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Harm Reduction ⫸Official Plugging/Rectal Administration Megathread⫷

There seems to be conflicting info regarding whether to put solution further up (4inch+) or right at the start of rectum (1inch-ish).

I've been wondering how far should you put the syringe in as well. Can anyone clear this up?
I've seen so many conflicting reports, everything from an inch inside, to at least as far as you're second knuckle, to as far as the syringe will go. I've usually push it in an inch or so but I'm never quite sure how far I'm supposed to be going. From experience it doesn't seem to make much difference but if someone could clear it up it would be great.

As for you're other questions I've never tried OC so can't answer the specifics but:
I don't think the bi-carbonate of soda should be necessary unless there's some specific reason that I'm unaware of? And although I've seen plenty of people saying lie down for 20 mins+ I've never had found any difference with standing up after a minute, just as soon as I'm sure it's definitely in there.
Bi Carbonate of Soda raises pH, I believe hospitals and surgeries etc. would use suppositories with a correctly adjusted pH. E.g. Someone on here was saying the optimal pH for morphine was slightly basic, I think.
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so this may sound bad but you will know what i mean , so if i can stick my indexfinger in up to my knuckle and there be no feceas in there to retrieve, will i be ok to plug my morphine and feel it, im constipated as is normal being an opiate user, but dont want to waste my goodies, so if someone can let me know id appreciate it .
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so this may sound bad but you will know what i mean , so if i can stick my indexfinger in up to my knuckle and there be no feceas in there to retrieve, will i be ok to plug my morphine and feel it, im constipated as is normal being an opiate user, but dont want to waste my goodies, so if someone can let me know id appreciate it .

Yeh, that should be fine :)
^I am able to do this when I try plugging, but for some reason plugging rarely if ever works well for me. I have this theory it has something to do with a condition I was diagnosed with as a child: "retained poop." I wish my poop was liberated and free instead... Anyways, the only thing that ever really worked for me in terms of getting anything worthwhile out of rectal opioid use was by going out and having a coffee enema...

A little off topic, but I also never found laxatives to work very well for me either...
there are all kinds of suppositories around, rx and over the counter. plugging seems to be about the same thing. a liquid suppository. you just do not have all that solid mass of the suppository creating issues on what to do with it for your rectum. as long as the chemical going in won't cause other kinds of problems i see no big issues with this roa
I would imagine there are many dangers in putting pharmaceutical chemicals (or worse: illicit street mixtures) inside one's own cavity, and these risks would understandably increase as this was repeated often.
I imagine the fillers in pills could irritate, especially after prolonged use.

Also, some pharmaceuticals must be more dangerous than others, yes?

Personally I'll stick to eating, I use Oxycontin for chronic pain so I might as well take as prescribed.
Though it definitely has it's place in Medicine, as it is a very important ROA for some sick people who cannot tolerate oral or other parenterel routes.
ALSO, for people who use Intravenously, or are contemplating using IV, switching instead to a Rectal-ROA would be an extremely beneficial health move, and would actually be far more efficient than they probably think.
For one thing, rectal bioavailability is second only to IV, and has a quite close bioavail to IV for most substances. PLUS the fact that duration would be SUBSTANTIALLY increased, meaning that the slight loss of bioavailability (10-20%) would easily be balanced out by the huge increase in duration compared to IV. For instance IV oxy is infamous for being very short with basically no rush, so therefor any IV oxy users could save themselves some extra years on this earth and a lot better veins if they switched to rectal. Plus probably some money due to duration being increased so much. They should try and push it more at needle exchanges. Then again maybe they do, I've never been in one so what the fuck do I know?
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With oxycodone, you'd be better off taking it orally, trust me on this. I don't know about plugging promethazine, but you should probably just dose that orally about 20 minutes before dosing the oxycodone.
Does anyone else have any opinions on rectal oxycodone they would like to add to this page, based on their own experiences after correctly plugging said opiate?
If one were to add a small amount of antihistamine eg. 10mg promethazine, is that relatively safe for the rectal lining?
Is there any danger in putting pharmaceutical chemicals inside one's cavity, on a regular basis? I imagine the fillers in pills could irritate, especially after prolonged use.

