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Heroin A million and one heroin questions

There's no telling what's in your heroin.

You have the right idea though.

If you're concerned about the quality/sterility, get a micron filter.

Do not boil the solution. Do not heat it.

IV has 2x the BA of snorting heroin. The rush is instantaneous versus gradual, but won't last as long as snorting it.

Smoking powder isn't a "waste" but it's not as good as IV or snorting IMO. I'd rather snort and/or IV over smoking heroin any day (except I no longer use heroin).

-> 1,000,001 Heroin Q's
I thought you never shot your dope CH. I'm not judging, but I thought you were just a snorter.

I primarily snorted heroin. I IV'd heroin maybe 1 dozen to 2 dozen times at the most. Probably closer to 1 dozen. This was also near the end of my time with using heroin.

The last time I used heroin I snorted it. But that was over 14 months ago.
Personal experiences:

** Dissolve your doc in sterile saline (if available),
** pH solution with small amounts of baking soda (keep pH 5-6),
** Bring to a quick boil (to hopefully kill anything that the filter doesn't catch),
** Filter with a 0.22um wheel filter.

Solution can be stored in sterile "multi-dose vials."

I have used this solution for IV, IM and sub-cutaneous injections.

* The saline help to make the solution more Isotonic (better for your body),
* pH-ing brings the solution to a less-offensive level (better for your veins, muscles, and sub-Q fat),

The filters won't stop any viruses, so I would recommend a quick boil (think of the conditions in your dealer's mouth, where your baggie was stored, or the gut of the mule transporting your doc).

I would wash hands and the injection site with soap & water, and perform an alcohol wipedown of the injection site.

Following this routine allowed IM and SC injections without any abcesses (so far).

Not being able to pee when really high

I know that I am not the only person that has problems urinating while high on opiates specifically heroin and morphine. The past two times that I have been really high, it has taken me over three hours to pee:X, and that is with trying for the majority of the three hours. I absolutely hate this, and was wondering what causes this, and if there are any ways of making this process easier. I usually end up enducing vomiting so that I am removing waste from my system in one way or another.

I can't see any difference - just different lighting.

dude there is a hell of a difference she has lost weight you can see that
around her chin & neck she has big black bags beneath her eyes and
she looks at least five years older....
I know that I am not the only person that has problems urinating while high on opiates specifically heroin and morphine. The past two times that I have been really high, it has taken me over three hours to pee:X, and that is with trying for the majority of the three hours. I absolutely hate this, and was wondering what causes this, and if there are any ways of making this process easier. I usually end up enducing vomiting so that I am removing waste from my system in one way or another.

Inducing vomiting isn't going to help clear your bladder. It sucks but if it takes over a half hour it's best to just stop trying, take your mind off it, and try again later. I've spent plenty of time on the toilet, often waking up after passing out from sitting there so long. sometimes i find sitting works better than standing then if sitting doesn't work moving around and then standing dose. I always have my fingers/hand under running warm water, that is a big help. Taking a hot bath can really help loosen things up down there plus it is good for healing bruises and track marks as a bonus.
I primarily snorted heroin. I IV'd heroin maybe 1 dozen to 2 dozen times at the most. Probably closer to 1 dozen. This was also near the end of my time with using heroin.

The last time I used heroin I snorted it. But that was over 14 months ago.

Really? I find that surprising considering how many needles you go through and how much you IV suboxone. What was your other IV experience before that?
I know that I am not the only person that has problems urinating while high on opiates specifically heroin and morphine. The past two times that I have been really high, it has taken me over three hours to pee:X, and that is with trying for the majority of the three hours. I absolutely hate this, and was wondering what causes this, and if there are any ways of making this process easier. I usually end up enducing vomiting so that I am removing waste from my system in one way or another.

another thing that can help is taking a deep breath and clear your mind try not to think to hard on trying to piss.. what i do to keep my mind off it is count up by od numbers 1,3,5,7,9,11, etc. and just count and dont concentrate on pissing and i bet it will help a bit.
I don't know if the "Purest Dope is in New Jersey" issue has come to a head yet.. too many pages to read.. but I am going to have to partly agree with those who say that NJ dope is - or is close to - the purest dope found in the USA.

I'm from Southern Cali - so I have absolutely no choice when it comes to H. - it's either Tar, or nothing.

(Though, I keep hearing that good, worthwhile powder exists in LA somewhere, but I'm beginning to doubt its existence, as I have not seen a single particle of it.. If only.. what a dream that would be! I remain hopeful.)

Anyways, I went to NYC recently, and acting upon a friend's advice, took a train (or two) out to New Jersey to do some copping for this wonderful powder dope. It never took me more than an hour to find the right people, and I never received a sub-par product.

