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The Big & Dandy Nitrous Thread

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even doing nitrous in a balloon has got to be doing damage to your brain due to the lack of oxygen.

Brains can survive wthout oxygen for several minutes- statement above is false.
i just did nitrous for the first time while rolling on good molly, and i don't know how i ever rolled without it now. it just takes shit to a whole new level. trippin on new years with my new dispenser should be very interesting.
can somebody tell me how to huff nitrous? i have no idea about the stuff but it sounds fun and i would like to try it...
can someone tell me:
1.what is a charger ?
2. where can i get a charger? (in general e.g. gardening store, hardware store?
3. does all whipped cream have nitrous in it?
4. can i OD on it?

any info would be appreciated.. or even let me know about any threads that would help me..
thanks, nolys

1. A charger is a small metal cannister that you put into some kind of dispenser to crack the seal and release the compressed nitrous. It's a muuuuuch cheaper alternative to buying a bunch of $3 cans of whipped cream with 1 hit or so apiece. picture: http://whipcream-chargers.com/images/box of 24 chargers.jpg
2. Some specialty food stores have them. They're "officially" for homemade whipped cream. They are sold online as well, at least in the US, and at many head shops that sell pipes, salvia, smoking supplies, etc.
3. I've never heard of a can of whipped cream using anything besides nitrous. It's a waste of money and good whipped cream to buy whipped cream for the nitrous - that's what chargers are for.
4. You can't OD per se, as long as you don't stop breathing oxygen for so long that you suffocate (which isn't really ODing, just cutting off your air supply - this is usually only a threat if you do something dumb like strap a gas mask pumping in pure 100% nitrous to your face or put a garbage back full of nitrous over your head. If you are using chargers (or whipped cream cans, for that matter), that's not really much of an issue. The biggest remaining safety issue, then, is the compressed gas flash freezing on release. If you use the ghetto 'crackers' that release the nitrous out one end, presumably into a balloon, it can be kinda scary to use and you can give yourself frostburn if you're not careful. They're slightly more expensive up front, but if you get a whipped cream dispenser (example pic: http://www.bestwhip.com/images/medium/ss05L.jpg ) either online or at a specialty food store or headshop, it's quite easy.

There is one last health concern to mention - excessive, extended nitrous use can cause vitamin b12 deficiency. Chronic users often take supplements. When used in moderation, and when handled safely and never strapped to any continuous feed unless mixed with at least 30% oxygen (again, only in issue if you use a gask mas attached to a large nitrous tank or something like that, not relevant to nitrous you get in small amounts at a time from chargers), nitrous is pretty harmless. Dentists sometimes give people a continuous stream of 70/30 nitrous/oxygen during light-moderate dental work.

1. A charger is a small metal cannister that you put into some kind of dispenser to crack the seal and release the compressed nitrous. It's a muuuuuch cheaper alternative to buying a bunch of $3 cans of whipped cream with 1 hit or so apiece. picture: http://whipcream-chargers.com/images/box of 24 chargers.jpg
2. Some specialty food stores have them. They're "officially" for homemade whipped cream. They are sold online as well, at least in the US, and at many head shops that sell pipes, salvia, smoking supplies, etc.
3. I've never heard of a can of whipped cream using anything besides nitrous. It's a waste of money and good whipped cream to buy whipped cream for the nitrous - that's what chargers are for.
4. You can't OD per se, as long as you don't stop breathing oxygen for so long that you suffocate (which isn't really ODing, just cutting off your air supply - this is usually only a threat if you do something dumb like strap a gas mask pumping in pure 100% nitrous to your face or put a garbage back full of nitrous over your head. If you are using chargers (or whipped cream cans, for that matter), that's not really much of an issue. The biggest remaining safety issue, then, is the compressed gas flash freezing on release. If you use the ghetto 'crackers' that release the nitrous out one end, presumably into a balloon, it can be kinda scary to use and you can give yourself frostburn if you're not careful. They're slightly more expensive up front, but if you get a whipped cream dispenser (example pic: http://www.bestwhip.com/images/medium/ss05L.jpg ) either online or at a specialty food store or headshop, it's quite easy.

