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Esoteric Psychedelic Ideas and Revelations Inaction

lol yeah man, hey check out this post of mine no1 seen yet, im actually gonna open a thread for it cuz its quite a find, just happened the other day too so i gotta see how long the effects last but its a medical find that apparently theres no info on:

ok thanx soul food, so last night i tripped on 11.7 or so grams of tampanensis and it was a bad one. i dosed 5g and took sum tylenal for nausa rite away b4 id even get sick. waited about 90 minutes and ate the other 6.7g. now im not gonna go over my bad trip or y i had a bad trip bcuz i hav discovered something far more interesting that i feel i must explain.

ok, so first i must tell you i have diabetes, and point out a symptom of unhealthy diabetics, your feet swell, lose minor feeling and tingle. i counteract that with freezing temperature(63-65 degrees f is comftorable to be with bare feet and lightly dressed, also sumtimes 59 degrees would b comfortable). now this has been progressing for some time now and id figured my life expectancy is short.

now, onto what i discovered, like i sed it was just yesterday i had my bad trip, and b4 i tripped on the tamp. i ate 13 or so grams of atlantis and threw up in 10 minutes leaving only a slight effect. so i waited hours b4 i had any tamp. now i dont know how, but i woke up today and not only does my hurt left wrist feel much better but my feet are normal again. i still have diabetes of coarse but amazingly my feet and temperature are so much closer to completely normal i just cant beleive it and i hope it lasts. right now its 68.7 f in here and im fairly comfortable! a tiny bit warm but its enjoyable(usually is horrible) and earlier at 68.3 i was slightly chilled. my feet feel close to normal, they are slightly chilled but nothing serious and i actually prefer them that way. comments and questions are welcome.
the true voyage is an inner journey. all the psychedelics i have tried and collected on an obsessive sort of way, very very many of them,... well , some are more fun and/or insightful than others but... at the end of the day they're all the same. just glimpses. and more and more i feel that unless it's from mother nature direct it has no spirit in it. i have stopped seeing the point in all these comparisons between substances. i guess i have moved on. i will use, from time to time, some of my favourites, whe n I realise my mind/spirit needs a good seeing-to, a sort of attitude adjustment... bbut on the whole i have stopped obsessing about psychedelics. for me it would be a glorious waste of time to continue doing that. all the provide is glimpses. and most of you guys (exceptions granted) ae going nowhere, fast! if you wanna have fun, sure go right ahead and enjoy your trips. but you are using a sacrament in a disrespectful way. and if you use it for self-exploration... well... once you got the message, hang up the phone & LIVE IT!!!!! Ok sure, when ye get stuck, dial that number again, check in on progress etc... but that's it. From my current perspective the vast majority of posters here are so totally on the wrong path. Most will find this out sooner or later.

Alll this just my opinion of course. I am way too sensitive to trip regularly and way too burnt out to enjoy hardcore psychelics all too often. There's solace in calmer things. I used to be hooked on giving myself bigger and bigger thrills... freakign myself out with oh-wow experiences. Well, it takes its course on yer adrenal glands and what not. THREAD CAREFULLY!

Overall I agree with you, as lately I've found myself moving further away from psychedelics, at least as a lifestyle choice (and not a very sustainable one at that). While I do see immense value in checking in every now and then where needed, I'm much more interested in herbal/fungal remedies now (especially from an occult stance), and I credit this with the lessons I've learned from the plant teachers as well as the isolated chemical teachers. ;)

But I do think your post comes off as snobby and judgemental. It sounds like you've done some damage to yourself with these drugs, and it'll probably benefit you more to focus on healing yourself instead of taking out your frustrations on others whom you perceive to be making the same mistakes that you have.
I'm much more interested in herbal/fungal remedies now (especially from an occult stance), and I credit this with the lessons I've learned from the plant teachers as well as the isolated chemical teachers. ;)

Likewise; I've tripped a lot less since involving myself in occult/mystical practice. These days, for me, DMT (smoked or as ayahuasca), LSD, mushrooms and cannabis are my drug-teachers, but my prime teacher is the Void :)
Yeah, this is a total heap of shit.

Not that I don't think that most people who are doing psychedelic drugs are doing them in a way that I would consider stupid, because they are, and I do, but I find it exceedingly obnoxious when it's framed in such a grandiose way as this.

BY THEIR FRUITS SHALL THEY BE KNOWN. It's not about your particular attitude and approaching drugs in a super spiritual way. It's about whether you integrate the stuff in a positive life affirming way or in a way that is destructive. And a lot of the drug taking types that I know who talk a big spiritual game I know are total Kool Aid drinkers and headed for destructions, and a lot of the less assuming, less grandiose people I know are far more spiritually in tune. Go figure.

I always like that Allan Watts quote "When you get the message, hang up the phone...." (paraphrased).

