⭐️ Social ⭐️ ⫸PED Social v. Meathead's Tea-Break⫷

Study history. Study the Bush Administration. Then please reply to this.

HAHAHAHAH! Oh please. That is rich.

How is that hope and change working for you?

So many jobs to be had in America!

Lol extension of the Patriot Act!

We are still in Iraq, Afghanistan, entered Libya last year and now are getting ready to go into Syria!

How about instead of clinging to your Democrats are better than Republicans bullshit you actually see a faggot for a faggot?

I find it hilarious that people still hold on to Bush despite all the fucking faggotry Obama has committed. I have studied history and know all there is to know about the Bush Administration. Bush was a piece of shit and and put everything in place for this country to be spiraled into ruin and Obama is a piece of shit and now has the reigns and is destroying this country.
Denial: not just a river in Egypt.

Lol, go ahead and keep thinking that not accepting homosexuality automatically makes you a bigot. I realize that this is a drug board above all, meaning that it will pretty much be infested with you liberal types that go by the mantra "If you don't agree with everything I say, you're a racist Nazi bigot"; but at least try to see things from somebody elses point of view. Marriage is simply not a right for them. I have no problem with gays being together legally, but it should be called something else, because as of now, it's not a marriage.

I am tolerant of homosexuals. I am not however, in any way, accepting of them. They are still people who deserve respect, don't get me wrong, but the problem is that they are attempting to place themselves into a legal definition that provides benefits for which they do not fit the criteria. This whole "give everyone rights if they yell loud enough" is just getting old. I've said this hundreds of times in the politics section and it never seems to be good enough for anyone: Civil unions/partnerships are fine. Marriage and one being the other's husband is not.

HAHAHAHAH! Oh please. That is rich.

How is that hope and change working for you?

So many jobs to be had in America!

Lol extension of the Patriot Act!

We are still in Iraq, Afghanistan, entered Libya last year and now are getting ready to go into Syria!

How about instead of clinging to your Democrats are better than Republicans bullshit you actually see a faggot for a faggot?

I find it hilarious that people still hold on to Bush despite all the fucking faggotry Obama has committed. I have studied history and know all there is to know about the Bush Administration. Bush was a piece of shit and and put everything in place for this country to be spiraled into ruin and Obama is a piece of shit and now has the reigns and is destroying this country.

What pisses me off the most is that he panders to the people he knows will bring in the most votes. He's calling for all these lax immigration policies to get the hispanic vote, even when he knows himself that opening the borders is not the way to go. His social views are rather conservative and satisfactory. His anti-capitalist agenda is what will cause this country to end up in flames.

Romney is getting my vote this year, though I find his pro-corporation and pro-big business attitudes rather disturbing at times. I personally don't like the guy though and I'm nervous about his stance on the 2A. The only real positive about him is that he's not Obummer.

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Lol, go ahead and keep thinking that not accepting homosexuality automatically makes you a bigot. I realize that this is a drug board above all, meaning that it will pretty much be infested with you liberal types that go by the mantra "If you don't agree with everything I say, you're a racist Nazi bigot"; but at least try to see things from somebody elses point of view. Marriage is simply not a right for them. I have no problem with gays being together legally, but it should be called something else, because as of now, it's not a marriage.

I am tolerant of homosexuals. I am not however, in any way, accepting of them.

Why exactly aren't you accepting of them, beyond the marriage thing? Just curious as to where you stand.
I don't care what they do, live and let live. I just don't like fags coming onto me in parties asking if they can give me head (has happened several times), or flaunting their shit around in public. Whatever they do behind closed doors is their business and their business alone.

And Obama is a rhetorician at its finest. In no way shape or form do I like him or what he's done for America, but anybody studying the art of persuasion could learn a lot from him. Even when he ran for his first election, his Hope and Change campaign was fucking brilliant. What more do people want to hear than Hope and Change? Of course he wouldn't deliver, anybody with half an IQ point should have known that. Lol I loved it when I heard "I'm voting for Obama just because he's black." That was too fucking rich, and "We want change in America!" lol....

