Regional Pill Discussion: Central v2

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Yo I don't know if this type of question is allowed but....

Did anyone here end up buying rolls at Lollapalooza this past weekend? I got asked easily over 20 times at the Perry's stage, and each time it was by sketchy ass black dudes telling me it was "pure molly pressed into pill form".

Now I'm not stupid, so I never bought any of that junk, but did anyone else see/hear/buy any of this?

As a community people need to stop spending money on bunk pills and these dudes will stop flooding concerts with fake shit.
ya dude im about to ive only got good shit once last november of 09 but it had some sort of upper in it i could tell i couldnt sleep after the comedown but i kno there was MDMA. damn wth is shard lolz
shard = crystals. I've never heard it refer to MDMA crystals though, only methamphetamine.
Does anyone know about

Bart simpsons

Homer simpsons

Blue smurfs?

SC area
i wouldnt trust the cutouts we had all those in D town In Michigan ALL PIPES! look on ecstasy data bunch of shit mostly all cutouts are
+1 on Detroit pipes. Much of the product has made its way to Dallas as well. I've come across smurfs/ninja turtle cutouts, buddas, and maseratis. The buddas and maseratis tested well with a test kit but me and my friend could not roll off them. No effects whatsoever. It literally felt like we had consumed vitamins. Seems like there is just enough MDMA to fool the test kit.
warning update for dallas/htown green crossed revolvers- outpressed,out pressed glocks , blue obamas cut out style, orange cats - suspect all to b pipes...- i stayed away from those

however i did roll nuts on yellow zooyork pokeballs , and blue playboy bunnies, took one each had a great time , clean small amout of caffine i suspect, later
however i did roll nuts on yellow zooyork pokeballs

Pick those up in DFW or H-town?

For Houston, I've only been getting blue/green peace signs and blue playboy bunnies (a little caffeine doesn't hurt)
And how would you know?

There is no H in pills, do not listen to Davis.

Maybe rare but there have been pills with opiates in them including Heroin,Just because the DEA has only founf one pill it tested with heroin in it,how about the 99% of the pills that they did not test?? I have seen people put Morphine in 100mg+ dosages in pills and 125mg of MDMA and press them into pills and also I have seen heroin added to MDMA and prssed into pills while in The Netherlands! Ok, so believer what you want,it is unusal for heroin to be in pills but other opiates are more commonly found in some H-bomb pills and yes I saw this in The Netherlans also.and this was not a small scale operation believe what you want to believe ,,I have done MDMA since 1995 and have spent a lot of time in The Netherlands where I saw production of MDMA and pressing pills and while rare heroin is put into some pills and to the opiate naive aka non tolerant person 50mh of oral heroin or more would be noticeable,quite noticeable,and I myself was a used of heroin and opaites for about 10 years..
yea i kinda doubt all that8)
its you word against his. id believe hard evidence like actual seizures. i can assure you the dea does a full analysis on every pill they seize if they didnt wouldnt shit holdup in court when trying to prosecute someone. what they gunna say yea this one pill tested for mdma heres the data from the test but the other 299pills we didnt test but are sure they are mdma aswell. defense attorneys would eat the dea alive in court if they hadnt tested everyone of those pills
Maybe rare but there have been pills with opiates in them including Heroin,Just because the DEA has only founf one pill it tested with heroin in it,how about the 99% of the pills that they did not test?? I have seen people put Morphine in 100mg+ dosages in pills and 125mg of MDMA and press them into pills and also I have seen heroin added to MDMA and prssed into pills while in The Netherlands! Ok, so believer what you want,it is unusal for heroin to be in pills but other opiates are more commonly found in some H-bomb pills and yes I saw this in The Netherlans also.and this was not a small scale operation believe what you want to believe ,,I have done MDMA since 1995 and have spent a lot of time in The Netherlands where I saw production of MDMA and pressing pills and while rare heroin is put into some pills and to the opiate naive aka non tolerant person 50mh of oral heroin or more would be noticeable,quite noticeable,and I myself was a used of heroin and opaites for about 10 years..

oh look, THIS post again.

