6th Issue Heroin Discussion Thread... v. Doprah

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And no one cares about canada..

Be nice to the residents of our 51st state.:)

Chinky, I know your from Chi-town, I just wanted to rub in that it is 60 degrees here and people are complaining, and the cops son't give a shit about buds, with or without an Rx- stuff on the other hand are a different story- though that depends on the cops and what part of CA your in...and TJ being down the street haven't coped dope there myself but I gear there is an open market and as far as the cops go you can usually buy yourself out of most situations. I've met dopefiends at meetings that began moving there in the late 90s and didn't start having legal problems till they moved back across the border. Used to be you could get 2 years for a joint and they would extort heavy bribes- this was the early 90s. Hope the legal shit goes well for you- good luck.

Anyway, my team nod is going to have to come from 15 mg of remeron and some xanax. I'm down to 0.5 mg of sub and the aches weren't as bad today.
Oh shit, TommyBoy is a mod now... whats up Tommy haha Good stuff

Yea, over in drug culture, not here.

Yo chinky, you are atleast in a good postition where you have those subs as a back-up.

Whenever I would finally give up on finding H, I would put the suboxone under my tongue and it seemed like my dealer would call me a second later.

because then I just end up doing it and of course it feels like absolutely nothing
I bet each time you do it, you say to yourself, "this time will be different, I'll definitely feel it" and of course it's never different, right? I know I do things like that to myself all the time. Despite things not working out the way I'd like or not turning out well at all the last time I did something, I'll convince myself to do it again because I just KNOW that this time is different.....it NEVER is.
It is the worst feelin when you been sick as hell all mornin like "yeah I know he gon call any minute" fuckin minutes seem like hours then finally after hours with no response you finally break down and do some subs and the fuckin phone rings "come thru" Then it's like fuck now I don't even want to go cop cuz I can't get fuckin high.

If I end up coppin' after I took some sub I always end up doin' just a couple bags cuz that shit be burnin a whole in my pocket. It does seem to make me sleep better and even feel better but it def. don't get me "high" like dope should. If I know I'm gon have to take subs tho I usually do it when I wake up in w/d around 6 or 7am so that way when the next day rolls around I can just wake up and start gettin twisted the minute I wake up, without havin to wait til noon or whatever after the "24 hours" which I don't think is always 24 hours but in my mind it seems like if I do subs at 10 am tuesday then at 10:01 wednesday I'm good to do as much d as I want, but if I did it at 9:50 it'd be gettin' blocked. I know it's dumb as hell and obviously a few min or a hour or whatever wont make that much of a difference, but it seems to work for me so fuck it.
I'm here. I have a bag that I was gonna save for tomorrow morning, but it's calling me. If I do it tonight I'll wish I hadn't in the morning... I just need to come up with a good rationalization for why I should do it now... lol.
Que paso everybody! Haven't been on Bluelight in a while, so figured tonight would be a good night to get a few bags and read though the thread. Man, reading all this stuff in one sitting, kinda crazy seeing all the little mini-arguments that happen. Also kinda crazy how damn long it took me to read these 8 pages of discussion while nodding in and out. :) Been getting some decent dope lately Anyway, not much else to add, this is the social thread so figured I'd be social and say what's up to everyone.

Be Safe!
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I just banged 3 bags in 2 shots (1.5 each) spaced out between like 15 min or so and didn't get a rush either time and am not really that high and my tolerance isn't that high right now. The last time I shot up about a week ago I did 1.5 and was on my ass and took a bit of a tolerance break other than doing a couple bags during the week. Why the fuck could this be?

EDIT: Also, I'm pretty sure they didn't miss. I have a friend helping me out and she says it went in the veins both times.
Fuck subs never mess with my high, i shoot up a half a 8mg subutex then do a halfgram of tar and still get high. I been shooting subs for 3 years tho so im pretty sure they dont have much of an effect on me. I been watching alot of Banged up Abroad and Locked up abroad about people smuggling china in from Asia. Goddamn i really wanna take a vaca over to asia for a month or so and just get strung the fuck out on some pure smack. These 1-2 gram day binges arent cutting it anymore.
I just read the UNODC's 2010 World Drug Report. It's so fucking crazy how Afghanistan produces like ~85-90% of the world's heroin. Yet it doesn't touch North America on a large scale.
Iran is the number 1 opiate consuming nation in the world. Afghanistan is up there. Russia consumes 50% of the world's Afghan dope supply. The rest goes to Italy, UK, Spain, Germany.. and then other countries downward. THAT'S 90% of the WORLD Heroin Supply per year.. roughly 500,000 kilos a year CONSUMED. They seize around 10% per year. Next up is Myanmar (Burma) producing the 2nd most under 7%, mostly going to China and SEA. Australia's dope game is pathetic.. barely consuming 1,000 kilos a year. Someone really needs to start pumping that country up with heroin from SEA. Mexico comes in 3rd in production, then Colombia. Not much is mentioned about Mexico/Colombia.. except they produce like 2% of the World's heroin and it's all going to the USA. USA is kind of weak in terms of world consumption. Only like 7%.. And only 2% of the world's heroin is coming to us. It just blows my mind how much heroin there is in Europe compared to the USA. People really need to read up on it.. google UNODC World Drug Report 2010.
shooting suboxone is pointless imo. i never got a buzz fr om it and it made the naxlone bind real well. just my thoughts
Fuck subs never mess with my high, i shoot up a half a 8mg subutex then do a halfgram of tar and still get high. I been shooting subs for 3 years tho so im pretty sure they dont have much of an effect on me. I been watching alot of Banged up Abroad and Locked up abroad about people smuggling china in from Asia. Goddamn i really wanna take a vaca over to asia for a month or so and just get strung the fuck out on some pure smack. These 1-2 gram day binges arent cutting it anymore.