Let me validate what some have already said, earlier in this thread: it is absolutely possible to IV a bunch of bags of such pure H. - probably because it's so pure - regardless of actual tolerance. I don't know, but I went from buzzin off 2 little stampbags at once, to literally slamming 5 stamps at once! WITHIN 4 DAYS. I could easily have done more at once, but control set in, as usual. My tolerance shot up so quickly, and I didn't want to go through my precious collection of east coast powder, so I quickly cooled off and kept the max at 2 bags/session.

If I had been staying out there another week, I would have come back with a bundle-a-day habit (10 stamps), most likely (if I decided to stop controlling myself, that is).

The only variation in quality, out of the 4 different stamps I tried, was that one was slightly, and noticeably stronger than all the others, which were the exact same as each other.

Tar really isn't bad - when it's good, it's good. But powder is cleaner and so so benign to the body... I miss it already. But hey - I can't complain.
My first time... So... Will a 25g work? I know I'm supposed to use 29-30... But will it still work?

My bad in advance if I'm not supposed to post stuff like this.

Nah I'd be dead. I need to know if a 25 gauge (however you spell it) will work to IV H?
well if i was you if its your first time taking H i would smoke it rather than hit it, i personally used a 29g when i hit, i wouldnt use a 25 on my arm, the thinner the better
Star^^... No it's not my first time, I usually snort it (not fond of smoking)...

Well I went out n got some 30g. I could not find a vein for the life of me!! I have like 12 lil marks on me (look like a crack head). Let's just say I had a horrible experience n Ima stick to snorting it. Ya snorting the dirty tast like shit, but it's better than a huge blister on my arm lol.

Btw if you don't hit the sweet spot will it still effect you? The first time I didn't draw like you're supposed to (that's where the blister came n play). The 2nd time I had bubble trouble n shot too fast n hurt like a mofo.... Like I said Ima snort n that's it lol.
I smoked light brown powder heroin for the first times. The latter ones I was nodding out quite hard but hadn't some super euphoria a la 4-mmc or oxycodone+alcohol. Sure it was very relaxing and I felt great but I had expected more. I was mostly smoking it during 4-fmp come-downs to calm down but I did nothing interesting so maybe the set/setting was bad?
Or should I use it at exciting stuff where the upper highs get interesting? (thinks at runningaway from the polic on amphs)

Or maybe the aftereffects just destroyed it? Any idea?

Greetings! ;-)
So, for the last few months I've been injecting intramuscularly....Or trying atleast. I use 1/2" 1/2cc syringes. I stick it straight into my bicept at a 90 degree angle just like when you get a vaccine.others......help....Thanks...asbeen

This is just begging for you to develop an abscess and possibly even lose the limb like the people in this thread have had happen to them.


So, here are my questions... First, does anyone know how to skin-pop? I've gotten a million answers. Some say it's just like muscling but with a short needle, or that you pull out until the needle registers with blood at the sub-cutaneous layer. Can someone who actually uses this process answer my question? Cause I've read all the hypothetical bs already....Also, where else can I muscle? I think there's too much fat on my hip...I'm only 120lbs, 5'6, I just mean it's a fatty part of the body on anyone...and third, I'm sure that if I can successfully find it, the femoral vein would totally save me right now. I read the thread on it, I get that it's to the right of the pulse, but I can't find the pulse!!! Is a 1/2" needle long enough? I have a lot more questions, but let's start with these...

If you absolutely must be playing Russian roulette with skin popping: First of all you will want to pick and injection site such as your abdomen, thigh, buttox, or even on your lower back, though if an abscess forms on your lower back it could grow deadly before you notice and deal with it since the injection site isn't in a place that's visible. After you find a nice juicy place to blow your load in, you are almost ready to skin pop, but first you must find out which of the two techniques you will be using in the area you have chosen. To decide this you should take your (cleaned or gloved) hand and pinch off as much excess skin from the area as you can and if the amount you are left with is 2 inches or more of skin from the original point you pulled it from you will be using the 90 degree insertion technique, and if it is in any way less than that, or about 1 to 1.5 inches you will be better off using the 45 degree insertion method just due to the psychics that a needle going sideways wont go too deep compared to a needle that is going perpendicular to your skin. Once you make a decision about where you will be wanting to skin pop you will want to take an alcohol wipe and once over the injection site just like if you would IV, this will hopefully reduce the chance of an abscess or bad infection from forming, though when you are shooting street dope, you can't ever be sure. Once the alcohol drys or once you blow it dry you will want to take your chosen injection site and then you can go about inserting the inserting the needle at either a 45 or 90 degree angle to the area that you just let dry, though the rule in the medical community where I have learned to instruct diabetics to give themselves these shots is to use the 45 degree insertion technique when you can't be sure.

Here are the techniques I mentioned above:

45 Degree technique: Hold the injection device almost like a pencil while still grasping it far enough down the barrel to get your palm above the plunger when it becomes necessary to inject, but while maintaining a 45 degree angle of entry to the skin you will quickly want just to push the barrel into the site with enough force to allow about half of the needle to be stuck in the skin.

