maybe it begins to degrade once taken out of its natural form and recrystallized..i have no idea im certainly no chemist buff.just some food for thought..
these were still kinda moist. yummm :D
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I'm in NYC and been asking around for L for seriously MONTHS! There's either a drought or all my friends are old.
Sometimes old dudes get the best stuff...

In my experience, older folks ALWAYS have the best stuff for a fair price...if they have it-seems like most older folks still in the music scene are just there to relax but there's that odd one that's got the craziest stuff ever. That's always been true for me as far as psychedelics and pot go.

Even if an older person at a show lacks drugs, you can be damn sure they'll tell you a good story. All of the best stories I've heard have come from older people.
Lol I'm becoming an old head.
I've got some fucking stories that's for damn sure.
If you've been around for a while and are solid then yeah you at least know ppl who know where its at
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