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RCs 3F-Phenmetrazine (3-FPM)

i have been using for a month now, pretty regularly to get things done and had no side effects- i still don't have any moodswings or psychological effects... but i did get flu like symptoms, mostly because it dries you out so much, and the shit burning my nose and throat, my tonsils were all screwed up for a week but i got better and carried on
If only crook would come back and give us a status report on his relationship with this chem.

and ^^ the flu-like symptoms are what I am worried about. That and the complete destruction of mood that follows a binge with stuff like eph or mdpv.
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I fortunately managed to stay off it. As I said I dumped those 450g into the trash, but ordered another 3 later for a single session which once again wreaked havoc on my veins due to the needle fixation it triggers.

It's a wonderful stimulant and the IV rush is something else at high doses, but I'm afraid I really need to stay away. :/

Oh and no comedown whatsoever for me, but I've never crashed of stimulants, quite on the contrary - I stay stimulated for days. Only after the main effects were off do I become really stimulated/hypomanic/manic.
so other than the flu-like things, theres nothing to really worry about. Thanks for your input man, I know how it feels to drift into that dark-dark place full of needles and rushes that are never quite as satisfying as you wish they were. If I were you, I would stay away from stims, for at least a while and get myself some trypts.
I see people writing about getting euphoric effects from 3-FPM at high dosages.
So, how high are these high dosages? Think i tried up to 40 or 50mg nasally but haven't really experienced any euphoria.
Anyway I thought a normal dose insufflated was 30mg, seems like that is to low, isn't it?
You don't tell a crook how to live his life.
Haha I just rode the train home from a gf's place instead of sleeping in her bed because 100mg of MDMA were waiting for me. The pharmacy I was heading for closes at midnight and I got there 9 minutes late. I still really wanted to do that MDMA and walked 45 minutes to the next emergency pharmacy. The whore working there claimed they carried no needles whatsoever. After giving it some further thought I decided it'd be best to take a cab home. Wasted 22 euros and spent an hour walking. Since these are obviously not signs that tell me to dump the crystals, I best get up in 5h to rush over to the pharmacy. AAAARGH I can not put into words how ambivalent I am about this, it's tearing me apart.

I don't really take anything on a regular basis, but my life has been an obstacle course as of late in which the obstacles are drugs and I keep tripping over them. Speaking of tripping, you mentioned tryptamines. I always have some DMT at home. The only other one I have is 5-MeO-MiPT which I hated.
Regarding the nothing to worry about part... I stated plenty of times that I am convinced this substance shows some clinically significant neurotoxicity at the highest recreational dosage range. That's 2-3g in a session, 500mg doses (IV). Apparently some people experience amnesia (me included) at some point and I developed neurogenic pain from hell (first paresthesia, hypesthesia, then it turnde into horrible pain). The pain always peaked a day after using 3F-P and then diminished throughout the next couple of weeks. I took it on and off for months, so it was hard to deny a correlation.
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Yeah, neither do I, but once or twice a year I just feel like getting a little...naughty. I have read everything you have posted (sounds creepy now that I say it) and I noticed the things you said about it being neurotoxic in those crazy ass doses. Hell, my largest single IV dose was 250mg and that was on MPA, mind you. I do not plan to go nowhere as high as that ever again. Maybe 100mg tops, since the rush has been described as amazing, but that only after going through lower doses.

I said what I said about tryptamines because a good trip always clears my head, as long as I take proper care of set and setting. I noticed that I get some horrid moodswings after binges that can last for months and are cured if I have a nice, warm and fuzzy trip about a week after stopping the stims.

But then again, different strokes for different people. On second thought, what I said might not be that safe, after all, even if you do take a week off to replenish some of those neuroreceptors.
The problem is that I've abused psychedelics so heavily for many years. I've had like 200 psychedelic experiences, not counting DMT! It's more masturbatory and less revelatory now. But yeah, some shrooms or mescaline would probably be a good idea. I know it doesn't sound like it, but I've really got my life on the right track, starting a legitimate business, mood stable, daughter doing very well, surrounded by hot women, it's just that I keep tripping over said obstacles too often still.

EDIT: Just double-checked by IV'ing 60mg MDMA. 3F-P still wins.
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Ahh yes, gone are the days when I thought 100mg oral was a night of fun. These days I'm plugging 600-1000mg, IVing 300mg and taking the rest oral and snorted and vaped and enjoying the psychosis.
I hear you brother. Oh how I do. I can say with confidence that I've never come across a more addictive substance than 3-Fluoro-Phenmetrazine. Life changing. For the worse. Rarely does a day pass on which I don't think of the insane rush it provides.

Hope you get through it!
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oh come on noobcakes, that rush is not worth the consequences. I know a similar state of mind, as I enjoyed MDPV a bit too much myself. If you are going up to those doses you know as well as I do that something is amiss. Psychosis is funky business. I do not mean to sound like your mother, but I guess it cannot be helped. The research you provide is most important, but your health should outweigh that.
I injected 10-50mg MDPV along with my 500mg 3F-P shots for a while. That's what first triggered my 1000 poke session that had me end up cleaning blood from my place and repainting the kitchen walls for 12h straight. Good times for sure!!!

