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Dissociatives [Methoxetamine Subthread] Adverse Effects / Side-effects

Yes yes yes, I think moooost people know that blue lips is a very common side effect of repeated using of nitrous oxide. But that effect seems to have insufficient relevance to the actual thread subject so let's save that for its own thread or something.

I've never noticed respiratory depression on any dose of MXE in my trials, increased heartbeat hell yeah after some marijuana anxiety was introduced. But breathing seemed a-ok. Just labored after the weed had me panicking.
One more piece evidence that MXE is not Ketamine. Looks like this is one of those drugs that could possibly harm you if you take 100 times the active dose, so lets just keep this in mind.
OP you're still a bit of a plonker for doing that much. Bloody hell :/
Erowid's link to that study no longer works. Perhaps it was removed because it was proven inaccurate. Furthermore, that Erowid answer states explcitly:

Another possibility, which we have been unable to find support for, is that the nitrous oxide is actually replacing the oxygen which would normally bind to hemoglobin. One reference (http://www.unco.edu/chemist/aichun/pub/NO2.pdf) indicates that nitrous oxide does bind to hemoglobin (along with other proteins) and mentions structural changes that could affect oxygen's ability to bind, but does not directly mention oxygen displacement.​

Sounds link that was a lab result based on playing with pure chemicals nothing even close to a medical "study" which examined use in humans.

Here, this study IS specifically medical/human in nature and mentions NOTHING about oxygen binding, so that's just more scare-mongering... this seems VERY thorough and I have little doubt they would have looked for it:

Recent advances in understanding the actions and toxicity of nitrous oxide
M. Maze, M. Fujinaga; Anaesthesia, Volume 55, Issue 4, pages 311–314, April 2000 http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1046/j.1365-2044.2000.01463.x/full

I honestly don't think it would be used as a surgical and dental anesthetic if it was binding to hemoglobin enough to make your lips turn blue.... and as I said neither I nor no one I asked ever saw anyone turn blue from nitrous. HAVE YOU???

I stand by that it is scare-mongering and object to its being trotted out... I doubt the OP has ever personally seen people turn blue from it either.

Sorry to earn a "sheesh" but such presumptions and scare-mongering at BL really piss me off.

ive seen it happen to people doing whippets and hyperventilating with ballons.
its not the cold, they were using a whip cream gun. theres no need to call the guy names.
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WTF? I call BULLSHIT. I *KNOW* you are totally a liar because Nitrous does absolutely NOT make you turn blue from oxygen depreivation, you fuckin lying idiot... you STILL NEED TO BREATH when using Nitrous whippets, you CANNOT AVOID IT... Nitrous cannot be taken as a substitute... unless you strap on a mask connected to a tank and do 100% nitrous which is totally retarded thing to do. Which will kill you very fast. I have done tons of Nitrous and been with many people doing large numbers of whippets in a row, and NEVER ONCE saw anyone turn blue. This is just pure unadulterated anti-drug hysteria horse shit LIES... so STFU, dumbass. Hence I do not believe you did that much MXE... why would someone do that much? No reason... I am pretty sure you could not do that much and not just die.

What the heck Dwayne, must every post be aggressively confrontational and myopically ill informed? Can we not be gentlemen here? The blue lips from nitrous is pretty well established, a cause however is not.

And who knows about methoxetamine causing enough respiratory depression to be the cause of this. I doubt it, but as we don't know much at all about this drug, it is possible until it is ruled out. Its relatives (ketamine, PCP, etc) don't cause respiratory depression until mammoth (re: near lethal) doses are consumed. In normal doses (both recreational and clinical) they do quite the opposite, hence their specialized use for certain kinds of anesthesia. They can however cause a kind of "apnea", which I imagine could lower O2 levels significantly over a long enough stretch of time. But given that it sounds like you weren't laying prone in a "hole" state for these 10 hours, I doubt this was the culprit. This sort of thing would be easy enough to measure if someone has the relatively simple and common equipment to measure RR and O2 sat levels.

Interesting that the OP combined with Piracetam as this (and other 'racetams) virtually cancels out all of the NDMA antagonist effects of ketamine for me. Maybe that was why so much was consumed?

Not gonna lie, I have in fact been a slithering, tongue flailing, blue monster from doing whippets with my judgement way out there. (I have a nitrous tower, but because I had been rolling, drinking, and tripping I had been doing three straight lungs in a row.)

Depriving yourself of oxygen is bad for you and you are bound to die with your sources cut off from physical blockage like a mask, but it most certainly adds to the nitrous delirium.

I don't know the exact mechanism of which can cause this, but seeing hundreds of cases of whippets getting used by all kinds of people has led to some of the strangest behavior and physical reactions I have ever seen from doing drugs.
OK so to kind of put this thread back on track... um yeah

i've had an experience involving methionine and tryptophan that left me feeling incredibly light-headed even before adding weed, so i wouldn't doubt that SAMe + piracetam + mushrooms could cause some strangeness between blood vessels and oxygen usage inside the brain.
methoxetamine warning by OpiYum

Hey just wanna let us guys know that i was in the ER for 4 days after binging on methoxetamine.

i took about 100mgs + over 12 hours. and had convulsions and respiratory depression and my oxygen intake was 90%. Lower oxygen intake in the 80's may lead to heart attack.

Unlike Ketamine, methoxetamine is more potent.

I realize i can never do this stuff without supervision bc i black out and keep redosing.

good news is that my opiate tolerance to subs and h is gone.

