Acid in America 2011-14 v. Drought

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Unless you got them in the green bay area they probably arnr thesame. Otherwise they should be 350 or 700.. idk if he double dropped them but they where from a dropped so probably not very evenly laid

"n makes it possible the stuff in wisconsin is the same in other parts of the world"

except i know for a fact the identity of the idiot who dropped the liquid onto the paper that he bought at a local headshop.

Depends on how many sheets that guy laid, because I am pretty sure they came from the upper woods of WI/MI.
I don't know why people are risking it with all these RC fakes making people sick. Go get 5 packs of heavenly blue morning glories. USE A PEPPER GRINDER not a coffee grinder..... Best trip hands down.
I don't know why people are risking it with all these RC fakes making people sick. Go get 5 packs of heavenly blue morning glories. USE A PEPPER GRINDER not a coffee grinder..... Best trip hands down.

why should you only use a pepper grinder and not a coffee grinder?
I know it's not 'acid', but I just dropped some blue and black (on the front, plain blue on the back) 25I blotters last night. I was told they're laid 1mg each, I'm not sure if that's true or not but they were pretty strong. Honestly 25I feels a lot cleaner than LSA (morning glories) mentioned above, it's just a bit speedy and I'm not a fan of the "wind in my chest" feeling it gives me. I'm not positive but this may be the print:

I'm just throwing this out there because although my circle represented them as 25I, others might not. As far as LSD goes we still have the unperforated brown skeletons knocking about. Subjective estimates are around 110-120 mics.

These were all obtained in the Cincinnati, OH area.
Wow, who ever laid blotters with 1mg per hit is an idiot if they are selling them. Imagine when someone sells it as acid to someone. They may have tripped on acid before and decide to take 2-5 hits (or even more), and wind up dead, in the hospital with health issues (mental and/or physical), in jail for numerous potential reasons, etc. There has been negative reports of taking 25I-NBOMe in the single digit mg range, so that is just irresponsible as fuck. Its also really sad to see. 25I-NBOMe is a wonderful chemical (never tried any of the other 25x-NBOMes) and it will be sad to see negative press start appearing in more abundance. Any day now there will be a flood of articles I'd imagine.

I don't know why people are risking it with all these RC fakes making people sick. Go get 5 packs of heavenly blue morning glories. USE A PEPPER GRINDER not a coffee grinder..... Best trip hands down.

The alkaloids in morning glory seeds are not the same as LSD, and many find them to produce a trip with to many negative side-effects for it to be worth while, even with extraction methods. Hawaiian Baby Rose seeds would be a better choice if one is wanting to trip on LSA, but still, like I said, a lot of people do not like the experience. I for one hate LSA/other alkaloids in morning glory seeds, and love LSD.
Wow, who ever laid blotters with 1mg per hit is an idiot if they are selling them. Imagine when someone sells it as acid to someone. They may have tripped on acid before and decide to take 2-5 hits (or even more), and wind up dead, in the hospital with health issues (mental and/or physical), in jail for numerous potential reasons, etc. There has been negative reports of taking 25I-NBOMe in the single digit mg range, so that is just irresponsible as fuck. Its also really sad to see. 25I-NBOMe is a wonderful chemical (never tried any of the other 25x-NBOMes) and it will be sad to see negative press start appearing in more abundance. Any day now there will be a flood of articles I'd imagine.

I agree, one major reason I bring up these are going around. My source themselves said not to take more than one and we have no idea who laid them or the origins. It's possible it was a marketing ploy, but I can say these 25I blotters were a lot stronger than the ones I tried in the past. It literally felt like it was stabbing the bottom of my tongue. This IS a harm reduction website so take this as a warning folks.
Thanks for sharing. Warnings like that are very important.
LSD disappeared in America around 2002/2003 after the Pickard bust, unless you know where some family fluff is buried.
LSD disappeared in America around 2002/2003 after the Pickard bust, unless you know where some family fluff is buried.

100% Bullshit. Yes the Pickard bust was a major setback but many fine chemists have stepped up to fill the gaps both in the US and abroad.
100% Bullshit. Yes the Pickard bust was a major setback but many fine chemists have stepped up to fill the gaps both in the US and abroad.
Quoted for truth.

LOTS of liquid running through Southern California, at least on the tour of one band who's music never stops ;)
Quoted for truth.

LOTS of liquid running through Southern California, at least on the tour of one band who's music never stops ;)

The east coast summer tour was kinda sad as far as L goes, I had several people trade or offer me samples which turned out to be either inactive or nbome =[ I was glad I had some wow that I brought from home
Ok then why has not one sample testing positive for LSD appeared on

but it has

also, as the site would say it is for ecstasy tablets. LSD very very rarely comes in tablet form, and when it does it is so small you wouldn't be able to sell it as ecstasy. LSD is very much around today, like the old adage goes you "gotta know the right people." Just take a look through this thread and you will see some doses, some legit some not.

Has anyone on there ever sent in a blotter period?
I don't know why people are risking it with all these RC fakes making people sick. Go get 5 packs of heavenly blue morning glories. USE A PEPPER GRINDER not a coffee grinder..... Best trip hands down.
Say WHAT?!?! Done tons of rcs, loved em. Did hbw seeds once, sickest i've ever been, worst side effects from any drug i've tried in my life (with deleriants as an exception). One hand has mystery rc the other has hbw seeds, I would still feel way safer swallowing the mystery chem. FUCK LSA! ....just my opinion
Say WHAT?!?! Done tons of rcs, loved em. Did hbw seeds once, sickest i've ever been, worst side effects from any drug i've tried in my life (with deleriants as an exception). One hand has mystery rc the other has hbw seeds, I would still feel way safer swallowing the mystery chem. FUCK LSA! ....just my opinion

A buddy of mind has a friend. He and that friend did LSA together. The friend was apparently in agony the entire time from the HBR seeds, though they may have been morning glory seeds. It's been a while since I've heard the story.

I have experienced the seeds once. I didn't dose very high and the effects were limited to light sedation.
From my understanding, it's not the LSA that makes you sick, it's the seeds themselves (sometimes it's simply the chemicals sprayed on the seeds, or even the organic ones to some extent but wayyy less). There are ways to extract the LSA and from what I have been told by friend who has done so on a few occasions it's actually quite nice.
I extracted LSA from HBWR once and experienced those sedating effects mentioned above, along with mild but noticeable levels of vasoconstriction, cold sweats, and nausea. "Should have dosed higher," I thought.

Personally, I would pick 25I-NBOME over LSA any day of the week. (LSD taking the top, of course)
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