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Gabapentinoids Gabapentin Megathread

I agree that, Pregabalin has much more energetic efect, and gabapentin is more sedating.

But gabapentin is more unpredictable, because the BA varies so much.

I preffer efects of gabapentin, but for fest pregabalin.
So I just got 18,000mg of this for my script. I toook a TON of it with hydroxyzine and suboxone.

WOW, I nodded out smashed my head off dresser, all sorts of stuff, keep falling asleep while typin. The scripts all gone for the next 3 weeks, but jus like wow.

People always say gabapentin/lyrica suck, and they usually do. If you just take a ton at a time + (optional other drugs, you'll be good.

Only thing is i'm hearing weird voice that don't exist, sometimes i see them, however, I am also twitching likre crazy.

Does anyone else twitch
SHIT, I just typed a long message and it'saand it's gone, so I'll go short.

Last week I picked up 18,000mg go of this stuff.
Might be ok by itself, not sure
Mixed it with suboxone and hydroxyzine, great

I nodded out so hard, I'd post for how long i was doing sub and the amount to how show you how to protect from a fall. (this really isn't a problem, just be careful)
Majdoa major twitching problem; I twitch h hardcore, my hand will be on the mouse and ill almost throw it, typing is hard because ill smash the keyboard, happens, it's crazy stuff, be careful especially a
Yeah,, a bit like Jantastic here to,,, I was quite happily nodding on an amount of plugged tramadol I'm not gonna mention,, but way over the recommended max anyway (along with valium tho). I was also on Dihydrocodeine and the pods I'd ate the night before were still in my system.... So I parachuted 2.4 grams of the stuff just to see if it'd work for me ,,,and after feeling spaced out for a bit and my sight going a bit woozy I crashed out,,, I mean luckily I was on my sofa but between feeling the effects of it and falling asleep I dont remember that much - but on waking up I still feel a bit weird and spacey... I do remember having a fuckinhg awesome dream that felt quite different from my normal dreams (probably because of the physical effects of the gabapentin),.,, I woke up at 7am just to check which reality was which then I remember just smiling and going back to dreamworld in a tick.

Its past midday now and having just woke and Im still feeling it,, hmmm,, its like your brains totally with it put your physical self still feels light and woozy. Like being drunk on valium without the brain losing it.... Still not sold on its recreational value yet, but it definetely enhanced my dreams and spaced me out- (but thats not particularly great),, may try it sober and earlier in the day next. I do have an anxiety disorder but I dont think gabapentins gonna work as well as valium for me.
Your doctors an idiot. Gabapentin is used an anti-epileptic drug.

Dude...Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that causes seizures. I just prescribed neurontin for anxiety and my psychiatrist told me it was originally FDA approved to prevent seizures. I think he knows what hes talking about.
If you're really epileptic should you know what your medicine is doing? Knowledge is power.
i've never taken gabapentin, but a friend of mine just got prescribed it along with his klonopin by his psychiatrist. evidently, the psychiatrist told him it "really makes the klonopin go off." not sure about what kind of psych we're talking about here, but is there any truth to that?

my friend says he had been prescribed them b4 and considered them pretty useless, but his dr convinced him to try again w/ the klon and i'm wondering what to expect if i tried this combo (i take benzos daily, never tried neurontin in combo or by itself)
Hey all. I am currently prescribed 600mg/day therapeutically for GAD/SAD issues, as well as working on some of the behavioral things myself. I take 200mg/3x day.

My reactions to the drug have always been quite pronounced. The first time I tried 200mg, I felt it for sure in 30-40 minutes, not high, just different. Where I am right now, I feel like it's actually helping to give me more energy (because I'm not wasted energy on being needlessly anxious) and combats many of the nasty physical symptoms I get with GAD/SAD issues. For instance, I would often feel trapped and tight and nervous, had almost constant cold hands due to shallow breathing, and would in general feel quite worn out after even an hour or two around others. With gabapentin, and focusing on my own body and less on what other people are doing (I'm hyper-sensitive to social body language, etc.), I have truly made some progress.

A real indicator that I'm doing better is that my hands are warm and I feel secure in my classes now. Also, I notice people smile at me more and even talk to me, and I reciprocate, so my newfound positive energy is surely effecting the energy levels of those around me.

My question: therapeutically, is it worth it to try and bounce up to 900mg, 300mg/3x daily? I am amazed at this drug because I have been intolerant to SSRI/SNRIs and definitely do not want to use benzodiazepines regularly and become dependent on them. I am already dependent on buprenorphine, I figure. As an occasional recreational thing, benzodiazepines are the ticket for me.