There is one last health concern to mention - excessive, extended nitrous use can cause vitamin b12 deficiency. Chronic users often take supplements. When used in moderation, and when handled safely and never strapped to any continuous feed unless mixed with at least 30% oxygen (again, only in issue if you use a gask mas attached to a large nitrous tank or something like that, not relevant to nitrous you get in small amounts at a time from chargers), nitrous is pretty harmless. Dentists sometimes give people a continuous stream of 70/30 nitrous/oxygen during light-moderate dental work.

finally... a reply lol

thanks alot for taking the time to answer me there... ive did a bit of googling to see exactly how to do it and i cant figure out how to get the nitrous from the charger to the balloon? is that what a cracker is for? and if it is, how does that work?
can somebody link me a site that can explain FULLY how to inhale nitrous because it seems like fun but its a bit confusing
Yeah, a cracker is used to get it into the balloon, and for that you want the very thick kind of balloon usually sold as a kid's toy attached to a big rubber band, at least around here, not just a regular party balloon - those'll pop. Crackers suck, though, and they're kind of dangerous, as you have to manually release them and if you do it too fast, you can get frostburn.

If you use one of those dispensers, like the one in the second image I linked to (it's called a whipped cream dispenser, not sure I can give a source for one but they should be easy enough to find, mind cost a little over 30 bucks and is a pretty nice one), you don't need a cracker - it's basically built in. The way those work: that metal cylinder part sticking off the top is hollow and unscrews. You put the charger inside, seal facing out, and screw it in to release it into the main chamber. Then, you just put the spout where whipped cream would normally come out into your mouth and pull the trigger to release the nitrous. That's all there is to it!

Mine stores at least a couple crackers at once for several full hits, so you can load it up and then take multiple hits in a row without having to fumble with chargers midway through. It's also much safer - so long as you have a quality dispenser that doesn't break or something, you don't deal with the cold from the expanding gas at all and there are no balloons or anything. The outside of the dispenser will feel nice and chilled after a few chargers are released into it, but nothing that will freeze to your hand like one of those damned cracker/balloon rigs.

The bottom line is: just buy the dispenser. If you can't afford the <$40 it should cost, you can't afford much nitrous anyway. It's so much safer and easier that I was blown away when introduced to them after using crackers for years. I didn't realise you didn't have to do anything fancy whatsoever just to use straight nitrous in a whipped cream dispenser - it's just about as good as it gets with chargers.

If you have any other questions, hit me up via AIM - my screenname is the same as my BL account. Always happy to help out. Nitrous is a fun one when used in moderation, especially combined with a variety of other drugs (cannabis seems to make it last longer; it's interesting and quite enjoyable on MDMA; it's MIND BLOWING on most psychedelics, seriously incredible). I hope it treats you as well as it has me. Seriously, though, there's a reason they call this stuff hippie crack - it's very fiendish and I can go through many dozens of 'bulbs' (chargers) in one sitting if I allow myself to. I generally take out a specific number of bulbs for the night and limit my intake to that. You may not need to on your first couple trials but if you end up loving it like many people do, you'll wanna set limits. It's nothing like the cost of many illegal drug habits unless you go WAY overboard, but it still aint cheap when you do boxes at a time :\
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Actually if you don't have the good balloons, regular party ones will usually work. You can even put doubles in them IME although obviously you risk popping it a lot more than you would with the good ones.
Long term effects of N20

I can tell you guys firsthand that N2O has its risks. About 6 months ago I did quite a bit of nitrous (more than I care to admit) and had some ill effects. After doing a case of 600 I got some kind of liquid in my inner ear (no big deal). After a several cases I lost feeling (numbness) in my feet/toes and later spreading to fingertips/hands. This problem occurred over a few days and persists to this very day and now have neuropathy (nerve damage). No idea if or when I will be able to recover from it. No joke, Just a warning to go easy with this stuff.
Yeah, there's definitely a negative connotation associated with nitrous for a lot of people. I've tried convincing some of my trip buddies to use it when they're peaking and they flat out refuse.

