Acid in America 2011-14 v. Drought

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Long time no see everyone.

Michigan has been flooded with lots and lots of good Nor. Cal WoW, and Swiss Fluff coming in perforated hits (Micky Mouse, grateful dead prints, among various others.) And available in almost any quantity, have even heard about some kind of ultra potent liquid solution going around? In addition to raw crystal? Not sure how much sense that makes as I haven't heard of any minimally diluted LSD solution ever, heard of crystal of course but the liquid sounds a little sketchy IMO.

Seems to be that quickly the 25I phenomenon died out here (Thank God) because the community was able to stay educated to avoid the nasty stuff enough to keep dealers from continuing to sell it.

Presently I'd say I prefer the Swiss Acid thats been around recently more than the WoW, just because it seems cleaner and a little more fun ;) . That being said however, the WoW is laid heavier but is probably lavender or silver crystal, still good stuff, just doesn't seem to get me spun in the right way like the Swiss Fluff does. Some of the Swiss hits I'd even argue to call NeedlePoint quality but all are at least fluff. And like I said the WoW is a great too, I spent an hour in a room looking for the last hit I dropped on the ground at a halloween parrty after eating 4 or 5, needless to say I found it in the room with white carpet and dim lighting then wound up having a riot after I ate it for the rest of the night. Haha.

Rock on Mitten!=D
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Can verify the WoW situation out here in Cali. Good stuff. 1 hit is a good buzz, 2 is tripping, 6 is launching into orbit lol.
Fuck I so want to take 6 hits now... I remember how strong 2 was the other day. %)

You definitely should, such intricate fractals. Iv eaten 2 of the same ones a few days ago and was flyin. More just came into town too, looks like I'm gonna have to go on a little Bender haha
yea most wow i have heard of is unperforrated (not that it has to be tho), and whats with the yellow blotches? is that a design i cant make out?
right on, just curious if you were seeing a lot of perforated white blotters

must be nice tho, i imagine have printed blotters is akin to have good tabs, there is something about the mystique of the pill and the press n the logo itself aside from being some good E
its not perfd the hits are printed and measure 1/4 in x 1/4 in. i think it must be how they layed it (maybe dropped rather than soaked in a tray) you can see the chem. i was very paranoid when i saw that but trust the source. i tried one. slight metallic taste, ~30 minute comeup 2 hour peak and felt effects for about 11 hours, i don't know what it could be other than lsd or related ergoloid. maybe someone else can shine some light. i have certainly never seen splotches on wow before
i'm not an expert on paper although i do think its watercolor #14 like most blotter. now also to add to the discussion i had perforated wow in 1985 and again in 1989 (or somewhere around there) and back then they were rumored to be 250 micrograms. now that we have great thing known as the world wide web i'd say they were half that but quite the experience nonetheless. unperfd wow was all we got back then usually with the hits drawn in pencil & prints i've seen have always been perforated. besides a few months ago i got some that were unperforated. what i would give to have the goonie birds from the mid 80s again or something to match up to its potency!
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nah ive had that before and it was great. a metallic taste in acid is normal

i agree that it looks like liquid dropped individually on each hit.

Sometimes the ink on the blotter can cause this taste, especially if the person is new to making blotter, but it's not a common occurrence in my travels.
i noticed euro tabs have a metallic taste, i usually attributed it to the ink from the print. i like swiss paper though its a noticeable difference. the family fluff has no taste though. see if it reacts under a black light.
More unperf-white that is NOT L
- no reaction to Marquis (as claimed by the source, I didn’t test it)
- thin light blue line visible a 10-strip, appeared to be part of a larger print
- the paper was a little stiff but not necessarily thicker than normal
- quick come-up: ~25 min on empty stomach
- mouth numbness started on tongue early on and moved to teeth
- no obvious taste to the paper
- solid body high by 60 min (tingling / buzzing)
- noticeable tension in the base of the neck / shoulders that developed into a mild headache later on
- only slight pupil dilatation throughout the duration
- could not find a comfortable location to chill, moved from couch to bed and back several times
- music was not enjoyable in the least
- total mental clarity throughout the duration
- mild OEV, no CEV
- sex was interesting for her (highly sensitive to touch), I found it to be just ok
- bailed after ~5 hrs w/ 30mg valium and was able to get some light sleep for a few hours
Overall, this was highly disappointing. The lack of mental engagement, spirituality, and perceptual exploration was a major let down. For a body high I would rate it as poor due to the high tension and body load. Some of the other RC’s that are active in the ug range seem to offer a more comfortable experience but equally lacking on the mind.
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