6th Issue Heroin Discussion Thread... v. Doprah

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^^^looks like some good dope to me. We get shit that color, off white, darker brown, tannish brown, all good and all nice and powdery like that..lol..we get tar here also, but I never bought any here, I have done tar a few times(smoked it) and I think I wasted 1/2 of it, becasue I'm used to snorting powder, and smoking tar is a whole different ballgame, I guess it's less watseful to smoke once you get the hang of it though, like anything..done some Cali. tar, and some tar from Ariz. and I gotta say the Ariz. tar kicked the ass of the Cali. tar, which was weak as hell to me, the Ariz. tar, despite my wasting a good bit by being a novice smoker, was some fire shit for sure!!
How you doin davis?

^smoking tar is efficient if your technique is on point. Its about getin all that smoke in the straw, if youre lettin a
ny smoke go up in the air, then thats a waste.

I actually prefer smoking it rather than shooting up. With banging you get best rush, but gota worry about abscesses and BS like that, know what im sayin. Besides, smok8ng is instant as banging, and you still get a rush from smoking. Its the same high tho, but when you bang you do it all at once, instead of hit at a time=bigger rush.

Ya i have heard dope here in phoenix a lot better than cali dope.
How much do you burn per hit? Like given that you have plenty to get high, so don't have to conserve dope, how much you burning on a good hit?
I usually smoked between .1 and .2 at a time and you can run that up and down a 6x6 piece of tin foil 7-10 times. Each run is a pretty fatty hit.
Team nod assemble!

Got 2g of raw and 1/2 of sour desel.

Its gonna be a good w/e for sure.
People like me? WTF is that supposed to mean?

and by the way,it wasnt me who used the n word...it was the fella before me that said it and i was only tellin him to be careful usin them words cos i know what mods are like on this forum

and your post to me just enforces that notion

think i deserve an apology johnny b

It was a joke. Welcome to the internet
Middlemaned all my shit that I copped the other night, went down today and now I've got a lot of cash and dope. Ha, its been a good day. Also, my buddy threw me 1/16th of shrooms for free and some k2 cause I've never smoked k2 before.. I hear its whack though.

Chinky are you in my house taking pictures of my dope man? WTF! Nah I'm just kiddin, but those are some chi town caps for sure. What surface is that shit on? Looks like fabric to me.

Gonna be noddin' the weekend off. Wheres my team at?
How much do you burn per hit? Like given that you have plenty to get high, so don't have to conserve dope, how much you burning on a good hit?

Good question.

The amount i begin with varies, usually between a twentieth (0.05 g) of a gram, and up to a point and a half (0.15 g). So, id say the average size piece of nasty ass bth shit, is a point, one tenth of a gram (0.10 g).

Smoking a point will usually put me on the nod. Smoking two (0.20 g) will have me nodding severely, and it will put me out for at least a few hours.

I have never thought, how much do i smoke per hit? But when i smoke, i try and take as big of a hit as possible. That way, you get a nice rush, depending on how much smoke you get in your lungs, and how long you hold it in. I usually hold it 15-20 seconds.

Btw, i am noclcling my ass off, whats happening team nod??
How you doin davis?

^smoking tar is efficient if your technique is on point. Its about getin all that smoke in the straw, if youre lettin a
ny smoke go up in the air, then thats a waste.

I actually prefer smoking it rather than shooting up. With banging you get best rush, but gota worry about abscesses and BS like that, know what im sayin. Besides, smok8ng is instant as banging, and you still get a rush from smoking. Its the same high tho, but when you bang you do it all at once, instead of hit at a time=bigger rush.

Ya i have heard dope here in phoenix a lot better than cali dope.