90 degree technique: This is the way that most people on the street will attempt to skin pop their dope once they run out of veins, and while it can be effective, the amount of loose skin needs to be deeper (about 2 inches can be grasped with your hand before you pick a site) and if the subject shoots the preparation too deep it will end up not being nearly as fun as if they had done it properly with a 45 degree insertion technique. The way you go about this should be pretty self explanatory, but I will tell you how to do it anyway. You should grasp the syringe (not by the plunger!) like you would for any other injection, like a pencil, and with a little bit of force, take it from a height of about 6 inches from your skin and allow the needle to enter the skin about halfway, obviously if the needle is longer let less of the needle stay in.

Once you have the syrine either at a 45 or 90 degree angel to the area on your skin were you chose to inject, this is the point where you pinch off your skin and almost wrap the loose skin around the needle that is inside if you are using the 45 degree method and if the needle is in at a 90 degree angle you should pull up a portion of the skin so as to lift up the rig as well because you don't want to accidentally have the needle slip deeper.

This is the point when you are finally able to drive that beautiful plunger home and if you did it right, you should be left with a small bubble at the injection point, and inside that bubble if you look close enough you can probably even see your prep solution if it is dark enough or a color that won't blend into the backdrop of your lower skin layers.

While I took a lot of words to explain what could be done in just a couple, I felt that for you, it was worth it. I don't want to see any more abscesses you hear me!
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Cause I've read all the hypothetical bs already....Also, where else can I muscle? I think there's too much fat on my hip...I'm only 120lbs, 5'6...

Honestly, if you are going about skin popping your drugs the right way, which after my how-to should have you ace in a day's worth of shooting anyway, you really shouldn't ever risk doing an IM shot with something as unregulated and dirty as street dope. If something bigger than just the needle head gets into those muscles everything around the site of injection will start to necrotise and sometimes half the muscle is lost in the pursuit of way to get high quickly, even though there usually is another way, as I alluded to in the skin popping guide. The only preparations that you can ever really know are safe to IM are ampoule preparations that either come from a hospital, stolen from a stock room, or are diverted from people with horrific pain in a situation where they are supplied opioid ampoules while they are bedridden from an illness; and those cases are very rare that you will ever see a sustainable supply of ampoule preparations of IV opioids. In fact, I think that me even bringing up the possibility of a well supplied junky with ampoule preparations of strong opioids is pretty damn unbelievable except in the cases where some European studies will supply heroin or other IV preparations of opioids to only the most unsavable needle junkies, and even then I am sure that they have ungodly restrictions about how much you can inject at a time, where you must inject, and how often.

I will say confidently that I have never in my medical career even handled more than 1 order for a high potency concentration of opioids ordered to specifically be administered in an ampoule along with syringes, and that case was more or less to supply a patient with horrifically painful disease who knew her only fate was death sooner or later a way to basically have the doctor wink harder than anyone ever has and for the patient to basically have herself be comfortably put to rest in her own time on her own terms. The doctor who did this immediately regretted it on a legal basis, even though he never really gave it for assisted suicide he was scared for over a year that the police would come knocking on his door any day to indict him for manslaughter or some exaggerated charge related to a patient's right to die.
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really try taking the spike off the needle and shoot up rectum. if u really wanna know about femeral p.m me as i dont want it publicly out here, it will lead to d.v.t' i've had 4 and they r agony and not worth it ,i been off pins now almost 2yrs, after 10 yrs on em so i do relate.isnt ur h smokeable? i can imagine how sore n solid n red n swollen ur skin popping areas are,nowadays pinning up and the consequences really repulse me. i cant believe i done it for so long and clung on to it so tenaciously like you when my needle days were clearly well over,jail finally stopped me. when i went in, i was gettin a vien once a week and missing the rest of the time, so when i came out n started using again i smoked my gear instead almost 2yrs now,after 4 bloodclots on both femerals i still got my legs but wit sensory nerve dystrophy from fucking up the little blood pumping valves at ankles,this s,n,d causes legs to swell if i walk far the skin to break and my legs once lush are now ugly varicosed things.pls dont go fem, but in harm reduction interest i will guide u proper,but i implore u not to do it.
Need advice: How long does the peak of snorting powder last? Friend wants to comedown

I have searched these forums quite a bit for this simple FAQ, but have only found vague answers.

My friend took a 1/2 of a pea sized bump of some pretty strong H after smoking a little bit and is feeling quite nervous about it being too much. He is a relatively new user with a low tolerance and rarely snorts.

It has been 2.5 hours since his bump and as wondering how long it usually takes to start coming back down?

Is there anything he can do to kill his high?

Thanks, and sorry for it being such a common question.
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