Romney is no better though, if anything he scares me and would do worse for American than Obama. The republicans in general scare me. Conservatism is fine, but they are way, way too supporting of Corporations and in favor of corporate welfare.
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Why exactly aren't you accepting of them, beyond the marriage thing? Just curious as to where you stand.
I don't care what they do, live and let live. I just don't like fags coming onto me in parties asking if they can give me head (has happened several times), or flaunting their shit around in public. Whatever they do behind closed doors is their business and their business alone.

And Obama is a rhetorician at its finest. In no way shape or form do I like him or what he's done for America, but anybody studying the art of persuasion could learn a lot from him. Even when he ran for his first election, his Hope and Change campaign was fucking brilliant. What more do people want to hear than Hope and Change? Of course he wouldn't deliver, anybody with half an IQ point should have known that. Lol I loved it when I heard "I'm voting for Obama just because he's black." That was too fucking rich, and "We want change in America!" lol....

Romney is no better though, if anything he scares me and would do worse for American than Obama. The republicans in general scare me. Conservatism is fine, but they are way, way too supporting of Corporations and in favor of corporate welfare.
Mostly because it's the one minority group that tries so hard to be different, whilst simultaneously begging for rights and claiming they're being oppressed at every single chance they get. A civil union is not a lesser title, but a different one. If you allow the title of marriage, you're basically inviting validity to open gays in the military, gays adopting children, gay family models being taught as "normal". I am all about tolerance until it becomes a catalyst of drastic societal change. There's nothing wrong with being gay, but it sure isn't right, either. I tolerate LGBT people. They deserve respect like everyone else. The problem arises when people think it's actually something to celebrate and be proud of. It's not. It's just the way things are. Most gays are indeed born that way and can't help the way they naturally feel towards other men. However, a significant portion aren't born that way but made that way through a shitty home life and generally terrible relations with the opposite sex. Just take a look at the politics section of this site. A prime example of why gays should not be allowed anywhere near children or any parenting situation. The child becomes completely feminized and ultimately useless for the world if their default sex is male.

America continues to go in a more liberal direction every year. In the present day, we're living in a country that celebrates degenerates, defects, and all-around 2nd rate human beings. All of this is done in the name of being tolerant and diverse, when in reality, they are exactly what I just described. I remember an older news story where a mentally handicapped 18 year old boy raped a 6 year old, and everybody was more concerned about giving the offender proper treatment rather than justice for the girl. If that's not a modern day Sodom then I don't know what is. This country is literally collapsing on itself, more so socially than economically to be honest.
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America continues to go in a more liberal direction every year.


As a libertarian I personally can't see how conservatives can call themselves "conservative" as they are merely conserving the liberal intentions of their forefathers. Yet shrinking government, I believe, is a pipe dream.
If you're not rich and you call yourself a libertarian then you're an idiot. The only reason lower classes have anything is through regulations enacted by the government. Without the government you'd be walked over and pushed into the fire by those who can afford it.

America is not becoming more and more liberal. American has become more and more knee-jerk conservative over the decades. Income-inequality has grown out of hand and deregulation has favored the have's over the have nots. Politicians receive generous kickbacks from monopolies to keep things the way they are. If you support conservative values and you're not a have then you're an idiot and fretting about something as non-issue as gay marriage is a distraction from the corruption of the country. Burn all of congress, replace them with militant regulators.

Obama mainly supports conservative polices and the Conservatives have become more hard right.

What I find mind-boggling is that whenever any group receives any benefits they weren't receiving before the status quo shouts special rights when those "special rights" are basic rights. It's like any point in history when one group gets something. It isn't new. Just because you can't recognize the rights you receive doesn't make someone else's special.
If you're not rich and you call yourself a libertarian then you're an idiot. The only reason lower classes have anything is through regulations enacted by the government. Without the government you'd be walked over and pushed into the fire by those who can afford it.