I'm doing ok, bored as usual. I did let some smoke get out into the air, but I also got more than I lost smoking, dude was there by me, coaching me on how to smoke it..lol..it was pretty good rush each time like you said.I dunno how much we smoked at one sitting though, the guy had a goof sized amount, he said a few grams total in his baggie, and he would tear a piece or chop of some and put it on the foil, I was really high after 8 or 9 good hits, probably wasted 1 or 2 hits, but dude did not care, he had plenty like he said a few g's, but I dunno I cannot eyeball tar at all, lol.
Middlemaned all my shit that I copped the other night, went down today and now I've got a lot of cash and dope. Ha, its been a good day. Also, my buddy threw me 1/16th of shrooms for free and some k2 cause I've never smoked k2 before.. I hear its whack though.

Chinky are you in my house taking pictures of my dope man? WTF! Nah I'm just kiddin, but those are some chi town caps for sure. What surface is that shit on? Looks like fabric to me.

Gonna be noddin' the weekend off. Wheres my team at?

Those caps look like some my relative in missouri got in St.Louis, although the powder was a little lighter brown than that I think, it was pretty close though, I think it was probably Chicago caps, since St.Louis is not that far from Chicago really, and this was some good dope, and was in caps very similar to those, they add a little extra cash for a cap, I guess to pay for the drive to Chicago, or maybe becasue they can get a little extra money, like a dime cap runs a dime and a nickel in St.louis, but when buying 12 or 14 caps they give a nice you the 12 or 14, usually 14 I think to the gram or something, they charge you for 12 dimes, give or take a dime.
^It's crazy how much diff y'alls shit looks then ours. it def looks way more powdery, almost like (and don't be hatin I'm just statin) looks like Baltimore scramble, I'm sure it's higher quality then scramble but def got that super fluffy look to it. Real light colored too, our shit is usually real light tan but not as light as that. Too bad my camera was in my whip when my whip got stole or I'd take some pics of my shit

That pic was from like a year ago or so I don't even remember...I was just cleanin out my PB account...

I've posted those pics before

Middlemaned all my shit that I copped the other night, went down today and now I've got a lot of cash and dope. Ha, its been a good day. Also, my buddy threw me 1/16th of shrooms for free and some k2 cause I've never smoked k2 before.. I hear its whack though.

Chinky are you in my house taking pictures of my dope man? WTF! Nah I'm just kiddin, but those are some chi town caps for sure. What surface is that shit on? Looks like fabric to me.

Gonna be noddin' the weekend off. Wheres my team at?

Its on a piece of glass that I took from a picture frame..not on my jeans lol..
So, id say the average size piece of nasty ass bth shit

Haha yo you should really let that go cuz, I didn't know you would take it so personal, I'm still laughin every time I see you say it cuz I know why you're sayin it but as much as I like a good laugh, I don't want you feelin some type of way about it.

As far as me, I'm bout to go pick up a couple brizzy's in a few min and be noddin my face off by 9. I hate fuckin around on Friday nights tho, my boy already said jump outs been around all day and it's just in general hotter on Fridays.
Hey chinky how much dope comes in those caps. Is each one about a point or what?
Haha yo you should really let that go cuz, I didn't know you would take it so personal, I'm still laughin every time I see you say it cuz I know why you're sayin it but as much as I like a good laugh, I don't want you feelin some type of way about it.

Youre getin it twisted, i was just kidding :)
ya know I never weighed it so I really don't know...more then you would think though..

Yeah for sure those caps are completely filled. Definitely looks fatter than the packs I get.

Mine come in little zippies w the top melted closed. Usually pretty consistant but they vary a bit in size. I think with the caps it would be easier to pack up more consistabt size packs.
Just a little bit of dope info for y'all.

I go to school in far upstate NY, and was talking to my boy from the closest city by. He said they sell stamp bags, but sometimes get foils of dope. Also, they go to syracuse to pick up weight, and there are certain streets for diff types of drugs. X street for crack, Y street for dope, Z street for pharmies. Just thought it was interesting to here how things go up here. Also, same stamps up here as NYC.
not sure if its cuz of the dope or cuz its been like 9 days w/o it but this shit has got me straight on a small amount

i think its a combo of both but ima say this shit hasta be better then avg
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