50 mg heroin orally will probably not be noticeable to a person, even with no opioid tolerance. and why are you talking about the Netherlands? Last time I checked, this was the North American thread.

I stand by saying that your belief that heroin in American pills is a fallacy, and is disproven by many forms of evidence.
question for you Colorado ppl have any of yall heard anything bout some blue superman pills going around? i have a friend who lives in boulder and said he found one of these pills on the ground in a baggie lastnight. before he consumes it he'd like to know if they are any good. said there was some in cali back in april on PR's website but wanted to be 100% sure they werent pipes
Any one tried orange peace signs in the Houston area? I'm in a buy em' before I try em' situation. I'm wondering if I should take a chance
Any one tried orange peace signs in the Houston area? I'm in a buy em' before I try em' situation. I'm wondering if I should take a chance

Get em. They're clean (from my experience/WeR1's test results)
Have you had the orange ones? WeR1's test were on the red/pink ones. Thanks for the info!
I said the /Netherlands because..

oh look, THIS post again.

50 mg heroin orally will probably not be noticeable to a person, even with no opioid tolerance. and why are you talking about the Netherlands? Last time I checked, this was the North American thread.

I stand by saying that your belief that heroin in American pills is a fallacy, and is disproven by many forms of evidence.

I said the Netherlands because that and Belgium are where 90% of the worlds MDMA is produced..!!I Stand by what i have seen and it is a rarity i admit..but it is true in some cases...belive it or not...i don't give adamn anymore...your heads are so hard i'm suprised your able to enjoy rolling without having some damn fit as to it;s chemical makeup...Fuck it,believe what you want..
My god are you thinking that the DEA has a sample of all pills?!

yea i kinda doubt all that8)
its you word against his. id believe hard evidence like actual seizures. i can assure you the dea does a full analysis on every pill they seize if they didnt wouldnt shit holdup in court when trying to prosecute someone. what they gunna say yea this one pill tested for mdma heres the data from the test but the other 299pills we didnt test but are sure they are mdma aswell. defense attorneys would eat the dea alive in court if they hadnt tested everyone of those pills

The DEA seizes perhaps 1/10th of 1% at most of the pills in this country,so statisticly speaking if you wanan insist on being a DEA spokeman they only sample an extremely small amoun tof the total pills out there...and you can believe me or not being in the netherlands and seeing MDMA produced i do not care,i was there and I did not see you,and since The Netherlands and Belgium produce well over 90% of the MDMA pills in the world,then think about it for a second...the DEA does full analysis on every pill seized but thats a small amount compared to the number of pills the do Not seize and Do Not Test..and 100+mg of morphine or another synthetic opaite is noticeable although only a little to most,I do not know why they put opiates into a few batches of pills,but they have in the past i know for a fact,maybe these pills did not get seized by the DEA,when I strated doing MDMA in 1993 they seized very very few pills,and I agree that it is usually bullshit when someone says there is heroin or opiates in rolls but there have been in some batches and I have seen this and been there,and it was not always heroin,often a synthetic opaite they called heroin,but since you and the DEA did not see what i saw or do what i did where I did ,then go ahead and belive what you will,it is obvious that your mind is made up thansks to the DEA which has certainly done such a good job of stopping drugs haven't they?!! please ...I am through with your close minded approach and I do not know why I tried to tell 2 people who seem inteligant something that may just be true and is true although i agree in small ,or rare the DEA and its 1/10th of 1% maybe..of the pills it has been able to seize says only one pill tested positive for heroin,I can belive that,but what about the miliions and million sof pills that the DEA never seized and thus was unable to test,and if you look up the number of pills they seized in the 90's you might understand,and once again Europe is the largest producer of MDMA in the I am done with this topic,,and I say Good luck and thank you for your condescending words and your oh so priceless advice...
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