  • Sports & Gaming Moderators: ghostfreak

2012 PGA thread v. green jackets and slow greens

A great town to party in, Dublin. The real one that is. I'm sure the one in Ohio is mint too! :)

hahaha. actually I would say that the "real" Dublin >>> Ohio's Dublin, any day. Dublin is a part of the Western Suburban Sprawl of the city that I live in. while I love this usually unheard of (save for college football) City of Columbus that I call home, I do despise its massive suburban-metro area more than anything. and Dublin is no exception, here. it is made up of cookie cutter homes with white cookie cutter fences, and is the home of Brady Quinn, as well as the Memorial Tourney ;)

Tigers agent got caught for DUI today too, like Justin Blackmon. 2 more idiots.

beat that dickless piece of shit Sabbatini and stuff it down his face was sweet.

absolutely. that guy is such a rump.

i was bummed that levin blew up, wanted to see him get his first win. i love that dude cuz he chain smokes cigs and swings like 15 handicapper.

but yea, seeing tiger rip shit up was fun as hell to watch. i knew he had it when he sunk that flop shot. i don't think he'll come back and dominate like he use to, but hopefully he's turned a corner and will be more competitive. he so fun to watch when he's on fire on sundays.

great tournament. that course is sick.
dustin johnson, ftw. i wonder how much coke he did last night.

mcilroy can't putt within 4 feet. he blew it.

pumped for this weekend, olympic is such a sweet course.

i'm gonna miss sunday cuz i'll be driving back from asheville....but i'll be playing here on saturday and sunday:

that course looks sick friend, fire an 80 for me

im going to miss friday and saturday too going to a music fest in WV for two nights of hookah - as much as i love the US open id rather see hookah

looking forward to watching sunday with my dad on father's day, go watney go
it's real sick. my pop's has an out of town membership, so i play it 5 or 6 times a year.

being a privaleged white kid is fucking awesome.

have fun gettin your twirl on this weekend.
i'm going to play some killer air piano for the masses

i'm almost serious when i say i want to bring a jump rope insynch with the music, kind of like the hoola hoopers
i would do it if i wasn't on drugs and wasn't putting my self at risk of dehydration/heart explosion

i can jump rope like tyson - it stems back from my youth wrestling days
Pretty insane 14 yr old Andy Zhang playing the US Open. Going to miss it tomorrow cos of the football.

I'm backing Woods @8/1, Furyk @40/1 and Baddley @125/1. Make me rich Aussie.
Furyk and Tiger keeping things very interesting. If Jim wins i will be going to Ibiza for a week!
I guess Ill root for Furyks boring ass but it's shaping up to be Graeme
Id give my left one to see the 17 year old nerd win it, nothing like a good story
i could get use to watching golf on sunday's till 10:30 at night. that was pretty awesome.

good work, webb.

my favorite moment goes to this guy though. hopefully he was good n spun on some of the bay area's finest.


^haha just watched the clip of him interupting the presentation, funny shit.

Horrible from Furyk. Can't believe he made such a mess of the final round after 3 decent rounds. Holed some great putts too, but all to save par. Won €100 but should've been €500 no thanks to Jim folding like a wet paper bag.

The American golf fans that shout the lamest shit ever are getting worse every week. "Apples and Oranges" "Mashed Potatos" "Light the candle!". Fucking idiots, go boil your heads.
Watney is a golf stud from my college, Fresno State!
The American golf fans that shout the lamest shit ever are getting worse every week. "Apples and Oranges" "Mashed Potatos" "Light the candle!". Fucking idiots, go boil your heads.

look dude, don't lump the bay area idiots in with the rest of us.

yea, furyk melted hard. i've never seen a pro duck hook a shot like he did yesterday. felt bad for him.

i really like mcdowell. watched his press conference last night, solid dude. i was really rooting for ernie yesterday, but he melted down at the end as well.

that golf course is just unforgiving. it reminded me of the course i played in asheville this weekend. fairways that are sloped and hard to get a flat lie. shit, you'll hit the fairway and it would roll into the rough. greens that are lighting fast and break all over the place. again, you can land within 5 feet of the cup on your approach and end up 30 yards off the green. and rough that you can literally lose your ball in. but, i shot a 95 on saturday and sunday. i was relatively pleased.
Weather over here this summer has been shocking to say the least and it's not going to be pretty this weekend by the looks of things, just to make things that bit harder. Would like to see Westwood get the 10 tonne gorilla off his back, get his shit together and finally win a major but he will more than likely putt himself out of contention eventually.

Went to back Ricky Fowler at 50/1 yesterday when the price disappeared in front of my eyes and went to 35/1 instead8(. Still backed him anyway. He was excellent at the Open last year and has been very impressive on the links before and at the Ryder Cup when it was howling winds and pissing down. 'Mon Ricky ya wee cunt, dont let me down lad.
fowler is a good pic cuz flat brims keep you dry, yo.

other pics i like are harrington, mcdowell, rose, dufner and maybe even simon dyson.

who would i like to see it? ernie els, of course. or matt kuchar.
in the pool i get in i took:
d. johnson

one of those fellas is due for a major
sergio already melted down and cried about how he's never going to win a major. what a vagina.

i'm in the middle of my pool right now. 10 people, and i was last picked....but i got mcdowell and rose. i get one more pick, which will be the last pic. i'll probably just go with BIG ERN!
Backing Ben Curtis each way now too 100/1. He seems to either come in the top 10 or miss the cut at The Open. Former Open champion, 2 more top 10 Open finishes, Ryder Cup player, won the Valero. Good enough for me.