To each his own, I suppose. I've never been fiendish with it, so I don't worry about it. I just use it on certain trips and that's it.
i cant wait to try this drug...
sounds like some amazing stuff to me, gonna buy some meph and see what that mix is like.
i cant buy it off the internet though, because my parents would be a bit suspicious if i was getting nitrous delivered to the front door... i dont think that "uhhh i was going to make some whipped cream for my chocolate cake mummy!!" would work as an excuse lol
what kind of show can i buy the bulbs and a dispenser from? apart from a headshop bcus my local doesnt sell it
I finally found the right topic for my rant, its probably going to be a rather long story and I keep deleting parts and starting over so I might still not be content with it all; as there's a lot of aspects to this story but I'll try. I'll try and sum it up in short fast; the combination of LSD and nitrous oxide was typically my 'best drug experience', but a few months ago it nearly completely stopped being fun. I get a repetative repeated very, véry nasty mindfuck where I feel something is extremely wrong; as in, wrong like dead things are. Like when you're holding something thats dead you féél its dead; its the same very strong piercing negative feeling that somethings horribly wrong. Just wrong; too wrong. While before almost all my nitrous experiences were interesting, euphoric, deep, insane, dissociatieve and just plain lovely recently these 'horrible-wrong-death-like' mindfucks are probably 70-80% of all my nitrous experiences. I just can't enjoy it anymore. Here comes all the detail:

I'll mention how it all started in the rightchronology; about a year and a half ago I discovered how fun nitrous oxide is; I was already doing LSD monthly for a two years so it took no more then a short amount of weeks to discover the combination between the two; after that moment I actually haven't gone a trip withóut doing nitrous anymore. I'll mention total usage amounts end details like that too: I've done LSD a total of 31 times; 17 times without nitrous oxide and the most recent 14 times all with. Nitrous oxide I must've done atleast 1000 balloons; easily. Spaced appart by weeks of none ofcourse.

I by the have nó physical problems with nitrous; I take enough vitamin b12, especially before and after nitrous binges and I often leave atleast 2-3 weeks in between these nitrous binges. I'm extra careful with oxygen; every full breathe of nitrous I take one of normal air too, I think all of that made me get away with it.

Either way, it used to be great; it was great. I did occasionally have a darker edge though; the nitrous moments. (as my LSD trips on themselves have all been wonderful intense euphoric strong very sual beautiful glowing experiences) I explained it during the summer solstice party I was at as 'its like you put out your soul to be violently raped, and then when its gone you want to do it again'. My friends agreed; its very deep, this nitrous. Unlinear though, but deep. Well, even then most of the experiences were just perfect; a lot of fun, there did seem to exist a slight duality occasionally, where it was extremely euphoric but also had something dark and bitter to it; all trips continued on in their fun and unique way until the day we finally realised 'hm maybe we should close our eyes and see what it does to our closed eye visuals'. Well; HOLY SHIT! We were so overwhelmed we were both enthausiastically yelling at eachother about it. I got to look behind the visuals, and all of it was everything. Incredible. Strangely though, that day marked the end of the good nitrous moments. After that perfect moment I tried it again and it just wouldn't work; it was grainy, unpleasant and it was often ripped apart and it'd feel as if I was too. I've had a few bad nitrous moments before; often caused by the setting that weren't nice either but nothing came close to the mindfucks I started having in the nitrous moment the trip after the perfect moment.

I'd get the intense feeling something was horribly wrong; especially with my eyes closed and I'd háve to open them. Often wrong like feeling something in the room had just died without thinking it. It isn't thought; its a feeling, but its the same feeling that you get when you maybe see a dead kitten being born and even though the mother is licking it it gives off that unsettling vibe thats its dead, just completely dead. Well there comes the most logical source of this nonesense with the death mindfucks; only it came a few months late. This summer I had a litter of kittens; and 5 of them died within 13 days. I felt the last one die on my chest; litteraly. She was cold and breathing irregular (she was already very ill) and I had her in my robe on my arm to my heart/chest area, and then she suddently turned spastic, grasped for air the very last time and died right on my chest; I felt the life leaving her. That was one creepy fucking experience, and when thinking of it, it wasn't even the worst part of those 13 days; we had to tube feed the dying kittens because they wouldn't drink and we pulled out the tube and it was covered in blood and they'd start foaming milk out of their nose and die, my mum hugged a dead kitten while crying for 15 minutes.. they truly were two weeks of hell.

