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Benzos The Benzodiazepine MEGA THREAD - Direct Benzo Questions Here

just after takin 10 blues(d10's) plus 8 pints of guinness , 12 cans of bavaria(lager), plus a few shots of vodka and i dont feel nothin from the 10 valiums. they're a load of bollox if ya ask me. i got 12 dalmane left but think ill just sell them and buy a nice bit of brown
benzos fuckin suck!!
Actually I don't believe that GABA analogues such as pregabalin and gabapentin will raise tolerance for benzodizepines.

Pregabalin and gabapentin primarily work by halting new synapses as well as through binding to the α2δ subunit of the voltage-dependent calcium channel. Pregabalin has been shown to decrease release of neurotransmitters such as glutamate, noradrenaline and substance P and neither produce GABAa agonist effects like benzodiazepines do.

But when used in conjunction with benzos...
5mg... That's not much... Terrifying...

5mg of clonazepam is a lot for the average person. Jail, death, or serious injury have a serious chance of happening if a non-tolerant (or even somewhat tolerant) person takes 5mg.
Is it bad in general to fuck around with this chemical system in my head -- GABA ?

I sometimes enjoy the effects of benzodiazepines. Most importantly is how it acts/reacts with marijuana right now for me. Sometimes I love the combo, sometimes I feel like weed straight is so much better in that its rawer, and much more psychedelic / even racy. Then again, I still sometimes can get physical anxiety after using marijuana, which I don't like. And for that, benzodiazepines help quiet the sometimes extraneous noise, and bring my breathing back to a relaxed baseline -- deep, belly, infant breaths.

I guess keeping this in mind, how dangerous is messing around with my GABAa system with benzodiazepines. I am referring specifically to cognitive deficits, memory modulation, and as always, long-term negative effects being most relevant to me.

Edit: Comparing the dangers to, say, opiates which are generally believed to be benign in the long-term.
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Psychology Today ran an article back in Nov. 2010 I think that talks about some recently surfaced evidence that benzos can cause brain damage.

Is it bad to fuck around with GABA? Yeah, now that I'm in WD's I wish I would just die sometimes or end up comatose until this goes away. It definately fucks with your cognitive abilities. I'm not as sharp and my moods aren't as stable either. I forget shit all the time now too, even in WD.

I'd rather have gotten Oxy'd out or hooked on heroine (with clean needles of course.) I think I've read in the past that some opiates can cause some long term problems like lowered sex drive, malnutrition, and hearing loss, but you really got to do them a lot for that stuff.
I used to be able to smoke weed like there was no tomorrow, like until my lungs dropped out of my chest, but benzos will eventually make that weird paranoia and anxiety pop out much worse over time.
GABA is no bullshit, it is a very sensitive system in your CNS. I'd rather fuck around with opioid receptors anyday.
i got a question bout benzos.... if i were to take say 50 mg of valium in the middle of the week and around 90 mg of flurazepam at the weekend over a long period of time would i get a physical dependance? just wondering cos since they are different drugs,and one night per week of takin 1 specific drug seems safe enough and wouldnt cause any wd once i quit

would i be right in saying that or am i well off the mark? thoughts?

First off, I certainly hope you're not planning on taking 50mg of Valium "in one night" if you don't have a tolerance... &, if you are trying to get "super high" or something & take that much in one night, then whatever, that's your decision, but I HIGHLY advise you don't take all 50mgs at once. That's just too much for someone without a tolerance.

Anyway, in regards to the actual question you asked... Yes, you certainly would develop a physical tolerance/dependency. It would take a while, & withdrawal symptoms would be very minimal I imagine, but over time you would start feeling less & less of an effect from the same dosage you started out taking.
The phrase in your post that really stood out to me was "over a long period of time" ... If you hadn't thrown that in there, my response would have been notably different. You could get away with your "plan" of taking those two drugs only on certain days & whatnot without developing any sort of dependency for quite some time I believe... However, eventually it's bound to catch up with you.
Also, even though Valium & Flurazepam aren't the same exact drug, they're both part of the same class of drugs (Benzos, of course), which means they act on the same receptors, which means there's definitely a cross-tolerance. Taking each of those drugs once a week isn't quite as bad (as far as physical addiction goes) as taking one of those drugs twice a week... But it's pretty freakin' close.
5mg... That's not much... Terrifying...

Actually, 5mg of Klonopin is a lot for somebody who doesn't have a tolerance... Hell, it's actually a lot for many people who do have a tolerance (I usually take 1mg of Klonopin a day & have been for a long time, & anything more than 3mgs at a time is simply too much).
You have to keep in mind that most people prescribed Klonopin start on 0.25mg dosages, & that people without a tolerance find Klonopin to have recreational benefits at usually either 0.5 mg or 1mg.

I sure as hell agree with you about that person's story being terrifying, though! Klonopin -- & all Benzos for that matter -- in really high dosages can easily lead to horrific experiences. It seems to have the same effect on people's inhibitions & ability to make rational decisions as being black-out drunk has, but unlike being insanely drunk Benzos hardly effects people's ability to function & carry out actions they decide to take... & that's just an absolutely dreadful combination of effects.
I'd rather fuck around with opioid receptors anyday.

I can attest that neither like to be abused for too long...

