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2010-11 NBA Thread

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Lakers or Heat for the championship this year.

The Bulls and Thunder are too young and inexperienced in the playoffs to really pull it off. They will both be really, really good in the future, but for now I think that inexperience gets to them, although I wouldn't be surprised to see either the Thunder or the Bulls upset either the Heat or the Lakers. I doubt it will happen, however.

The Spurs will not be able to get past the Thunder or Lakers (I'm not sure what the West seeding is like as of now and who will have to play who), Dallas is Dallas, the Celtics are finished for a long time after they traded Perkins, and I don't even think we need to give the Magic any consideration.

After all the turbulence, after all of the ups and downs both the Heat and the Lakers have experienced, and despite the surprises in Oklahoma City, Chicago, and San Antonio, the finals will be exactly what we predicted they would be before the season started: The new Big 3 vs. the Black Mamba and his shot at his second 3-peat.
lol. I'd suggest you don't let your emotions get in the way of betting. wise up and put your $$ on the Lakers.

Have you seen this guy around? Let him do it... either he loses and I'm happy or the bulls win and I'm happy.
Lets do it CELTICS!

I'm from NY but im a celtics fan (oh what a crime against humanity).

Though I do like the knicks, they just havent given me much to cheer about for the past....20 odd years? I do like 'em because theyre my hometown team, but Celtics are my #1.

I'll say Celtics-Lakers final again. Hopefully the Cs can get the win this year.

Knicks wont go past round 1; Honestly i thought they had a better shot before the trade. We traded away all the chemistry the knicks developed, which was far more important than getting these stars here. YES, the knicks needed them and should have picked them up, but after the season IMO. Instead they wrecked the team chemistry during the season that it actually was getting them somewhere, and its not gonna be at Finals level until next year most likely. they arent gonna win the finals this year w/ or w/o Billups/Melo.

Bulls will probably get to the East Finals vs the Celtics, if D Rose can keep up his wins (yes, D Rose not the Bulls lol). Possibly Miami-Celtics in the east conf finals, but I'm predicting
Bulls-Celtics with the Bulls falling.

The Celtics are just an awesome team especially in the playoffs, and if they can hold their shit together then my green boys are gonna take the win!
I can't believe everyone is picking Miami all of a sudden. Dwayne Wade is the only person on that team that has the balls to be able to take a game winning shot. Lebron has stepped back in that department this year. Plus chemistry is vital during the playoffs, and they have a minimal amount compared to almost every team. The Heat are 21-20 against playoff teams, and only 21-19 against .500 teams all year. They are phenomenal against the lesser teams in the NBA, only losing three games to sub .500 teams.

The Lakers tend to play to their opponents level and their isnt a horrible team in the playoffs. I like the West to win again. Either San Antonio or LA. I could see the Celtics taking care of the Heat. I can't count Rajon Rondo.
Possibly Miami-Celtics in the east conf finals

let's see you put money behind this prediction.

I'm all in here

you reminded me of a day where we were watching a fight on HBO and some dude walks in and decides to bet a stack of bills on the champ, and everyone was suddenly giving him 10 to 1 and shit like that. The catch: the fight had taken place the previous week.
As much as I like Rondo, the Bulls have his measure. I predict Bulls v Lakers in the finals. The Lakers may not have been consistently brilliant through the regular season but they have the fire power to take care of the Spurs.

I don't see the Heat beating the Bulls over a long series. LeBron doesn't have the heart and if things start getting close will likely lie down again and wish he had signed with the Bulls. Wade is awesome but I feel as a team Chicago really rally around Rose. They may be young but they have been consistent all season despite missing a few key players, and in the past month have really been building for a solid play off tilt.

*Busty's kiss of death*
Bulls will probably get to the East Finals vs the Celtics, if D Rose can keep up his wins (yes, D Rose not the Bulls lol).

This is just silly and ill-informed. The bulls have consistently been ranked the best defensive team all season and that's NOT because of Rose. Rose drops 25p and 8a a night and runs their offensive but rose doesn't hold teams below 90ppg himself. Defensive wins ball games.

Rose is incredible but the bulls play one of the best team games in the league and their success is built around how well the pieces compliment each other and their commitment to defense. The bulls aren't the 2006 Lakers or the 2008 Cavs.
Burkle been working on this for weeks. When KJ told Stern he had a possible buyer, the commish made a crack about it being a local car dealer. He dropped Burkle's name, and source says Stern went quiet. "You've got Burkle?"