America is not becoming more and more liberal. American has become more and more knee-jerk conservative over the decades. Income-inequality has grown out of hand and deregulation has favored the have's over the have nots. Politicians receive generous kickbacks from monopolies to keep things the way they are. If you support conservative values and you're not a have then you're an idiot and fretting about something as non-issue as gay marriage is a distraction from the corruption of the country. Burn all of congress, replace them with militant regulators.

Obama mainly supports conservative polices and the Conservatives have become more hard right.

What I find mind-boggling is that whenever any group receives any benefits they weren't receiving before the status quo shouts special rights when those "special rights" are basic rights. It's like any point in history when one group gets something. It isn't new. Just because you can't recognize the rights you receive doesn't make someone else's special.
The entitlement society is the anti-thesis to individual responsibility. Can you explain to me how we added over 150,000 new jobs last month and unemployment and welfare still went up? Just think about how much of your paycheck you are unable to spend just because the nanny state wants to spend it for you.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not some heartless fucker who would refuse to help someone in need, but I'd simply prefer to do it via private charity versus forced taxation and handouts to people who haven't earned that money. The system is abused. The amount of debt this country is in is more than enough evidence that the best option would simply be to dismantle it completely.
fretting about something as non-issue as gay marriage is a distraction from the corruption of the country.

Interesting point, makes a lot of sense.

I feel that is not the only silly social issue being pushed as a serious discussion topic.
Legalization of marijuana for instance.

You have to ask yourself, is it taking so long because it's an economical issue? Or is it, like you said, a distraction.
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The entitlement society is the anti-thesis to individual responsibility. Can you explain to me how we added over 150,000 new jobs last month and unemployment and welfare still went up? Just think about how much of your paycheck you are unable to spend just because the nanny state wants to spend it for you.

Perhaps those 150,000 jobs were all in the service industry.
Perhaps those 150,000 jobs were all in the service industry.

If they were then that's a shame. The minimum for living comfortably and above poverty level is $18.00 an hour. Service industry jobs start at $9.40. If you got experience you might start at $11. My friend has been working 8 year sin the service industry and he is making an amazing $12.00.

I'm making $10.00. I make $10 an hour while I stock out pallets of merchandise that will bought up by people in designer clothes, with iPhones, driving a brand new car. How do these people pay? FOOD STTAMPS! WELFARE! EBT!

It is fucking pig disgusting my tax dollars go to support these leeches. The same goes for some people in the Methadone Clinic; Last week I spit on someone for being on Medicaid, using my tax dollars to get free Methadone and cab rides, yet there they were selling there fucking doses and buying dope outside the clinic. Fuck these leeches. And fuck all the illegal immigrants getting benefits despite not paying taxes or working off the books.
If they were then that's a shame. The minimum for living comfortably and above poverty level is $18.00 an hour. Service industry jobs start at $9.40. If you got experience you might start at $11. My friend has been working 8 year sin the service industry and he is making an amazing $12.00.

I'm making $10.00. I make $10 an hour while I stock out pallets of merchandise that will bought up by people in designer clothes, with iPhones, driving a brand new car. How do these people pay? FOOD STTAMPS! WELFARE! EBT!

It is fucking pig disgusting my tax dollars go to support these leeches. The same goes for some people in the Methadone Clinic; Last week I spit on someone for being on Medicaid, using my tax dollars to get free Methadone and cab rides, yet there they were selling there fucking doses and buying dope outside the clinic. Fuck these leeches. And fuck all the illegal immigrants getting benefits despite not paying taxes or working off the books.

