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nope not at all, a panic attacks differs from it, i had some in past, and never had such symptoms.
as i said it was just like an overdosing of jwh, all effects.
Panik attack goes fast out or at least u get some tachycardia but stop at it.. no stomach cramp, respiratory depression etc that last as long as overdosing on jwh but with weeds..
what i can tell is that again it was just like if i eyeballed jwh too much but i was only using weeds :(, to sum up, getting negative jwh effects all of them while smoking weeds nowdays.
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I think there is mention on here of dissolving jwh in something and sparying it on buds, can't link cuz i'm on my phone
Take a break from weed for a week or more if you can, overdosing more than once probably set your cannabinoid system out of whack and it needs time to regain its balance. Plus, when you start smoking again, start very slow, because subconscious anxiety WILL play a part in having these episodes after ODing on any JWH chem.

In your mind you may not be stressed about it, but it can be your body's normal reaction if it senses the effects that happened before your OD, so starting slow will usually remedy this problem.

ODing on JWH chems isn't fun, but I "recovered" from mine by doing what I said, now using JWH doesn't even do that for me :D
this is just a thought...maybe the few times that you got good effects from jwh was such an intense experience that it kinda left a imprint in your mind, and now any kind of cannabinoid stimulation will bring it out.

it happened to me with lsd - hence my name - after a bad trip in which i also experienced complete ego loss. i haven't touched acid in years because after that even the smallest dose would bring back similar feelings and i'd have a huge panic attack. it was like i had developed an extreme sensitivity to lsd because of that experience.

i have mixed feelings about the ego loss though. it's like the best and worst experience to have happened to me. lol
I'm gonna leave this open for a bit longer before merging so you can get personalized responses, but this thread K2 (JWH-018 ) ruined my life. may have some info in it to help you. I'm not too experienced with the jwh chemicals, only used 018 once and was NOT a fan at all, so maybe chainer or another CDer may drop in here with some actual advice. :/
Im wondering which JWH series is the best for pain management? Im currently using jwh-073 as the 018 to me sounds somewhat frightening. I have had pulsing heart-rates from different drugs in the past and its not something i want repeated (which 018 is reported to do it higher doses) I'm an experienced hemp user in the past, (and lsd-shrooms) just not during the last ten years. Im also right now just taking the 073 orally, using food with higher saturated fats.
the horror stories you hear about 018 will vary greatly from person to person... you just don't hear all the good reviews because they are not shouted as loudly as the bad ones.

Also, for the oral route - you do not have to cook them into fatty foods. You can just eat the substance and wash it down with water.
the horror stories you hear about 018 will vary greatly from person to person... you just don't hear all the good reviews because they are not shouted as loudly as the bad ones.

Also, for the oral route - you do not have to cook them into fatty foods. You can just eat the substance and wash it down with water.

I know that, but i do read an awful lot of bad ones especially when overdoing it. Also find the spices sold in many stores to likely be one of the main culprits. Its a shame because the jwh series will certainly be banned in a year or so because of those crap products. Also wasnt cooking it into foods just eating potato chips higher in sat fat for todays session, which actually isnt working so great an 1:20 mins after eating. Melted into vegetable oil seems to be the fastest. Oral usually will take up to two hours for me to start feeling the euphoric effects.
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I was wondering, are all the JWH's fine to use orally? I'm going to order some when I get paid and it would be nice to be able to use any of them orally. Smoking gets kind of old when it wears off as fast as this.

Also I got a pack of K2 Summit and have to say I really enjoyed it, I'm not going to name a price outright but more or less I got more highs out of it if we said 1 dollar per 1 hour then what I paid for it. It only takes me 1-2 pinches stuffed into a bowl to get the exact same feeling as vaping a bowl of mids in my digital vap.

Ah mentioning my vap that brings me to another question, will vaping the K2 blends work like it does with weed? My lighter is broken and I don't feel like going anywhere, I keep my vap set at around 200 degrees C, if I just put some K2 into that after it heated up and filled a bag will it wind up vaping like weed does?
Squall your problem does not seem odd to me at all, I have never tried jwh or any chemical thc, but i can say that i had smoked weed for about 4 years and one day i decided to smoke a good 10 grams to my face while on a 500mg dose of dxm.

The next day i awoke to smoke my morning spliff and had chest pressure, conscious breathing, back pain and dizziness. I continued smoking for a week and even though these symptoms were so overwhelming i ignored them while suffering. I decided to quit and a month later my problems lessened very much, but i am still severely damaged from that experience and any panic attacks will bring out those same feelings. Now when i smoke weed it's the same deal and even at the smallest doses it will always be the same. Just for an experiment, about a week ago i tried smoking a spliff and this problem still happens, but i also noticed that this is happening because weed will put me in to a psychotic mind set, where my thoughts are completely out of wack and to me sober i would call them mentally unstable.

I still suffer from the back pain and breathing awareness and will admit it has put me in to a bad depressive state that only benzos will temporarily relieve, yet i refuse to take those meds everyday and choose to suffer alot of it out just because i feel like it was my own fault for underestimating something so easily obtainable.
I love smoking a nice blend with jwh-18 on it....

I don't get the panics or the other bad shit people get.... but i do get a stiff neck; kinda like when get when you trip....
I was wondering, are all the JWH's fine to use orally? I'm going to order some when I get paid and it would be nice to be able to use any of them orally. Smoking gets kind of old when it wears off as fast as this.

