Acid in America 2011-14 v. Drought

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Very strong white on white, unperfed blotter in the Madison area at the moment.

How can you be sure that the substance you have is actually LSD? I'm very skeptical of this drug with all the research chemicals around. I've bought "acid" about a dozen times in the past 2 years and the effects of each have been slightly different. They have ranged from completely bunk to 1 hit being too intense. I guess my question is, how much real LSD is still being produced and what are my chances of ending up with some?
I've done "Acid" over 30 - 35 times now, and only once have I experienced what I believe is pure, real LSD-25. It was from a liquid vial, from a friend. Rumor has it, those vials were made by The Family. One dose would get you feeling amazing. Two would have you in bliss. Three brought me to Wonderland.

It was the most pure, most clean feeling I ever felt from a chemical. It was as though it was water, flowing through me, cleansing my body and soul. Not one slight negative feeling, no come down, and absolutely no hangover.

That was the real deal. It had to be. It's the standard, in my mind. I compare all my experiences to it.
The only people who could actually tell you that would never do such a thing. Listen read and report is the best way of finding good shit.

As for the WoW you are talking about......def some amazing stuff. Id just get a bunch of that and sit on it for a while. Madison is a very hit and miss city with alot of people thinking they are the top shit around the area. Just be careful man, ive encountered alot of DOx compounds around that city.
took some this weekend that made my mouth go numb for a while, pretty sure it wasnt the real deal. were mad hatter prints in new england..anyone know what this could be?
The only people who could actually tell you that would never do such a thing. Listen read and report is the best way of finding good shit.

As for the WoW you are talking about......def some amazing stuff. Id just get a bunch of that and sit on it for a while. Madison is a very hit and miss city with alot of people thinking they are the top shit around the area. Just be careful man, ive encountered alot of DOx compounds around that city.

I didnt miss this time. But nobody answered my question. :? I havent come across a DOx yet, hopefully never will. But yes, Madison is unorganized as far as drugs go.
took some this weekend that made my mouth go numb for a while, pretty sure it wasnt the real deal. were mad hatter prints in new england..anyone know what this could be?

Pretty sure you got 25i, people use a complexing material to make the compound absorb better when taken. The complexing material is what causes your mouth to go numb. Sorry man :/

We don't do substance ID on here but its pretty much accepted that the numbing sensation is indicative of the complexing material. This happened to me a couple months ago which is why I say all of this; it pissed me off pretty bad cause I dropped some money that I thought was getting me legit stuff.

Luckily, I finally got my hands on some good WoW <3
Pretty sure you got 25i, people use a complexing material to make the compound absorb better when taken. The complexing material is what causes your mouth to go numb. Sorry man :/

We don't do substance ID on here but its pretty much accepted that the numbing sensation is indicative of the complexing material. This happened to me a couple months ago which is why I say all of this; it pissed me off pretty bad cause I dropped some money that I thought was getting me legit stuff.

Luckily, I finally got my hands on some good WoW <3
just looked this stuff up and it seems similar to what i had, thanks for the info
Unperf. WoW is flowing hard in chicago! God, i love this tuff. Soo clean and potent!! A 5 strip had me in wonderland at a show @ congress theatre on friday, gotta love it. 1-2 hits is enough to trip but i just love taking a lot of potent lucy.
anyone familiar with an unmarked sheet, 10x10cm, slightly pale yellow in color. this is southeast US
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Pretty sure you got 25i, people use a complexing material to make the compound absorb better when taken. The complexing material is what causes your mouth to go numb. Sorry man :/

Sorry to nitpick, but it's actually the 25i that makes your mouth go numb, not the HPBCD.

Also about that amber color liquid vial, just picked one up from my source who has always had great, strong L and never anything else. Excited to give it a try. The liquid is entirely clear, but when put on watercolor paper for doses it turns almost honey colored, like the best acid I've ever had has. But that was stuff that had been stored for about ten years in a freezer and taken out every few months or so back in 2008.

Excited to say the least :)
5-meo-amt can fit on blotter. It has been done. 2mg per square. I talked to the man who made 'em. And I've heard from multiple other people that the 5-meo-amt blotters were fairly common. I had a few blotters, as well as a small amount of the powder (20mg). Eating 3 of the blotters was similar to eating 7mg of the powder. That gave me a fairly strong experience.... (probably stayed in the +2).

It can be done... Watch out! know you source. talk to you source. get the scoop.

In terms of acid discussion.... I haven't seen anything in the northeast. People have it, but it isn't circulating like it was a couple years ago. Any one I know who has it only has a couple hits. No sheets flying all over. Few and far between... Oh! I can't wait for the flood to happen again. I missed my chance to stock up before this drought,

I would think that a blotter with 2 mg of 5-MeO-aMT or Moxy would taste pretty bad and be much larger than a standard blotter.

I can also echo that the 25i causes the numbness. I have some uncomplexed blotters that did it.
I would think that a blotter with 2 mg of 5-MeO-aMT or Moxy would taste pretty bad and be much larger than a standard blotter.

Idk, I've heard the average size blotter can hold around 5mg of chemicals. Wouldn't know from from experience but that's just what I've heard around on this and other forums.
warning: 25i going around the NM/ABQ area....ive only seen it in vials and powder, so as far as i know blotters are still safe
Ah, okay, thanks guys. I misheard from a friend that is the other that does it but this is good to know.

I took 3 of the WoW I mentioned a few posts up and my mind was blown. No headaches or jaw issues on the comedown and I fried sooo hard. I figured some stuff out had an absolute blast with a friend. It was too much but in a good way.
Idk, I've heard the average size blotter can hold around 5mg of chemicals. Wouldn't know from from experience but that's just what I've heard around on this and other forums.

I've laid blotters of 25i and the most I can fit onto a standard blotter is 300 mcg. I'm sure there are ways to push it higher but I can't figure it out...
I've laid blotters of 25i and the most I can fit onto a standard blotter is 300 mcg. I'm sure there are ways to push it higher but I can't figure it out...

hmmm well if I had any experience laying blotters I would help you but I don't. Maybe the limit is a lot lower, idk. If they're complexed it could just be the HDBCD taking up most of the space.
Some dark brownish vials in the madtown area.....not sure what it was, tasted absolutly awful and off 4"hits" nothing really happened.
in madison as well, i actually just recently came across a connect and bought 5 tabs of wow. to my chagrin, seems like they are bunk as two did nothing. so i continue my search for my first real L, or at least have to wait for festie season :)
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