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The Big & Dandy 2C-B Thread - Stage 1

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What's the best idea for taking 2-cb over 12 hours?

Will be at a party from 5pm - 12pm then an after party to 3am

Don't want to feel uncomfortable at the first party because there's going to be about 500-800 people, so would like recommendations on dosages and times to take etc. Already have a rough plan worked out but would encourage others input.

I want to experience fairly strong visuals but at the same time dance to house/techno music for a long time.. alcohol will be in abundance too.

Was wondering also if 2-cb can be dissolved in a drink or if it's only oral ingestion and snorting?

Dissolving in a drink IS oral ingestion. So that will work fine. Make sure you only dissolve it right before taking it though... no need to let it sit in liquid for longer than necessary.
I think it's better and easier to just put it in a gel cap. It can make your drink taste terrible and get stuck to the side of your glass.
12 hours with 2c-b?
i think you have chosen the wrong substance.
I have a red fleur de lis pill that my friend said is maybe 2C-B, and very strong. I will eat it one day, and I just hope it's 2C-B and not 2C-I or something else.

At a music festival two years ago, i rememeber seeing a dude selling what was apparently 2C-B in ecstasy style tablets. I asked him how much was in each and he was like, "uhhh, like 60 mgs i think". Sure seemed sketchy to me. I also have another friend who ate a 2C-B pill last year at the same festival i saw dude selling 2C-B pills, and she said it was a super high dose and gave her a big hangover.

I'm not trying to make this into a what am I taking discussion, I guess what i'm trying to say is, i've heard of several different experiences of 2c-b pills that are super strong, has anyone else heard of such things going around ?
Yes, I know of at least two vendors at the moment that have higher dose 2C-B pills (20-30mg range).

Not all that common with 2C-B, as its mainly sold out in HCl or HBr form, but there are those out there who still press and sell it.

Doubt 60mg, as thats extremely high and a waste for both the vendor/dealer to sell, and for the user to take at once.

*Disclaimer: Do not message me about said vendors. Trust me, it doesnt end well for you by doing that.*

I suggest getting a reagant test kit, and test the pill you have as it'll show up on the test kit.
This is a drug I had never even heard of until last week! And I thought I was quite experienced.... I'd love to try oit but I've never had anyone ever offer it to me. Shame as Im so curious! Is there a downside visuals wise? ie ugfly experiences. I've never taken acid or mushrooms for the simple reasons Im petrified of snakes and have it in my mind I'd start seeing them on a bad trip!
Visuals are not created by the drug, visuals are created by the mind. You're scared of your own mind, not the drug.
One of the great things about 2cb is that its fun at any dose level.

20mg and below feels like a gentle, slightly trippy roll.

20-35mg the psychedelia increases

35+mg is where it gets real fun IMO.

Like solipsis said, it never gets too out of control.
i have friends that eat 60+mg for a trip without problems.

Thizz, your going about it the right way. But i def recomend some 30mg+ doses to see what 2cb really has to offer, even 40-50mg if it doesnt give any negative effecs at lower doses.

i've only tried (suspected to be degraded) 2cb twice - at 20 and 30 mg. it was pretty mellow each time. the 30 mg was the day after an acid trip too, so there could have been cross tolerance.
i can't wait to try 2cb again to get a real feel for it.

i was thinking about starting with at least 20 mg.

could you, or anyone, if you've done 2ce, tell me the dosage that you are comfortable with...sort of like a comparison even though i know it's tough to compare 2ce and 2cb.
i have taken 12-20 mg 2ce, and prefer 17-19 mg.
If you've only tried 20 and 30mg, and the 30mg was the day after an LSD trip, then just because it was mellow doesn't mean it was degraded... 2C-B is a mellow drug, and 20mg is quite a low dose. 30mg is better, but right after an LSD trip you'd have cross-tolerance. Try 30mg or more when you have no cross-tolerance. 40mg would probably be just fine as well. Or 35. It's really quite a forgiving drug and it takes a pretty solid dose to get strong.
thanks for the reply, but that seems a little much for me. i'll probably start under 30 mg, and do a 0.5 mg test or something first
my friend who gave it to me (and seemed more knowledgeable about 2cx than i) suspected it to be degraded. he had it for a couple years at (warm) room temperature, and the baggie might have been open?

