13th Issue Heroin Discussion v. fuck hope do dope

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double dosed my methadone.. 240 mgs methadone on board as well as endless bowls of NYC Sour D.

That large of a dose is going to be fckin HARD to get off of. I would think about cutting that down a bit. I'd almost rather be hooked on dope than that large of a done' dose.

PS- I'm back around! ;)
So today as you all k ow when I came to Texas I was planning on not looking for h and that it was just while on vaca, well you know that is easier said than done.

Good thing is I can not get it here but it's not cause I am not looking it ls cause everyone I know that I can get a connect through will not let me fuck up my life. So thank god for some true friends in my life because if they were I wouldn't have gotten on that shit here in Texas. My cravings are starting to subside and my withdraw is practically nothing, I was only on it for a few weeks and only shooting for a week so my body I guess didn't have it long enough to make a bad withdraw period.

I didn't need a sub today because I feel absolutely fine :) thank god. Im feeling so thankful that my friends won't help me find any...
^what do you mean it doesn't work? It worked for me 5 years ago when I was hooked on Oxys so fucking bad, the subs did exactly what they were supposed to do.

That's awesome for you. I took it for dilaudid addiction and it just didn work for me.... But for heroin it doesn't work I dot know guessing chemistry it's different for everyone...
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That large of a dose is going to be fckin HARD to get off of. I would think about cutting that down a bit. I'd almost rather be hooked on dope than that large of a done' dose.

PS- I'm back around! ;)
He said he doubled his dose today. The clinic isn't open on Sunday so you get Sunday's dose Saturday. He is gonna feel a little rough Monday morning. I would have saved 30-50 mg for Sunday otherwise he will probablly be at tue clinic before they oPen Monday.
^ That's my exact response to bupe and I've never even seen heroin. Suboxone never did a damn thing for cravings either.

If you were sick and you took suboxone and it made you feel better, then you would still be craving dope?

Suboxone has it's points where it doesn't really help with my cravings, but if I'm sick and I take sub I'm usually feeling pretty happy after that where I'm not craving dope. If you were still craving dope at that point I'd think you would moreso be craving an escape from your environment or your thoughts.

It's so nice when deals go quickly and smoothly. It's so annoying when your dealer or anyone involved in the deal isn't on point. I hate when I have to wait around in a parking lot or kill time somewhere random, and I also hate when it takes several back and forth phone calls or a bunch of back and forth text messages to set things up. Today went perfect. There was nothing that could have made the deal go any better. There was no waiting at all, there was no anxiety. Just a quick and seamless transition from having no dope to having dope. It took two properly placed phone calls, each one about 15-20 seconds long.

Oddly enough I tend to always be 2-10 min late for work/school/appointments, but I try to be as punctual as possible when it comes to drug deals. I clearly have my priorities in order.

That's awesome for you. I took it for dilaudid addiction and it just didn work for me.... But for heroin it doesn't work I dot know guessing chemistry it's different for everyone...

Suboxone is really unique. I think it just takes a while to get adjusted and use to it. I had quite a bit of experience with suboxone before I ever got prescribed it (this is years ago now), and even when I got prescribed it it still took a while to get used to. Originally suboxone used to give me insomnia. After taking it daily once I was prescribed it I always needed a lot more sleep everyday. Now it's the same thing basically, it makes me tired more than anything.

I think part of it may also be the expectation people have of suboxone before they start using it. That it's somehow going to make everything better and make you not want to use anymore. Getting away from your drug of choice and switching to suboxone has a lot more to it than simply just taking a different drug. You have to want to get away from you drug of choice, you have to take time to get used to suboxone, and you have to remember that you're still going to feel off during the switch because it's only partial agonist opioid and not a full agonist like heroin, oxy, morphine, etc.
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Suboxone is really unique. I think it just takes a while to get adjusted and use to it. I had quite a bit of experience with suboxone before I ever got prescribed it (this is years ago now), and even when I got prescribed it it still took a while to get used to. Originally suboxone used to give me insomnia. After taking it daily once I was prescribed it I always needed a lot more sleep everyday. Now it's the same thing basically, it makes me tired more than anything.

