16th issue General Heroin Discussion v hit it raw or bag it up?

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I think a lot of people who get addicted to heroin are daydreamers, idealists who don't wanna deal with a 9-5 lifestyle....the heroin makes you settle for a lot less than most people want out of life, but the high it gives you sometimes almost makes it seem worth it...Being in love/addicted to heroin is fairly simple. You need it every day to stay well, but you wanna get high. It costs money.....the life of a junkie is getting money, getting dope and getting high. As long as I can get high, nothing else matters, but even if I was a millionaire, some part of me wants something more than just getting high.

they just had a powerball at 473 million, or something like that...If I had that money, would I even care at all anymore? Sadly, I'd probably buy a mansion and just get myself and all my friends high for the rest of our short-ass lives....It's just such a powerful feeling...Evil? I guess that's up for debate.
the shitty thing is i dont want to get high everyday, i just dont want to be sick, so thats why i use as much as i do..im at the point now where i wouldny use half as much as i do if i didnt get sick
I always figured if I gotta do some to stay well, why not triple the amount, throw in handfuls of benzos, stims, and bud, and nod my dick off
I told everyone if I won the 470 million powerball jackpot I was gonna buy an ambulance with a emt crew to take me to the dopehouse.
Saw your picture in the lounge, no wonder you get served so easy, you have the classic junkie look, at least in that picture! I'm the same way....I'm skinny, and it's pretty apparent I'm not police...plus I'm good at dealing with people...My appearance has always worked in my favor with the drug thing...I have friends with shorter hair and a bigger build that definitely aren't cops, but they look like they possibly COULD be a cop trying to look like they're on drugs!

Of course, in every other area of life, my appearance kind of works against me....no matter what I dress like, or how I cut my hair, most people seem to always at least pick out the "stoner vibe" from me...but it's funny, no matter how fat, how skinny or how old....a junkie can find another junkie no matter what the situation!

I don't know if I should take that as an insult or a compliment. lol, j.k.
I'm not sure which picture you saw, but before I was a 'junkie' everyone told me I looked like a stoner. lol. & I was, however, not anymore. I haven't smoked in years.
Is that the picture? I posted a few on here so Idk which one you're talking about. lol like it matters.

You're right about the appearances working/not working in some aspects of life. I don't have a problem getting served & I can definitely spot a junkie from yards away.
I think a lot of people who get addicted to heroin are daydreamers, idealists who don't wanna deal with a 9-5 lifestyle....the heroin makes you settle for a lot less than most people want out of life, but the high it gives you sometimes almost makes it seem worth it...Being in love/addicted to heroin is fairly simple. You need it every day to stay well, but you wanna get high. It costs money.....the life of a junkie is getting money, getting dope and getting high. As long as I can get high, nothing else matters, but even if I was a millionaire, some part of me wants something more than just getting high.

they just had a powerball at 473 million, or something like that...If I had that money, would I even care at all anymore? Sadly, I'd probably buy a mansion and just get myself and all my friends high for the rest of our short-ass lives....It's just such a powerful feeling...Evil? I guess that's up for debate.

heroin can be great for dulling certain feelings that distract you from artistic work (i know, harness those emotions) there is a reason why the drug is so appealing to artists, its not idealism thats for sure. It allows you to focus on a pain (the one that may have brought you to using) and focus on it objectively and artistically although its someone else completely.
Been trying to stay clean, but I can only seem to say away for a day or 2 days tops. Picked up a bun today and this shit is on point.
Im staying clean while i got this fucking color code probation, i got purple wich is the possibilty of twice a week and so far it has been and i already failed my first one.
Im staying clean while i got this fucking color code probation, i got purple wich is the possibilty of twice a week and so far it has been and i already failed my first one.

Yeah don't mess with that. Getting high again is not worth being tossed in jail.
Yea im not a daily user anyway so it doesnt faze me. I did a year on my first drug charge im not trying to go back and get the fucking 14 moth program that they would def give me if i violate.
I almost bought dope today but didn't! Yay me!

Instead a pulled a scarface-in-treatment. Took a sub, got a mountain of coke in front of me, 6 mg kpin for after, and a huge pile of my home grown grape ape. Guess who got a bonus on their paycheck ;)
I almost bought dope today but didn't! Yay me!

Instead a pulled a scarface-in-treatment. Took a sub, got a mountain of coke in front of me, 6 mg kpin for after, and a huge pile of my home grown grape ape. Guess who got a bonus on their paycheck ;)

Congrats man. Resist the urge.

Maybe be careful with the mountains of coke though... Ha.
Grape Ape, Klonopin and cocaine....and that's a slow night? Jeebis must be back on this bitch!
My boy and i got rid of the middle man today, going straight to the source. this junky mother fucker that shoots over a bundle a day along with xanax among other things. is known as an addict in md/de. well we were taking him to go get us bundles cuz he has so many charges and open cases that his car is to high profile, along with him.

well few weeks ago he used my boys phone to call his dealer then deleted the number. well i told my boy to go into his usage details and to look up the number. so we couldnt get a hold of the middle man after work cuz he was passed out im sure so we end up finding this guys number and my boy texts him and he says come on through.

well an hour and a half later we meet this dude (side note: my has met him before just through and with the middle man.) and we find out we are getting it for $30 cheaper. He's always good to. well we are on the way to find a bathroom and him shoot 2 bags and me rail 2 and we both get back in the car and guess who calls us back finally? the middle man. he called us 8 times and my boy didnt answer. im sure he is gonna find out eventually but neither of us care.

hes a walking target for the cops, hes always really fucked up, is never on time, bulllshits around so we're gonna cut out him and his bullshit.

so now im 3 bags deep and got 9 left. should be a good night tonight and morning tommorrow. im gonna get my nod on after i get off work tonight.
^ If your middleman really needed you he would be available and on time. That's how I see it. You did the right thing. The dealer would probably rather deal directly with you guys if the middleman is unreliable.
Good,for you,that guy was fuckin you over,he was gonna get burned and you along with him,so your are better off.
For you American users. I no longer have a habit. But I do enjoy the occassional shot of IV dope and coke. Here I would do .1 freebase heroin and .1 coke in my shots. Sometimes it would be spot on and sometimes I could have pushed the dope higher but didn't because I don't want to OD.

If I was to buy regular .1 bags of dope and coke in say NY what would be a good IV dose for a non tolerant user? I would obviously start of testing the stuff by sniffing, but would a .1 of dope get me 2 shots iv? I imagine I'd want to put in nearly .1 of coke too like here as I pay more for quality.
For you American users. I no longer have a habit. But I do enjoy the occassional shot of IV dope and coke. Here I would do .1 freebase heroin and .1 coke in my shots. Sometimes it would be spot on and sometimes I could have pushed the dope higher but didn't because I don't want to OD.

If I was to buy regular .1 bags of dope and coke in say NY what would be a good IV dose for a non tolerant user? I would obviously start of testing the stuff by sniffing, but would a .1 of dope get me 2 shots iv? I imagine I'd want to put in nearly .1 of coke too like here as I pay more for quality.

For a non tolerant user, depending on the dope, even half a bag IV of good NY dope could cause OD. If you have to IV it, do quarter of a bag. As for the coke, take whatever you'd normally snort for a line, and cut that in half for IV.

You can adjust the dosages up from here but having no tolerance and all the sudden jumping into speedballs is very dangerous, man.
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