EDIT: Regarding the IV rush of MDMA vs. 2F-Phenmetrazine... Both MDMA and 3F-P can provide a sickeningly intense rush. Those 60mg MDMA I injected earlier knocked me flat on my ass and had me asleep for round about 4 hours. It will leave me depleted of serotonin. I won't feel too hot tomorrow. 3F-P on the other hand will have me stimulated for more than a day which I can counter with olanzapine anytime I want. It's really up to preference. I should note that I've never went past 90mg in a single shot of MDMA, while the 3F-P shots require more than 400mg to make my blood boil and freeze time. Back to bed. Never been this sleepy off MDMA, not via intravenous injection and not via any other route of administration.
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Binging 3 grams in 3 grams, mainly insufflated and some oral. Used benzo to sleep (no benzo history).

DAY 1 off and it was really hard to sleep, eat, I shake and Im cold and I feel down AF, incredibly bad mood well into the might, little sleep with lucid drams

Don't binge.. You will get sick

How I feel

DAY 2: Slept ok, I feel strangely ok, almost baseline, a little off still, funky vision and such.
DAY 3: 100% baseline/normal.

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Maybe it's a good moment to think about your options to quit. You know it's possible.
Good luck!

I've hit that point now. I lost something very dear to me because of how I've dealt with my addictions recently. The comedown from many many days of use coupled with that fact hitting me in the face is... this feels brutal.
sorry to hear that, all of you.
I hope you bounce back from this and that in a few days time at most you will be smiling more than ever.
I have used 5 gram 3-FPM over the course of 3 weeks on pretty much daily basis.
I had 3 'big sessions': 2x 500mg over an evening and my very last 2,5 grams at the first 3 days of a festival, was awake for 80 hours then. Never thought I took so much, just kept filling Rizla's. Yeah, dumb :) But I was amazed I was still behaving and feeling quite normal towards the very end of those 80 hours, I just came home, stayed up for a couple of hours, checked a few things on my laptop and just went to bed. The time between the last dose and falling asleep here was 11 hours.

I experienced following effects:
Minor headaches, only when re-dosing and not getting sleep, it went away fairly quickly with a single beer though..., Minor visual distortions such as little black spots, I first thought were flies in my room, colors shifting, colory thingies in my peripheral vision, plants slowly waving, etc... but nothing scary. These were becoming apparent for me after the 3th day mark, didn't notice much of it with 1 night of no sleep. As a matter of fact, as i'm typing this now objects around me started shaking furiously like I've never seen before. :D Haha (Been up since monday morning, with 4 hours sleep on sunday night, no drugs except LOTS of coffee, lots of tobacco and an unhealthy amount of stress involved). I got back-outs after about 75 hours, when walking home It felt just like I teleported from point to point few hundred meters apart till I got home. But isn't that also due to the sleep deprivation? Didn't had much trouble making conversations at all during use, spend hours talking interesting subjects to strangers. Even at +-70 hours awake I was having a really good 2 hour conversation with some Christians that interpret the Bible literally. I don't know a damn about religion, I don't really give a damn about it too, but it was super interesting for some reason, and they gave free coffee :) That really helped me. Losing track of time also occurs when re-dosing fast after each other. Sometimes I had a stinging feeling that didn't last longer then a few seconds, could be from sitting down in the same position a long time cause I never notice that feeling when I'm outside and/or moving around. Once I had a pulsating vein in my neck that went normal after a sleep. No muscle cramps. No paranoia ever. Then haven't used it at all till 4 weeks after. I never had a crash from it, I think, and if I had, the crash for me must have been not that bad. The first day after stopping, I got a stomachache in the evening, that went away as I got home and I did got tired fast about till 3 days after but it had planned Modafinil and MDMA (150mg) the remaining 3 days of the festival so it wasn't a problem. For the modafinil, just one 200mg pill should make me feel like I've had a super good quality sleep but I took 600mg to feel anything more awake, in the afternoon, and I could fall asleep easily not too late at night, so yeah,... I did feel a typical mdma crash for 2 weeks, but it wasn't worse then any other. Never got the mentioned flu symptoms eighter.
After my experience, no drugs were taken besides some glasses of wine/beer and a few joints here and there for 4 weeks.
Oral is my favorite way to go, I find the effects more balanced and I think the negatives are less pronounced and stay out for longer when redosing (not sure might be personal).
Snorting on a big sesh left me cleaning and picking out bloody snot out of my nose for a good while and had 2 days the feeling I was walking around with a super strong Vicks in it, so I'm not doing that anymore :)

Oh, and this is my first post! :D
After lurking around here for a good while gathering information for myself I tought it was my turn to give something back, hope it can be usefull!

PS: I red through a lot the recent posts today, lost this topic out of sight last weeks, and I'm going to be more careful with the substance in the future. At that time my information was: 'highly functional,...blablabla stimultant' shitty drug.
This is my first stimulant, besides from MDMA then, so I can't compare it to something else. But I knew this had more potential then being a boring straight stimulant during my big sessions. Had mdma-like feelings towards music, chatting with people (although not in the mdma softy way), complete with very mild bruxism, sensitive touch and colors becoming brighter. It lasted for about 20 minutes I think, but it was there at some point, very clearly.
Oh and I also have to note: During the last week with my 2,5g and mdma, I forced myself larger amounts of food. I ate a larger amount of meat then usual as I felt I could use the proteins as I was moving around all the time. Yet it was easy for me to see I lost a fair amount of weight.
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