Open Discussion agreeing with posts


May 11, 2009
i know some people are completely against fb, but can we get something that allows us to show someone we agree with their idea without actually posting something?

can we have like an i agree button or something?
it can help people understand things better

sorry if this is the wrong place
If they got an "agree" button, people would want a "disagree" button, like they do on FB. This isn't FB--It's a message board. If you don't want to post a message to show you agree with someone, why are you on a message board?

Nothing personal dude, but come on. I really hope there never comes a day when BL gets "thumbs up" or "thumbs down" on posts. 8)
can we have like an i agree button or something?
it can help people understand things better

Honestly, that creeps me out, and I assumed it from the title of your thread anyway. BL is a web's not facebook. If you "agree" that means you clicked something, no effort...replying to a post, even just rewording an experience as your own, can be more valuable to a web forum...if you couldn't "like" things on facebook, more Comments would appear. It honestly just defeats the purpose of a forum I's certainly not a social networking site, things are pretty anonymous.

(thanks for typing it out)


That proves that if we had an "agree" button, you wouldn't have bothered typing a point is proven ;) Glad you agree with me, I saw the thread title and thought "oh, no..." :|
Thank you for the suggestion sssssssssss. Seems most people, myself included, don't want anything that smacks of a facebookification of Bluelight.

A second issue is that customized adaptations to vBulletin or just adding lots of official plug-ins can make things buggy or slow so features tend to get added only when there is a pressing need or great benefit. I can not picture this 'like' thing happening.
Yea usually around BL people go for the Quote button and add "^this"
i know some people are completely against fb, but can we get something that allows us to show someone we agree with their idea without actually posting something?

can we have like an i agree button or something?

a different board that that i occasionally lurk at uses something kinda like this; at the bottom of every post, there's a little "
Thanks" button that users can click and it adds an extra segment under the post saying "The following x users say thank you to [the poster] for this useful post:" followed by a list of everyone who's clicked it.

if it could be used to its full potential, it could help identify posts that are actually useful/insightful/helpful/relevant/etc (and could probably even be used as a type of 'karma' system, to give extra incentive for people to make good posts), but most of the time it seems like the "thanks" button doesnt really do much aside from allowing cliques to have public circlejerks.
^There is still a thread on a reputation system kind of stuff here > Rep points. There were others before the purge went through support. My fuzzy recollection is that they tended to be a few enthusiasts of the idea and a lot of other folks groaning at the concept of utilizing such a system here.
I think that posts should be assessed by the reader on their own merits, not believed/ignored based on what other posters think.
My initial reaction was against it. Then I wasn't sure as I couldn't think of any real negative aspects. Then I saw the most thumbs up on youtube were generally humourous flaming of the uploader and thought that information supported by only popular opinion with no factual support could be spread.
^There is still a thread on a reputation system kind of stuff here > Rep points. There were others before the purge went through support. My fuzzy recollection is that they tended to be a few enthusiasts of the idea and a lot of other folks groaning at the concept of utilizing such a system here.

i was aiming more for this.
sometimes i want recognition from my posts and i know some people may be too lazy to post that they agree

and also i dont want to read through a bunch of posts saying the same thing.
but id like to know the magnitude of peoples thoughts

but it would be pointless if it turned into a sort of rank thing where people were just trying to see if you can get the most liked posts.

just something simple and it doesnt stick to the persons user name and you cant see who liked it. just a number.

i just feel like information would be more organized like that.

but then people could just be agreeing with stuff to be sarcastic haha
but if thats the case, someone will actually make a post saying how they disagree with it
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I think that posts should be assessed by the reader on their own merits, not believed/ignored based on what other posters think.

whats the point of even posting then?
nevermind i reread it

and i believe that too.
but youre still going to have people posting that they agree.

which is what a lot of posts here are based on
something that the reader cant research themselves so they want to see if its wildly accepted or not
like drug saftey tips.

it woould basically make the forum more of a democracy haha
Last edited: that people can assess your posts on their own merits. People are free to agree or disagree with you through argument and statements of fact. We don't need to introduce a system by which people can register their kneejerk boos and yays for everyone else to see.

sometimes i want recognition from my posts and i know some people may be too lazy to post that they agree
Well, make a habit of posting intelligently and helpfully and become a respected member of the community. Other than massaging egos, I don't see why there's a need for people to be reassured that everyone really does agree with them, but can't be asked to say so.

but it would be pointless if it turned into a sort of rank thing where people were just trying to see if you can get the most liked posts.
Which is exactly what would happen.
^^^i edited my post, you may have missed it

i guess i overlooked some of that ego boosting stuff cause i mainly post in P&S
i feel like what youre saying applies more to the lounge and less specific threads
i almost feel like its an ego thing to not adopt this concept b/c its linked to fb.

That proves that if we had an "agree" button, you wouldn't have bothered typing a point is proven ;) Glad you agree with me, I saw the thread title and thought "oh, no..." :|

you can still type it out if you want to say something besides the fact that you agree with it.

well i think im done presenting this, yall know more about operating forums than i do
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On Bluelight someone could attain a high reputation by having great well researched posts, and never having given even a bit of misinfo. Then s/he goes on a bender. Posts utter nonsense. A new member of a few weeks or even years and has grown accustomed to evaluating posts by reputation is placed in a bad situation by using the reputation benchmark. Every post should really be evaluated by its own merits.

Another problem with reputation-if someone has earned their high reputation through great posts in Sports & Gaming and Philosophy&Spirituality for instance, should that give them a reputation badge in Other Drugs. In a previous discussion it was mentioned that a reputation system in vBulletin can only really be implemented site wide. I wouldn't want well liked Community posts conferring a status in Focus Forums.

This is all an extension of Yerg's point. Each post ought be evaluated on its individual merits and applicability to the question at hand and usefulness to the post reader. To any degree a rep system would lead people away from that I think it is no good and maybe even a little bit dangerous.

One argument for a reputation system, maybe, just maybe it would cause some interested folks to refine their posts and write more clearly. I think the effect in that regard would likely be weak though and not worth it in terms of a lot of problems I have with the idea of implementing a rep system for Bluelight.
well i was saying that the reputation would not carry. it would just stick to the post. it does not collect. and you can even make the 'likes" annonymous.

the reason i come here is because its annonymous. my user name barely even presents any information about me.

but nevermind cause i have a feeling some people will just go and like everything possible in spite of it.
about the only personal 'reputation' identifiers we have on here are the Moderator and Bluelight Crew titles, but nobody will hesitate to call out a mod if they're posting bullshit. Information is what matters most here. Good posts and threads get moved into the archive on their own merits, and even that wouldnt really be helped by attaching priority to really good posts/threads since all the best and relevant information should ideally end up on the wiki pretty quick, if its not already there.