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RCs 3F-Phenmetrazine (3-FPM)

Never seen black phlegm, but as with all amphetamines you should keep yourself well hydrated. And you should plan to eat properly, even if you are not feeling hungry. Your body still needs hydration, more than normal and without eating properly you will just get ill.
Can anyone direct me to or let me know a way to alter the pH of 3FPM so that I can IV more of the drug without having to use larger capacity syringes or multiple larger capacity syringes?
Don't inject at concentrations higher than 42mg/ml or you are likely to suffer damage. That's what I came up with during months of intravenous use of this substance. I loaded full 10ml (effectively 12ml) syringes per shot lol...
Never seen black phlegm, but as with all amphetamines you should keep yourself well hydrated. And you should plan to eat properly, even if you are not feeling hungry. Your body still needs hydration, more than normal and without eating properly you will just get ill.

yeah you're probs right.
apetite is just vanished, even when sober. ugh
which is unlike my fat ass! lol
apetite is just vanished, even when sober. ugh

The loss of appetite is not surprising. In the 1950's (Preludin) Phenmetrazine was designed as an appetite suppressant without the side-effects of amphetamine. Just because you do not feel hungry does not mean that you do not need to eat. If you don't eat, you will die, regardless of how many chems you get inside you. If you do not eat properly then you will become ill. I have found that while eating food is not necessarily a desire when on 3FPM, the act of eating food is not unpleasant. You need to look after yourself.
Don't inject at concentrations higher than 42mg/ml or you are likely to suffer damage. That's what I came up with during months of intravenous use of this substance. I loaded full 10ml (effectively 12ml) syringes per shot lol...

My poor little arm veins are unimpressed by my regime of sticking three 3ml syringes in seqentially (they're the biggest I can get here in the UK on needle exchange - marketed as 2ml, marked to 2.5ml but fill to 3) but I did manage to find a couple of friends last weekend who I introduced 3FPM to (they described it as a 'slow burner' on the initial slam) who joined me to inject 3 3ml ino myself in parallel. Rushy.

This week I've been trying to rest the arms a bit, so I'm plugging 600mg and then injecting 115mg in 2.8ml of water.
Functionally, ingestion works fine - but no rush, though extra length in effects
Recreationally, snorting works fine - some buzz, though short lived, and only so much powder you can really get up there.

What's plugging like? I'd really like to try this tomorrow.
Hey guys, I have been lurking around bluelight for quite a while, but have never really bothered to post (what a shitty person I am). Having lost my previous account I have just created this new one because of this new RC that seems to be better than a lot of stuff that I have tried recently. I have tried EPH, MPA, MDPV and 4-MMC as far as stimulants go, so I am not a complete newbie to these.

What I want to ask is this:
Can this chemical be stored in concentrated solution safely for a long period of time (say 1-2 months) without fear of it degrading? If so, how should said solution be prepared and what should it be stored in?
I would love to be able to get about 100mg in 1ml, but I understand that this is not possible. Would something other than water help?
Can this chemical be stored in concentrated solution safely for a long period of time (say 1-2 months) without fear of it degrading? If so, how should said solution be prepared and what should it be stored in?
I would love to be able to get about 100mg in 1ml, but I understand that this is not possible. Would something other than water help?

use bacteriostatic water. Distilled water with 0.9% benzyl alcohol. This stuff shouldn't degrade.

You can get ~150mg/mL dissolved of this stuff in clean distilled water. as far as I know. Just don't store it in the fridge then, keep it at room temp.

What's plugging like? I'd really like to try this tomorrow.

Best way to take it. ~20mg plugged is enough to get shit done :)
I've gone through a hell of a lot of this stuff using various ROAs and feel the need to point out that when abusing it heavily, one needs to manage their electrolyte balance and blood PH as a matter of urgency. Having tools on standby for manipulating cortisol and aldosterone levels is also extremely helpful. It is possible to evade blood pressure, fatigue, confused states, a racing heart, etc if you understand the architecture of the body/brain and can effectively identify what's currently missing.


Also, missing a vein with this stuff results in a crazy amount of brown skin. That ROA is not worth it to me in the least as plugging is very close in effectiveness.

Stay safe <3
I've gone through a hell of a lot of this stuff using various ROAs and feel the need to point out that when abusing it heavily, one needs to manage their electrolyte balance and blood PH as a matter of urgency.
That blood pH thing is bullshit. The blood has a massive buffer which won't get exhausted that quickly. Once it happens though, death is at your doorstep.