but i realize it didn't have to be degraded.

i feel like a lower dose should do more than it did, from reports i've read about even 18 mg. and shulgin only recommends 12-24. why is he so low, especially on this one. like i said i haven't even taken more than 20 mg 2ce, when he says 10-25.
The 2C-Xs are incredibly stable. Even at room temperature exposed to air it's doubtful it degraded... the chemicals will outlive us.

Everyone has different reactions to things of course... and Shulgin's dosages are almost always quite low compared to most.

I suppose it's possible it's slightly degraded but your reported effects on the dosages you mentioned seem in line with my own experiences. I've never taken more than 30mg of 2C-B, actually, and I've never had anything but a light experience, except one time I took 18mg with LSD and had a great experience. But obviously that's different. :)

That reminds me... I should go for a high dose 2C-B trip soon. Maybe 40mg, see how that goes.
For me, the serious 2C-B trips are @ just above 30mg. At 32mg the glowing begins, but 2C-B doesn't really begin to convert hydrogen into helium until around 36mg. At that dosage, it is sufficiently satisfying and I've never dosed higher.

On the other hand, 24mg is also very nice in certain settings. For hiking, my preferred dosage would be between 18mg and 25mg.
OK..so the other night I did 15mg encapsulated, got impatient soemtime later, so decided to sniff another 15mg...5-10 mins later - BLAST OFF!!! I love this stuff, I forgot how much...mmm, wasn't quite as good sensation-wise as I remembered it, might have been the valium and oromorph I had the day before, and the valium I think I had a few hours before? will see the next time.

Insufflation always shortens the come up period as the drug is absorbed faster into your bloodstream.

10mg insufflated is the normal dose for blast off, so taking 12mg orally, and 12mg via insufflation doesnt sound all that crazy when you're talking about quicker onset time.

Ive found that anything under 15mg orally isnt that great. 10mg can be nice for a mood lift and a little bit of the giggles, but you wont really get anything trippy from less than 15-18mg's or so.

hmmm the people I did it with got some nice visuals off 12-14mg oral encapsulated. But they're pretty sensitive to psychs, doingthem almost never.
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Hey guys !

So, I didn't know if it was appropriate to start a thread in ADD so I'll just ask here first.

I'm in my first year of studying Pharmacy so I've gotten a bit of organic chemistry which got me interested in the chemical side of drugs and I've been reading up on phenethylamines and the beta-ketone analogues a bit. Now I was wondering, since 2C-B is also a phenethylamine, would it be:

  1. Possible to create a beta-ketone analogue of 2C-B?
  2. And if so, how would this theoretical molecule behave in terms of effects?

I've searched a bit on google, but I haven't really found anything related ..
Man, I had a 2C-B trip saturday that BLEW me away. Usual dosage of 24mg, same 2C-B I always take. Definitely measured correctly.

We started off in the pool for the first two hours, which was a sensual delight. When I got in the hot tub, everything became orange warmth and when I shut my eyes, I was orange warmth.

Then we got kicked out of the pool and went back to my friends pad at about the 2hr point...then the peak started picking up. We all did balloons and that is when it went out of body. I was tripping so fucking hard, I could literally not talk. The outer world was reduced to shapes and swirls and I had no body, I was absorbed into my surroundings. It came down around the 6th hour and we all shot ketamine....but that is another story.

The point is...I've had a lot of 2C-B and I've had it up to 36mg...but this trip totally redefined for me what 2C-B can be about. I will no longer call it mild.

It did not have any real mental insight nor did it give me any mystical overtones. There was no feeling of oneness with the universe or God if you will. Instead, it was an extreme change in consciousness that was fascinating but also difficult. It was a very new type of trip from previous experience with 2C-B. I am sure the N2O played some role though if that is the case, somehow it lasted several hours. Amazing trip.
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