K, wanted to share my experience. If you suffer from anxiety, you may look into this drug, or Lyrica.
I used to eat these like candy. I'd eat 15 at a time and get a weird drunken buzz. my eyes always did weird shit but i was relaxed.
Neurontin is great and you guys catch a buzz from it??? Really? Do you get high off Depakote and Lithium too>>> I never did. So...there is a street value for this shit??
For long term use many, myself included, prefer the effects of gabapentin. It is more subtle (none of the drunken confidence/energy/dizziness of pregabalin) but it seems to have a broader more consistent scope. Lyrica feels great for the first few weeks or months but then it runs itself out, and has such severe rebound anxiety and withdrawals. Gabapentin is much more forgiving, doesnt rape you as much, and has more consistent and well rounded results. When lyrica came out I thought it was great but it drove me into a hole over the course of a few months. I have gone back on it several times over the past few years but I usually return to Gabapentin because I can actually manage it(usually ;D). I dont have the "take more, take more!" burning with it that I do with pregabalin, probably because the reward isnt there and its effects are so subtle. 800mg x 3 of gabapentin does me quite fine now :D but, once again, YMMV :D

Lyrica did shit all for me....I could take 10 and not feel a thing...:X
I work a physical job, on top of that the shifts are long. Hard to get into work everyday and put up the numbers they want. Gabapentin will get me "faded", put me in a good mindset to work, and last through work so I'm not sore as hell.

I like it.
I wanted to add a few things after looking through this thread:

The effect is real IMO. First times were like first times on MDMA, and second first times (i.e., after a gap of years) were just like first times. But so far a one week gap seems to be good after each use but tolerance is there. This is probably why it's not so addictive (no problem stopping and starting). 48g (yes, this grams) taken in a day with twitching which could get bad enough to drop something or fall but felt no damage. this level of dose has been tried before.

The tolerance issue is due to its bioavailability which DECREASES as you take more. So at low does, (< 1g) bioavailability is around 60% and the around 4g, the bioavailability is 33%. Almost pointless to take more than that. Food increases absorption by 10%.

Parachuting it might produce a more intense effect. Taking a lot of capsules (say 4g) on an empty stomach and then eating a lot of food and drinking a lot of coke produced an intense effect. If the "come on" is intense, it's almost like a nod where the person goes to sleep for short time (around the 2hr period, for about 15minutes to up to 2hrs, weird). I wonder if it's opiate level increases (it doesn't seem like it, but it could be) due to some CYP450 competition or the gabapentin itself.

Food at the right time tastes awesome!

IMHO, this is one of the best chemical substances one can play with. It is pretty benign and can produce intense effects at times. See the Erowid experience vaults.

Not that on fentanyl also during the second time gabapentin was prescribed. It helped me tremendously I think with WD and tapering down the patch. I went down from 50 to 37.5mcg per hour dosage with no problems at all. If I felt I had any, I just took some gabapentin. I really think this is a great aspect of gabapentin. I think I will start another thread on this just to see if people have tried this.
Gabapentin made me gain weight. I stopped for this reason and am finally getting back in shape. I will avoid this drug because of that side effect.
I've ben taking neurontin for almost a year. usually every other day 400X8 every 45 minutes. I find it stabalizes my mood some and keeps me content.

HOWEVER.. I had some mscontin tonight.= and WOW. just 800X3.. I had a nice opiate buzz (no hard nodding) and the gaba feeling took over.. impressive but crappy. gaba overpowered morphine.. shit.

other than that I take 30-60mg of oxy once a week or so and I always avoid gaba that day b/c of bioavailability issues.
well, i have been taking neurontin for several months now. last time i went to pain management i talked with the nurse practitioner about discontinuing it, because i have felt for a while that the side effects were outweighing any benefit i was getting from it.

so i am at about half the dose i was at and my mental state has improved by leaps and bounds. fuck this stuff. i am so glad i decided to stop taking it.
^^^ Curious as to what your side effects are, how long you have been taking it, what your starting dose was, and what your dose now is. Oh and has it been a rough taper at all? Curious because I too have been taking Gabapentin for a loooong time (600mgx3 daily) and I dont notice much effect...and I have a lot of mental sluggishness and apathy at time that I would love to be able to blame on gabapentin. I love convenient scapegoats like such, but unfortunately it rarely is so simple for me.;) But anyways, I'd love to know more details of your relationship with gabapentin. It had some great mood stabilizing effects on me at first, like pregabalin but without the messy intoxication, drunken high, and pervasive compulsion to always take more. Not so sure anymore, and it is fuck all expensive.

i took it for maybe 6-8 months. starting dose was 1800mg, raised to 2100 but i went right back down because i felt like a zombie. that was my dose when i started to tapeer. i'm at 900mg now.

it made me really slow mentally. it just felt like my thought processes took forever to finish. i could never think of the right words. i was clumsier. it became obvious why people refer to it as morontin. i started to get really anxious and paranoid as well, and i was starting to sink into a depression - i felt hopeless a lot of the time.
Hmmmm....this sounds very familiar, very familiar:D Any nasties while you have been tapering? Thank you, I am trying to convince myself that this little anecdote you have provided is what I have been missing to spur me into tapering off of it as well.
