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Gabapentinoids Gabapentin Megathread

Neurontin has worked for people with WD before. I wouldnt go expecting that, but it is worth a shot IMO, and if it helps, thats great.

As for the effects, I dont notice any opiate or benzo effects really, that could be because I am used to a lot of opiates though, who knows.
The one thing about Gabapentin is that I have been a little more sleepy in the daytime when I take it with my pain medication. I could take some Provigil with it to give me energy but then if I get any anxiety I will want to take an ativan....thats a lot of drugs, especially for someone who always wanted to do things naturally and not be taking a dozen pills every day.
For me this drug hasn't only not worked, staggering the doses, high doses, low doses, taking it with an aleve, with a paracetamol (and at least 2 other NSAIDs), with a snack, a benzo, a cigarrette, with coke, mineral water, pepsi or anything else, but it has also blocked the effects of my Lyrica (pregabalin).

I'll avoid neurontin, and stick with lyrica and benzos, it just doesn't work.

UPDATE: Wait! I feel something!
I feel tired...
i was on klonopin 4mg a day for 5 years and taken off a month ago. neurontin does wonders for my anxiety in the 1200-1800 range. only been 2 days I am gonna try 1500 again tonight and will see what happens. I wasn't that impressed thought more would happen. i love the pulsing energy it gives you. plus it evens out my bipolar 2.

i kmow this is old but im new and was reading up on some stuff!! i have been on neurontin for like 6 years and i luv it...i call it my happy pill!! i take it 1st thing in the mornings with a cup of coffee i dk wt the caffiene does something to get it but it kicks it in great!! i hav split a whole botlle of 100 600mg pills b 4 with a friend we took them all over the period of a couple of hours n was drinkin coffee n was feeling good!! but it does really help wit my bipolar!!!:D:D:!:|
Gabapentin kinda-sorta works for me. The first few days when I started and/or have increased my dose, I notice some positive effects, both in terms of relief and recreation. It gives me a mood life (read: not euphoria) and makes me more talkative. These effects last for 1-2 days at that dose and then stop.

As far as pain relief (I take it for fibromyalgia), it seems to be mildly helpful. It will take the edge off the pain for a few hours. I'm now on 300mg x3 daily and I'm sure I'll be upped again in two months, but it doesn't really matter as the effects seem to be the same every time. No matter the dose it's. :| Tolerance seems to be a 24-48 hour thing, being that that is how long it takes to build one.

Overall it's a decent drug for pain relief, I'd give it a 4 out of 10. As far as a recreational substance, it's shit. ;)
Would this be useful when quitting a long marijuana session (10 years?)

I've got a bottle I never used (Rx'd for neuralgic pain that wasn't helped) but if they can help me with weed withdrawls (very real) then I'll take them
Thanks for the advice guys,, I bought a load of it primarily for the WD's from opiates I'm gonna have to face soon,, as for recreational value,, ahh fuck I took 3.2 grams pretty much at once with 240mg Extended Release DHC, about 5 valium (though they are shit maybe 5-6mg generics) and a few ciders and aint feelin shit from the neurontin inparticularly yet,,, it hasnt been that long so I guess I'll repost if anything amazing happens in an hour or two. But I guess having built up tolerances to pretty much everything I do isnt gonna help me when it comes to Neurontin.
I banged it all together because I remember once getting off my fuckin face on a well over the usual prescription dose of Lyrica, its bigger brother - cant remember how much but a fuckload all at once, man I was all over the place, euphoric, loss of coordination -felt more like a massive dose of tramadol mixed with being drunk but retaining a clear head - fun time anyway. I can see why it's scheduled and Neurontin isnt atm. So yeah I thought neurontin might be similar but from reading the posts through it looks like I should space out my dosing next time round huh? After Ive laid off it for a week or two to get my tolerance levels to it back to what they were. Maybe I'm just one of those guys who aint gonna get a recreational high from it,, but like I said its primarily available to me for the opiate WD I gotta do,, and maybe it'll help a bit with my anxiety disorder once I figure out what doseage/s and when works best,, but like I said the 3.2 grams of this (which I'm pretty sure is a high enough dose) aint shit next to a huge dose of Lyrica all at once - I do remember lookin at the erowid trip reports on Lyrica though and Im pretty sure mine was at the higher end of those doses.
Oh well , hope to post a more positive report next time round
But yeah, I'll write back if I have more positive results with it spaced out in the future,, whether it be for fun or for help with my anxiety/WD's
bumping this to the front page so i can check it daily. currently taking lyrica, got scripted low dose of neurontin. ill have to educate myself on the latter via this thread and experimenting with doses.

reading the monograph for lyrica they compared doses of pregabalin and gabapentin that lead me to believe that lyrica is roughly 3 times stronger than gabapentin. to add merit to this speculation, if you look at the highest mg supplied pills it rougly matches this conversion. 300mg of lyrica v. 800mg of gabapentin. 800mg of gp = 266mg of pg. so about right with the 3 fold theory.

staggering is a new concept for me. lyrica doesnt have the BA issues that gp does. ill have to read this entire thread before i post more.
holy shit i am in love with lyrica. i am going to use the neurontin i have in order to take a break from it at the end of the month. im going to run out of my lyrica early anyway, so its a good opportunity to bring my tolerance down. any thoughts?
is there a cross tolerance between neurontin and lyrica? i want to use this neurontin for a week in order to bring my lyrica tolerance down. sound ok?
is there a cross tolerance between neurontin and lyrica? i want to use this neurontin for a week in order to bring my lyrica tolerance down. sound ok?

