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RCs 3F-Phenmetrazine (3-FPM)

No idea, maybe they get it cheap.

OT: my new batch from then arrived today, awesome stuff, as always.
yea snort minimum 100 mg of the pure stuff and then it gets recreational, redose after 30 min untill you are good.

probably you get it cheaper because its cut with something for the pain.

or they send you stuff from a bad batch.
Is there any dosage and/or frequency of use of this stuff that we can conjecture should be pretty safe from (unknown) neurotoxic effects? Or does neurotoxicity (if there is any) just scale linearly with dose/frequency? I'm only really interested in "functional" doses, like 15-30mg kind of thing.
My love/hate (love...) affair with 3FPM has moved on from eating, to snorting, to plugging and now I'm using it almost exclusively intravenously.

Yesterday I essentially emptied whatever was left in that bag into the spoon, squirted 0.9ml of boiled (cooled, but still warm) water on it, helped the lumps dissolve with some more heat, sucked it into the syringe via a filter and shot it in a vein - seemed fine until about five seconds in when I got a terrible burning sensation somewhere down my arm, but I carried on until I got it all in preferring to deal with regret later.

I've got about 2.5g of 3FPM left in the house and I picked up some 2.5ml syringes today. What is considered an okay measure of 3FPM per ml of water to avoid tissue damage?

*DOH - Actually, I found your post a couple of pages back, cr00k. Thanks for the info*
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yea snort minimum 100 mg of the pure stuff and then it gets recreational, redose after 30 min untill you are good.

probably you get it cheaper because its cut with something for the pain.

or they send you stuff from a bad batch.

Do you have tolerance or is that the normal dose? Thought dosage was in the range of 30-40 mg insufflated.

update: oral is deffo most effective way i've taken 3-f so far.
And which ways have you taken it? How much mg do you take orally?
only ever taken it orally and snorted. i don't smoke/etc. so that's been the only options viable, but not even 4 2mg diclazepam could put me to sleep after only about 600mg yesterday!
I've trialed this substance in multiple ROAs which are: vaporization, insufflation, and as well as orally. No scale was used, but I treat the dosing in the same way as I would "bumps" of cocaine. I am going to be purchasing a scale within a few weeks.

Vaporizing 3-FPM gives little euphoria, and it leaves a strong compulsion to re-dose.. I just kept taking doses every 10-20 minutes when using this method. Mind you, this was after insufflating for about 15 hours or so.

Insufflation seems to be the most recreational, at least in my experiences. I start with a few small bumps, and the euphoria starts quickly after about the second or third line. It dwindles after a while of course (the euphoria) and you're left with a LONG residual stimulation. Almost hyper-focus, it's hard to switch to different tasks.. I focus on one thing for hours at a time. Reminds me of methamphetamine. I can chat about anything with anyone. Love researching pointless shit on the internet, usually things regarding drugs. I've not done much amphetamine in my life, so I cannot compare.

Lastly, orally. I dump a few fair sized lines in my coffee and it really helps the work day go by faster/easier. The focus is not as intense (though perhaps it would w/ higher doses?) though it's still VERY apparent. I feel chatty, though not as much as I do when insufflating. The comedown is much, much easier to deal with and sleep is possible.. perhaps even without a sleep-aid (benzo, etc)..

SO, to sum it up. Vaporizing it is kind of a waste IMO. You go through way too much material. Insufflation is where it's at for recreational use, but I seem to reach a point where I can't snort anymore.. the powder seems to just go straight to the back of my throat. Perhaps proper care of the inside of one's nose can stop this from happening as often as it seems to for me. It's possible to get an erection on this, but almost impossible to cum. I'd probably have to go at it for hours if I wanted to orgasm, but porn is very pleasing to watch and it feels very good to masturbate on, but it's just frustrating not being able to cum so I just give up. I have came on the comedown of this drug, though. Once. There is a burn, but it goes away quickly and it doesn't seem to leave long-lasting damage to the nose as, say, ethylphenidate does. My nose is ruined forever from that shit. Your nose will clog up a bit after a few hundred mg's in a session (less than 24 hours) but it's fairly easy to remove all the shit. I find it easier than even the cut coke I get around here. A warm shower does the trick. Eating is possible, especially when the 3-FPM is taken orally. Oh, also, take this shit in the morning as once again, the long-lasting stimulation. Comedown is not hard to deal with unless you've ingested higher amounts. I've had very, almost non-existent comedowns on this, and I've also had near-suicidal comedowns on this. Though the suicidal feels only lasted a few hours, and I didn't have any benzos either that time.. heh.

It's one of my favorite stimulants and I plan on getting 3 grams soon so I can research it a bit more, specifically the oral use for work. (No I am not on it right now, just thought I'd write up my experience with the drug).. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
Atmozfears: I am completely the same when I insufflate, I cannot stop what I am doing, normally researching and talking bollocks on bluelight and other forums.

I get so, so immersed in chatting, researching and reading. My attention to detail is crazy, everything that I write has to be grammatically perfect.

I'm having a careful, cheeky session on this tonight so behold the obsessive reading and compulsive posting.

