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MDPV Megathread 5: Waiting for Jesus to show up

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Hit the grocery store today, & they're pushing girl scout cookies. What say, should I hand over the peevee and go for some of those instead? =D

Girl Scout Cookies = Classic John Holmes 70s porn. That clip is NSFW for obvious reasons. May be of interest to some of those currently partaking of the Blessed Peev Sunday Sacrament though =D

Also, the reluctant vibratee looks suspiciously like Mel Giedroyc - the blonde gal from Light Lunch :D

That aside, I concur that peev is probably the most amotivational stim there is aside from desoxy. Have to say that only applies to white peev though cos tan used to give me plenty energy and creativity. Mostly used merely to facilitate extended wanking sessions sadly. Was fun at the time though - especially when joined by a friend =D
That aside, I concur that peev is probably the most amotivational stim there is aside from desoxy. Have to say that only applies to white peev though cos tan used to give me plenty energy and creativity. Mostly used merely to facilitate extended wanking sessions sadly. Was fun at the time though - especially when joined by a friend =D
Almost like PV is too focused or single-minded, so when there's a lot to do the "lot" won't be seen. It's 'motivational' in a one-pointed stream of activity sort of way, but a group of activities (like a project to be accomplished) -- forget it, the required perspective isn't there. For better or worse, it tends to lend itself to stuff that turns out to be meaningless.
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Very selfish drug indeed. And simply the best selfish drug yet created.

Dedbeet: Agree 100% with that. Especially the "lends itself to stuff that turns out to be meaningless" part. Couldn't have put it better myself. Such good fun creating such insanely quixotic and convoluted meaningless oddities though =D

My "Whore's Duvets" stream-of-conscious uberaliterative epic PM certainly seems to have pleased one BLer I can think of :D

*waves at one bler i can think of*
Very selfish drug indeed. And simply the best selfish drug yet created.

Dedbeet: Agree 100% with that. Especially the "lends itself to stuff that turns out to be meaningless" part. Couldn't have put it better myself. Such good fun creating such insanely quixotic and convoluted meaningless oddities though =D

My "Whore's Duvets" stream-of-conscious uberaliterative epic PM certainly seems to have pleased one BLer I can think of :D
"Hyperfocusine" (chuckling :D)...

P.S. dammit, this talk is making me want a hit or two :! ... gotta wait on the mail tomorrow. Kratom should be coming in too, so it oughtta be a fun day.
have the affinities for DAT and NET been established at all? i cant seem to find anything
^ Try ADD maybe. Is it not mentioned or linkied on the Wiki page at all? It's definitely widely established that dopamine (and either directly or (by default) indirectly) norepinephrine/noradrenaline) is what it likes to go play with. Not even a whiff of doubt about that.

Dedbeet: You think you are craving a hit or two (ha! good luck with not getting to the third =D). I've had not a sniff for months now :(

Also, "Hyperfocusine" =D
Dedbeet: You think you are craving a hit or two (ha! good luck with not getting to the third =D). I've had not a sniff for months now :(

Also, "Hyperfocusine" =D
How come that... no access? Better find some before it's scheduled in the U.S. and all those Chinese chemists hyperfocus-ize on something else ;). At minimum quality is likely to drop, and probably availability too.

Then again, the RC world will simply move on, and perhaps something like PV's 'significant other' will make an appearance. I'm dying to try 4-FA myself, but it's not only in Europe that it's expensive/hard to find...
^ Try ADD maybe. Is it not mentioned or linkied on the Wiki page at all? It's definitely widely established that dopamine (and either directly or (by default) indirectly) norepinephrine/noradrenaline) is what it likes to go play with. Not even a whiff of doubt about that.
right, but saying it's an NDRI doesn't say anything about the affinities
right, but saying it's an NDRI doesn't say anything about the affinities
Have you done the stuff? How do you feel when you're on it? Seems to me that's more important than its (supposedly) objective affinities, unless that's specifically what you're interested in... and beware how that affects your perception of the high, cuz it will in one way or another.
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---: Too chemistry-based for me to answer. Sure somebody who knows about such things could though and ADD is definitely worth checking.

Dedbeet: Yup. No access is the main difficulty. Can't seem to find any these last few months. Got some from a US-based vendor over the summer but it was appalling quality and ridiculously expensive. Unfortunately they are also the only vendor I seem to be able to find too :\
Dedbeet: Yup. No access is the main difficulty. Can't seem to find any these last few months. Got some from a US-based vendor over the summer but it was appalling quality and ridiculously expensive. Unfortunately they are also the only vendor I seem to be able to find too :\
Sucks... and the situation is about to become identical in the states, as well 8). Really the only reason why I reordered so soon after playing with it the last time -- normally, six months to a year between 'runs' is what I've been doing with peevee since the mid 00's.
ADD = Advanced Drug Discussion. Tis where the chemistry bods go to talk in indecipherable strings of numbers and letters and stuff :)

Dedbeet: The US ban shouldn't affect things too much hopefully. Pretty much all peev is produced in Asia where it remains legal. it's just tracking down a reliable supplier that's the issue. Those sites that Chinese chem companies display there wares on all require being a member to get the info and I've never really dealt with such places and am easily confuzzled :D
hmm, i dont like the idea of my mdpv being produced in china, but my stuff was shipped from california.
hmm, i dont like the idea of my mdpv being produced in china, but my stuff was shipped from (U.S. state)
That will end with any U.S. scheduling, as no supplier is gonna risk their ass that way. In other words you'll have to get it from outside the U.S., and with all associated risks of receiving a schedule I controlled substance through the mail. For my part, I'm likely to just not mess with peevee again.
Shipped from anywhere in the world I'd bet one of Spade's balls it's all made in China. Bought from anywhere else just means you are paying more for the privilege and risking it being cut by the reseller. Stuff I bought from a US vendor was cut to hell and back and over 50 quid a gram ($80 or so from memory - including (bloody expensive) shipping that still took nearly two weeks to make it over the pond :\)
hmm, the info from my supplier implies that their lab is actually located in the us. i hope that means i got lucky.
Why would it necessarily mean you got lucky? The best quality peevee I've had (and I've had rather a lot) has all came from China. Usually through UK resellers when it was legal due to free next day delivery but also direct from Asian vendors. Never once got a duff batch. Only have that one experience of buying from a US vendor and never would again no matter how desperate I get. Other US vendors are no doubt available and hopefully less corrupt.
what did the stuff from the US look and feel like? i originally assumed something from the US would have at least slightly better quality control measures applied to it.
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