You've got a point though... Benzos can make me depressed beyond belief if I abuse them. I have to imagine that there are a huge portions of suicides attributed to benzos, similarly to alcohol but at a higher incidence, I would guess.
I agree with you two, what I meant to say is that clonazepam in my country only comes in 2mg pill form (and in oral drops), and 5mg is only a mere two pills.

I know it's insane, but we don't have .5mg and 1mg pill forms here.
^That is crazy. Is clonazepam only approved as an anticonvulsant or something in France?
^ Normally it's only approved as an anticonvulsant, but doctors prescribe it for a lot of ailments, anxiety, sleep disorder, and so on.

But after the scandal of Mediator, a lot of medicines are being pulled off the shelves, and Roche's clonazepam is under pressure as a consequence (we don't have generics for clonazepam either).
Is it bad in general to fuck around with this chemical system in my head -- GABA ?

I sometimes enjoy the effects of benzodiazepines. Most importantly is how it acts/reacts with marijuana right now for me. Sometimes I love the combo, sometimes I feel like weed straight is so much better in that its rawer, and much more psychedelic / even racy. Then again, I still sometimes can get physical anxiety after using marijuana, which I don't like. And for that, benzodiazepines help quiet the sometimes extraneous noise, and bring my breathing back to a relaxed baseline -- deep, belly, infant breaths.

I guess keeping this in mind, how dangerous is messing around with my GABAa system with benzodiazepines. I am referring specifically to cognitive deficits, memory modulation, and as always, long-term negative effects being most relevant to me.

Edit: Comparing the dangers to, say, opiates which are generally believed to be benign in the long-term.

If you're only taking Benzos occassionally, taking a fairly low dose of them (if you don't have a tolerance, I'm sure you're taking a relatively low dose), & don't wind up taking them for years & years... Then you don't really have anything to be very concerned about. That said, however, anytime someone takes Benzos they could -- mostly depending on how high of a dose they took -- experience some relatively minor cognitive impairment (primarily it taking you a bit longer to think, act, & on occasion even speak) as well as a decrease in your ability to remember things. However, those effects last only as long as the other effects of the Benzo last.

However, it's a completely different story for people who take Benzos daily, at a relatively high or very high dose, for a year or longer (very rough estimate)... Benzodiazepine addiction is one of the very worst addictions there is, & definitely puts people at risk for experiencing many long term & permanent negative effects.

Comparing Benzos to Opiates, I'd say Opiates are probably worse as far as short term effects are concerned, & Benzos are without question much worse as far as long term effects go.
^ in response to loulou_reed's posts above:

What the hell?! That's beyond messed up... I mean, at dosages of 2mgs upwards without any tolerance, the only thing Klonopin could effectively be used for is causing lots of life problems, not preventing or helping any.

It does sound like the law there is dealing with the problem, though, & ultimately that is what matters.
^Anticonvulsant dosages for clonazepam are a bit higher than anxiolytic... This is [surely] why only 2mg is available... doctors can use it "off-label" as the well-known anxiety drug that it is, but the approved use is for epilepsy, hence the high-dose tablets being the only ones available.
^ Yeah I know, it's sick... And the pills are very small, white with very few binders, like Rohypnol (Roche's) used to be before the law dealt with the problem, as you rightly say.
anyone have any useful info on nordazepam? ive heard the half life is pretty long.. 38-200 hours..
sounds almost as bad as phenazepam..

and apparently 15mgs is equivalent to 10mgs diazepam?

so if anyone has any personal experience with it that would be cool, ive read the wiki already.
Flunitrazepam.....or as we call them green monsters are, if you can even rank benzos on their euphoric properties, the absolute craziest benzo I have had the luck of trying. I've been prescribed Xanax and Klonopin for GAD, which work wonders for my anxiety. The first time I tried Temezepam it worked pretty well, but after that it no longer had any affect on me.

I recently got my paws on 1mg Flunis, which by the way have a terrible wrap, and I have never felt so euphoric on a benzo, and I have taken Xanax, Klonopin, Restoril, Halcion, and many of the benzos that are rarely/not prescribed in the US. As for therapeutic properties Rohypnol is better, for me at least and my friends who have tried it also, for getting an awesome buzz and not treating anxiety or sleeping problems, Xanax and Klonopin work much better for them.
I asked my doctor benzos for panic attacks some time ago. I told her that I have tried Clonazepam, and 0,5-1,5mg per day was absolutely great dosage for me. So she prescribed me Clonazepam (Rivatril) 2mg 1-3x day if needed. We have 0,5mg and 2mg pills available here. Luckily I know what kind of shit Clonazepam is and I haven’t took more than needed (0,5-1,5mg).

Some 5-10 years ago when I first tried Clonazepam, I was heavily drunk and took eleven 2mg pills. That night went ok, no black out or anything stupid. But then the next day approximately 20 hours after taking the pills I started to see everything in double (I had to drive my car back home so it was kind of sick situation). That lasted about 4 hours and then I passed out to my lawn. That was kind of stupid place to pass out because I dropped straight from the driver’s seat to the ground and the door was left open. I don’t know how long I was on the ground but when I woke I went in to my house, ate a bunch of stuff and slept almost 15 hours. After that I haven’t taken even one whole 2mg pill at once.