Stay safe :)
So. I have just acquired 3g of 3-fpm powder for researching purposes. I am also a daily heroin user (about .5g black tar, not IV'd) I am preparing myself to try the 3-fpm this weekend and just want some advice on mixing the two. I will mostly like try the 3-fpm first on it's own at a low dose, because I do not use stims very often and am prone to anxiety. Which makes me think mixing the two might be a better experience as the heroin will aid in keeping the anxiety away. I also have clam and dpam around if the anxiety gets too much.

1. Is dosing 100mg of 3-fpm while high on about .2 H safe?
3. Will dosing the two together make the "high" more enjoyable?
2. Should I snort or take the 3-fpm orally?
3. I did research on this and I think I am safe but, just to make sure, I am on an SSRI (Lexapro). Does anyone have experience combing 3-fpm with an SSRI?

Thanks guys!
Hello. I've just realised that I've made a mistake and messed up my calculation of 3FPM per ml of water for intravenous use. It's such a schoolboy error too and is causing me problems.

A couple of days ago I elected to dose at 42mg/ml of 3FPM/water. I'm a grown up and the decision to do 42mg/ml was my responsibility.

Anyway, I have a set of 2.5ml syringes which actually hold 3ml of liquid if required. I therefore I weighed out 126mg of 3FPM from a trusted and reliable UK vendor.

However, I only used 2.5ml of water, which is the last marked point on the syringe and was therefore doing at over 50mg/ml. I did this several times in an evening two days ago. About half way through injecting there was a burning sensation down my arm and I slowed down thinking that I was pumping it in too fast (these pins are 25 gauge when I'm used to 30 gauge which let liquid out slower) and the burning stopped.

I thought nothing of it until yesterday when I noticed a swelling on one of my fingers in the middle, it felt like a splinter but there was no damage or trauma to the surface. I thought nothing more of it.

Last night I weighed out "roughly" 150mg twice for two syringes and user the same 2.5ml of water instead of 3ml.

This morning I noticed that the middle inner part of my finger is dark (but not blue), and I realised I'd been dosing too high for the liquid content. Throughout the day the veins on my left hand kept deflating and dark purple little veins were visible on my fingerprints of my left hand. I removed my watch to aid circulation.

Since then I've noticed that moving my fingers on both hands are slightly painful, as are my arms. There is a slight pain when I breathe and several painful areas on my legs as well as the inside of my right foot being painful. The veins on that food are no longer as pronounced as before.

I am assuming that this damage was done over the last few days of miscalculation of dilution of 3FPM.

Apart from abstinence for a while is there anything I should he doing now to help treat this damage and do you know if it's likely to be short or long term, and what might it be called?

While the rush of slamming 300mg of 3FPM was amazing, it's a shame that I let such an error of dilution create damage.
Just created an account so i can give my experiance on this.

First time RC user but experianced drug taker. I was looking for a fairly nice stim with libido increasing properties.

Bought 3g of Phenzaine, which i understand is a mix of 3-fpm and 2-ai.

Reaction tested 2 days prior by rubbing a small amount onto the tounge, nothing detected.

Friday came and I had an early/light dinner. At 18:00 I tried to measure out a starter dose of 20mg; scales were broken and giving completely inaccurate readings. I measured out a very small line and railed it as a tester. Only feeling was body temperature increase and slight sweating.

To cut a long story short I increased the dosage by a third by measuring the lines in CM with what I would consider average thickness.

At around 20:00 this was hitting around 4cm. I've reversed calculated this as 133mg. This was split into two lines seperated by 15 minutes.

I continued this method through, my dosage however never went above 160mg, and was always seperated into 2 lines with a time gap in between. Final dose was at around 03:00.

All though the night i noticed an acute sense on concentration, especially on the doses < 130 mg. I spent 3 bloody hours trying to transfer some data from an archaic laptop onto my main laptop, succesful in the end but god knows why it took my concentration so strongly.

In addition, I found that in the higher doses of > 130 mg there was a definate rush, albeit it short lived. Substantial jaw locking as entering and continuing the higher doses.

Stupidly, and i mean really stupidly, i polished off 2.4G in about 11 hours. My only saving grace is due to the mix. This stuff is fiendish. Pupil dilation to rival MDMA.

I found that by the time I was even capable of thinking of going to bed at 07:00 the primary effects had worn off however a risidual feeling of stimulation remained. I think I was able to get 4 hours sleep or so. Waking up still feeling stimulated, albeit much less, this feeling lingered until around 17:00 the following day. Today in fact!

I'm now going to finish the remainder off and have purchased some working scales for safer research in the future.

Oh and libido wise - through the ducking roof.
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elusive-night, that doesn't sound like a fun substance at all, well at least for me. I prefer 3-fpm.
Thought to follow up my earlier post yesterday with feedback from last nights testing.

First, a correction - first dose was at 18:00 before mentioned dosage at 20:00.

Second, an apology - appears my shift key isn't working properly, so some letters dont have caps when they should do.

OK, following Fridays testing round I had .6g left over. This wasn't enough I thought so I went to a head shop I've been using for well over a decade to grab another g, amazing chance they had it - same ingredients listed too (3-fpm + 2-ai).