I believe their is a cross tolerance.

Gabapentin is good for mild opiate withdrawals, it almost makes you feel normal. I have taken it when in bad withdrawals and the relief was minimal.

I don't take it often but when I do I take 300mg and then 30-45min. later I pop another 300mg. I feel like it slows down my brain and I'm able to concentrate and process information better. It also makes me more social and it gives me motivation.
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yeah, im trying to figure out if taking a low dose, 200mg, a day for a week is ok to bring my lyrica tolerance down.
just started a week break from lyrica. scripted 200mg a day of gabapentin. anywhere from 67-80mg pregabalin when you do the math.

that should be enough to keep my mood elevated while. i dont know what the extent of the cross tolerance is though. anyone?
cross tolerance btw neurontin and lyrica?

posted several times in both the lyrica and gabapentin mega thread, no answer.

im sure there has to be somewhat of a cross tol, but im trying to figure out to what extent. im taking gabapentin this week to take a break from lyrica to bring my tolerance down. the effects are different which leads me to believe there is an incomplete cross tolerance. anyway, taking 200mg of gp a day is about the same as taking 70mg of pg. so maybe i should just take 100mg a day, i would like to get to close to 0 as possible. how i would love to take 300mg of pg and get that crazy acid/ghb effect. makes my dick hard thinking about it. throw in a shot of bupe and its even better. add just 1 glass of beer and its like nodding on heroin.
Just as oxycodone is cross-tolerant with diacetylmorphine, so, too, is there a cross tolerance between gabapentin and pregabalin. The extent of this is unknown as far as I know, because no clinical trials have been conducted to assess it.

~ vaya

EDIT: This is apparently an erroneous assumption on my part. See below!
this drug kinda sucks. i can feel it but it only lasts for 30 mins and it goes away. lyrica is way waaaaay better. not nearlly as energizing/motivating as pregabalin either. the BA is shitty too. what other drugs have non linear responses to dosing too?
No Cross-Tolerance Between Pregabalin & Gabapentin

Thought this might be of interest to those of you debating the existence of a cross-tolerance between the two compounds; according to The FreePatentsOnline Database, there is none!
Gabapentin is the generic name for the marketed product Neurontin. The chemical name is 1-(aminomethyl)-cyclohexaneacetic acid. The chemical structure of the compound is:

Pregabalin is the generic name for (S)-3-(aminomethyl)-5-methylhexanoic acid. The chemical structure of the compound is: It is also known as CI-1008 and as S-(+)-3-IBG.

Formerly, it was thought that gabapentin and pregabalin were the same in all pain models as one antagonist blocked both; therefore, a similar result was expected.

However, surprising differences have now been observed in an inflammatory model of pain.

The present invention relates to pharmaceutical compositions. These compositions have a synergistic effect in the treatment of pain. Advantages of these compositions include fewer side effects as lower dosages are needed. This increases patient compliance with the beneficial result of better control of pain.

The drugs can be administered together in the same dosage unit or can be prepared in separate dosage units administered at the same time. Different forms of dosage units can be used, i.e., a tablet of gabapentin and an injection of pregabalin.

One particular advantage of the instant invention is the fact that no cross tolerance between the two compounds has been observed.

The synergistic composition of this invention utilizes any GABA analogs. A GABA analog is a compound derived from or based upon gamma-aminobutyric acid.
Brummel, Roger N. (321 Peppermill Lane, Holland, MI 49423, US), Singh, Lakhbir (4 Low Rd. Queen Adelaidem Ely, Cambridgeshire, CB7 3SP, GB) 2005 A SYNERGISTIC COMBINATION: GABAPENTIN AND PREGABALIN Warner-Lambert Company LLC (201 Tabor Road, Morris Plains, NJ 07950, US) EP1196160 http://www.freepatentsonline.com/EP1196160B1.html
Will report back if I find anything a bit more specific!

~ vaya
vaya said:
(@homeydontplaythat) Just as oxycodone is cross-tolerant with diacetylmorphine, so, too, is gabapentin cross-tolerant with pregabalin.

I take back what I said above; I'll chalk it up to sheer ignorance on my part. However, it *was* a fair assumption, given how drugs that are chemically related normally interact, but check on the citation I provided over in the Pregabalin MegaThread that states "...that no cross tolerance between the two compounds [i.e. pregabalin & gabapentin] has been observed."

Apologies for sending out a false positive, HDPT! It took me quite a while of digging around the internet to locate that citation, however. Methinks not much work (VERY surprisingly) has been done to determine the extent to which pregabalin induces tolerance to gabapentin, and vice versa. Shocking, almost, don't you think?

~ vaya