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I want sex everyday from girlfriend, too much to ask?

if your sex drives are really mis-matched (once a day vs. once a week), then it's probably best to cut your losses. there can be all the compatibility in the world, if one of you is constantly sexually frustrated and the other feeling pressured, you're not going to have a happy relationship.

if it's just the odd instance where you're in the mood but she's not, maybe see if she's ok w/ a handjob or you masturbating with here there (maybe kissing your neck/talking dirty). otherwise, porn and weed are my best recommendations.

i don't think a girlfriend is responsible for all her boyfriend's sexual needs, but i've acted interested in enough boring dinner parties, family problems and emotional meltdowns to feel like it's not unfair to ask her to act interested in a handjob every once in a while.

That's true! There will always be a difference in sex drive between couples (well almost always) but a little difference is fine. A difference that much is not fine. It is probably best to just find someone else who is more right for you. It isn't really shallow. She may be a great girl but not a great partner or you if the sexual part isn't working.
damn, this sucks! I know it may sound like some sort of fairy tale myth... but there actually are women out there with higher sex drives than this. some of these girls I've been with... it's like after the 3rd or 4th time every day for a year - sometimes a fella wants to catch up on his comic book collection sheesh
damn, this sucks! I know it may sound like some sort of fairy tale myth... but there actually are women out there with higher sex drives than this. some of these girls I've been with... it's like after the 3rd or 4th time every day for a year - sometimes a fella wants to catch up on his comic book collection sheesh

haha exactly. sex drives are all over the map for men and women, so don't give up hope finding someone compatible. i'm spoiled right now, but not so much that i forget trying to get by on twice a month.
But, tired, headache, don't feel like it, in my opinion I don't think are valid reasons in an exclusive relationship.
LOL. Are you kidding me?

They aren't valid excuses if you are a guy giving them.
haha exactly. sex drives are all over the map for men and women, so don't give up hope finding someone compatible

This. My ex and I were together for 2.5 years and sex at least once every single one of those days, and she wanted it as much as I did.

Anyone that thinks that's not possible without any extra effort other than a man;s or woman's natural sex drive is not one of those people.
They aren't valid excuses if you are a guy giving them.

They aren't "excuses" though... I mean they could be. If someone is getting the vibe that the person is just making excuses and doesn't want sex because they aren't attracted anymore, or are fucking someone else, something like that, then yeah that is weird. But I think there is a difference between a reason and an excuse, and it's pretty reasonable to expect that anyone, guy or girl, might not be able to make love sometimes due to being tired or not feeling well. I don't think I've ever been with a guy who hasn't had nights like that and it doesn't make a difference if he is male or not. It happens to most everyone unless you are a robot or a sex addict. (or, to be fair, a very very high sex drive)

Anyone that thinks that's not possible without any extra effort other than a man;s or woman's natural sex drive is not one of those people.

Anything is possible. Yeah there are people of all varieties. Sex drive is an important thing to match but so are a million other qualities which affect compatibility. So if you find someone you like in other ways sometimes you have to accept that perhaps you wont get what you want EVERY time.
From the OP I don't think he considers this girl someone worth changing that aspect of himself for.
so you're saying, that for two and a half years, neither of you were ill (had the runs, cramps, a virus??) and just had to stay curled up in bed, or for whatever reason (work, family?) were away from each other for one day in that entire time?
i'm not sure if that's sad, or admirable. either way, kudos to you.
There may have been a week total, combined, during that time that stuff like that came up where we couldn't have sex. Other than that, yes.

How in the World could that be considered sad?
just seems to me like a very 'rigid' lifestyle, but hey, if the passion just flows like that, whose to complain? did you guys screw like that right up until the day you broke up?
We did, yeah(and a few times after we broke up ;)). It didn't feel like a rigid lifestyle because it wasn't forced. It's not like we said "We must have sex every day of this relationship". It just kind of happened that way.
They aren't valid excuses if you are a guy giving them.

Fuck you for perpetuating gender stereotypes. I will not have sex for a variety of reasons, you may think they are excuses, but I don't not enjoy engaging in a intimate act while under the weather. It is uncomfortable and potentially sloppy. What is the point? If someone needs their sexual appetite filled, masturbate. Its not that hard.

Who also would want to have sex with someone who isn't putting their all into it. I don't want some half ass sex. That shit is just weak. I'd rather get my rocks off to some porn.
My ex and i barely had sex and when we did i would initiate it. For the longest time i thought this was just how it was. We would go months without having sex id never say anything but be depressed. We broke up eventually.

I met my current girlfriend and she has a high sex drive. It works out well for me because mines even higher then hers but someone has to say "stop" otherwise i wouldnt eat or have a job ;) It may not be everyday like GM said but its definately leaning toward 4-5 times a week average. I never realized how important it was till this relationship, my last one i just figured thats how it was and took it all without saying anything. And when i did she would get pissed saying i was using her, this was after years of dating 8( I now realize my last girlfriend was a mean person (id say bitch but i never disliked her even though everyone said she was mean for reasons other then sex life)

Everyones sex drive is different you should consider finding someone more compatible or doing what i did, though i dont recommend it.
What ever your partner likes to do every day - be it baking cakes, train spotting, visiting the infirm, jigsaw puzzles, sex, there's just some days you're not going to want to do it. Thats fine. Expecting your equal and opposite to want to do it every day just because you want to is just unrealistic & dare i say it, a tad selfish.
What... you are saying that the women got pissed because you didn't want to have sex? That is still telling me the same thing... People loooooove to perpetuate gender stereotypes (both men and women). Just like you said, you felt insecure as a result. Clearly you don't fit in the stereotype as you feel the need to not have sex at some times.
"I don't want to" is the only reason someone needs, it's not about validity. Sex is a consensual act, or it's something very different from sex. If you're not sexually compatible, have tried to address this with your partner and feel that there is no way to reach a more satisfactory resolution with your partner, then it's a reason to end a relationship, probably.

Reading this thread has made me jealous, for the time in my life when I had time and energy for sex anything close to every day. :-/
if it's a stereotype, i don't think it's false. several times i've tried telling a girlfriend i was too tired or didn't feel like it. "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" and every time i would have been better off just half-assing it than spending an hour assuaging insecurities about rejection.

Well I am sorry you went through that, it's very immature and selfish of her to say the least.

"I don't want to" is the only reason someone needs, it's not about validity. Sex is a consensual act, or it's something very different from sex.