I think part of it may also be the expectation people have of suboxone before they start using it. That it's somehow going to make everything better and make you not want to use anymore. Getting away from your drug of choice and switching to suboxone has a lot more to it than simply just taking a different drug. You have to want to get away from you drug of choice, you have to take time to get used to suboxone, and you have to remember that you're still going to feel off during the switch because it's only partial agonist opioid and not a full agonist like heroin, oxy, morphine, etc.

It was a typo I meant that when I took it for dilaudid it didn't work and now that I'm taking it or heroin it's working absolutely great and completely different.

Like you suboxone used to give me energy but now this time around for a different drug it's making me sleepy... I guess it just depends whats going on t the time you take the med..
So today I was stuck at work towards the peak of withdrawal, but had a container of 5 temazepam and soma that a friend gave to me. It really sucked not having opiates, and I was out of cash until getting paid at the end of my shift, but had some temazepam that I was trying to barter for a few bags. I have a friend who really likes temazepam since he gets zero sleep when in even minor withdrawal, and although he already gives me good deals on dope, I get better deals when trading since it puts me in the dealer position.

I spoke to him and he said he would do the trade, but I had like no service so could barely hear him plus figured it wouldn't happen until tomorrow anyway since he usually cops dope early. I couldn't really see if anyone else wanted it since temazepam isn't that well known around here, so a person would want a sample before buying them. But I digress....

So once it got late enough that I was getting paid soon and if he called me back I could just buy the dope, it was crunch time at work so I decided I was going to take a temazepam in hopes that it would alleviate some of the withdrawal symptoms. Right when I opened the little plastic container it was in (kinda like the ones that those little toys come in from the quarter machines at supermarkets or arcades) I noticed something sputtering in the air, and landing on my finger. It looked like a clear orange fake fingernail tip at first glance, then just a random translucent snip of paper.

Well to my amazement, it was a piece of a suboxone strip, which was literally a godsend at the time. It was somewhere between 2-4mg, so you know how small that is, so part of the miracle was that my friend had accidentally misplaced it in the container, and the other half of the miracle was that I actually spotted it while it was falling. Well under my tongue it went, and the rest of the work day was a lot better. My friend that wanted to trade for the temaz texted me saying it wouldn't be for another day or so, so I would have been stuck sick tonight if I hadn't miraculously come across that little piece of suboxone strip. I was so happy I found it because I actually would have preferred a little suboxone over a bag or two since I was only looking to take the sick away, but my suboxone connect stopped seeing her doctor, and my other dope connect charges more than the other one, and also wouldn't have been around until tomorrow.

That was the closest thing to a miracle that has happened to me in terms of drug use. Finding a piece of a suboxone strip out of thin air while stuck at work in withdrawal before getting paid, with no way of scoring until at least after work, but more likely until the next day.
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Well tomorrow wil be day 7 no dope. Honestly it's because the guy I was going through had his runner get popped and he is dry. But I am just about out of the fog I think. I still have an overwhelming desire to find some dope somewhere some how but the physical stuff is all done. I aslmost made it all day without trying to find a way to find some dope but eventually I caved and went driving around the ghetto as if I would find something. When it comes down to it though the best I would find by doing this is a bag of coffee grounds and the worst I would find would be getting robbed. I could just see it. Me telling some vato that I needed dope and some vato saying ok give me your money then just walking off never to be seen again. I'm out of the fog enough to se things for the way that they really are but I sure as shit tell you what it pisses me off to no other that I can't cop because me guy's runner got popped. I was kind of presented the idea of being a runner but no thank you I am not deep enough into it to take that kind of risks though.
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It was a typo I meant that when I took it for dilaudid it didn't work and now that I'm taking it or heroin it's working absolutely great and completely different.

I know, your posts prior to the one I quoted made that clear. My post was mainly referring to why you might not have liked sub when you first tried it when you were using dilaudid.
I know, your posts prior to the one I quoted made that clear. My post was mainly referring to why you might not have liked sub when you first tried it when you were using dilaudid.

I don't see what the difference would have been. Withdrawals are withdrawals, I don't understand what the difference would have been. I'd like to hear what kayla says the reasoning is...