How did you get the idea? If you inject a shitload of propylene glycol acidosis is a significant risk.
That blood pH thing is bullshit. The blood has a massive buffer which won't get exhausted that quickly. Once it happens though, death is at your doorstep.

How did you get the idea? If you inject a shitload of propylene glycol acidosis is a significant risk.

Well my buffer did run out at certain points and I hit metabolic acidosis. I'm on certain medications which impact my body's ability to manufacture glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids which, when combined with extreme sleep deprivation. fasting and stimulant abuse, lead to an adrenal crisis and accompanying acidiosis. I had a fun time figuring all of this out while managing to avoid going to a hospital. If you've never had to deal with this, I'm happy for you and hope it stays that way.
How do you get the idea that you had metabolic acidosis without any blood work? Just rapid breathing? Have you had metabolic acidosis before (with blood work done)? If it should happen it can quickly turn into a medical emergency. Injecting sodium bicarbonate would be the way for rapid relief. Similarly if you suffer light chronic acidosis you should supplement bicarbonate salts on a daily basis.

However if you have Addison's disease the issue is insufficient production of corticosteroids which can be accompanied by chronic metabolic acidosis afaik. In that case your suggestions really do not apply to anyone else and we are not supposed to give medical advice that goes past safer drug use.

If what you say is true you are lucky to have survived the crisis. I'm sceptical though since you diagnosed yourself. Do you have an Addison's disease diagnosis or is there another underlying illness that causes hypocortisolemia?
How do you get the idea that you had metabolic acidosis without any blood work? Just rapid breathing? Have you had metabolic acidosis before (with blood work done)? If it should happen it can quickly turn into a medical emergency. Injecting sodium bicarbonate would be the way for rapid relief. Similarly if you suffer light chronic acidosis you should supplement bicarbonate salts on a daily basis.

However if you have Addison's disease the issue is insufficient production of corticosteroids which can be accompanied by chronic metabolic acidosis afaik. In that case your suggestions really do not apply to anyone else and we are not supposed to give medical advice that goes past safer drug use.

If what you say is true you are lucky to have survived the crisis. I'm sceptical though since you diagnosed yourself. Do you have an Addison's disease diagnosis or is there another underlying illness that causes hypocortisolemia?

I won't go into all of the details but the med I'm on is what causes these problems, not the problem it treats. Given that sodium bicarbonate fixed the acidosis and hydrocortisone + fludrocortisone fixed the adrenal symptoms, I feel it's fair to assume that my diagnosis was correct.
The loss of appetite is not surprising. In the 1950's (Preludin) Phenmetrazine was designed as an appetite suppressant without the side-effects of amphetamine. Just because you do not feel hungry does not mean that you do not need to eat. If you don't eat, you will die, regardless of how many chems you get inside you. If you do not eat properly then you will become ill. I have found that while eating food is not necessarily a desire when on 3FPM, the act of eating food is not unpleasant. You need to look after yourself.

Yeah I read! I'll make sure I keep liquids up and eat as usual.

ANYONE recommend any vitamins to take, I mean, being a 'drug' or research chemical user clearly isn't healthy...
Any recommendations for foods/minerals/vits to take?
just eat like you would normally... or at least try to.
After other RCs I noticed that milk, butter, eggs and bread were my favorite things to eat. Especially cold milk with bread.
ANYONE recommend any vitamins to take, I mean, being a 'drug' or research chemical user clearly isn't healthy...
Any recommendations for foods/minerals/vits to take?
Eat food for fuck's sake, not more pills. ;)

Veggies (broccoli ftw), fruit, meat, nuts, yoghurt, whatever you feel like eating.

Milk is a great water replacement. If you down a gallon of milk in a day instead of drinking water and eating food you've covered almost all your nutritional needs.

Yeah I read! I'll make sure I keep liquids up and eat as usual.

ANYONE recommend any vitamins to take, I mean, being a 'drug' or research chemical user clearly isn't healthy...
Any recommendations for foods/minerals/vits to take?

Salty things to replenish sodium, nuts for magnesium & potassium, milk for potassium and calcium. A multivitamin can be helpful. Protein shakes are good if you don't feel hungry.