So this seems to be a real issue in higher doses.
N2O induced cyanosis is a well-established effect. For a good example watch Larry Clark's Kids. The Casper character inhales, then re-inhales, several N2O balloons and his lips turn blue. Given what is written about the film's production I am almost certain the actor is actually inhaling N2O. Oxygen deprivation is known to cause central cyanosis, and not inhaling oxygen because you are re-inhaling N2O seems like a pretty decent explanation for the effect.
methoxetamine warning by OpiYum

So this seems to be a real issue in higher doses.

OP you're still a bit of a plonker for doing that much. Bloody hell :/

Posts like these make me wonder who is actually using MXE and if they have any concept of dissociative tolerance... Allergy test aside, my first time with MXE was at 250mg and was definitely still a relatively "light" experience. I generally IM upwards of 300mg to get any significant effects from it since. Dissociative tolerance is an absolute bitch and often lasts for years even if you don't use at all in between times. Triple digit dosing is obviously totally stoooopid and unnecessary for those without any real tolerance but for those with tolerance it is unavoidable. The OP mentions a heavy dissociative tolerance so probably fits the "tolerant" category and 450mg is a totally (if somewhat depressing) reasonably reasonable dose for those in that situation.

That aside, I have no idea what caused this apparent oxygen deprivation. It's not something that I've come across and I generally go through a gramme of the stuff over an evening when I use it. Often in combination with other dissociatives (usually ketamine but occasionally one of the PCP analogues when to hand) and/or other drugs.
MXE has handed me no problems besides making me a manic goofball that won't stop cleaning for twelve hours.

Then again, I'm not juggling any heroin problems around the mix of such a bizzare drug.
I've had tinitus for many years, after half my life as a drummer, a DJ & hving spent days on end in LOUD headphones, producing music at home without disturbing my neighbours (who've almost always turn out to be c**ts anyway Lol) & PARTYING!

Anyway, I'm not particularly bothered by it, each buzz, click, bang, whir, zing or hum is a reminder of the Goddamned brilliant life I've lead, whether it was shooting weapons in Africa, rocking away at incredible gigs, raving my arse off or just enjoying loud fucking music.

The thing is, I've noticed some compounds seem to exacerbate my tinitus. Some compounds change it's "appearance" & some seem to render it indistinct. Minx, as I call mxe, REALLY increases my awareness of my tinitus.

Anyone else with any experience with tinitus & how it's affected by various chemicals or psychoactives?
hmmm... i've got pretty limited experience with MXE, but it most definitely had some auditory effects. I don't have tinnitus so, so i can't really speak to that effect. I am aware of a number of drugs causing tinnitus in some users, can't remember if any were arylcyclohexylamines though.
i have a friend that claims to have pretty debilitating tinnitus resulting from excessive DXM use, that is also exacerbated by DXM use. he still uses, so it can't really be THAT bad for him...

i have mild tinnitus that comes and goes... psychedelics (5ht2a agonists) typically improve my tinnitus. whilst on a decent dose of DXM or MXE my tinnitus might go away, it might not, but either way i'm typically in a state of mind where tinnitus doesn't bother me.
Excessive useage seems to actually CAUSE tinnitus for me, but oddly only in my left ear. This fades away after a couple days of non-use.
I've had tinnitus for about 10 years and also noticed MXE affects it.

I found MXE made my tinnitus much less noticeable, but after that initial experience where the effect was pretty obvious I haven't given it much thought.

As stimulants are known to increase tinnitus, maybe the effect you noticed was due to the drugs affect on dopamine?

I've noticed MXE really helps with chronic pain and I've read of it helping with 'phantom limb pain', so perhaps it can help with 'phantom tone gain' through a similar mechanism? ;)
MXE always dramatically enhances my sense of hearing to the point where a can practically hear a pin drop in the next room. But after continual heavy useage this enhancement becomes a bit overwhelming and I believe this is what causes the odd 'tinnitus' effect.
Methoxetamine: Some side effects

(mods feel free to merge)

I have been using mxe for about a month now, mainly on the weekends.

this weekend i probably went through 1400-1800mgs.

I did my last line (about a 80mg one) Sunday around 4am. and a 10mg and licked 3 scorebags monday about 6pm when i woke up followed by a few stellas and a big smoke.

I have woke up and had a smoke, I now feel as if im slipping back into the m-hole, have been for the last few hours, this is madness, anyone else get after heavy use, cannabis brings the hole back? its like the longest weirdest dissociative slope ive ever been through. pulsing away at my brain heavyier and heavier all the time..

Note: saturday morning after partying hard on the mxe/nitrous friday and not sleeping took a 5-htp pill i think this may contributed to how fucked i am?

help? I want to snap out of this now.

Other side effects I have noticed:
I have a crazed look in my eye and my eyes seem a bit sunk back.
I have quite bad loss of balance when i stand up.
I feel very dumb.

I have had alot of sleep and food since last using that is why its scaring me im slipping back in to the hole/feeling more dissociated by the second??

Im looking for anyone else who has been dosing so heavily like me?
My ket tolerance is sky-high but it seems the more mxe i do now the more im getting messed up off less, before a 200mg hardly touched me now im going fucking hyperbeaches in kangaroo pouches off single balloons. I feel like I may have overdone and messed myself up for good? fuck.

ok thanks, sorry if this is a bit scatterd im really not feeling good atm.
That's a ridiculous amount to go through in just a couple days. I myself went through 10 grams in just over 2 months and felt pretty wonky for about a week but eventually leveled out. Do NOT smoke any weed for a while and use some benzos or something to settle you down. Your condition should pass within the next several days.