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⭐️ Social ⭐️ Detroit Megathread

Any type of pure heroin cut to 3% purity is gonna be complete fucking garbage!

Well, as Pigpen said, and he's an old timer, said the amount of a non-lethal pure heroin shot could fit on the top of a sharpened pencil. Now, if you think about the amount of H in a small package, that makes sense. I mean, if that's what Keith Richards was using as a ratio mix his dope, I think that's just about the Gospel for mixing good dope.
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Well, as Pigpen said, and he's an old timer, said the amount of a non-lethal pure heroin shot could fit on the top of a sharpened pencil. Now, if you think about the amount of H in a $20 pack, that makes sense. I mean, if that's what Keith Richards was using as a ratio mix his dope, I think that's just about the Gospel for mixing good dope.

no pricing
WHAT UP DOE! Hows everybodys quality been? Ive been coppin in flint but its all the same shit. We were gettin super flame all summer long up until novemberish. Dark brown speckled dope that was always rock. nigerian i tihnk. Got to see a huge brick of i one day and it was stamped with "DIES" 8o... But the feds indicted the key players bringing that in stuff in so quality fell off for awhile. But its back up and running with dat flame. Powdery light tan asian dope. Draws up golden I love it. And when I go down to the city there is some more of the brown chunky thats makin it way back in. Different but equally good, and the packs are huge. Anyways thats my .02 on the current dope scene in and around the D right now. Just out of curiosity does anyone else cop in flint instead of detroit? I would like to get they're input on the quality compared to the city. I think its dead nuts even cuz its only a 45 min drive. Dw im not sourcing i got too many connects as it is lol. Ya'll be safe out there!!
How are we supposed to know if a cop is going to write down your plates? Of course they are if your in front of a heroin dealers house.
so im moving from chicago to the middle of bumfuck nowhere, somewhere close to lansing. am i stuck or what. the dope out here is great, but i have a good feeling im not gonna be able to find shit so far from an actual city. just wondering if anyone has found luck out there. get at me
FindThatFiend... you'll be about an hour from Flint, and about an hour and a half from Detroit. Wherever there is a city filled with blacks, it will be filled with drugs. Detroit is your best bet to find dope. It is however, very dangerous. You can just drive around and people will flag you down. I can't count how many times I've been driving in the hood and blacks dude will make the needle to the arm motion to let me know they are holding. This is probably the worst way to find dope though. It's always dangerous dealing with someone you know. Shit, it's dangerous dealing with anyone who sells drugs, especially heroin dealers since people who buy heroin usually are carrying the most money. Last time I dealt with someone new for the first time, I got set up, robbed at gunpoint and car jacked. First time it happened, and it worked every other time, but you'll get that one scumbag who are stick up kids. What was strange was that I think these guys were dope dealers. Idiots would have made more money dealing with me than robbing me. Dumb fucks probably thought they were ballers with my $400. Not even 2 hours later the cops had them on a high speed chase, and they dumped my car, but not before doing a few thousand dollars worth of damage tho. They still haven't caught them, but if the cops don't, somebody else will either kills them, or they'll go down for something else. I've been off the stuff for 2 and a half months, don't feel like going down that road again. Just be careful out there man, you know what's up. Those dope dealers in Detroit, or anywhere really, don't have a high regard for life. They might sell you dope for 10 years and one day put a cap in your head, I've heard that story too. Just cuz I'm sober doesn't mean the party's over, I just feel like sharing my story is worth it if it means even one person takes that extra precaution. We just don't see many heroin addicts who live full, long, meaningful lives. It's your life, and we all have the freewill to do with it what we want. Don't want to sound preachy, but this is a message board and we're all entitled to what's on our mind lol. God Bless all
^^ Cant really get into specifics but theres some good dope in MI you just gotta look for it. I live about 45 min from lansing myself and do just fine.

^ Flint is alot closer to the D than 1.5 hours and is flooded w great dope.

Like I said man youll do fine
I said Detroit is 1 1/2 hrs from Lansing... Cuz the guy said he is staying near Lansing.... Flint to Detroit is an hour... lansing to flint is an hour
Mis read. My bad.

I elipped up today. scored some extra flame shit in flint today. As summer arrives the dope is gonna keep getting better eu
Well, as Pigpen said, and he's an old timer, said the amount of a non-lethal pure heroin shot could fit on the top of a sharpened pencil. Now, if you think about the amount of H in a small package, that makes sense. I mean, if that's what Keith Richards was using as a ratio mix his dope, I think that's just about the Gospel for mixing good dope.

I know pigpen knows his shit... you obviously don't!

I'd have to bang 10 grams of 3% purity heroin to get off right when my habit was bad.

Gospel u say?... I say garbage!
damn. i fucked up, i just moved today and i actually am just outside of Ludington. So im like 4 hours from flint n detroit right? so im really popped huh. shit if i gotta drive 4-5 hours to get some dope from some shady nigs, im better off going back to chicago where nothing but nigs about gettin that money. i appreciate the response mattymatt. i just got out of jail so ive been off dope for about 2 months as well. like i said im in the middle of nowhere and some d would be pretty good right about now. im not trying to get hooked on that shit, but it sure would make my stay alot easier.
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man i wish i knew where the bad parts of michigan are.. atleast closer to me. like you said, u find a predominatly black area, and your most likely gonna meet a dealer.
Grand rapids is on that side of the state. I sed to live over there and there is alot of dope around. But bluelight isnt here to help you find dope man its about harm reduction. Sounds like you might be better off without dope since you been clean.
Can anyone recommend any new good music clubs to go to while I'm back in Detroit?

I like jazz and blues, rock, indie, basically anything that sounds good that isn't country cowboy stuff!

I'll be visiting the D in a couple weeks, so I want to have a safe, good time. Any reports from the west? Like are the cops still out in full force or its as safe as it gets. I plan on parking my car and taking a walk down some main road and hopefully someone will shout. Last time I was in the D, I went back to the house I use to score at, drove down the alley, turned into the house and half of it was burnt down, completely empty. It was so surreal, nearly apocalyptic in a way. I wont be goin there.

Also, a few years ago, I never felt too unsafe in the hood. What about these days? I hear reports of people getting carjacked and robbed at traffic lights. Is it just hype? also do they have needle exchanges in Michigan yet? I cant believe it if they dont. Here in London you just go to the CVS equivalent and get 10 clean spikes, a sharps box with cookers and swabs and all you need to do is return the sharps box and they give you another. If you dont have the sharps box, they only give u 5 spikes and a new sharps box. Its great, truly does reduce sharing, now the only people that share here are idiots, no need to when you have such a good service.
Grand rapids is on that side of the state. I sed to live over there and there is alot of dope around. But bluelight isnt here to help you find dope man its about harm reduction. Sounds like you might be better off without dope since you been clean.

Exactly right. No sourcing at all.
Detroit is real bad now dude. I'm done getting dope there, and anywhere for that matter. It's just not worth it man. Most of the people "we" deal with are stone cold killers. Count Blackcula doesn't care in the D. I feel sick when I think about all the money I have given to these scum of the earth cocksuckers.
alrite you dope fiends and crackheads...

so who has pawned they shit at american jewerly?