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The Big & Dandy Methoxetamine Thread - The 3rd Dose

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tripping balls, felt like i was being sucked into a tv. but the whole time it felt very safe and reassuring
ive noticed this drug is strangely different every time i try it. very very dose and setting dependent, it almost has a personality of its own. league of its own, weird stuff. but very nice
I've had significant experience with dex, which is rather harsh, causing speech difficulties and double vision. MXE seems much more pleasant, though I haven't been able to experience quite the depth that I did with dex.

I have only experimented up to 75 mg IM. Can anyone tell me if higher doses, say 150, can provide Khole experiences, or is there an upper bound on the intensity?
Would you classify MXE as a downer?
Ive never thought of it that way.

Agree I've even found it quite stimulating... Also enjoy a drink while I'm on it, I find the alcohol, just calms the body down a bit from the mania so its not overwhelming.. Anybody else finds it combines well with alcohol??
I took 500mg with me to my friend's place for a week. My friend had a freakout on an oral 50mg dose (he laid down for a while and was fine), so the 'warmth and coziness' feeling doesn't apply to all.

Interestingly I had one of those 'being in a realistic alternate environment' experiences at just 60mg insufflated, and I had taken more a few times before without this happening. It was pitch dark in the room, I was shining the light from my phone into my face, so it was in my periphery. It seemed like a campfire, and the ceiling lit up with stars. There were trees around too, and I could have sworn I heard crickets for about a second until I looked at my phone and things snapped back.
Subling absorbed 30 mgs trippped balls at some club. Drank a 24 ounce tall can and that was perfect security at the second club looked at me said "you looked fucked up you cant be overdosing in my club" so i told him "yo this isnt my first rodeo, im doing research as a scientist (HAH!) and i will not be overdosing, puking, falling in your club im going to enjoying these drugs. And i give my word ill be walking out at 2 am"
He gave me a hug and told me to wnjoy myself walked me past the cover charge and set me loose. Excellent? I think so.
Well, the big risk of combining downers and opiates is some sort of respiratory depression. Since MXE's action is kind of a ???? thing, it's hard to say exactly how they might interact.

It's kind of hard to give an exact answer, especially knowing only that you used "some" heroin and not knowing anything about your H tolerance.

I'd try a sub-threshold dose and see how it affects you, if at all.

FWIW I titrated ~40mg into 3 - 4 doses over a few hours. I was fine, although i did pass out at the end of the night. I'm not convinced it's a safe combo tbh.
FWIW I titrated ~40mg into 3 - 4 doses over a few hours. I was fine, although i did pass out at the end of the night. I'm not convinced it's a safe combo tbh.

Me neither. Could the fact that you're disassociated add to the danger? It's quite hard to remember to breathe when you don't know what breathing is....
you dont need to remember to breathe, its not something thats done consciously.
I usually dont remember anything when im sleeping yet wake up breathing every morning. :)

forgetting to breathe does seem to be a pretty common fear encountered on psychedelics.
I know ive had it a couple times on bad trips where i thought i was dying.

Though there has been a couple reports of what sounds like oxygen deprivation. Someone reported their lips turning blue, though that could have also been due to cold weather. Which you sometimes cant feel on dissociatives.
you dont need to remember to breathe, its not something thats done consciously.
I usually dont remember anything when im sleeping yet wake up breathing every morning. :)

forgetting to breathe does seem to be a pretty common fear encountered on psychedelics.
I know ive had it a couple times on bad trips where i thought i was dying.

I've heard of people who think they've overdosed on opiates really concentrating on their breathing, trying to make sure they do it properly. Though I guess if you're well past the overdose mark you just wouldn't be able to do that.
I guess an overdose is any dose thats too high and makes you feel uncomfortable.
But with opiates if youre still conscious you havent overdosed IMO.
Opiate overdose is a totally different animal to dissociative "overdose". Bear in mind that recreational doses of dissociatives other than DXM are massively lower than is what is used medicinally. MXE may be new but it's got enough in common with ket and the PCP analogues to be reasonably sure it likely follows that form.

