Acid in America 2011-14 v. Drought

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It does seem like an Ehrlich reagent would detect LSD, if you're willing to sacrifice a hit(worth it if you can get more cid). Someone pass this shit out!

Reading all the Acid discussions from all over the world makes me fucking depressed:(. DOx, NBOME, dirty acid, a plain piece of paper or nothing at all is what most are getting all over the fucking world.

DOx is definitely not a replacement; it has it's own uses but not the same and seems more amphetamine like. NBOME sounds good, except some have had bad seizures from seemingly normal doses and is probably worse in an OD. Neither are LSD. Truly a unique compound that, with the possible exception some other lysergamides(that will never be common), will be hard to replace.

It used to be acid could be gotten for no more than some beer, was clean and stronger. WTF happened? Don't say the silo bust, Pickard's a snitch who's way overrated due to DEA chest-pounding. Really only made a few ounces of mediocre acid, not 90kg.

Come on, someone make a bunch of real acid and drive these inferior counterfeits off the market! Don't let it end up like Preludin!

Good post but the part you mentioned about Pickard: ""Don't say the silo bust, Pickard's a snitch who's way overrated due to DEA chest-pounding. Really only made a few ounces of mediocre acid, not 90kg."" He actually made much much more than your claiming. At the time of the bust, authorities only found less than 6 ounces of his "mediocre shit". Before the bust he was normally producing a kilogram of LSD every five weeks. This would approximately produce 10 million doses @ 100 µg a hit if I'm not mistaken. A very far cry from the few ounces you say he produced.

Also you said, its not like he was pumping out 90kgs. 90 kilos of LSD?!?!8o Just take a moment and calculate what that would come out to in doses. Thats an ungodly amount that would need a factory to manufacture it all....a factory I would love to get a job at;)
At an event at the end of last month in WI there was almost nothing good around.. tons of people saying I got acid but you do it up your nose and it hits you in 5 mins, who I had to rip new ones for trying to push something they didn't know the basics of.. but the reason for this post is that I thought it was very strange that an older "phish tour" lookin guy that came by had a half sheet of green geltabs, my friends quickly bought him out and another friend got a couple WoW tabs.. we all proceeded to eat some soon learning that they where completly bunk no active chemical effects even after 2 hours, but the kid that bought the WoW was frying.. just weird shit.. wish some more WoW would come around here.. all I've seen laitly has been 25c nbome on tyedye perf paper=[

The midwest is thirsty
Lots of white on white un perfed cLean love flowin through CO. visuals are pretty mild for majority of this trip but kick in after awhile.

the two hits i got the other week were white unperforated

DFW tex tho

havent dropped em yet tho, will report back when i do
Dan K: I have some of that 25c nbome on the tyedye perforated paper. What would you estimate it is dosed at? I recently ate 2 of them with some mxe as well and didn't see what all the fuss of nbome was about. I thought it was pretty tame compared to good tabs I've had in the past. That being said, some other people I was with went pretty nuts.
Unless you got them in the green bay area they probably arnr thesame. Otherwise they should be 350 or 700.. idk if he double dropped them but they where from a dropped so probably not very evenly laid
some RC dealers sell the nbomes already on blotter

i can think of one right now that had colored nbome blotters, dont remember it being tye dye but it was multi colored so maybe the same

forgot the dose cuz i didnt buy em but a co worker did

but will rc dealers ellin em already on blotter its makes it easier for people to fake it as acid n makes it possible the stuff in wisconsin is the same in other parts of the world

"n makes it possible the stuff in wisconsin is the same in other parts of the world"

except i know for a fact the identity of the idiot who dropped the liquid onto the paper that he bought at a local headshop.
Selfmeditaker, . The DEA counted everything that had detectable amounts of LSD as acid.

Elsewhere it's been stated that most of the acid that he produced was lavender or amber, not needlepoint, white fluff or even silver. Pickard made the good shit for himself and his circle, amber/lavender for distribution.