Either way; I thought I had dealt with it pretty well; as all my trips since then have been lovely. On the first one after it all happened I saw the then 3.5 week old only surviver take her FIRST steps ever! What a joy that was. It took 3 more fun trips with good nitrous moments for them too turn bad, actually after the moment it had been perfect. Well; besides the rotten 'something dead-like wrong feeling' I've had the one thing that caused a change in me:

New years eve. We took 300 ug (lab tested; it really was 300 ug, and yes thats really a lot) of LSD 10 minutes before midnight. We already started tripping even before 12 a clock; the come-up was insanely fast but kept building up for 3 more hours. I noticed, due to some stress over how the rest of the night would be that my heart was beating fast, and it annoyed me. Nothing bad, great visuals, a lot of euphoria but my heart felt mildly unpleasant so I figured I'd distract from that with nitrous. Thats when I found out when my trip is strong enough that the LSD seriously overpowers the nitrous.. its still fun! Either way; during that early peak I had my best nitrous moment ever. The most violently dark one yet, but it was beautiful. I'm a nihilist and I often tend to struggle with keeping my own subjectiveness, and that moment was a pure anti-me statement. I can't explain it much, but it were blades of steel; and they cut through eyes. And it said something; but I don't know what; I'm not sure the words even exited, but those eyes were just pulverized; and my vision is my everything; so yeah that was a pure anti-me statement. I loved it, I had just said 'fuck you' to myself and I felt great I could do that and feel so great about it. When the trip lost its over-poweredness and the highest peak was gone the nitruos started being more odd, cutting up reality and shifting the layers around and later even making everyone look dead like they were hung/cruzified; slightly shocking but I could live with it. Since that night, but thats probably also due to the 300 ug of LSD; since that night things aren't as extreme as they used to be. I don't consider anything extreme anymore. Now I already didn't find many things extreme; but since that night of new years eve I've finally truly embraced this relative subjective reality. And that feels great. But I hate the fact nitrous isn't fun anymore.

Personally I could go back to doing just LSD trips (or maybe some ketamine with it in the comedown; ketamine has never let me down in fun-ness, but I don't do it nearly as often as I did nitrous; not even monthly), so yeah its not a big deal; my LSD trips are still wonderful, in fact, they seem to have gotten only better. My last one, on 200 ug, was probably the most comfortable pleasant trip I ever had; and considering i had a terrible cold at the time that only prooves more how overly comfortable that trip was; so I could go back to just cutting out the nitrous as its just confusing and mindfucking where it used to be pure and fun; innocent and its lost that for me.

The problem there is, my friends all see the LSD + nitrous combination as 'the best part of the trip'; something I didn't even share when I still loved the stuff; and a few of them actually have NOT done LSD without doing nitrous during the trip. I know every trip will still be them asking for it (I have the whipped-cream-maker; none of them have one, and I'm glad they don't or they'd be doing it the whole time probably) and I KNOW when I see them doing it, I'll want to do it too, even if it isn't fun anymore.

Actually, I wouldl ike to make it fun again; so I'm now considering not cutting the nitrous out but severly cutting back on it in my trips; doing half my trips without it. That might help, maybe it was just too much and the nitrous trying to tell me that; either that or I messed it up somehow.

Second actually, does anyone have advice how to make nitrous fun again? Maybe a fun setting I could try etc.?
I did occasionally have a darker edge though; the nitrous moments.
I explained it during the summer solstice party I was at as 'its like you put out your soul to be violently raped, and then when its gone you want to do it again'.

I can relate to this part. I mean, i love nitrous but often when tripping on it i'll be thinking "why do i do this? this isnt even fun".

Sometimes i also get the feeling that im damaging myself irreversible: once i get beyond the metallic echoes i hear these soft popping sounds. Like some tissue in my head or maybe inner ear ripping and popping, its quite disturbing
about the dark residue in my cream charger... I'm thinking some sort of cotton filter in the nozzle might be healthier?
about the dark residue in my cream charger... I'm thinking some sort of cotton filter in the nozzle might be healthier?

That works, just stick a bit of tissue or something up the nozzle then tape a bit of wire or something over the end to hold it in place. If you don't do that it will shoot out of the nozzle and most likely go down your throat.
Okay let me get this clear straight from a whiped cream canister is okay? You dont need too baloon it?
Okay let me get this clear straight from a whiped cream canister is okay? You dont need too baloon it?

I dont bother with a balloon. Some people claim that the contents are cold enough to do damage to your lungs, and I'm not going to dispute this, but I havent had any problems with taking it straight from the nozzle.

EDIT- I'm refering to the chargers that you put into a dispenser btw
^If people are worried about that then they could let it sit for a few minutes in the canister and the gas will warm up. IMO its way easier to just do it from the nozzle then using a ballon.
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