Overdosing on dissociatives sends you sleepy-byes or to the nuthouse. Overdosing on opiates you don't tend to wake up from.
Opiate overdose is a totally different animal to dissociative "overdose". Bear in mind that recreational doses of dissociatives other than DXM are massively lower than is what is used medicinally. MXE may be new but it's got enough in common with ket and the PCP analogues to be reasonably sure it likely follows that form.

Overdosing on dissociatives sends you sleepy-byes or to the nuthouse. Overdosing on opiates you don't tend to wake up from.

Totally understand were your coming from about sending you to the nuthouse=D. I mean im pretty stable minded but MXE has nearly pushed me over the edge, but in a good way but if i was to be in the wrong setting i could totally see how bad it could get.
lol oh my...what an amazing chemical this is. After waiting a little over a week and a half, I finally received my 1g of methoxetamine three days ago on Friday, just in time for the weekend :) The first thing I did was a taste test to check for the slight numbing sensation that many here have talked about. It did indeed numb my tongue but not as much as any of the *caine anesthetics, I also counted this as an allergy test and there were no negative reactions. I was now positive that I received legitimate MXE. I have never dabbled with dissociatives before so this was something completely new to me. My experience with psychedelics are limited to mescaline containing cacti, psilocybin mushrooms, and some suspected 5-meo-dipt containing pills a few years ago. I've also had legitimate MDMA, something that is quite hard to come by here in the US. I've also had 4-MMC and bk-MDMA, as well as just about every opiate there is. I can see now why so many people are having trouble trying to explain what it feels like to be on this chemical, but I after going through a gram with two of my friends this weekend, my conclusion is that this stuff is extremely physical, almost like a cross between the body highs of psilocybin and mescaline, minus the visuals(visuals as in everything swirling and moving) The only visuals that I received while dosing up to 100mg, insufflated(spaced out over a 2-3 hours) were brighter, yet softer colors and the sense that I had the eyes of a new born, almost as if I were seeing this again for the first time. I also felt very enlightened. I also felt like I was in a bubble and I repeated this over and over again throughout the night. Walking was incredibly fun and I wish that I would have had a trampoline to jump on. I felt very powerful and the weirdest thing is that I had very little to NO anxiety. I am diagnosed with ADHD and I have moderate anxiety. I can't consumed cannabis because it makes me extremely anxious and over-analytical. I can see people freaking out on this stuff at a higher dose. The more I dosed, the heavier I felt when I would sit/lay down, but when I would stand, it was always the same "weightless, fluid, bubbly feeling." It felt so amazing to fall down to a push-up stance and crawl around on just my hands and feet. Again...I felt sooo incredibly powerful, I felt like I could do hundreds of push-ups. Oh, and this stuff mixed perfectly with the Playstation Move and the archery game that comes with it. While playing the game I would have these really deep thoughts about "thinking" and "how the world works" but I never "lost the plot" once, even though I'm sure I would have if I would have dosed again. I had the normal "how in the world will I be able to function once I return back to baseline?" thought, but was oddly reassured that I would be ok. Please start low like I did and I would NOT recommend people to go out in public on this stuff due to how vulnerable you will be. My friends g/f did freak out a tad bit for a split second when someone texted her phone from a number she didn't recognize and she looked up and said, "how are they talking to me? they aren't alive, who are they?" My best friend quickly assured her that she was ok and to turn off the phone. This was not meant to be a trip report, just my views about this new chemical. I will be writing a trip report soon. Oh, and you can fall right asleep after doing this stuff! Amazingly beautiful, fluid and blissful :D
^100mg is not a low dose if you do not have dissociative tolerance. I'm surprised you think it was low and I put it down to you sniffing the powder. When I first started, 50mg sublingual pretty much gave me ego-loss. Now I've been doing this and ketamine regularly for a few months, it takes perhaps 75mg to drop me into a series of David Lynch out-takes (in other words I am seeing some, but not much, tolerance develop).