Sometimes I think the message IS hang up the phone...
Sometimes that's the message, if it's time to hang up the phone. :) But that's definitely not the original message I received.
I hung up more or less but to torture the metaphor a bit am still plugged in...
^Yeah, I tend to direct all calls to message bank and listen later.

wtf??? :D
I get pretty decent reception out here

Can you hear me now?
Can you hear me now?
^ L.O.L. @ above interchange. :D

Psychedelics tell me to keep online, to be perfectly honest. Although I don't exactly take what psychedelics "tell me" as gospel. I don't think I'll stop tripping till the day I die, though.
"Your too introspective, what about thinking about the world outside for a change??"
My favorite part of the psychedelic experience is the thought patterns they provoke. It's as if everything is simultaneously contradicting itself at once. Anything I think or do can lead anywhere and everywhere in any direction, changing a countless number of times, yet always at some point it ends up coming right back to where it started. I'm always questioning what I should be doing, but there isn't anything I can do that hasn't already happened or will happen again? I'm not experiencing anything new, this has always been there, everything is always happening and always will be happening. Nothing is the only thing I can do, because it is my everything. It's all I can take in and process right at this very moment. I am stuck in this instance of time, so why should I change anything? No matter what, it will happen, so I should just go with the flow, sit back and embrace the journey. I am unmatched by the power and forces of this universe, they will push me in whatever direction they please.

Everything is always changing, but at the same time nothing's changing. When you're talking about "one thing," that "one thing" never changes itself, but only changes what it's applied to. A force may change things, but that force will always be the same. The farther and longer it goes, the more things it changes, all while staying one. The more you step back and look at it the more things appear to change. It's about how you look at something, perspective. Depending on who, what, when, where, why, and how something is looked at; everything can look different and everything can look the same. Everything is good and everything is bad. Everything is this and everything is that. It all comes down to perspective.

I guess if I need a point it is we should try not to be so judgmental. Someones reason for doing something may be just as good as my own reasons for doing the things I do, and vise versa. I try not to be closed minded or hate, and should just accept things for what they are or are not. Love is the only way to be happy. <3

Ugh I have to hurry up and hit enter before I change what I wrote, I'm already disagreeing with myself, but then Ill agree again, and then disagree again, etc on and on, all depending on how or when I think about it... its never ending. Tomorrow I'll think the exact opposite, but then the day after that think the opposite of that. What's the opposite of dualism anyways?

That makes no sense at all, but it is still perfect. I know everything and nothing.
through my expeirince with psyhdelics ive learned that my goal in life is to find a way to live in all 11 demensions at once,
ive been to an alternate universe on salvia
^ L.O.L. @ above interchange. :D

Psychedelics tell me to keep online, to be perfectly honest. Although I don't exactly take what psychedelics "tell me" as gospel. I don't think I'll stop tripping till the day I die, though.

I would have said this a few years ago.

Things change.

I am very very very wary of what drugs "tell" me. I don't think that the message is something that is valid, because the message is just someting that is coming from within your brain ... well, I guess waht I mean to say is I do not think it is more valid than anything else that comes from your brain and from your social conditioning. Taking drugs to get a "message" is dangerous stuff IMO.
Psychs always seem to make me dwell or focus on my inner, most deepest issues, whether it's my overstress of how terrible i am with money, or not to hate my mother, or be super cynical about everybody but myself.
I always enjoy the day after i do lsd especially, it makes me much ore tolerant and loving towards people, instead of being cynical and constantly thinking the world will end up like how it is in the movie 'idiocracy'
My favorite part of the psychedelic experience is the thought patterns they provoke. It's as if everything is simultaneously contradicting itself at once. Anything I think or do can lead anywhere and everywhere in any direction, changing a countless number of times, yet always at some point it ends up coming right back to where it started. I'm always questioning what I should be doing, but there isn't anything I can do that hasn't already happened or will happen again? I'm not experiencing anything new, this has always been there, everything is always happening and always will be happening. Nothing is the only thing I can do, because it is my everything. It's all I can take in and process right at this very moment. I am stuck in this instance of time, so why should I change anything? No matter what, it will happen, so I should just go with the flow, sit back and embrace the journey. I am unmatched by the power and forces of this universe, they will push me in whatever direction they please.

Everything is always changing, but at the same time nothing's changing. When you're talking about "one thing," that "one thing" never changes itself, but only changes what it's applied to. A force may change things, but that force will always be the same. The farther and longer it goes, the more things it changes, all while staying one. The more you step back and look at it the more things appear to change. It's about how you look at something, perspective. Depending on who, what, when, where, why, and how something is looked at; everything can look different and everything can look the same. Everything is good and everything is bad. Everything is this and everything is that. It all comes down to perspective.

I guess if I need a point it is we should try not to be so judgmental. Someones reason for doing something may be just as good as my own reasons for doing the things I do, and vise versa. I try not to be closed minded or hate, and should just accept things for what they are or are not. Love is the only way to be happy. <3

Ugh I have to hurry up and hit enter before I change what I wrote, I'm already disagreeing with myself, but then Ill agree again, and then disagree again, etc on and on, all depending on how or when I think about it... its never ending. Tomorrow I'll think the exact opposite, but then the day after that think the opposite of that. What's the opposite of dualism anyways?

That makes no sense at all, but it is still perfect. I know everything and nothing.

I totally relate to this 100%.