Also I got a pack of K2 Summit and have to say I really enjoyed it, I'm not going to name a price outright but more or less I got more highs out of it if we said 1 dollar per 1 hour then what I paid for it. It only takes me 1-2 pinches stuffed into a bowl to get the exact same feeling as vaping a bowl of mids in my digital vap.

Ah mentioning my vap that brings me to another question, will vaping the K2 blends work like it does with weed? My lighter is broken and I don't feel like going anywhere, I keep my vap set at around 200 degrees C, if I just put some K2 into that after it heated up and filled a bag will it wind up vaping like weed does?

Some series are better than others, notably 018 and 250 are especially good when taken orally. As written above and many times here, it does take ~2 hours to kick in. I've written trip reports in this thread, I'm sure you can take the time to search for those if you're interested in high dosage oral tests... I've done a lot of it.

K2 is shit by the way - I'd personally not use it. Also the vaping point is different. Go back a few pages - that question was asked and posted an MSDS for JWH - that's the closest guess I can give you for which syth is being mainly used in K2 though I'm sure it's a large mix of many.
merging to sythetic.

OP [squall], there is TONS of info about ODing and smoking weed after smoking JWH.

I get drug tested and so I smoke a rather large amount of sythetics, as well as take orally and experiment with very high oral dosages for tripping.

The ODing you are discribing is classic JWH-018 "I took to much I want this to be over" symptoms that I'm sure any sythetic vet would know of. I just ride it out, in fact I rather enjoy it but hate the "need to throw up but can't" feeling that ocassionally hits me with 100mg oral.

As for what it's done to weed - well they are both cannaboidials so they share tolerance - cross tolerance is sometime you can search for in the syth thread to get an idea.

I smoke JWH pretty regularly in my own homemade blends, about 60mg/1gram. Recipe and directions, as well as a video of how to do it, has been posted in the syth thread as well by me earlier. Again, search is your friend.

Recently I've run into my window of being able to smoke for 3-4 days because I just passed my monthly, and I still have the same tolerance as I did when I quit 2 months ago due to JWH use. I haven't experienced any side effects, though like an acid trip, if you didn't have fun on JWH and got very fucked up, you're brain may use natural cannabis as a trigger to flash back to when you were not having so much fun. If you've used psycedlics or 2cs before, you know you can control a bad trip to a degree, that and a break is what will help you enjoy both substances.
Just heated up a spoonful of 073 with oil on the stovetop sitting on a ceramic plate. As soon as the 073 started to go clear i pulled it off and drank the oil. 5 minutes later im feeling pretty good effects. A white sticky film was left on the bottom of the spoon and also spilled a tiny bit of oil onto the ceramic when lifting it, were some orangish-tan residue has stained the plate :00:15 later and im still feeling increses in the high. Im now wondering if i hit the smoking point of the 073 and inhaled some. Usually the oral method at doses i take is a slow lazy climb to euphoria, not the sudden increases of energetic buzz and a slight tightness in my chest. I did see a tiny puff of rise from the spoon, but i thought it was steam from the canola i was using, which was not too extremely hot to drink. I also did not inhale this "puff"
T+ 15 is too soon to be feeling oral effects of JWH... also I'd be a bit concerned with orange residue - sounds like you know your shit, so I'm wondering if that concerns you? If anything, off-white and clear should be the other colors left over. The film you are describing is normal, once it reaches a certain temp it will re-solidify, you can scrape and eat that later.

How much 073 did you ingest?
T+ 15 is too soon to be feeling oral effects of JWH... also I'd be a bit concerned with orange residue - sounds like you know your shit, so I'm wondering if that concerns you? If anything, off-white and clear should be the other colors left over. The film you are describing is normal, once it reaches a certain temp it will re-solidify, you can scrape and eat that later.

How much 073 did you ingest?

Too me it looked like undisolved-unmelted 073 that did not sink to the spoon. I eyeballed a dose of about 10-15 mg, i have always used pretty much the exact same amount. I wouldnt try risking that with 018 or another type im unfamilair with. I have already come down somewhat after eating a couple pretzels. I was feeling a little anxious at the sudden increases i was experiencing. But its odd that the pretzels killed it.

Edit: having spoke too soon after drinking a half glass of water the buzz has come back with enegertic rise then some pleasant euphoric effects. Guessing i inhaled some vapor, is it possible to inhale this without seeing any smoke?.
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Who knows, it really shouldn't be kicking in before 45min-2hours depending on diet.

Hey, even I eyeball JWH at this point... once you get your tolerance high enough an "OD" doesn't really happen all to much. I mean, I'm at the point where I just dip my cig in a baggie like a coolie... must be 40-60mg doses a minimum each go around of 018. Get's me very high though.

15mg 073 orally is rather low IMO so I wouldn't worry about anxiety. General oral dosage is 2.5x what you would normally smoke.
Hey thats cool, i know what to expect next time. Ill test some just to make sure the residue is one color. I think the orange stuff was 073 in a stage between melting and disolving but i wont know for sure until i burn some to test. 40-60mg sounds like alot but i have hit a toleernce wall once already. Reminds me about Pink smoking and sitting on his recliner in The Wall.