Even spacing 100mg out over a three hour period I would think the cumulative effects would knock you for six or seven, if you were putting this under your tongue.

Also, the Enter key is below the backspace and can be used to create paragraphs ;) press it twice!
lol oh my...what an amazing chemical this is. After waiting a little over a week and a half, I finally received my 1g of methoxetamine three days ago on Friday, just in time for the weekend :) The first thing I did was a taste test to check for the slight numbing sensation that many here have talked about. It did indeed numb my tongue but not as much as any of the *caine anesthetics, I also counted this as an allergy test and there were no negative reactions. I was now positive that I received legitimate MXE. I have never dabbled with dissociatives before so this was something completely new to me. My experience with psychedelics are limited to mescaline containing cacti, psilocybin mushrooms, and some suspected 5-meo-dipt containing pills a few years ago. I've also had legitimate MDMA, something that is quite hard to come by here in the US. I've also had 4-MMC and bk-MDMA, as well as just about every opiate there is. I can see now why so many people are having trouble trying to explain what it feels like to be on this chemical, but I after going through a gram with two of my friends this weekend, my conclusion is that this stuff is extremely physical, almost like a cross between the body highs of psilocybin and mescaline, minus the visuals(visuals as in everything swirling and moving) The only visuals that I received while dosing up to 100mg, insufflated(spaced out over a 2-3 hours) were brighter, yet softer colors and the sense that I had the eyes of a new born, almost as if I were seeing this again for the first time. I also felt very enlightened. I also felt like I was in a bubble and I repeated this over and over again throughout the night. Walking was incredibly fun and I wish that I would have had a trampoline to jump on. I felt very powerful and the weirdest thing is that I had very little to NO anxiety. I am diagnosed with ADHD and I have moderate anxiety. I can't consumed cannabis because it makes me extremely anxious and over-analytical. I can see people freaking out on this stuff at a higher dose. The more I dosed, the heavier I felt when I would sit/lay down, but when I would stand, it was always the same "weightless, fluid, bubbly feeling." It felt so amazing to fall down to a push-up stance and crawl around on just my hands and feet. Again...I felt sooo incredibly powerful, I felt like I could do hundreds of push-ups. Oh, and this stuff mixed perfectly with the Playstation Move and the archery game that comes with it. While playing the game I would have these really deep thoughts about "thinking" and "how the world works" but I never "lost the plot" once, even though I'm sure I would have if I would have dosed again. I had the normal "how in the world will I be able to function once I return back to baseline?" thought, but was oddly reassured that I would be ok. Please start low like I did and I would NOT recommend people to go out in public on this stuff due to how vulnerable you will be. My friends g/f did freak out a tad bit for a split second when someone texted her phone from a number she didn't recognize and she looked up and said, "how are they talking to me? they aren't alive, who are they?" My best friend quickly assured her that she was ok and to turn off the phone. This was not meant to be a trip report, just my views about this new chemical. I will be writing a trip report soon. Oh, and you can fall right asleep after doing this stuff! Amazingly beautiful, fluid and blissful :D

Great description.. It truely is a wonder drug if used in the right way.. One of the best RCs I've used.. And compared to other substances I've used, bourght 2 grams and its lasted a remarkably lond time....
I'm sorry about both my previous rant and not being more specific when I mentioned "starting as low as I did."

I started with insufflating 25mg and worked my way up to 100mg by hour 3. Onset of effects were felt in less than 10 minutes after insufflating 2nd and 3rd line of methoxetamine and would peak after 30 minutes.
This is "the one" i reached the pinnacle. 50 mgs I can only describe it like 100 or so mics of L, 80 mgs mdma, 60 mgs of ketamine, and a slow constant stream of n2o symergizing PERFECTLY.
Without jaw tension
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