Sounds like you need a dope vacation. Or one to SEA.

What do you get from banging Subs?

PS -- Wudup my fellow nodders??? How are yall doin? Who else is noddin, besides me?
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I just read the UNODC's 2010 World Drug Report. It's so fucking crazy how Afghanistan produces like ~85-90% of the world's heroin. Yet it doesn't touch North America on a large scale.
Iran is the number 1 opiate consuming nation in the world. Afghanistan is up there. Russia consumes 50% of the world's Afghan dope supply. The rest goes to Italy, UK, Spain, Germany.. and then other countries downward. THAT'S 90% of the WORLD Heroin Supply per year.. roughly 500,000 kilos a year CONSUMED. They seize around 10% per year. Next up is Myanmar (Burma) producing the 2nd most under 7%, mostly going to China and SEA. Australia's dope game is pathetic.. barely consuming 1,000 kilos a year. Someone really needs to start pumping that country up with heroin from SEA. Mexico comes in 3rd in production, then Colombia. Not much is mentioned about Mexico/Colombia.. except they produce like 2% of the World's heroin and it's all going to the USA. USA is kind of weak in terms of world consumption. Only like 7%.. And only 2% of the world's heroin is coming to us. It just blows my mind how much heroin there is in Europe compared to the USA. People really need to read up on it.. google UNODC World Drug Report 2010.

I have read it myself, and it is weird how Mexico and Colombia supply all our heroin ,but make up only a tiny amount of overall heroin produced..Iran,Russia,China all those places have got major heroin addcits!! Strange huh, wonder why the UK is so dry of good heroin with Afghanistan supplying so much dope in the world, guess the Russian junkies slam it all before it makes it to the UK!! Spain is known to have a lot of dope and also Amsterdam and Germany..lol..I guess the UK people are lower on the list than it appears to be on the list.
Fuck subs never mess with my high, i shoot up a half a 8mg subutex then do a halfgram of tar and still get high. I been shooting subs for 3 years tho so im pretty sure they dont have much of an effect on me. I been watching alot of Banged up Abroad and Locked up abroad about people smuggling china in from Asia. Goddamn i really wanna take a vaca over to asia for a month or so and just get strung the fuck out on some pure smack. These 1-2 gram day binges arent cutting it anymore.

Well if you have to shoot a 1/2 gram of dope then maybe its effecting you somewhat, dunno, never had to do a 1/2 gram shot of heroin at one time to get high, but I guess it all depends on the dope and the person..If I shot a 1/2 gram of good powder dope, I think I would OD, although I'm a snorter these days so my tolerance is not as high as it would be..
wild though..a 1/2 gram of heroin in one shot!! That's a lotta tar, I bet you cannot even see through the solution in the syringe to see blood,its so dark huh?! That must get expensive as I have a really good idea of tar prices where you are at!! You musta got a new connection huh?!
Shit I did not know tar was so popular in Ohio as it must be, I know a dude from columbus,Ohio that says they get tar there all the time, and another person I know is from toledo and says the get tar that is "fire" and it is more costly than the powder dope there!! I think that it's obviuos that the powder they get is more cut than Chicago or Detroit powder, and apparently they got some Fentanyl laced dope in Toledo!! Anwyay , I would have though Ohio would have good powder from Detroit or somewhere, I know Cincy gets powder dope from East Coast ,or chicago or Detroit,etc..wonder why north and central Ohio has so much tar? I did not think it would go over so well there..
Shit I did not know tar was so popular in Ohio.

Yeah, it fucked me up to. It ain't just Columbus and all that cuz I go to Steubenville, OH which is about as South eastern Ohio as you can get it's right on the border.(It's about 30 min from west end of Pittsburgh) but when I first started goin there I figured it's so close to Pittsburgh it's gon be buns n bricks but when I went to the jects people was lookin at me like I was fuckin crazy when I told em I didn't want tar I wanted powder.

I ended up meetin 2 boys that was from Newark and a boy from Chicago out there and the Newark boys had some fire 90% of the time, the Chicago boy had some pretty decent shit the couple times I had fucked with him but they all told me they was there cuz no body else had powder.
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