I'm sure I read a post recently that said anti-histamines were only about 30% efficient orally, so if you do plug them try a much lower dose to start with (3mg instead of 10mg) - can always add more but you can't add less, although tbh I'm not really sure what you'd gain over taking anti-histamines orally :)
Hi, want to plug say 50mg of 70% pure amphetamine sulfate. How many ml should I use? I tried before but it didn't quite work so well as I didn't read about laying down.. I was walkin around.. I used 5 ml I think but i walked around and stuff.

but say 50-70mg do I need almost 10ml?
Hi, want to plug say 50mg of 70% pure amphetamine sulfate. How many ml should I use? I tried before but it didn't quite work so well as I didn't read about laying down.. I was walkin around.. I used 5 ml I think but i walked around and stuff. i mean it's powdery so..

but say 50-70mg do I need almost 10ml? or will less do? How many CM / inch should the syringe go? it is about 11cm long.
Insert it about 1-2inches inside, just enough to get into your rectum, proceed slowly and with plenty of lubrication. Amphetamines in their hydrochloride salt form are freely soluble in water, so I dont think you'll need a 10mL syringe, and you'd be better off to filter it through a cotton a few times anyways, should be fine to use a 3mL or 5mL syringe for this purpose, although personally I would do my damnedest to get it into a 1mL syringe.
I tried a previous posters method of shot glass warm water crush pills in water draw into syringe 5ml but there was some left over pill residue in the bottom of shot glass that the syringe did not draw up. So my questions is does that matter?? do I need to get it all from bottom of glass???
If the residue is an active substance you would probably want to use it.
You could add a little more water to dissolve it and redose.
Personally I prefer to use a 10 ml syringe rather than a 5 ml one.
New to the plugging thing so nothin negitive please. I just plugger a 30 mg roxy with 4ml of water. Wondering how long it will take to feel anything an how long the rush will last.
Starting to feel somthing now, I have heard it much like the iv method but havnt noticed the rush as much.
Nevermind, it worked great! :D

Nothing I post is true
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Thanks augustaB

If the residue is an active substance you
would probably want to use it.
You could add a little more water to
dissolve it and redose.
Personally I prefer to use a 10 ml syringe rather than a 5 ml one.
Thanks this was the trick. Used your method this am and complete success! You should post your routine here for others.
i too wondered the same thing, did some research with the search button, and google. i came to the conclusion, basically the first person to post a ''how-to'' on plugging, posted his way- or his ''routine'' . i plug my own way, different than the posted ''how-to'', and im sure plenty of other people do it differently. Most of the steps in the plugging howto are not necessary, you just need to inject the liquid into your rectum, and you know- dont do any handstands or anything. you can walk around, lay down, sit down, drive a car, what ever. you dont need to lay on your side, inject the liquid, and lay on your side for 20 minutes. totally unnecessary and a waste of time. i Do agree, that if you inject it, then lay down and let the high kick in, its alot easier to notice the buzz, instead of injecting then going on a walk.. either way it still kicks in, because your body will still absorb it.. the liquid isnt going to vanish in your ass just because you didnt lay down when you injected your drugs, although jumping or something like that could cause the liquid to travel into the ''waste zone'', then most likely anything that travels there will have NO effect...

= ch1nawhite plugging method =
-clear your bowels best as possible (morning shit/afternoon shit)
-put the pill in a shot glass
-draw the oral syringe with warm or somewhat hot water, add to shotglass
-carefully crush the pill in the water, NOT mixing yet (pill material on BOTTOM is easier to draw)
-draw up the liquid concoction, then shake the oral syringe to mix the liquid/drug
-lube the anus and syringe, get on knees + bend over (dont do more than a 45-90° bend on your knees, or it will travel upward- BAD)
-insert syringe about 2 inches carefully, and slowly inject the liquid.
-stand up, put your shit away, then sit or lay down, play ps3, watch tv.
-ride that high

it IS best, and recommended to relax after the injection, to sit or laydown, just to allow regular absorption, and to keep the liquid in one general area, you dont want it splashing up and wondering. below is a diagram (hehe)
this is what works best for me, yall can try it, or do the other way (weak way) lol. like i said, everyone has their own way, preferences, and routine...

This was an awesome post it really helped me and I was nervous about my first time. The only thing I changed was
I used a plastic shot glass with lid made by Tupperware to mix contents cause I could shake solution didn't even need to crush because it mixed its self up. Then I used a 10ml oral syringe no lube you really only need to put it in at little bit. Then I did lay down. Now I have all those wonderful ChemicalFeelings...enjoy!
In response to Chemical Feelings invite my plugging routine is as follows:

Weigh out the required dose (in my case 150 mg mdma).
Place in a small drinking glass.
Using my syringe I measure out one and a half syringes full of liquid onto the product.
I swirl it around with the syringe. If it's slow to dissolve I try sucking some liquid up and then squeezing it back into the glass.
When I'm ready to go I apply some lube to my butthole (usually a little silicon lube)
I fill the syringe full.
I feel round and carefully insert the syringe making sure I don't scratch my hole.
Once I feel that the barrel of the syringe is fully inserted, I grip the edge of the syringe between my index and middle fingers and press in the plunger with my thumb.
I use the remainder of the dissolved dose as a booster an hour later.
I use a 10 ml disposable syringe.
Some people feel more comfortable with a "lube shooter". These have the advantage that they have rounded edges, but the disadvantage that they only contain a small quantity of liquid (40 ml), although I believe a larger version is now also available.
I do the entire operation standing up and remain standing while the mdma takes effect. I've never had any trouble with leakage.