Anyone shoot their sub? I've really been having a tough time giving up the needle lately. I've even still been copping dope and don't feel it unless I shoot it so it's getting to be the norm.
SM0K3Y, I've been where you are, addicted to the needle. I was once with a friend on a small vacation and brought dope and powdered mdma with me. Once I ran out of dope, I started shooting the mdma simply because I wanted to continue using the needle. I have shot my sub before, but it wasn't worth it IMHO.

It might do you good to shoot your sub, simply for the fact that you have to "un-learn" the pleasure that the needle brings. If you use the needle in ways that do not give you instant pleasure or rushes, than you may not associate the needle with such a good feeling and it might be easier to give it up.

I am no saint myself, I am on methadone for dope addiction, (yes IV) but I managed to kick the needle with going to a methadone clinic everyday. Its working for me. It might not work for you. You gotta find what works for you. I think if i was on sub, given 2 weeks supply, i wouldn't be taking it as prescribed so that I could still feel dope if i wanted to, and i always wanted to. by going to the clinic ive actually put together weeks of clean time from dope, and im trying to make that months
yeah I hear ya Carl when shit goes smooth I always wojld just think "why cant that happen every time"

It really comes down to: they are doing something else at that point in time and dont really care enough about you to drop what their doing because they know you will wait anyway.

Or youll just go to another guy that day but one text message of "got fire" and youre back hitting them up
Today no heroin or Suboxone. I feel pretty achy like my bones are aching but not that bad... I wish I had a connect here but shit happens for a reason.

People keep telling me to do meth or crack before ever doing heroin again I'm like wtf I don't like to be around paranoid speedy people lol I do not understand why they think heroin is the worst one to do, so much so no one will help me find h but everyone's got meth coke crack weed x and LSD.... Ugh I don't want any of that shit...
Today no heroin or Suboxone. I feel pretty achy like my bones are aching but not that bad... I wish I had a connect here but shit happens for a reason.

People keep telling me to do meth or crack before ever doing heroin again I'm like wtf I don't like to be around paranoid speedy people lol I do not understand why they think heroin is the worst one to do, so much so no one will help me find h but everyone's got meth coke crack weed x and LSD.... Ugh I don't want any of that shit...

Shit, I'll take some of that coke, x, and lsd but fuck meth. I can't believe that there are people that think meth is less serious than heroin though. I mean sure h is bad, especially if you shoot up, but all it is is another opiate (I bet half of those people would have no problem eating some percs or whatever). Meth is fucking meth dude, like who the fuck does that? Idk, to each their own I suppose but I think that's crazy that someone would be appalled that you've done dope and then go offer you a bag of fucking meth
Shit, I'll take some of that coke, x, and lsd but fuck meth. I can't believe that there are people that think meth is less serious than heroin though. I mean sure h is bad, especially if you shoot up, but all it is is another opiate (I bet half of those people would have no problem eating some percs or whatever). Meth is fucking meth dude, like who the fuck does that? Idk, to each their own I suppose but I think that's crazy that someone would be appalled that you've done dope and then go offer you a bag of fucking meth

I am pretty shocked myself. Heroin is so frowned upon around here. And meth is so popular it's getting so big so where I used to be I you talked to a corner store drug dealer it was always crack and now it's always meth...and most of these people take lorcets and meth and Xanax its like their combo since we have so many pain clinics here is Houston pills are everywhere but for some reason the think heroin will make people kill people for another shot.

I was literally told yesterday that If I smoke or do meth I am less likely to kill and rob for more of the drug than if I do heroin. I was like umm no any drug can turn someone into a bad person if they ate addicted enough. Also I was offered pills and meth by a girlfriend in her desparate attempt to stop my search for heroin.

I'm just like WTF why is everyone telling me to do meth and crack over heroin I do not get it...
I sometimes wish I could get small amounts of meth to combat the lethargy that comes with withdrawal.
^ Man, meth would be the last drug that I would touch during WD. Adderall is a bitch to take during WD, I wouldn't touch meth. I'd rather smoke crack during withdrawals.
^- I took adderall during dilaudid wd once and I still felt like shit but couldn't sleep through any of it, it made my wd feel like it took twice as long fucking sucked at least when lethargic you can periodically sleep through moments but when on speed you stay awake during the entire thing... Yuck it also didn't give me energy it literally just gave me insomnia..
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