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[Mega]Synthetic Cannabinoid Discussion


I have some doubts about JWH 081.
If it is truly JWH 081 i received, it seems to be orally inactive !

to be more specific,
I have little tolerance and 14 mg orally on an empty stomac had no effect at all.

I don't seem to be the only one:


I also vaporated 8 mg and i had a stony feeling, which i believe comes from the CB2 receptor, it's almost solely relaxing (and gives a clumsy coordination)

which seems to be in contrast with the huge CB1 receptor affinity it purposedly should have !

I'm sorry I cannot give more clarity but there seem to be contradictions perhaps others can clear this out !
You may have gotten something other than 081 but honestly, with all the JWH series, I have little success with actually vaporizing them... and in the low MGs, no success orally.

I do have a rather large tolerance, but if I'm looking for some oral high, I need to eat at minium 50mg (I've gone quiet high, ~200mg). I generally tell people 2.5x their standard smoked/vaped dosage should be about right for oral high.

I generally smoke my own home-made blends composed of 018 and 250, perhaps some WIN, or stick to oral consumption of either 18 or 250 - though I have had more success with 018.

As a side note: sometimes it can take 2+ hours for JWH to take effect orally, sometimes 45 minutes... and sometimes, I can barely even notice it at all. Go figure. It's an odd RC.
I just had my first experience with JWH tonight in a blend consisting of 80/20 250/081...

For someone that gets panic attacks from pot, I was very apprehensive. One hit of this stuff and I felt a very Indica-like stone with no body effects whatsoever. It was a very heady high. I think I like this stuff.

It should be noted that I smoked marijuana for the first time in probably two years on Sunday - in the form of Blue Dream - and it was vaped, maybe two big hits, and I had quite a pleasant experience as well which is odd since it is a sativa dominant and I always heard those are the worst for panic attacks. I think I might start smoking blends since I'm on probation... but I think I would rather 20/80 250/081 ratio because of 081 being a more sedating/relaxing stone and 250 having some reports of black outs and such with too much usage.
question can we name the "spices" or is that sourcing? i wanna try it but the shop doesnt have the types on the bags. so the question is...wich spice gives u the same or close to the same high as weed?
Has anybody tried Pulse Ultra or Radio Active from [no websites/sources - p_c] I have tried pulse ultra, and I have found it to be an extremely enjoyable high, everything seems slowed down, you get a full body numb, 2 hits held in long has lasted up to two hours. I just ordered Radioactive and I'm hoping it's stronger, but I can't find any reviews on it
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I just tried Radio Active, it's a super strong high, one hit can last up to two hours, it hits you fast and it's a very ripped feeling with body numb, strong hunger, colors brighten, laughter, anybody else try it?
making own blends have questions

so i am making some blends tommorow that contain a 75%018 25% 073 mixture(thats how its coming) how much should i use per ounce of substrate? I was thinking 20/25mg/g i want it to be as strong as high quality weed(9% thc content) whats yalls opinion?
strong quality weed now a days is like 20-25%. 25% being the highest reported I believe. so at least like 15%.

sorry I can't actaully answer your question tho....

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Ok, so if one were to get say a gram of jwh 018, how long would this last roughly for an everyday smoker? i know tolerance and such is an issue, but could anyone else chime in that perhaps smokes jwh 018 daily or often enough? Not herbal.

Currently I smoke about an oz of Mad Maxx (herbal blend I buy in my city). I'm told Mad Maxx is pretty strong, but then again, everyone says their shit is strong so whatever, who knows.
What I'm trying to do is just figure out if its cheaper to start buying it online, raw, or just keeping buying herbal blends.
I'm leaning towards it being cheaper to buy it raw, but then again, who knows, some of these big companies might buy the jwh in such large quantities that maybe they're still getting it cheaper than i ultimately could?

Advice needed.
I don't smoke JWH or blends, but I can tell you that it will definitely be cheaper to buy a gram and make up your own blend (which you can find out how to do by searching for chainer3k's posts in this thread).
^ JWH questions come to us usually, since it's still a cannabinoid. I'm not gonna merge this or anything yet, I have no idea what the answer to your question is, maybe someone will drop in with a clue at least.
Yes it is, but reality is that MEGA threads don't always get looked at unless you are looking for an answer yourself...I prefer to leave them alone for a day or so before merging to give the OP a chance to get some replies before the post gets lost.
Strongest blends I have tried are magic incense and shokotsu.
Both these blends are made by the same people and I think they have something else in them rather then the normal jwh stuff.

Has anyone ever made a snuff out of a blend by grinding it in a coffee grinder?
Snuff - as in nasal tabacco? JWH is not water soluble, it wouldn't work... Nor do I see *any* reason to blow synthetic cannaboids.
so i am making some blends tommorow that contain a 75%018 25% 073 mixture(thats how its coming) how much should i use per ounce of substrate? I was thinking 20/25mg/g i want it to be as strong as high quality weed(9% thc content) whats yalls opinion?

Well first of all, we have differing opinions of "strong as hell" because when I think 9% THC I think KB or low grade.

Well... my advice is generally always the same, and I've said it time and time again, but nobody seems to ever want to listen:

*START SMALL*. What I mean by this is start with a mixture of something like this:

400mg 018 / 100mg 073= 500mg JWH.

500mg JWH into 15g of product (I *highly* suggest Damania and Raspberry leaf for many reasons - mostly it will not go stale, it tastes good, burns smooth and slow, and will absorb 100% acetone quickly and efficiently without loosing any product).

That's going to yield a product of ~40mg JWH / 1g. Now this may at first seem high to you, but in reality, it isn't. Your tolerance is going to build fast. It seems rather common that people start at the 2mg-5mg dosages and within a week they're up to 25mg-30mg. Personally, I can smoke 60+mg in a sitting without getting those common "OD" feelings. So this means (to you) that if you make a ounce with a 10mg/ 1 g batch, it's going to be useless to you half way through as it will delivery a shitty high.

So the mixture is up to you - but the best advice I can give you is DO NOT set a high bar. You want to use a little bit for your first time unless you're Mr. Money Bags and don't give a shit about wasting several batches trying to find your sweet spot.

And yes, this thread belongs in synthetic, and I have answered this question countless times. If you want to listen to the advice I've given, great. If not, enjoy experimenting, because that's what I had to do 8)
I have answered this question countless times
I have directed people to your answers countless times. Maybe you should make it an unavoidable banner at the top of CD.

With regards to the problem of a large batch becoming useless with tolerance, would it not be possible to repeat the process to increase the JWH content of the blend? Although I guess that's more hassle than just working with small batches.