He did supposedly snitch on family, hence why he worked with assholes like Skinner. Although his lawyer claims it's not true. Perhaps it's DEA propaganda to smear a martyr? Don't think it is, but it might be that.
A friend of mine has picked up "acid" on four separate occasions in CO. The first was in a Ice Drop bottle. It was slightly bluish with a minty taste. He decided that it was either very very diluted LSD or an analogue. The second and third times were on white un-perforated paper. Both times the tabs were bitter and numbing with very intense CEV and OEV stronger than any of the "acid" he has previously tried, which led him to believe that it was actually an NBOMe.

Then just the other weekend he picked up some blotter (green tye-die) from a friend who got the "acid" from Further. This time it was even more bitter and numbing than the un-perfed white on white and the trip is much more intense, too intense actually. He believed he was in a psychotic state seeing auditory and visual hallucinations he could not distinguish from reality.

I've read through this thread and it seems that more and more NBOMe is being sold as LSD and even "mushroom extract." It seems that the blotters that my friend took last were complexed with HPBCD and dosed out a lot higher than the white on white, he thinks they could be upwards of 1000 micrograms.
A friend of mine has picked up "acid" on four separate occasions in CO. The first was in a Ice Drop bottle. It was slightly bluish with a minty taste. He decided that it was either very very diluted LSD or an analogue. The second and third times were on white un-perforated paper. Both times the tabs were bitter and numbing with very intense CEV and OEV stronger than any of the "acid" he has previously tried, which led him to believe that it was actually an NBOMe.

Then just the other weekend he picked up some blotter (green tye-die) from a friend who got the "acid" from Further. This time it was even more bitter and numbing than the un-perfed white on white and the trip is much more intense, too intense actually. He believed he was in a psychotic state seeing auditory and visual hallucinations he could not distinguish from reality.

I've read through this thread and it seems that more and more NBOMe is being sold as LSD and even "mushroom extract." It seems that the blotters that my friend took last were complexed with HPBCD and dosed out a lot higher than the white on white, he thinks they could be upwards of 1000 micrograms.

No need to say a friend man, we know its you.

I saw a decent bit at an event this weekend but didn't sample any though I did hear the words WoW as well as talked to someone who took some blotter without any taste.

A buddy gave me some 25i/25b tabs and identified them as such. They were on a black and white perf'd print though I didn't see the sheet so I can't identify the exact design.
so this will prob be considered a stupid question by some

which is why i havent asked yet

but what is wow acid? certain kind of blotters? what does WoW stand for? its not world of warcraft i assume is it?

just curious if someone would be willing to spell it out for me, im not terribly experienced with LSD being that its always been difficult for me to find legit stuff
^^nah man, its not a stupid question. WoW translates to White on White/Blotter cid. This generally just means that there are no designs or anything on the sheet itself. It can be boomb acid and WoW can be buunk acid...
Yep, as these guys have said - White On White.
I never heard that term until I saw it here really. I always just called them blank hits or white blotter or whatever.
^^ yea same

i just got two hits of white paper

its was unperforated though

not sure fi thats makes anydifference

wierd i asked that question n didnt even know thats what i have 2 hits n the freezer of

thanks yall
No need to say a friend man, we know its you.

I saw a decent bit at an event this weekend but didn't sample any though I did hear the words WoW as well as talked to someone who took some blotter without any taste.

A buddy gave me some 25i/25b tabs and identified them as such. They were on a black and white perf'd print though I didn't see the sheet so I can't identify the exact design.

duly noted, thanks for the protip

Seems to me like a drought of good acid and mdma. MDA and NBOMe aplenty. As for your friend who took the WoW, did he comfirm it was LSD?

The minty taste of the Ice Drops vial could have came from it being NBOMe, which could also account for the weak effects (it was dropped hands and then licked). From what I have read, the bitter taste of NBOMe blotters comes from liquid being complexed with HPBCD to make it more active sublingually.
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