You were going somewhere with that and then lost me in a sea of lower class warfare. I think the greatest victory for the (pro big business, wall street, pharma, medical, etc) GOP was when Reagan went on about welfare queens. All it did was turn lower classes on themselves. It severed any community and brought upon a great inner spite in working class people. In other words you have this civil war going on while the top plunder your taxes via lobbying, tax benefits, contacts. Disinformation. The government bailed out the banks, gives billions to private defense, health, drug groups and we're concerned about Carla next door who receives $150 a month on food stamps.
If they were then that's a shame. The minimum for living comfortably and above poverty level is $18.00 an hour. Service industry jobs start at $9.40. If you got experience you might start at $11. My friend has been working 8 year sin the service industry and he is making an amazing $12.00.

I'm making $10.00. I make $10 an hour while I stock out pallets of merchandise that will bought up by people in designer clothes, with iPhones, driving a brand new car. How do these people pay? FOOD STTAMPS! WELFARE! EBT!

It is fucking pig disgusting my tax dollars go to support these leeches. The same goes for some people in the Methadone Clinic; Last week I spit on someone for being on Medicaid, using my tax dollars to get free Methadone and cab rides, yet there they were selling there fucking doses and buying dope outside the clinic. Fuck these leeches. And fuck all the illegal immigrants getting benefits despite not paying taxes or working off the books.

Couldn't agree more I used to be one of those dudes in line also bro so believe me I swallow my own pride admitting what a child i was only caring for myself back in the day. But live and learn, i know dudes doing that shit for 30 years with their free doses the state is literally paying for them to shoot dope.
In other words you have this civil war going on while the top plunder your taxes via lobbying, tax benefits, contacts. Disinformation. The government bailed out the banks, gives billions to private defense, health, drug groups and we're concerned about Carla next door who receives $150 a month on food stamps.

I don't like corporations and their member's getting tax exemptions. I don't like that our economy is controlled by a privately run bank. I don't like Carla not paying taxes and living like a Queen while I have to bust my ass and part of my paycheck goes to her. I don't like my tax dollars being spent to pay off a debt I had nothing to do with.

There are three classes in this country now; The rich elite, the working class, and the leeches of society.

I hope I see in my life time these bankers hanged, politicians shot, and illegal immigrants burned like fucking trash.
You were going somewhere with that and then lost me in a sea of lower class warfare. I think the greatest victory for the (pro big business, wall street, pharma, medical, etc) GOP was when Reagan went on about welfare queens. All it did was turn lower classes on themselves. It severed any community and brought upon a great inner spite in working class people. In other words you have this civil war going on while the top plunder your taxes via lobbying, tax benefits, contacts. Disinformation. The government bailed out the banks, gives billions to private defense, health, drug groups and we're concerned about Carla next door who receives $150 a month on food stamps.

The bleeding of the wound must stop before it's treated any further.

First thing's first, we need to close the borders and be given the rights to shoot these viruses on sight. We must then drop all humanitarian aid to foreign nations including but not limited to Israel, Haiti, and Africa as a whole. I want nothing to do with the UN or NATO either. Cut funding out of entitlements by a percentage and put the difference into the iron fist of the US military. Oh, and I'm not necessarily a fan of legal immigration either unless the incoming immigrants are fully willing to assimilate into the language and customs of the United States. Multiculturalism is a bad thing around the world because it weakens and undermines the original cultures that were established in a certain country hundreds if not thousands of years ago. Revamp the prison system and put more of an emphasis on punishment. If I were running the show, the only form of capital punishment would be a quick 5.56 bullet to the back of the head, reserved for murderers, rapists, child molesters, drug traffickers, and those found guilty of treason. If it was a clear cut case, there would be no trial and the execution would be swiftly implemented.

Once that's done, we can start worrying about domestic social issues, considering this country is imploding in on itself in terms of degeneracy and "open-minded" sexual perversions.

I do also have to point out how awesome it is that the left wing preaches tolerance for people regardless of religion, sexual orientation, or race.....unless you're a heterosexual white Catholic male.
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