Ron Burkle is a billionaire friend of Bill Clinton, and owns the Pittsburgh Penguins.

Stern is a fucking asshole. Remember, this is KEVIN JOHNSON, not Mayor Joe Schmoe, telling Stern he's got a buyer and Stern giggles at him. Seriously, if I ever get close enough I'd punch Stern in his smug ass mouth.
Damn, I seriously thought the Bulls were going to drop one at home today. Motherfuckers.

I like The Heat coming back from that 14 point deficit to dominate the game so far. Looking pretty good now, considering how bad the start was.

Who is everyone's pick to blow it in the first round? I'm going with the Mavs against the Blazers. The question between the two teams is "who knows how to blow it more in the playoffs?" I'm going with the Mavs on this one, the Blazers will beat them in six or seven.
The only top 4 seed I can honestly see being taken down is Orlando, and that's a long shot. The Mavericks are always the trendy pick to go out early. Even when they were consistantly making the western conference finals everyone picked them to bow out in the first round. I wish the Mavericks were a 4 seed to be honest. The Mavericks are the only team that consistantly beats the Spurs in the playoffs. Lakers scare me more. I can see the Lakers taking the Mavericks out, but I can't see any top four seed other than maybe Orlando being upset.
if I had to pick one it would be the mavs as well. not just because of there history but portland is a gritty team, better than what there record shows.

anyone else feel like this denver matchup is going to be hell for okc as well? I think denver could stretch it to 7 games and lose. I know it sounds crazy because okc is so stacked but denver has played on average probably the best basketball since the all star break
Yeah, Denver will give OKC hell. OKC will still win, but Denver has been better since they traded Melo. And New York has been just as average. Which supports my assertion that Carmelo Anthony is the most overrated player in all of (American) sports.

I would side with Codones on Orlando, but they are playing the fucking Hawks. The Hawks are even worse than the Mavs and Blazers at fucking up come playoff time.

I'm not so certain of it that I am willing to bet anything on it (besides, I've still got an East vs. West bet going with Serious right now), but I think the Mavs are going down early once again.
Mavericks in 5, lose to LA in 6 and LA loses to spurs in 7. Spurs represent the west and Timmy Duncan gets his fifth ring.

I think OKC is too good for that. They are the only seed not at two or higher that has the pure talent to disrupt everything for someone.
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Which supports my assertion that Carmelo Anthony is the most overrated player in all of (American) sports.

I think people jummped the gun with expectations when melo left for NY. the knicks have always needed more pieces melo left a contending team for a developing one and 3 solid role players left a developing team for a solid team.

a few years down the road when the knicks get a little better supporting cast, just watch how good they are.
as of right now, looks like codoness hit the nail pretty good with ORL

but really the fucking hawks? come on orlando get your shit together.
I think people jummped the gun with expectations when melo left for NY. the knicks have always needed more pieces melo left a contending team for a developing one and 3 solid role players left a developing team for a solid team.

a few years down the road when the knicks get a little better supporting cast, just watch how good they are.

They will never be as good as the Heat's Big 3, or Chicago with Rose, or whichever team Dwight Howard plays on when the Knicks finally explode. Doesn't matter if they get Chris Paul (it is still a poor mans Big 3), the Knicks are doomed to mediocrity.
Adding Chris Paul and Dwight Howard would make it a big four, and the combination of Howard Melo and armare is far better than what the Heat throw out. Plus with CPIII, that would be a formidable team. All the defense youll ever need from CPIII and Howard with insane amounts of offense from all four.
Adding Chris Paul and Dwight Howard would make it a big four, and the combination of Howard Melo and armare is far better than what the Heat throw out. Plus with CPIII, that would be a formidable team. All the defense youll ever need from CPIII and Howard with insane amounts of offense from all four.

i could see cp3 going to the knicks but howard is more likely to end up with LA "IF" he moves which sucks for NY because they need a center more than anything.

picks for todays games anyone?

I think memphis might pull a sprise game one V. would make things interesting at least.
If NY was footing the bill for Amar'e, Melo, Howard and CP3 the rest of the team would have to be d-league dropouts... not that with those 4 that would prevent them from winning games. I just don't see that happening.
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