Reaction tested newest batch at 17:00. All ok.

Started first dosage at 19:30. First, a 20mg dose of the newest batch, waited 30 minutes then 20mg dose from the old batch. I wanted to make sure they were safe to combine as I will be going from one to the other.

All OK so I steadily increased the dosage over the next 45 minute testing phase. From 20 up to 60, then 90, then 140 and a final 2 doses at 160 with the last one being at 04:30. I went to bed at 07:15 having completed a self appointed task and managed to get to sleep instantly. No dreams at all. Woke up at 09:45 with a decent amount of energy, but when I sat down in the living room a headache kicked in so I went back to be for another hour. Completely fine now. No risidual feeling, pupils back to normal, no shakes.

It was quite a different experiance in that:

- No rush was experianced at all
- No jaw movement occured
- Whilst there was stimulation, it was very subte, more mind than body based
- No acute thirst, had to remind myself to keep drinking water
- General lethargy with a good dose of contentment. I spent most of my time browsing the internet, listening to good music.
- Libido increase was experianced, however was not uncontrollably (in a good way, and I dont mean completely impulsive) exciting as the previous night

There were also some other things experianced as a comparison between the two nights:

- At around 03:00 I started to have minor visuals. Typically black forms (not humanoid or creature like, just sometimes a square, sometimes a dot) in the corner of my vision. They always caught my eye but never remained when my vision shifted to them.
- Jitty behaviour was experianced but absolutely no paranoia/worrying. My water bottle popped back into shape from suction once and it made me jump with surprise.
- I talk to myself. Always have done. I do it even more when under the influence of anything, I normally refer to myself as 'I'. Little things, like "I'll get a drink". However at the same time as the above two started to occur I noticed I started to refer to myself as 'We'. Very strange, I'm wondering if the batch I picked up as a supplement had an additional unmentioned chemical with slight psychedelic properties? I dont mind as it didnt bother nor worry me.

A few points in combination of both nights:

- I have tourettes with motion ticks (in comparison to the famous vocal ticks). This chemical absolutely surpressed that. Most make it worse.
- On the sexual side I noticed a few things. Shrink dick occurs but can be easily overcome, more easily than illegal substances. The chemical seems to increase sensitivity and general intenseness of feeling, very nice indeed. I found the build up to orgasm extremely long (in a good way, of course).
- I do think this is unrelated but worth mentioning. When I first got up today at 09:45 I went into the bathroom to check on my pupils and make sure I was still human. After about 5 steps I got such a bad headrush from low blood pressure (I presume) that I sank onto the floor. Recovered in a few seconds and have been fine since. Heart rate normal, feels strong too, might be unrelated occurance.

So I learnt a few lessons.

1) Never buy pre-mixed stuff, get it pure
2) When you think that one last dose wont have any effect, dont do it. On the first night my last 2 dosages did nothing, although I had a feeling they wouldnt and did them anyway - total waste
3) Stop railing these amounts as my nose hurts
4) Buy cream for the now sore private parts...

I'm going to grab another 3g of 3-FPM and keep it stashed away, going to try and convince the GF in a couple of months to take some with me so we can, ah, enjoy each others company.
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Does anyone know if you can cook this into pebbles for smoking?

You could always try.. but vaporizing is already fine if you're looking to smoke it in some form. Though I'd suggest you do not vaporize for reasons stated in my earlier post. Strong compulsion to re-dose every 20 minutes, little euphoria, etc etc. You'll go through a gram in a few hours no doubt. :p

2) When you think that one last dose wont have any effect, dont do it. On the first night my last 2 dosages did nothing, although I had a feeling they wouldnt and did them anyway - total waste

So damn true. That's the thing with this substance, you quickly (or so it seems, time dilation is a thing while on this substance lol) get to that point where any more product won't bring back the initial high you're hoping for.
Final comment on this post and chemical.

Taking into account the mixture ratio I took 2.6g of 3-FPM over 36 hours. I think I could have gotten away with 2.1g, but the day after the second test run (same date as my second post above) the .5g added to the 2.1g due to the time it takes to metabolise. Long story short I think I had a delayed onset of OD. Symptoms were collapsing when moving, very cold extremities, regular heart palputations and constant heart thumping. I think I was collapsing due to my blood pressure being extremely low, taking the heart a few seconds to catch up and resume circulation. A couple of times this lead to loss of capability to breathe for a few seconds due to BPM's being so high. Very scary stuff.

Symptoms started 6 hours after last dose, 19 hours after last dose things started to become more pronounced, this continued until about half an hour ago when i presume the first nights doses have started to be fully metabolised.

Very tempted not to post this but i'd rather someone read and dont make the stupid mistake i made.
Can anyone direct me to or let me know a way to alter the pH of 3FPM so that I can IV more of the drug without having to use larger capacity syringes or multiple larger capacity syringes?
has anyone else noticed black phlegm after a few days of usage? and CONSTANT thirst? i'm thinking maybe i'm dehydrated or it's the lack of eating....anyone?